Publications of Robert Harris


  • Harris, Robert. Absaloms funerall: preached at Banbyrie by a neighbour minister: or, the lamentation of a louing father for a rebellious childe. At London: printed by William Hall for Thomas Man, 1610. ESTC No. S116599. Grub Street ID 136286.
  • Harris, Robert. Absaloms funerall: preached at Banburie by a neighbour minister: or the lamentation of a louing father for a rebellious child. London: printed by William Hall, for Thomas Man, 1611. ESTC No. S120765. Grub Street ID 140393.
  • Harris, Robert. Absaloms funerall. Preached at Banburie by a neighbour minister. Or The lamentation of a loving father for a rebellious child. At London: imprinted by Felix Kyngston, for Thomas Man, 1614. ESTC No. S92864. Grub Street ID 151514.
  • Harris, Robert. Absaloms funerall. Preached at Banburie by a neighbour minister. Or The lamentation of a louing father for a rebellious child. At London: imprinted by Felix Kynoston [sic], for Thomas Man, 1617. ESTC No. S116903. Grub Street ID 136591.
  • Harris, Robert. The drunkards cup. By Master Harris, Pastor of Hanwell, and Bachelor in Diuinitie. At London: printed by Felix Kyngston for Thomas Man, and are to be sold at the signe of the Talbot in Pater-noster row, 1619. ESTC No. S92865. Grub Street ID 151515.
  • Harris, Robert. The drunkards cup. By Master Harris, Pastor of Hanwell, and Bachelor in Diuinitie. At London: printed by Felix Kyngston, for Heury [sic] Sharpe, dwelling in Banburie, 1619. ESTC No. S92866. Grub Street ID 151516.
  • Harris, Robert. Gods goodnes and mercy. Layd open in a sermon, preached at Pauls-Crosse on the last of Iune. 1622. By Mr Robert Harris, pastour of the church of God in Hanvvell in Oxfordshire. London: printed by Iohn Davvson for Iohn Bartlet, and are to be sold at the Guilt Cup in the Gold-smiths Row in Cheap-side, 1622. ESTC No. S116602. Grub Street ID 136290.
  • Harris, Robert. The drunkards cup. By Master Harris, pastor of Hanwell, and Batchelor in Diuinitie. At London: printed by Bernard Alsop for Thomas Man, and are to be sold at the signe of the Talbot in Pater-noster row, 1622. ESTC No. S120288. Grub Street ID 139924.
  • Harris, Robert. Samuels funerall. Or, a sermon preached at the funerall of Sir Anthonie Cope, Knight, and Barronnet. By Mr. Robert Harrice. At London: printed by Bernard Alsop for Thomas Man, and are to be sold at the signe of the Talbot in Pater-noster Row, 1622. ESTC No. S114876. Grub Street ID 134580.
  • Harris, Robert. Peters enlargement vpon the prayers of the Church. By Master Harris. London: printed by I[ohn] D[awson] for Iohn Bartlett, and are to be sould at the golden Cupp in the Gold-smiths Rowe in Cheapside, 1624. ESTC No. S122566. Grub Street ID 142100.
  • Harris, Robert. Peters enlargement vpon the prayers of the Church. By Master Harris. London: Printed by I. D[awson] for Iohn Bartlett, and are to be sould at the golden Cup, in the Gold-smiths Rowe in Cheapside, 1624. ESTC No. S120172. Grub Street ID 139809.
  • Harris, Robert. Peters enlargement vpon the prayers of the Church. By Master Harris. London: Printed by Iohn Haviland for Iohn Bartlet, and are to be sold at the Golden Cup, in the Gold-smiths Row in Cheapside, 1624. ESTC No. S117910. Grub Street ID 137577.
  • Harris, Robert. Peters enlargement vpon the prayers of the Church. By Master Harris. London: printed by John Haviland for John Bartlet, and are to be sold at the Golden Cup, in the Goldsmiths Row in Cheapside, 1625. ESTC No. S120292. Grub Street ID 139928.
  • Harris, Robert. Hezekiah's recovery. Or, A sermon, shevving what use Hezekiah did, and all should make of their deliverance from sickenesse. First preached, and now published by Robert Harris, pastor of Hanwell. London: Printed by R[obert] Y[oung] for Iohn Bartlet, at the golden Cup in the Goldsmiths Row in Cheape-side, Anno M.DC.XXVI. [1626]. ESTC No. S120679. Grub Street ID 140307.
  • Harris, Robert. Samuels funerall: or, a sermon preached at the funerall of Sir Anthonie Cope, Knight, and Baronet. By Mr. Robert Harris. At London: printed by George Purslowe for Iohn Bartlet, and are to be sold in the Gold-smiths Row in Cheap-side, at the signe of the golden Cup, 1626. ESTC No. S116603. Grub Street ID 136291.
