Hoole, Charles.
An easie entrance to the Latine tongue: wherein are contained I. The grounds of grammar, and their examination. II. A vocabularie of common-words English and Latine. III. Sundrie and short examples appliable to the rules of concordance and construction. IV. Collections out of the lowest school-autors. V. More elegant expressions for children. VI. The first principles of Christianitie. A work tending to the school-masters's eas, and the weaker scholar's encouragement in the first and most wearisome steps to learning. By Charles Hoole M.A. somtimes master of the free-school at Rotherham in York-shire; and now teacher of a private grammar-school in Goldsmith's-Allie neer Cripple-gate, London.
London: printed by William Du-gard for Joshuah Kirton, and are to bee sold at his shop at the Gold-spread-Eagle in Pauls-Church-yard, 1649.
ESTC No. R20050.Grub Street ID 78006.
Hoole, Charles.
Propria quæ maribus, quæ genus, and as in præsenti, Englished and explayned: for the use of yong grammarians. By Charles Hoole, Master of Arts, teacher of a private grammar-school betwixt Goldsmiths-Alley in Red-crosse-Street, and Mayden-head-Alley, in Aldersgate-Street, London.
London: printed by T.H. for John Sayvvell, and are to be sold at his shop in Little Britain, at the sign of the Grey-hound, 1650.
ESTC No. R210750.Grub Street ID 86835.
Hoole, Charles.
Terminationes et exempla declinationum & conjugationum. In usum grammaticastrorum. Authore Carolo Hoole A.M. scholæ grammaticæ institutore, in aurificum viculo juxta clinicorum portam Londinensem.
Londini: typis T.H. impensis Johannis Sayvvelli, habitantis in Parvâ Britanniâ ad insigne Canis Leporarii, 1650.
ESTC No. R210502.Grub Street ID 86650.
Hoole, Charles.
The Latine grammar fitted for the use of schools. Wherein the words of Lilie's Grammar are (as much as might bee) reteined; many errors thereof amended; many needless things left out: many necessaries, that were wanting, supplied; and all things ordered in a method more agreeable to children's capacitie. By Charls Hoole, Mr of Arts, of Lincoln-Collegde in Oxford, sometimes schoolmaster of Rotherham in York-shire; and now teacher of a private grammar-school in Gold-smith's Alley, not far from Alders-gate and Cripple-gate, London. And (that nothing might bee wantin to the purpose) the English translation is set down on the contrarie page for the benefit of yong-learners [sic].
London: printed by William Du-Gard; and are to bee sold by John Clark jun. at the lower end of Cheap-side entring into Mercers Chapel, an. Dom. 1651.
ESTC No. R2272.Grub Street ID 100109.
Hoole, Charles.
An easie entrance to the Latine tongue wherein are contained [brace] I. The grounds of grammer ... II. A vocabularie of common-words, English and Latine, III. Sundrie and short examples ... IV. Collections out of the Lowest school-autors [sic], V. More elegant expression for children, VI. The first principles of Christianitie : a work tending to theschoolmaster's ease ... by Ch[a]r[l]es Hoole ...
London: Printed by Thomas Newcomb, for Joshuah Kirton and are to be sold at his shop ..., 1651.
ESTC No. R42079.Grub Street ID 123533.
Hoole, Charles.
Grammatica Latina in usum scholarum adornata. Grammatices Lilianæ verbis, (quantum fieri licuit) retentis; multis ejus erroribus emendatis: mins-necessariis amputatis; pluribus, quæ deficerent, suppletis; & omnibus methodo faciliori ad tenellæ ætatis captum conformatâ dispositis. Operâ & studio Caroli Hoole, A.M. C.L. Oxon. Scholarchæ olim Rotherhamiensis in agro Ebor. jam verò privatæ scholæ grammaticæ institutoris in ædibus Arundellianis Lothburiensibus (officinâ olim quadrantaria) haud procul à Byrsa Rigali, apud Londinates. Adjecta est insuper (n quid huic instituto desit) in juventutis gratiam, in adversâ paginâ, Anglicana interpretatio.
Londini: typis Guil. Du-Gard; vene?untque apud Joannem Saywell ad insigne Canis Leporarii in Parva Britannia, Anno Dom. 1653.
ESTC No. R215325.Grub Street ID 90385.
Hoole, Charles.
Propria quæ maribus, quæ genus, and as in præsenti, Englished & explained: for the use of yong grammarians. By Charles Hoole, Master of Arts, teacher of a private grammar-schoole, betwixt Goldsmiths Alley in Red-cross-Street, and Mayden-head-Alley, in Aldersgate-Street, London.
London: printed by T.H. for John Saywell, and are to be sold at his shop in Little-Britaine without Aldersgate, at the sign of the Greyhound, 1653.
ESTC No. R232744.Grub Street ID 104421.
Hoole, Charles.
Vocabularium parvum Anglo-Latinum, in usum puerulorum, qui prima Latinæ linguæ tyrocinia faciunt. = A little vocabulary English and Latine, for the use of little children, that begin to learn the Latine tongue. By Ch: Hoole Mr. of Arts, and teacher of a private grammar school in Goldsmiths-Alley, London.
London: printed for Joshua Kirton, and are to be sold at his shop at the sign of the Kings Arms in Pauls Church-yard, 1657.
ESTC No. R215337.Grub Street ID 90397.
Hoole, Charles.
The common rudiments of Latine grammar usually taught in all schools delivered in a very plain method for young beginners ... : with a synopsis of the matter and an index of words belonging to each of them / written heretofore, and made use of, in Rotherham School, and now re-printed all together for the masters ease and scholars benefit in that and other schools by Charles Hoole.
[London]: Printed by W. Godbid for John Saywell and are to be sold at his shop, 1657.
ESTC No. R28686.Grub Street ID 111732.
Hoole, Charles.
Propria quæ maribus, quæ genus, and as in præsenti, Englished and explained; for the use of young grammarians. By Charls Hoole, Master of Arts, teacher of a private grammar-school, in Arundel-house (heretofore the Token-house) in Lothbury, not far from the Royal Exchange London.
London: printed by W.G. for John Saywell, and are to be sold at his shop in Little-Brittain without Aldersgate, at the sign of the Greyhound, 1657.
ESTC No. R216463.Grub Street ID 91353.
Hoole, Charles.
Terminationes et exempla declinationum, & conjugationum, in usum grammaticastrorum. Authore Carolo Hoole, A.M. Scholæ grammaticæ institutore, in ædibus Arundellinnis Lothburiensibus (officina olim quadrantaria) haud procul a byrsa regali apud Londinates.
Londini: typis G.G. impensis Johannis Saywelli, habitantis in Parva Britania ad insigne Canis Leporarii, 1657.
ESTC No. R216464.Grub Street ID 91354.
Hoole, Charles.
