Hill, Thomas.
A most briefe and pleasaunte treatise, teachyng how to dresse, sowe, and set a garden: and ... also may be had and used agaynst suche beasties, wormes, flies, and suche like, that ... gardens, gathered oute of the principallest aucthors which haue writte[n] of gardening as Palladius, Colinella, Varro, Ruellius ... learned Cato, and others ... . And nowe englished by Thomas Hyll Londiner.
[Imprinted at London: by Iohn Day for Thomas Hyll, [1558?]].
ESTC No. S92995.Grub Street ID 151618.
Hill, Thomas.
A necessary almanacke and kalender in whiche is contayned the daye hower and mynute of the chaunge, full and quarters of the moone, for this yere of a. 1560 and the true degree and minute of the sonne euery day at noone with the signe and degre of the moone also at noon seruing wel for these thre next yeares and generall rules for the weather, with rules as general for the letting of bloud, and making of purgations, and many others which shal playnlyer appeare in the nexte leafe, gathered by Thomas Hyll Londi...
Imprinted at London: in Fletestrete nere to S. Dunstons Church by thomas Marshe, [1560].
ESTC No. S112773.Grub Street ID 132520.
Hill, Thomas.
A most briefe and pleasaunt treatyse, teachynge howe to dress, sowe, and set a garden, and what propertyes also these few herbes heare spoken of, haue to our comodytie: with the remedyes that may be vsed against such beasts, wormes, flies and such lyke, that commonly noy garde[n]s, gathered out of the principallest authors in this act by Thomas Hyll Londyner.
[Imprynted at London: In Fletestrete neare to Saincte Dunstans Church by Thomas Marshe, [1563]].
ESTC No. S115202.Grub Street ID 134898.
Hill, Thomas.
The most pleasaunt arte of the interpretation of dreames, vvhereunto is annexed sondrie problemes vvith apte aunsweares, neare agreinge to the matter, and verye rare examples, not the like exstant in the Englishe tongue. Gathered by the former auctour Thomas Hill Londoner: and nowe newelye imprinted. Anno 1571.
Imprinted at London: in Fleetestreate by Thomas Marshe, [1571].
ESTC No. S123449.Grub Street ID 142951.
Hill, Thomas.
A new almanack for the yeare of our Lorde God, M.D.LXXII. Calculated for the meridian of Oxenforde. By Thomas Hyll.
[London: Printed by Richard Watkins and James Roberts, 1572].
ESTC No. S121793.Grub Street ID 141362.
Hill, Thomas.
[A prognostication made for the yeare of our Lorde God, 1572. wherein at large is set forth the description of the fovver quarters of the yeare, with the prediction of the weather for euery day, exactly calculated for Oxenforde. By Thomas Hill, of London student.].
[Imprinted at London: By Richard VVatkins, and Iames Roberts, [1572]].
ESTC No. S118792.Grub Street ID 138440.
Hill, Thomas.
A prognostication made for the yeare of our Lorde God. 1573. shewing the state of of [sic] the foure quarters of the same: with the alterations of the weather, so disposed in euery seuerall moneth: gathered of causes naturall, as of the sunne, moone, aspects of the planets, and other starres accordingly: seruing for all Englande. By Thomas Hyll student.
Imprinted at London: by Richarde VVatkins, and Iames Roberts, [1573].
ESTC No. S95957.Grub Street ID 153827.
Hill, Thomas.
A contemplation of mysteries: contayning the rare effectes and significations of certayne comets, and a briefe rehersall of sundrie hystoricall examples, as well diuine, as prophane, verie fruitfull to be reade in this our age: with matter delectable both for the sayler, and husbandman, yea and all traueylers by sea and lande, in knowing aforehande, howe daungerous a tempest will succeede by the sight of the clowd coming ouer the head, and other matters fruitful to be read as shal appere in the table next after the preface. Gathered and englished, by Thomas Hyll.
Imprinted at London: By Henry Denham, [1574?].
ESTC No. S117617.Grub Street ID 137286.
Hill, Thomas.
The profitable arte of gardening, now the thirde time set forth: to which is added much necessarie matter, and a number of secretes, with the phisicke helpes belonging to eche herbe, and that easly prepared. To this is annexed tvvo proper treatises, the one entituled, The maruellous gouernment, propertie, and benefite of the bees, with the rare secrets of the honie and waxe. And the other: the yearely coniectures, meete for husbandmen to knovv: englished by Thomas Hill Londoner. VVhereunto is newly added a treatise of the arte of graffing and planting of trees.
Imprinted at London: By Henrie Bynneman[, dwelling in Knightryder streate at the signe of the Mermayde], Anno. 1574.