  • Harris, Robert. Hezekiahs recovery. Or, A sermon, shewing what use Hezekiah did, and all should make of their deliverance from sicknesse. To which is annexed a particular postscript to the citie of London. First preached, and now published by Robert Harris, pastor of Hanwell. London: printed by R. Y[oung] for Iohn Bartlet, at the golden Cup in the Goldsmiths Row in Cheape-side, Anno M. DC. XXVI [1626]. ESTC No. S117908. Grub Street ID 137575.
  • Harris, Robert. Peters enlargement vpon the prayers of the church. By Master Harris. London: printed by Robert Young for Iohn Bartlet, and are to be sold at the Golden Cup, in the Gold-Smiths Row in Cheape-side, 1626. ESTC No. S2714. Grub Street ID 147077.
  • Harris, Robert. Absaloms funerall. Preached at Banburie, by a neighbour minister. Or, The lamentation of a louing father for a rebellious child. At London: printed by George Purslowe for Iohn Bartlet, and are to be sold in the Gold-smiths Row in Cheap-side, at the signe of the Golden Cup, 1626. ESTC No. S116904. Grub Street ID 136592.
  • Harris, Robert. Six sermons, preached on seuerall texts and occasions: by Robert Harris, pastor of Hanwell, in Oxford-shire. Viz. Absoloms funerall, Samuels funerall, Drunkards cup, Gods goodnesse, Peters enlargement, Hezekiahs recouery. Imprinted at London: For Iohn Bartlet, and are to be sold at the signe of the Golden Cup in Cheap-side, 1627. ESTC No. S123083. Grub Street ID 142606.
  • Harris, Robert. [Six sermons never heretofore published. Viz. i. S. Pauls exercise]. [London: printed for J. Bartlet, 1628]. ESTC No. S125404. Grub Street ID 144646.
  • Harris, Robert. Sixe sermons of conscience viz. I. S. Pauls exercise ..., II. Iudas his miserie ..., III. S. Pauls confidence, IV. The blessednesse of a sound spirit, V. The miserie of a wounded spirit, VI. Dauids comfort at Ziklag by. M. Robert Harris ... London: Printed by H.L. for Iohn Bartlett, at the signe of the gilt Cup in Cheape-side, 1630. ESTC No. S3337. Grub Street ID 147601.
  • Harris, Robert. The drunkards cup. By Master Harris, pastor of Hanwel, and Bachelor in Diuinitie. London: printed by [J. Haviland] the assignes of Thomas Man, &c. and are to be sold by Iohn Bartlet, at the golden Cup in the Goldsmiths Row in Cheape-side, 1630. ESTC No. S92867. Grub Street ID 151517.
  • Harris, Robert. Tvvo sermons: vvherein vve are taught: 1. 2. 3. How to get keepe vse a good conscience. Preached in Aldermanbury Church, London. The second edition. By Robert Harris. London: printed by R. Badger for Iohn Bartlet, and are to be sold at his shop in Cheape-side at the Gilded Cup, 1632. ESTC No. S92868. Grub Street ID 151518.
  • Harris, Robert. Peters enlargement vpon the prayers of the Church. By Master Harris. London: Printed by T[homas] P[urfoot] for Iohn Bartlet, at the Golden Cup, in the Gold-Smiths Row in Cheap-side, 1634. ESTC No. S118423. Grub Street ID 138077.
  • Harris, Robert. The vvorkes of Robert Harris, Bachelor in Divinity and pastor of Hanwell, in Oxford-shire. Revised, and in sundrie places corrected, and now collected into one volume. With an addition of two sermons, not formerly extant. As also two tables; the one of the texts and doctrines, the other alphabeticall, of the principall matters contained in the booke. London: printed by R[obert]. Y[oung and John Haviland]. for J. Bartlet [and Benjamin Fisher] in Cheape-side in the Gold-smiths-row at the signe of the Gilt-Cup, 1635. ESTC No. S120051. Grub Street ID 139692.
  • Harris, Robert. Dauids comfort at Ziklag. A plaine sermon made in time of dearth and scarcity of corne and worke. By Robert Harris. London: Printed by R. Y[oung] for Iohn Bartlet, at the gilt Cup neere Saint Austines gate, 1640. ESTC No. S116371. Grub Street ID 136058.
  • Harris, Robert. Peters enlargement upon the prayers of the Church. By Master Harris. London: Printed by R. Y[oung] for Iohn Bartlet, at the golden Cup neere S. Austines gate, 1640. ESTC No. S116372. Grub Street ID 136059.
  • Harris, Robert. Abners funerall, or, a sermon preached at the funerall of that learned and noble knight, Sir Thomas Lucie. By Robert Harris, B.D. and Pastor of the Church at Hanwell, Oxon. London: printed for Iohn Bartlet, and are to be sould at the signe of the Gilt Cup by Saint Austins Gate, 1641. ESTC No. R21249. Grub Street ID 88079.