The common accidence examined.
London: By T.M., 1659.
ESTC No. R215310.Grub Street ID 90372.
Hoole, Charles.
The Latine grammar fitted for the use of schools. Wherein the words of Lilie's Grammar are (as much as might be) retained; many errors thereof amended; many needless things left out: many necessaries, that were wanting, supplied; and all things ordered in a method more agreeable to childrens capacity, by Charls Hoole, Mr. of Arts, of Lincoln-Collegde in Oxford, sometimes schoolmaster of Rother[h]am in York shire; and now teacher of a private grammar school in the Token-house in Lothbury, not very far from the Royall Exchange London. And (that nothing might be wanting to the purpose) the English translation is set down on the contrary page for the benefit of young-learners.
London: printed by T. Mabb, and are to be sold by Henry Mortlocke at the Phoenix, neer the little North-doore of St. Pauls Church, and Tho. Basset in St. Dunstans Church-yard in Fleet-street, 1659.
ESTC No. R230666.Grub Street ID 102928.
Hoole, Charles.
London: Typis T. Mabb, veneuntq; apud Johannem Clark, jun. 1659.
ESTC No. R215334.Grub Street ID 90394.
Hoole, Charles.
Grammatica Latina in usum scholarum adornata. Grammatices Lilianæ verbis, quantum fieri licuit) retentis; multis ejus erroribus emendatis: minus-necessariis amputatis; pluribus, quæ deficerent, suppletis; & omnibus methodo faciliori ad tenellæ ætatis captum conformata dispositis. Opera & studio Caroli Hoole, A.M. C.L. Oxon. Scholarchæ olim Rotherhamiensis in agro Ebor. jam verò privatæ scholæ grammaticæ institutoris in ædibus Lothburiensibus, quadrantariis haud ita procul à Byrsa Regali, apud Londinates. Adjecta est insuper (n quid huic instituto desit) in juventutis gratiam, in adversâ paginâ, Anglicana interpretatio.
Londini: typis Thomæ Mabb, veneuntq[ue] apud Henr. Mortlock ad insigne Ph?nicis prop ostiolum Boreale St. Pauli; & Tho. Basset in Cœmeterio St. Dunstani in vico vocato Fleet-street, 1659.
ESTC No. R225443.Grub Street ID 98620.
Hoole, Charles.
Grammatica Latina in usum scholarum adornata. Grammatices Lilianæ verbis, (quantum fieri licuit) retentis; multis ejus erroribus emendatis: minus-necessariis amputatis; pluribus, quæ deficerent, suppletis; & omnibus methodo faciliori ad tenellæ ætatis captum conformata dispositis. Opera & studio Caroli Hoole, A.M. C.L. Oxon. Scholarchæ olim Rotherhamiensis in agro Ebor. jam verò privatæ scholæ grammaticæ institutoris in ædibus Lothburiensibus, quadrantariis haud ita procul à Byrsa Regali, apud Londinates. Adjecta est insuper (n quid huic instituto desit) in juventutis gratiam, in adversâ paginâ, Anglicana interpretatio.
Londini: typis Tho. Mabb, veneuntque apud Henricum Mortlock ad insigne Phonicis prop ostiolum Boreale St. Pauli; & Tho Basset in Cometerio St. Dunstani in vico vocato Fleet-street, 1659.
ESTC No. R233604.Grub Street ID 105092.
Hoole, Charles.
Childrens talke, English & Latine, divided into several clauses: wherein the propriety of both languages is kept. That children by the help of their mother-tongue may more easily learn to discourse in good Latine amongst themselves. There are also numbers set down betwixt both, which doe shew the place and naturall use of any word or phrase. By Charles Hoole Mr of Arts, L.C. Oxon. teacher of a private grammar-schoole betwixt Goldsmiths-Alley in Red-cross street and Maiden head court in Aldersgate-street, London.
London: printed for the Company of Stationers, 1659.
ESTC No. R17497.Grub Street ID 67990.
Hoole, Charles.
Propria quæ maribus ... Englished.
London: by T.M., 1659.
ESTC No. R218724.Grub Street ID 93354.
Hoole, Charles.
The petty-schoole. Shewing a way to teach little children to read English with delight and profit, (especially) according to the new primar. By C. H.
London: printed by J.T. for Andrew Crook, at the Green Dragon in Pauls Church Yard, 1659.
ESTC No. R216415.Grub Street ID 91314.
Hoole, Charles.
Centuria epistolarum Anglo-Latinarum; ex tritissimis classicis authoribus, viz. Cicerone, Plinio, & Textore, selectarum. Quibus imitandis ludi-discipuli stylum epistolis familiarem, facilius assequantur. A Carolo Hoolo, M.A. scholæ grammaticæ privatæ institutore in horto Lothburiensi, apud Londinates.= A century of epistles, English and Latine; selected out of the most used school-authors, viz. Tullie, Plinie, and Textor. By imitating of which, children may readily get a proper style for writing letters. By Charls Hool, Master of Arts, and teacher of a private grammar-school in Lothbury-Garden, London.
London : printed by W. Wilson, for the Company of Stationers, 1660.
ESTC No. R4403.Grub Street ID 124780.
Hoole, Charles.
Examinatio grammaticæ Latinæ in usum scholarum adornatæ: sive brevis ejusdem Quæstionibus & responsionibus pro captu puerorum explicatio. Authore Carolo Hoole privatæ scholæ grammaticæ institutore, in horto Lothburiensi, haud ita procul à Byrsa Regali apud Londinates.
Londini : typis T. Mabb, veneuntq; apud Johannem Clark, jun. in Mercatorum Sacelio, ad inferiorem partem vici, vulgò vocati Cheap-side, M.D.C.LX. [1660].
ESTC No. R210177.Grub Street ID 86381.
Hoole, Charles.
A new discovery of the old art of teaching schoole, in four small treatises. 1. concerning A petty-schoole. 2 The ushers duty 3. The masters method 4. Scholastick discipline in a grammar schoole. Shewing how children in their playing years may grammatically attain to a firm groundedness in and exercise of the Latine, Greek, and Hebrew tongues. Written about twenty three yeares ago, for the benefit of the Rotherham School, where it was first used; and after 14. years trial by diligent practise in London in many particulars enlarged, and now at last published for the general profit, especially of young schoole-masters. By Charles Hoole Master of Arts, and teacher of a private grammar-school in Lothbury Garden, London.
London : printed by J[ohn]. T[wyn]. for Andrew Crook at the Green Dragon in Pauls Church-yard, 1660.
ESTC No. R16111.Grub Street ID 63995.
Hoole, Charles.
Examinatio grammaticæ Latine in usum scholarum adornatæ: sive Brevis ejusdem quæstionibus & responsionibus pro captu puerorum explicatio. Authore Carolo Hoole privatæ scholæ grammaticæ institutore, in horto Lothburiensi, haud ita procul à Byrsa Regali apud Londinates.