ESTC No. S117236.Grub Street ID 136909.
Hill, Thomas.
An almanacke, and prognostication at large for the yeare of our Lorde God. 1574. in whych is set forth and shewed, not onely the chaunges of the moone, with the perfite times of hir quarters, and full, but the daylie alterations of [the] ayer, and windes, hapning quarterly, besydes the apt tymes to minister medicines, to plant, sowe, [and] set, for the increase of knowledge, which is in the declaration following. Calculated and written for the meridiane and pole articke of Oxenforde, and may serue for all Englande. By Thomas Hyll of London student.
[London: printed by R. Watkins and J. Roberts, [1574]].
ESTC No. S95958.Grub Street ID 153828.
Hill, Thomas.
[The moste pleasaunte arte of the interpretacion of dreames, whereunto is annexed sundry problemes with apte aunsweares neare agreeing to the matter, and very rare examples, not the like the extant in the English tongue. Gathered by the former auctour Thomas Hill Londoner: and now newly imprinted.].
[Imprinted at London: In Fleetestreate neare to S. Dunstones Church by Thomas Marsh, Anno 1576.].
ESTC No. S120343.Grub Street ID 139978.
Hill, Thomas.
The gardeners labyrinth: containing a discourse of the gardeners life, in the yearly trauels to be bestovved on his plot of earth, for the vse of a garden: with instructions for the choise of seedes, apte times for sowing, setting, planting, [and] watering, and the vessels and instruments seruing to that vse and purpose: wherein are set forth diuers herbers, knottes and mazes, cunningly handled for the beautifying of gardens. Also the physike benefit of eche herbe, plant, and floure, with the vertues of the distilled waters of euery of them, as by the sequele may further appeare. Gathered out of the best approued writers of gardening, husbandrie, and physicke: by Dydymus Mountaine.
Printed at London: By Henry Bynneman, Anno. 1577.
ESTC No. S118782.Grub Street ID 138431.
Hill, Thomas.
The gardeners labyrinth: containing a discourse of the gardeners life, in the yearly trauels to be bestovved on his plot of earth, for the vse of a garden: with instructions for the choise of seedes, apte tunes for sowing, setting, planting, & watering, and the vessels and instruments seruing to that vse and purpose: wherein are set forth diuers herbers, knottes and mazes, cunningly handled for the beautifying of gardens. Also the physike benefit of eche herbe, plant, and floure, with the vertues of the distilled waters of euery of them, as by the sequele may further appeare. Gathered out of the best approued writers of gardening, husbandrie, and physicke: by Dydymus Mountaine.
Printed at London: By Henry Bynneman, Anno. 1578.
ESTC No. S113279.Grub Street ID 133019.
Hill, Thomas.
The profitable arte of gardening, nowthe thirde time sett forth: to which is added much necessary matter, and a number of secretes, with the phisicke helpes belonging to eche hearbe, and that easily prepared. To this is annexed two proper treatises, the one entituled, Th marueilous gouernement, propertie, and benefite of bees, with the rare secretes of the hony and waxe. And the other, The yeerely coniectures meete for husbandmen to know: Englished by Thomas Hyll, Londoner. Whereunto is newly added a treatise of the arte of graffing and planting of trees.
At London: Printed by Robert Walde-graue, Anno. 1586.
ESTC No. S120728.Grub Street ID 140356.
Hill, Thomas.
A most briefe and pleasant treatise of the interpretation of sundrie dreames intituled to be Iosephs, and sundry other dreames out of the worke of the wise Salomon. Being in all 140. written first in the Hebrue tongue. Also sundrie problemes or demaunds, with their natural answers vnto sundry dreames annexed thereunto: all which are now gathered and englished out of a most ancient copie in the Latine tongue, for the recreation of wits at vacant time and leisure.
Imprinted at London: by Simon Stafford: and are to be sold by Roger Iackson, at the signe of the white Hart in Fleetstreet, 1601.
ESTC No. S125026.Grub Street ID 144316.
Hill, Thomas.
A pleasant history: declaring the whole art of phisiognomy, orderly vttering all the speciall parts of man, from the head to the foot. Written by Thomas Hill.
[London]: Printed by W. Iaggard, 1613.
ESTC No. S122584.Grub Street ID 142117.
Hill, Thomas.
A most briefe and pleasant treatise of the interpretation of sundry dreames intituled to be Iosephs, and sundry other dreames out of the worke of the wise Salomon. Being in all one hundred and forty, written first in the Hebrew tongue. Also sundry problemes or demands, with their naturall answers vnto sundry dreames annexed thereunto: all which are now gathered and englished out of a most ancient copy in the Latine tongue, for the recreation of wits at vacant time and leisure.