  • Harris, Robert. Concio ad clerum. 1 Oxoniæ jamdudum habita, 2 Dein posthabita, & repudiata, 3 Nunc demm in lucem edita. Authore Roberto Harris Hanwellensi. Londini: excudebat G[eorge]. M[iller]. pro Johanne Bartlet, ad insigne poculi Aurati in Cæmiterio D. Pauli, M.DC.XLI. [1641]. ESTC No. R32479. Grub Street ID 115186.
  • Harris, Robert. A sermon preached to the honorable House of Commons assembled in Parliament, at a publike fast, May, 25. 1642. By Robert Harris, Batchelor of Divinity and Pastor of Hanwell. Oxon. Published by order of that House. London: printed by M. F[lesher]. for Iohn Bartlet, and are to be sold at the gilt Cup, neere S. Austins gate in Pauls Church-yard, M.DC.XLII. [1642]. ESTC No. R4871. Grub Street ID 125365.
  • Harris, Robert. True religion in the old way of piety and charity. Delivered in a sermon to the Lord Major and Court of Aldermen of this city of London, at their anniversary meeting on Munday (commonly called Easter-Munday) at the Spittle, 1645. By Robert Harris B D. pastor of Hanwell, Oxon. and a member of the Assembly of Divines. London: printed for John Bartlet, and are to be sold at his shop in Pauls Church-yard, at the signe of the Gilt Cup under Saint Austins Gate, 1645. ESTC No. R200002. Grub Street ID 77553.
  • Harris, Robert. Two letters written by Mr Harris in vindication of himselfe from the known slanders of an unknown author. To my reverend friend M. Harris. Sir, it will not (I hope) offend you to see your private letters made publique, it concernes you, and others, to vindicate your selves in the catching age, and the sooner 'tis done the better, chide me if you will, yet I will be yours still, W.T. May 2. 1648. [Oxford]: Printed [by Leonard Lichfield], in the yeare. 1648. ESTC No. R202372. Grub Street ID 79618.
  • Harris, Robert. A brief discourse of mans estate in the first and second Adam, shewing these six points. I Man had a glorious beginning. II Man is much varied from himself. III Mans sin was caused by himself. IV Mans misery followes his non-dependence on God. V Man once off from God, an left to himself wanders irrecoverably. VI Saints by Christ are in a very happy estate. By Robert Harris Doctor in Divinity, late Pastour of Hanwell, now President of Trinity College in Oxon. Lonodn [i.e. London]: by J[ames]. Flesher for John Bartlet the elder, and John Bartlet the younger, and are to be sold at the Gilt-Cup neer Austins gate in the New Buildings, 1653. ESTC No. R178008. Grub Street ID 69915.
  • Harris, Robert. Concio ad clerum 1. Oxoniæ jamdudum habita, 2. Dein posthabita & repudiata, 3. Nunc demum in lucem edita. Authore Roberto Harris olim Hanuellensi. Londini: excusum pro Johanne Bartlet, as insigne poculi aurati in cometerio D. Pauli, M.DC.LIII. [1653]. ESTC No. R28061. Grub Street ID 111168.
  • Harris, Robert. A brief discourse of mans estate in the first and second Adam. Shewing these six points, I Man had a glorious beginning. II Man is much varied from himself. III Mans sin was caused by himself. IV Mans misery followes his non-dependence on God. V Man once off from God, an left to himself wanders irrecoverably. VI Saints by Christ, are in a very happy state. By Robert Harris once of Hanwell, now President of Trinity College in Oxon, and Doctor of Divinity. London: printed by J. Flesher for John Bartlet the elder, and John Bartlet the younger, and are to be sold at the Gilt Cup neer Austins Gate in the new Buildings, 1654. ESTC No. R216531. Grub Street ID 91414.
  • Harris, Robert. The vvorks of Robert Harris once of Hanwell, now president of Trinity College in Oxon, and Doctor of Divinity. Revised, corrected, and now collected into one volume. With an addition of sundry sermons: some, not printed in the former edition; others, never before extant. By Robert Harris, D.D. Oxon. London: printed by James Flesher, for John Bartlet the elder, and John Bartlet the younger, and are to be sold at the Gilt Cup, on the south side of Pauls neer Austins Gate in the new buildings, 1654. ESTC No. R21473. Grub Street ID 89908.
  • Harris, Robert. Severall sermons of Robert Harris once of Hanwell, now president of Trinity College in Oxon, and Doctor of Divinity. Being a supplement to his works formerly printed in folio; intended for their supply, who have the other already. Containing I A brief treatise of the threefold state of man never before extant. II A sermon preached to the Honorable House of Commons. III A sermon touching prayer and mercy; and preached at the Spittle. IV Abners funerall, preached at the funerall of Sir Thomas Lucie knight. V Concio ad clerum. Preached to the University of Oxford Which were not in the former edition in folio. By Robert Harris, D.D. Oxon. London: printed by James Flesher, for John Bartlet the elder, and Jonh [sic] Bartlet the younger, and are to be sold at the Gilt Cup, on the South side of Pauls neer Austins Gate in the new Buildings, 1654. ESTC No. R34453. Grub Street ID 116977.