Extant Londini : apud Georgium Sawbridge, in Clivio Luddensi prope Pontem [?]etensem, ad in signe Bibliorum, 1661.
ESTC No. R230665.Grub Street ID 102927.
Hoole, Charles.
Examinatio grammaticæ Latine in usum scholarum adornatæ: sive Brevis ejusdem quæstionibus & responsionibus pro captu puerorum explicatio. Authore Carolo Hoole privatæ scholæ grammaticæ institutore, in horto Lothburiensi, haud ita procul à Byrsa Regali apud Londinates.
Londini : typis Tho. Mabb, veneuntque apud eu[ ]dem in vico vocato Ivie-lane, M.D.C.LXI. [1661].
ESTC No. R235193.Grub Street ID 106359.
Hoole, Charles.
The common accidence examined and explained, by short questions & answers, according to the very words of the book. Conducing very much to the ease of the teacher and the benefit of the learner. Being helpfull to the better understanding of the rudiments and grounds of grammar, delivered in that and the like introductions to the Latine tongue. Written heretofore, and made use of in Rotheram School, and now published for the profit of young beginners in that and other schools. By Charles Hoole Mr. of Arts, now teacher of a private grammar school, near Lothbury, London.
The fifth edition, corrected and revised..
London : printed by R. D. for John Williams 1661.
ESTC No. R178193.Grub Street ID 70014.
Hoole, Charles.
Examinatio grammaticæ Latine in usum scholarum adornatæ: sive etevis ejusdem quæstionibus & responsionibus pro captu puerorum explicatio. Authore Carolo Hoole privatæ scholæ grammaticæ institutore, in horto Lothburiensi, haud ita procul à Byrsa Regali apud Londinates.
Londini : typis Tho. Mabb, veneuntque apud eusdem in vico vocato Ivie-lane, M. D. C. LXI. [1661].
ESTC No. R178203.Grub Street ID 70024.
Hoole, Charles.
The common accidence examined and explained, by short questions and answers according to the very words of the book. Conducing very much to the ease of the teacher, and the benefit of the learner. Being helpful to the better understanding of the rudiments and grounds of grammar, delivered in that and the like introductions to the Latine tongue. Written heretofore, and made use of in Rotheram School, and now published for the profit of young beginners in that and other schools. By Charles Hoole Mr. of Arts, lately teacher of a private grammar-school near the Token-house Garden in Lothbury, London.
The sixth edition, corrected and revised..
London : printed by E. Cotes for John Clark, and are to be sold at Mercers-Chappel in Cheapside, 1663.
ESTC No. R235343.Grub Street ID 106478.
Hoole, Charles.
Grammatica Latina in usum scholarum adornata. Grammatices Lilianæ verbis (quantum fieri licuit) retentis; multis ejus erroribus emendatis; minus-necessariis amputatis; pluribus, quæ deficerent, suppletis; & omnibus methodo faciliori ad tenellæ ætatis captum conformata dispositis. Opera & studio Caroli Hoole, A.M. è C.L. Oxon. Scholarchæ olim Rotherhamiensis in agro Ebor. Adjecta est insuper (nè quid huic instituto desit) in juventutis gratiam, in adversâ paginâ, Anglicana interpretatio.
Editio quarta prioribus emedatior..
Londini : excudebat R.I. pro F. Smith, ad Castellum & Elephantum extra Temple-Bar, 1665.
ESTC No. R215327.Grub Street ID 90387.
Hoole, Charles.
The terminations and examples of the declensions and conjugations: with the manner of declining nouns, also declining and conjugating of verbs; wherein is shewed, what tenses are formed from others, and how; and hereunto are added a few questions and answers necessary fo young scholars to be acquainted with, toward the better understanding of what they do to learn, when they do enter upon the Latine tongue; that they may proceed in their learning with more delight then they usually do: which by often repetition, will make the students herein perfect in their nouns and verbs; according to the directions in the preface to Lilly's Grammar; and till then they are not judged (by that same excellent preface) ready to go any further, viz. till they have this already learned. In brief the whole work is a superstructure upon Mr Ch. Hooles foundation.
Cambridge: printed by John Field, printer to the University, anno Dom. MDCLXV. [1665].
ESTC No. R215335.Grub Street ID 90395.
Hoole, Charles.
Vocabularium parvum. Anglo-Latinum, in usum puerulorum, qui prima Latinæ linguæ tyrocinia faciunt. A little vocabulary, English and Latine; for the use of little children, that begin to learn the Latine tongue. By Charles Hoole Mr. of Arts.
London : printed for William Kirton, 1666.
ESTC No. R12628.Grub Street ID 60786.
Hoole, Charles.
The common rudiments of Latine grammar usually taught in all schools. Delivered in a very plain method, for young beginners: viz. 1 The common accidence examined. 2 The terminations, and examples of the declensions and conjugations 3 Propria quæ maribus quæ genus and as in præsenti Englished and explained. With a synopsis of the matter, and an index of the words belonging to each of them. Written heretofore, and made use of in Rotheram School; and now reprinted all together for the masters ease, and scholar's benefit, in that and other schools. By Charles Hoole, M.A.L.C.Oxo. lately teacher of a private grammar school near the Token-house Garden in Lothbury, London.
London : printed by E. Cotes for John Clark, and are to be sold at the Bible in Bethlehem, and in Broad-street near Gresham-Colledge-Gate, 1667.
ESTC No. R228584.Grub Street ID 101254.
Hoole, Charles.
The common accidence examined and explained by short questions and answers according to the very words of the book conducing very much to the ease of the teacher, and the benefit of the learner : being helpful to the better understanding of the rudiments and grounds of grammar, delivered in that and the like introductions to the Latine tongue / written heretofore, and made use of in Rotheram School, and now published for the profit of young beginners in that and other schools by Charles Hoole .
The seventh edition, corrected and revised..
London : Printed by E.Cotes for John Clark .., 1667.
ESTC No. R40465.Grub Street ID 122252.
Hoole, Charles.
The common rudiments of Latine grammar usually taught in all schools delivered in a very plain method for young beginners ... : with a synopsis of the matter and an index of words belonging to each of them written heretofore, and made use of in Rotheram School, and now reprinted all together for the master's ease and scholar's benefit in that and other schools by Charles Hoole .
London : Printed by E. Cotes for John Clark, and are to be sold at the Bible ..., 1667.
ESTC No. R42078.Grub Street ID 123532.
Hoole, Charles.
Terminationes et exempla declinationum, et conjugationum, in usum grammaticastrorum opera & studio Caroli Hoole .
Londini : Excusum pro J. Clark .., M.DC.LXVII. [1667].
ESTC No. R40466.Grub Street ID 122253.