London: printed [by M. Flesher] for Francis Williams, 1626.
ESTC No. S125027.Grub Street ID 144317.
Hill, Thomas.
Natvrall and artificiall conclvsions. Compiled first in Latine, by the worthiest and best authors, both of the famous University of Padua in Italy, and divers other places. Englished since, and set forth by Thomas Hill, Londoner, whose own experiments in this kinde, were held most excellent. And now againe published, with a new addition of rarities, for the practise of sundry artificers; as also to recreate wits withall at vacant times.
London: printed by Iane Bell, dwelling at the East end of Christs-Church, 1650 [i.e. 1649].
ESTC No. R209384.Grub Street ID 85613.
Hill, Thomas.
The gardeners labyrinth, or, A new art of gardning: wherein is laid down new and rare inventions and secrets of gardning not heretofore known. For sowing, planting, and setting all manner of roots, herbs, and flowers, both for the use of the kitchin garden, and a garden of pleasure, with the right ordering of all delectable and rare flowers, and fine roots; as the like hath not been heretofore published by any. Likewise here is set forth divers knots for the beautifying of any garden for delight. Lastly, here is set down the physical benefit of each herbe, with the commodities of the waters distilled out of them, for the use and benefit of all. Collected from the best approved authors, besides forty years experience in the art of gardning: by D.M.
London: printed by Jane Bell, and are to be sold at the east-end of Christ-Church, 1652 [i.e. 1651].
ESTC No. R202411.Grub Street ID 79652.
Hill, Thomas.
Gardeners-labyrinth, vttering such skilfull experience, and worthy secrets, about the particular sowing and removing of the most kitchin herbs, with the witty ordering of other dainty herbs, delectable flowers, pleasant fruits, and fine roots, as the like hath not heretofore been uttered of any. Besides, the physick benefits of each herb annexed, with the commodity of waters distilled out of them, right profitable to be known.
London: printed by Jane Bell, and are to be sold at the east-end of Christ-Church, 1651.
ESTC No. R178161.Grub Street ID 69995.
Hill, Thomas.
Natural and artificial conclusions. Compiled first in Latine, by the worthiest and best authors, both of the famous University of Padua in Italy, and divers other places. Englished since, and set forth by Thomas Hill, Londoner, whose own experiments in this kinde, were held most excellent. And now againe published, with a new addition of rarities, for the practise of sundry artificers; as also to recreate wits withall at vacant times.
London: printed by J. Bell, and are to be sold by William Gilbertson, at the signe of the Bible in Gill-spur-street, without New-gate, 1651.
ESTC No. R231882.Grub Street ID 103807.
Hill, Thomas.
The gardeners labyrinth: or, A new art of gard'ning: wherein is laid down new and rare inventions and secrets of gardening not heretofore known. For sowing, planting, and setting all manner of roots, herbs, and flowers, both for the use of the kitchin garden, and a garde of pleasure, with the right ordering of all delectable and rare flowers, and fine roots; as the like hath not been heretofore published by any. Likewise here is set forth divers knots for the beautifying of any garden for delight. Lastly, here is set down the physical benefits of each herbe, with the commodities of the waters distilled out of them, for the use and benefit of all. Collected from the best approved authors, besides forty years experience in the art of gardening: by D. M. And now newly corrected and inlarged.
London: printed by J. Bell, and are to be sold at the east end of Christ Church, 1656.
ESTC No. R178162.Grub Street ID 69996.
Hill, Thomas.
The gardeners labyrinth: or, a new art of gardening: wherein is laid down new and rare inventions and secrets of gardening, not heretofore known. For sowing, planting, and setting all manner of roots, herbs, and flowers, both for the use of the kitchin garden, and a garden of pleasure, with the right ordering of all delectable and rare flowers, and fine roots; as the like hath not heretofore published by any. Likewise here is set forth divers knots for the beautifying of any garden for delight. Lastly here is set down the physical benefits of each herb, with the commodities of the waters distilled out of them, for the use and benefit of all. Collected from the best approved authors, besides four years experience in the art of gardening: by D.M. And now newly corrected and inlarged.
London : printed by H[enry]. Bell for Edward Brewster at the Crane in Pauls church-yard, 1660.
ESTC No. R178163.Grub Street ID 69997.
Hill, Thomas.
Natural and artificial conclusions Englished since, and set forth by Thomas Hill, Londoner, whose own experiments in this kind were held most excellent ; and now again published, with a new addition of rarities for the practice of sundry artificers, as also to recreate wits withal at vacant times.
London : Printed by T.J. and are to be sold by Edward Brewster ..., 1684.
ESTC No. R43250.Grub Street ID 124290.