Hoole, Charles.
The common accidence examined and explained, by short questions and answers according to the very words of the book. Conducing very much to the ease of the teacher, and the benefit of the learner. Being helpful to the better understanding of the rudiments and grounds of grammar, delivered in that and the like introductions to the Latine tongue. Written heretofore, and made use of in Rotheram school, and now published for the profit of young beginners in that and other schools. By Charles Hoole Mr. of Arts, lately teacher of a private grammar-school near the Token-house Garden in Lothbury, London.
The seventh edition, corrected and revised..
London : printed by E[llen]. Cotes for John Clark, and are to be sold at the Bible in Bethlehem, and at the White Swan in New Cheapside Moorefields, 1668.
ESTC No. R178194.Grub Street ID 70015.
Hoole, Charles.
Terminationes et exempla declinationum, et conjugationum, in usum grammaticastrorum. Opera & studio Caroli Hoole, M.A. è C. L. Oxon. scholarchæ olim Rotherhamiensis in agro Ebor. jam verò privatæ scholæ grammaticæ institutoris prope ædes haud ita procul à byrsa regali apud Londinates.
Londini : typis E.C. pro J. Clark, apud quem veneunt ad insigne bibliorum in Bethlehem, & ad insigne cygni albi in vico vulgò vocato New Cheapside, Moorfields, 1669.
ESTC No. R230667.Grub Street ID 102929.
Hoole, Charles.
Terminationes et exempla declinationvm, et conjugationum in usum grammaticastrorum. Operâ & studio Caroli Hoole, A.M. è C.L. Oxon. scholarchæ olim Rotherhamiensis in agro Ebor. jam verò privatæ scholæ grammaticæ institutoris in ædibus Lothburiensibus quadrantariis, haud it procul a Byrsa Regali apud Londinates.
Londini : typis excusa, pro Iohanne Clark: apud quem venum prostant in Mercatorum Sacello, ad inferiorem partem vici vulgo vocati Cheap-side, M. D. C. LXI. [1661].
ESTC No. R483341.Grub Street ID 125314.
Hoole, Charles.
Grammatica Latina in usum scholarum adornata. Grammatices Lilianæ verbis (quantum fieri licuit) retentis; multis ejus erroribus emendatis; minus-necessariis amputatis; pluribus, quæ deficerent, suppletis; & omnibus methodo faciliori ad tenellæ ætatis captum conformata dispositis. Opera & studio Caroli Hoole, A.M. è C.L. Oxon. Scholaræ olim Rotherhamiensis in agro Ebor. Adjecta est insuper (nè quid huic instituto desit) in juventutis gratiam, in adversâ paginâ, Anglicana interpretatio.
Editio quinta prioribus emendatior..
Londini : excudebat Francis Smith, ad Castellum & Elephantum extra Temple-Bar, 1669.
ESTC No. R221603.Grub Street ID 95733.
Hoole, Charles.
The Latine grammar fitted for the use of schools wherein the words of Lilie's Grammar are (as much as might be) retained, many errors thereof amended, many needless things left out, many necessaries that were wanting supplyed, and all things ordered in a method more agreeable to childrens capacity / by Charles Hoole ... ; and (that nothing might be wanting to the purpose) the English translation is set down on the contrary page for the benefit of young-learners.
The sixth edition more exactly corrected than the former impressions..
London : Printed for Francis Smith .., 1670.
ESTC No. R34945.Grub Street ID 117422.
Hoole, Charles.
The common accidence examined and explained, by short questions & answers according to the very words of the book. Conducing very much to the ease of the teacher, and the benefit of the learner. Being helpful to the better understanding of the rudiments and grounds of grammar, delivered in that and the like introductions to the Latine tongue. Written heretofore, and made use of in Rotheram School, and now published for the profit of young beginners in that and other schools. By Charles Hoole Mr. of Arts, lately teacher of a private grammar-school near the Token-house Garden in Lothbury, London.
The eighth edition, corrected and revised..
London : printed by A. Clark, for J. Clark, and are to be sold at the entrance into Mercers Chappel at the lower end of Cheapside, 1671.
ESTC No. R215312.Grub Street ID 90374.
Hoole, Charles.
The common rudiments of Latine grammar, usually taught in all schools, delivered in a very plain method for young beginners, viz. 1 the common accidence examined. 2 The terminations, and examples of the declensions and conjugations. 3 Propria quæ maribus qux genus and As in præsenti Englished and explained. With a synopsis of the matter, and an index of the words belonging to each of them. Written heretofore, and made use of in Rotheram school; and now reprinted all together for the Masters ease, and scholars benefit in that and other schools. By Charles Hoole, M.A.L.C. Oxon. lately teacher of a private grammar-school near the Token house garden in Lothbury, London.
London : printed by A[ndrew]. Clark for John Clark, 1671.
ESTC No. R178201.Grub Street ID 70022.
Hoole, Charles.
Terminationes et exempla declinationum, et conjugationum, in usum grammaticastrorum. Opera & studio Caroli Hoole, M.A. è C. L. Oxon. Scholarchæ olim Rotherhamiensis in agro Ebor. jam verò privatæ scholæ grammaticæ institutoris propre ædes haud ita procul â Byrsa Regali apud Londinates.
Londini : typis A. Clark, impensis J. Clark, apud quem veneunt, ad Mercerorum Capellam in vico vulgo vocato Cheapside, MDCLXXII. [1672].
ESTC No. R213480.Grub Street ID 88932.
Hoole, Charles.
Vocabularium parvum anglo-latinum, in usum puerulorum, qui prima Latinæ linguæ tyrocinia faciunt. A little vocabulary, English and Latine, for the use of little children, that begin to learn the Latine tongue. By Charles Hoole, M.A.
London : printed by Andr. Clark, for S. Mearne, bookbinder to the Kings Most Excellent Majesty, 1672.
ESTC No. R178207.Grub Street ID 70028.
Hoole, Charles.
The common accidence examined and explained, by short questions & answers according to the very words of the book. Conducing very much to the ease of the teacher, and the benefit of the learner. Being helpful to the better understanding of the rudiments and grounds of grammar, delivered in that and the like introductions to the Latin tongue. Written heretofore, and made use of in Rotheram School, and now published for the profit of young beginners in that and other schools. By Charles Hoole, Master of Arts, lately teacher of a private grammar-school near the Token-house garden in Lothbury, London.
London : printed by A.C. for John Clark, and are to be sold at Mercers-Chappel in Cheap-side, 1673.
ESTC No. R215945.Grub Street ID 90896.
Hoole, Charles.
Childrens talk, English & Latine, divided into several clauses: wherein the propriety of both languages is kept. That children by the help of their mother-tongue, may more easily learn to discourse in good Latine amongst themselves. There are also numbers set down betwixt both, which do shew the place and natural use of any word or phrase. By Charles Hoole, Master of Arts, L.C. Oxon, teacher of a private grammar-school betwixt Goldsmiths-Alley in Redcross-street and Maidenhead Court in Aldersgate-street, London.
London : printed for the Company of Stationers, 1673.
ESTC No. R178190.Grub Street ID 70012.
Hoole, Charles.
The common accidence examined and explained, by short questions & answers according to the very words of the book. Conducing very much to the ease of the teacher, and the benefit of the learner. Being helpful to the better understanding of the rudiments and grounds of grammar, delivered in that and the like introductions to the Latin tongue. Written heretofore, and made use of in Rotheram school, and now published for the profit of young beginners in that and other schools. By Charles Hoole.
London : printed by A[ndrew]. C[larke]. for John Clark, and are to be sold at Mercers-Chappel in Cheapside, 1673.
ESTC No. R178195.Grub Street ID 70016.
Hoole, Charles.
The petty-schoole.
London : Typis A. C[larke] pro J. Clark, 1674.
ESTC No. R188850.Grub Street ID 76639.
Hoole, Charles.
The common rudiments of Latine grammar, usually taught in all schools, delivered in a very plain method for young beginners, viz. 1 The common accidence examined. 2 The terminations, and examples of the declensions and conjugations. 3 Propria quæ maribus quæ genus as in præsenti and Englished and explained. With a synopsis of the matter, and an index of the words belonging to each of them. Written heretofore, and made use of in Rotheram school; and now reprinted all together for the Masters case, and scholars benefit in that and other schools. By Charles Hoole, M.A.L.C. Oxon lately teacher of a private grammar-school near the Token-house Garden in Lothbury, London.
London : printed by A[ndrew]. Clark for John Clark, 1674.
ESTC No. R178202.Grub Street ID 70023.
Hoole, Charles.
The common accidence examined and explained, by short questions & answers according to the very words of the book. Conducing very much to the ease of the teacher, and the benefit of the learner. Being helpful to the better understanding of the Rudiments and Grounds of grammar, delivered in that and the like introductions to the Latin tongue. Writen heretofore, and made use of in Rotheram school, and now published for the profit of young beginners in that and other schools. By Charles Hoole, Master of Arts, lately teacher of a private grammar-school near the Token-house garden in Lothbury, London.
London : printed by A[ndrew]. C[larke]. for John Clark, and are to be sold at Mercers-Chappel in Cheap-side, 1675.
ESTC No. R178196.Grub Street ID 70017.
Hoole, Charles.
Terminationes et exempla declinationum, et conjugationum, in usum grammaticastrorum. Opera & studio Caroli Hoole, M.A. è Col. L. Oxon. Scholarchæ olim Rotherhamiensis in agro ebor. jam verò privatæ scholæ grammaticæ institutoris prope ædes haud ita procul à Byrsa Regali apud Londinates.
Londini : typis A. C[larke]. pro J. Clark, apud quem væneunt ad Mercerorum Capellam, in vico vulg. voc. Cheapside, M DC LXXVI. [1676].
ESTC No. R178204.Grub Street ID 70025.
Hoole, Charles.
Centuria epistolarum Anglo-Latinarum, ex tritissimis classicis authoribus, viz. Cicerone, Plinio & Textore, selectarum. Quibus imitandis ludi-discipuli stylum epistolis familiarem facilius assequantur. A century of epistles English and Latine. Selected out of the most used schoo-authours, viz. Tullie, Plinie, and Textor. By imitating of which, children may readily get a proper style for writing letters. By Charles Hool, master of arts, and teacher of a private grammer-shcool in Lothbury-Garden, London.
London : Printed by E. Flesher, for the Company of Stationers, 1677.
ESTC No. R220109.Grub Street ID 94561.
Hoole, Charles.
The common accidence examined and explained, by short questions and answers according to the very words of the book. Conducing very much to the ease of the teacher, and the benefit of the learner. Being helpful to the better understanding of the rudiments and grounds of grammar, delivered in that and the like introductions to the Latin tongue. Written heretofore, and made use of in Rotheram School, and now published for the profit of young beginners in that and other schools. By Charles Hoole, Master of Arts, lately teacher of a private grammar-school near the Token-house garden in Lothbury, London.
London : printed by M.C. for John Clark, and are to be sold at Mercers Chappel in Cheapside, 1679.
ESTC No. R178197.Grub Street ID 70018.
Hoole, Charles.
Childerns talk, English & Latine, divided into several clauses: wherein the propriety of both languages is kept. That children by the help of their mother-tongue, may more easily learn to discourse in good Latine amongst themselves. There are also numbers set down betwixt both, which do shew the place and natural use of any word of phrase. By Charles Hoole, Master of Arts, L.C. Oxon. Teacher of a private grammer-school betwixt Goldsmiths-Alley in Redcross-street, and Maidenhead-Court in Aldersgate, street, London.
London : printed for the Company of Stationers, 1681.
ESTC No. R178191.Grub Street ID 70013.
Hoole, Charles.
Terminationes et exempla declinationum et conjugationum in usum grammaticastrorum. Opera & studio Caroli Hoole, M.A. è Col. L. Oxon. scholarchæ olim Rotherhamiensis in agro Ebor. jam verò privatæ scholæ grammaticæ institutoris, prope ædes haud ita procul à byrsa regali apud Londinates.
Londini : typis M[ary]. C[lark]. pro J. Clark apud quem væneunt ad Mercerorum Capellam, in vico vulg. voc. Cheapside, MDCLXXXIII. [1683].
ESTC No. R215336.Grub Street ID 90396.
Hoole, Charles.
The common accidence examined and explained, by short questions and answers according to the very words of the book. Conducing very much to the ease of the teacher, and the benefit of the learner. Being helpful to the better understanding of the rudiments and grounds of grammar, delivered in that and the like introductions to the Latine tongue. Written heretofore, and made use of in Rotheram School, and now published for the profit of young beginners in that and other schools. By Charles Hoole, Master of Arts, lately teacher of a private grammar school near the Token-house garden in Lothbury, London.
London : printed by M.C. for John Clark, and are to be sold at Mercers Chappel in Cheapside, 1683.
ESTC No. R35436.Grub Street ID 117848.
Hoole, Charles.
The common accidence examined and explained, by short questions and answers according to the very words of the book. Conducing very much to the ease of the teacher, and the benefit of the learner. Being helpful to the better understanding of the rudiments and grounds of grammar, delivered in that and the like introductions to the Latine tongue. Written heretofore, and made use of in Rotheram School, and now published for the profit of young beginners in that and other schools. By Charles Hoole, Master of Arts, lately teacher of a private grammar school near the Token-house Garden in Lothbury, London.
London : printed by M.C. for John Clark, and are to be sold at Mercers Chappel in Cheapside, 1685.
ESTC No. R215316.Grub Street ID 90376.
Hoole, Charles.
The common accidence examined and explained, by short questions and answers according to the very words of the book. Conducing very much to the ease of the teacher, and the benefit of the learner. Being helpful to the better understanding of the rudiments and grounds of grammar, delivered in that and the like introductions into the Latin tongue. Written heretofore, and made use of in Rotheram school, and now published for the profit of young beginners in that and other schools. By Charles Hoole, Master of Arts, lately teacher of a private grammar school near the Token-house Garden in Lothbury, London.
London : printed by M[ary]. C[larke]. for John Clark, and are to be sold at Mercers Chappel in Cheapside, 1686.
ESTC No. R178198.Grub Street ID 70019.
Hoole, Charles.
Terminationes et exempla declinationum et conjugationum in usum grammaticastrorum. Opera & studio Caroli Hoole, M. A. è Col. L. Oxon. .
Londini : Typis M.C. pro J. Clark apud quem væneunt ad Mercerorum Capellam, in vico vulg. voc. Cheapside, MDCLXXXVI. [1686].
ESTC No. R201051.Grub Street ID 78515.
Hoole, Charles.
Centuria epistolarum Anglo-Latinarum ex tritissmis classicis authoribus, viz. Cicerone, Plinio, & Textore, selectarum : quibus imitandis ludi-discipuli stylum epistolis familiarem, facilius assequantur / a Carolo Hoolo ... = A century of epistles, English and Latine : selected out of the most used school-authors, viz. Tullie, Plinie, and Textor : by imitating of which, children may readily get a proper style for writing letters / by Charles Hool .
London : Printed by T.M. .., 1687.
ESTC No. R40464.Grub Street ID 122251.
Hoole, Charles.
Terminationes et exempla declinationum & conjugationum in usum grammaticastrorum. Opera & studio Caroli Hoole, M.A. è Col. L. Oxon. Scholarchæ olim Rotherhamiensis in argo Eber. jam verò privatæ scholæ grammaticæ institutoris, prope ædes haud ita procul à byrsa regali apud Londinates.
Londini : typis M[ary]. C[larke]. pro J[ohn]. Clark, apud quem væneunt as Mercerorum Capellam, in vico vulg voc. Cheapside, MDCLXXXIX [1689].
ESTC No. R178205.Grub Street ID 70026.
Hoole, Charles.
The common accidence examined and explained by short questions and answers according to the very words of the book conducing very much to the ease of the teacher, and the benefit of the learner : being helpful to the better understanding of the rudiments and grounds of grammar, delivered in that and the like introductions to the Latin tongue / written heretofore, and made use of in Rotheram School, and now published for the profit of young beginners in that and other schools by Charles Hoole .
London : Printed by M.C. for John Clark .., 1690.
ESTC No. R32349.Grub Street ID 115065.
Hoole, Charles.
Terminationes et exempla declinationum & conjugationum in usum grammaticastrorum opera & studio Caroli Hoole .
Londini : Typis M.C. pro. J. Clark .., MDCXC [1690].
ESTC No. R32350.Grub Street ID 115067.
Hoole, Charles.
The common accidence examined and explained by short questions and answers, according to the very words of the book. Conducing very much to the ease of the teacher, and the benefit of the learner. Being helpful to the better understanding of the rudiments and grounds of grammar, delivered in that and the like introduction to the Latin tongue. Written heretofore, and made use of in Rotheram School, and now published for the profit of young beginners in that and other schools. By Charles Hoole, Master of Arts: lately teacher of a private grammar-school near the Token-house Garden in Lothbury, London.
London : printed by M.C. for John Clark, and are to be sold at Mercers-Chappel in Cheapside, 1695.
ESTC No. R215317.Grub Street ID 90377.
Hoole, Charles.
Vocabularium parvum Anglo-Latinum in usum puerulorum qui prima Latinæ linguæ Tvrocina faciunt = A little vocabulary English and Latin for the use of little children that begin to learn the Latin tongue by Charles Hool .
Corrected and amended..
London : Printed for Jos. Hindmarsh ..., 1696.
ESTC No. R41735.Grub Street ID 123285.
Hoole, Charles.
Childrens talk, English & Latin, divided into several clauses: wherein the propriety of both languages is kept. That children by the help of their mother-tongue may more easily learn to discourse in good Latin amongst themselves. There are also numbers set down betwixt both, which do shew the place and natural use of any word or phrase. By Charles Hoole, Master of Arts, L.C. Oxon, teacher of a private grammar-school betwixt Goldsmiths-Alley in Red-cross-street, and Maidenhead-Court in Aldersgate-street, London.
London : printed for the Company of Stationers, 1697.
ESTC No. R215309.Grub Street ID 90370.
Hoole, Charles.
Terminationes et exempla declinationum & conjugationum in usum grammaticastrorum. Opera & studio Caroli Hoole, M.A. è Col. L. Oxon. scholarchæ olim Rotherhamiensis in agro Ebor. jam verò privatæ scholæ grammaticæ institutoris, prope ædes haud ita procul à byrsa regali apud Londinates.
Londini : typis M. Clark; impensis A. Armstrong, administr. Joannis Clark nuper de Mercers-Chappel, apud quam prostant in ædibus juxta insigne D. Georgii in vico Ironmonger-Lane dicto, 1697.
ESTC No. R32351.Grub Street ID 115068.
Hoole, Charles.
Centuria epistolarum Anglo-Latinarum; ex tritissmis classicis authoribus viz. Cicerone, Plinio, & Textore, selectarum. Quibus imitandis ludi discipuli stylum epistolis familiarem, facilius assequantur. A Carolo Hoolo, M.A. scholae grammaticae private institutore in Horto Lothburiensi, apud Londinates. = A century of epistles, English and Latine. Selected out of the most used school-authors, viz. Tullie, Plinie, and Textor. By imitating of which, children may readily get a proper style for writing letters. By Charles Hool, Master of Arts, and teacher of a private grammer-school in Lothbury-garden, London.
London : printed by T.M. for the Company of Stationers, 1700.
ESTC No. R215308.Grub Street ID 90369.
Hoole, Charles.
The common accidence examined and explained by short questions and answers, according to the very words of the book. Conducing very much to the ease of the teacher, and the benefit of the learner. Being helpful to the better understanding of the rudiments and grounds of grammar, delivered in that and the like introductions to the Latin tongue. Written heretofore, and made use of in Rotheram School, and now publish'd for the profit of young beginners in that and other schools. By Charles Hoole, M.A. late teacher of a private grammar-school near the Token-house Garden in Lothbury, London.
London : printed by M.C. for A. Armstrong, administratrix of J. Clark late of Mercer's-Chappel, next house to the George in Ironmongers-Lane, 1700.
ESTC No. R215318.Grub Street ID 90378.
Hoole, Charles.
Terminationes et exempla declinationum & conjugationum in usum grammaticastrorum. Opera & studio Caroli Hoole, M.A. è Col. L. Oxon. Scholarchæ olim Rotherhamiensis in agro Eboracensi.
Londini : typis M[ary]. Clark; impensis A. Armstrong, administr. Johannis Clark nuper de Mercers-Chappel, apud quam prostant in ædibus juxta insigne D. Georgii in vico Ironmonger-Lane dicto, 1700.
ESTC No. R178206.Grub Street ID 70027.
Hoole, Charles.
Vocabularium parvum Anglo-Latinum in usum puerulorum qui prima Latinæ linguæ tyrocinia faciunt. = A little vocabulary English and Latin. For the use of little children that begin to learn the Latin tongue. By Charles Hoole, M.A. Corrected and amended.
London : printed for Tho. Guy, at the Oxford-Arms in Lombard-Street, 1703.
ESTC No. T225608.Grub Street ID 247443.
Hoole, Charles.
The common accidence examined and explained by short questions and answers, according to the very words of the book. Conducing very much to the ease of the teacher, and the benefit of the learnear [sic]. Being helpful to the better understanding the rudiments and grounds of grammar, delivered in that and the like introduction to the Latin tongue. Written heretofore, and made use of in Rotherham School, and now publish'd for the profit of young beginners in that and other schools. By Charles Hoole, M. A. late teacher of a private grammar school, near Token-House Garden in Lothbury, London.
London : printed by M.C. for Tho. Armstrong. Administrator of J. Clark, late of Mercers-Chappel, next to the George in Ironmonger-Lane, 1702 [1705].
ESTC No. T71107.Grub Street ID 294710.
Hoole, Charles.
Terminationes et exempla declinationum & conjugationum. In usum gramaticastrorum. Opera & studio Caroli Hoole, .
Londini : typis M. Clark, impensis Tho. Armstrong adminstr. Joannis Clark, 1705.
ESTC No. N13516.Grub Street ID 3427.
Hoole, Charles.
Terminationes et exempla declinationum & conjugationum in usum grammaticastrorum. Opera & studio Caroli Hoole, .
Londini : impensis Thomæ Guy, 1708.
ESTC No. T71106.Grub Street ID 294709.
Hoole, Charles.
The Common accidence examined and explained, by short questions and answers, according to the very words of the book. ... Written heretofore, and made use of in Rotheram School, and now published for the profit of young beginners in that and other schools. By Charles Hoole, .
London : printed for Tho. Guy, 1711.
ESTC No. T71113.Grub Street ID 294715.
Hoole, Charles.
Terminationes et exempla declinationum & conjugationum. In usum grammaticastrorum. Opera & studio Caroli Hoole, .
Londini : impensis Thomæ Guy, 1716.
ESTC No. T71110.Grub Street ID 294713.
Hoole, Charles.
Terminationes et exempla declinationum & conjugationum in usum grammaticastrorum. Opera & studio Caroli Hoole, ...
Dublinii: excudebat Samuel Fairbrother, & prostant venales per bibliopolas Dublinienses, 1718.
ESTC No. T226613.Grub Street ID 248130.
Hoole, Charles.
Terminationes et exempla declinationum & conjugationum, in usum grammaticastorum. Opera & studio Caroli Hoole, .
Londini : impensis T. G. & prostant venales apud Johannem Osborn, 1721.
ESTC No. T215181.Grub Street ID 241357.
Hoole, Charles.
The common accidence examined and explained, by short questions and answers according to the very words of the book. Conducing very much ... Ease of the Teacher, and the ... of the Learner. Being helpful to the better Understanding of the Rudiments and Grounds of Grammar, delivered in that and the like Introductions to the Latin Tongue. Written heretofore, and made use of in Rotheram School, and now published for the profit of young beginners in that and other schools. By Charles Hoole, Master of Arts, late Teacher of a private Grammar School near the Token House Garden in Lothbury, London.
London : printed for T. Guy, and sold by J. Osborn, at the Oxford Arms in Lombard-Street, M.DCC.XXIV. [1724].
ESTC No. T186319.Grub Street ID 222478.
Hoole, Charles.
Terminationes et exempla declinationum & conjugationum, in usum grammaticastrorum. Opera & studio Caroli Hoole, .
Londini : impensis Joannis Osborn & Tho. Longman, 1725.
ESTC No. N13517.Grub Street ID 3428.
Hoole, Charles.
The common accidence examined and explained by short Questions and Answers According to the very Words of the book; Conducing very much to the Ease of the Teacher, and Benefit of the Learner. Being helpful to the better Understanding of the Rudiments and Grounds of Grammar, delivered in that and the like Introductions to the Latin Tongue. Written heretofore, and made use of in Rotheram School, and now published for the profit of young beginners in that and other schools. By Charles Hoole Master of Arts, late Teacher of a private Grammar-School near the Token-House Garden in Lothbury, London.
London : printed for J. Osborn, and T. Longman, at the Ship in Pater-Noster-Row, MDCCXXVI. [1726].
ESTC No. T188145.Grub Street ID 223982.
Hoole, Charles.
Vocabularium parvum Anglo-Latinum, in usum puerulorum qui prima Latinæ linguæ tyrocinia faciunt. A little vocabulary English and Latin. For the use of little children that begin to learn the Latin tongue. By Charles Hoole, M.A. Corrected and amended.
London : printed by J. Osborn and T. Longman, 1728.
ESTC No. N64607.Grub Street ID 46596.
Hoole, Charles.
The common accidence examined and explained by short questions and answers according to the very words of the book; ... Written heretofore, and made use of in Rotheram School, and now published for the profit of young beginners in that and other schools. By Charles Hoole .
London : printed for J. Osborn, and T. Longman, 1730.
ESTC No. N27036.Grub Street ID 16354.
Hoole, Charles.
The common accidence examined and explained by short questions and answers according to the very words of the book; ... Written heretofore, and made use of in Rotheram School, and now published for the profit of young beginners in that and other schools. By Charles Hoole .
London : printed for J. Osborn, and T. Longman, 1734.
ESTC No. T223540.Grub Street ID 246131.
Hoole, Charles.
Terminationes et exempla declinationum & conjugationum, in usum grammaticastrorum. Opera & studio Caroli Hoole, .
Londini : impensis Thomæ Longman, 1734.
ESTC No. N45500.Grub Street ID 30406.
Hoole, Charles.
The common accidence examined and explained by short questions and answers according to the very words of the book; ... Written heretofore, and made use of in Rotheram School, and now published for the profit of young beginners in that and other schools. By Charles Hoole .
London : printed for T. Longman, 1738.
ESTC No. N27034.Grub Street ID 16352.
Hoole, Charles.
The common accidence examined and explained by short questions and answers according to the very words of the book; ... Written heretofore, and made use of in Rotheram School, and now published for the profit of young beginners in that and other schools. By Charles Hoole .
London : printed for T. Longman, 1743.
ESTC No. T221270.Grub Street ID 244643.
Hoole, Charles.
Vocabularium parvum Anglo-Latinum, in usum puerulorum qui prima Latinæ linguæ tyrocinia faciunt. = A little vocabulary English and Latin, for the use of little children that begin to learn the Latin tongue. By Charles Hoole, M.A. Corrected and amended.
London : printed for T. Longman at the Ship in Pater-Noster-Row, 1748.
ESTC No. T177208.Grub Street ID 214163.
Hoole, Charles.
The common accidence examined and explained by short questions and answers according to the very words of the book: ... Written heretofore, and made use of in Rotheram School, and now published for the profit of young beginners in that and other schools. By Charles Hoole .
London : printed for T. Longman, 1752.
ESTC No. T221271.Grub Street ID 244644.
Hoole, Charles.
Terminationes et exempla declinationum & conjugationum, in usum grammaticastrorum. Opera & studio Caroli Hoole, .
Londini : impensis T. & T. Longman, 1752.
ESTC No. N23635.Grub Street ID 12990.
Hoole, Charles.
Terminationes et exempla declinationum & conjugationum, in usum grammaticastrorum. Opera & studio Caroli Hoole, .
Londini : impensis M. & T. Longman, 1756.
ESTC No. T71108.Grub Street ID 294711.
Hoole, Charles.
The common accidence examined and explained by short questions and answers according to the very words of the book: Conducing very much to the Ease of the Teacher, and Benefit of the Learner. Being helpful to the better Understanding of the Rudiments and Grounds of Grammar, delivered in that and the like Introductions to the Latin Tongue. Written heretofore, and made use of in Rotherham School, and now published for the profit of young beginners in that and other schools. By Charles Hoole, Master of Arts, late Teacher of a private Grammar-School near the Token-House Garden in Lothbury, London.
London : printed for T. Longman, in Pater-Noster-Row, M.DCC.LVII. [1757].
ESTC No. T71111.Grub Street ID 294714.
Hoole, Charles.
Terminationes et exempla declinationum & conjugationum, in usum grammaticastrorum. Opera & studio Caroli Hoole, .
Londini : impensis T.Longman, 1763.
ESTC No. T17868.Grub Street ID 215569.
Hoole, Charles.
The common accidence examined and explained by short questions and answers according to the very words of the book: Conducing very much to the Ease of the Teacher, and Benefit of the Learner. Being helpful to the better Understanding of the Rudiments and Grounds of Grammar, delivered in that and the like Introductions to the Latin Tongue. Written heretofore, and made use of in Rotherham School, and now published for the profit of young beginners in that and other schools. By Charles Hoole, Master of Arts, late Teacher of a private Grammar-School near the Token-House Garden in Lothbury, London.
London : printed for T. Longman, in Pater-Noster-Row, M.DCCLXIV. [1764].
ESTC No. T71114.Grub Street ID 294716.
Hoole, Charles.
Terminationes et exempla declinationum & conjugationum, in usum grammaticastrorum. Opera et studio Caroli Hoole, M.A. E Col. L. Oxon. Scholarchae olim Rotherhamiensis agro Ebor. Jam vero privatae Scholae Grammaticae Institutoris, prope aedes haud ita procul a Byrsa Regali apud Londinates. In this Impression, which is accommodated as well to the new as to the old Edition of the Grammar, Latin Words printed in Italic are only in the former, and those between Crotchets only in the latter.
Londini : impensis T.Longman, ad Insignia Navis, in Paternoster-Row, 1767.
ESTC No. T17869.Grub Street ID 215578.
Hoole, Charles.
Terminationes et exempla declinationum & conjugationum, In usum grammaticastrorum. Opera & studio Caroli Hoole, M.A. E Col. L. Oxon. scholarchae olim Rotherhamiensis agro Ebor. jam vero privatae scholae grammaticae institutoris, prope aedes haud ita procul a byrsa regali apud Londinates. In this impression, which is accommodated as well to the new as to the old edition of the grammar, Latin words printed in Italic are only in the former, and those between crotchets only in the latter.
Londini : Impensis T. Longman, ad Insignia Navis, in Paternoster-Row, 1774.
ESTC No. T181085.Grub Street ID 217681.
Hoole, Charles.
The common accidence examined and explained by short questions and answers according to the very words of the book: Conducing very much to the Ease of the Teacher, and Benefit of the Learner. Being helpful to the better Understanding of the Rudiments and Grounds of Grammar, delivered in that and the like Introductions to the Latin Tongue. Written heretofore, and made use of in Rotheram School, and now published for the profit of young beginners in that and other schools. By Charles Hoole Master of Arts, late Teacher of a private Grammar-School near the Token-House Garden in Lothbury, London.
London : printed for T. Longman, in Paternoster-Row, M.DCC.LXXV. [1775].
ESTC No. T221269.Grub Street ID 244642.
Hoole, Charles.
Terminationes et exempla declinationum & conjugationum, in usum grammaticastrorum. Opera & studio Caroli Hoole, .
Londini : impensis T. Longman, 1780.
ESTC No. N13518.Grub Street ID 3429.
Hoole, Charles.
Terminationes et exempla declinationum & conjugationum, in usum grammaticastrorum. Opera & studio Caroli Hoole, .
Londini : impensis T. Longman, 1785.
ESTC No. N45501.Grub Street ID 30407.
Hoole, Charles.
Terminationes et exempla declinationum & conjugationum, In usum grammaticastrorum. Opera & studio Caroli Hoole, M.A. E Col. L. Oxon. scholarchae olim Rotherhamiensis agro Ebor. jam vero privatae scholae grammaticae institutoris, prope aedes haud ita procul a byrsa regali apud Londinates. In this impression, which is accommodated as well to the new as to the old edition of the grammar, Latin words printed in Italic are only in the former, and those between crotchets only in the latter.
Londini : Impensis T. Longman, ad Insignia Navis in Paternoster-Row, 1792.
ESTC No. N13519.Grub Street ID 3430.
Hoole, Charles.
Terminationes et exempla declinationum & conjugationum, in usum grammaticastrorum. Opera & studio Caroli Hoole, M. A. E Col. L. Oxon. Scholarchae olim Rotherhamiensis agro Ebor. Jam vero private Scholae Grammaticae Institutoris, prope aedes haud ita procul a Byrsa Regali apud Londinates. In this Impression, which is accommodated as well to the new as to the old Edition of the Grammar, Latin Words printed in Italic are only in the former, and those between Crotchets only in the latter.
Leeds: printed for J. Binns, 1792.
ESTC No. T181124.Grub Street ID 217716.