Holme, Benjamin.
Prysur wahoddiad, mewn Crist'nogol gariad, at bawb, droi at yspryd Crist ynnddynt eu hunain: ... Gan Benjamin Holme.
Caerfyrddin: argraphwyd, dros y cyfieithydd, gan I. Daniel, [ca. 1794 or 1795].
ESTC No. T226752.Grub Street ID 248208.
Holme, Benjamin.
A tender invitation, and call to all people, to Embrace the Offers of God's Love, and to break off from those things which provoke Him to anger, before the day of their visitation be over. With a word of comfort to those who are mourning because of the wickedness that abounds amongst mankind.
London : printed by the assigns of J. Sowle, in White-Hart-Court in Gracious-Street, MDCCXIII. [1713].
ESTC No. T63136.Grub Street ID 288425.
Holme, Benjamin.
A tender invitation, and call to all people, to embrace the offers of God's love, and to break off from those things which provoke Him to anger, before the day of their visitation be over. With a word of comfort to those who are mourning because of the wickedness that abounds amongst mankind.
Shrewsbury: printed by Tho: Durston, 1714.
ESTC No. T63137.Grub Street ID 288426.
Holme, Benjamin.
A tender invitation, and call to all people, to Embrace the Offers of God's Love, and to break off from those things which provoke Him to anger, before the day of their visitation be over. With a word of comfort to those who are mourning because of the wickedness that abounds amongst mankind.
The third edition..
London : printed by the assigns of J. Sowle, in White-Hart-Court in Gracious-Street, MDCCXV. [1715].
ESTC No. T63135.Grub Street ID 288424.
Holme, Benjamin.
An epistle from Benjamin Holme, being a salutation to Friends in Great-Britain and Ireland.
London : printed by the assigns of J. Sowle, at the Bible in George-Yard, Lombard-Street, 1718.
ESTC No. T63460.Grub Street ID 288722.
Holme, Benjamin.
An epistle to Friends and tender minded people in America: Being an Exhortation of Brotherly Love to them to prize the Favours and Mercies which the Lord has been pleased to Extend unto them. By Benjamin Holms.
London] : Printed by the assigns of J. Sowle, in George-Yard, in Lombard-Street, 1722.
ESTC No. T64168.Grub Street ID 289252.
Holme, Benjamin.
A serious call in Christian love to all people, to turn to the spirit of Christ in themselves; that they may come to have a right understanding of the things of God, and be enabled thereby to serve him acceptably: ... By Benjamin Holme.
London : printed and sold by the assigns of J. Sowle, 1725.
ESTC No. N22137.Grub Street ID 11501.
Holme, Benjamin.
A serious call in Christian love to all people, to turn to the spirit of Christ in themselves; that they may come to have a right understanding of the things of God, and be enabled thereby to serve Him acceptably: With some Observations on the following Heads; concerning, 1. The Universality of God's Love in sending his Son to die for all Men. 2. The Holy Scriptures. 3. Worship. 4. Baptism. 5. The Supper. 6. Perfection. 7. The Resurrection. 8. The Conclusion. By Benjamin Holme.
Dublin: printed by W. Wilmot, on the Blind-Key, for Sam. Fuller, at the Globe and Scales in Meath-Street, 1725 [i.e. 1726].
ESTC No. T64925.Grub Street ID 289860.
Holme, Benjamin.
An epistle of love, to the churches of Christ every where; exciting to love, and charity, and holy living. By Benjamin Holme.
London : printed and sold by the assigns of J. Sowle, 1731.
ESTC No. T199569.Grub Street ID 231633.
Holme, Benjamin.
A serious call in Christian love to all people, to turn to the spirit of Christ in themselves, that they may come to have a right understanding of the things of God, and be enabled thereby to serve him acceptably: with some observations on the following heads; concerning 1. The universality of God's love in sending his Son to die for all men. 2. The Holy Scriptures. 3. Worship. 4. Baptism. 5. The Supper. 6. Perfection. 7. The Resurrection. 8. The conclusion. [Two lines from Scripture text] By Benjamin Holme.
[Philadelphia]: London printed: re-printed and sold by Andrew Bradford, at the Sign of the Bible in Second-Street, Philadelphia, MDCCXXXII. [1732].
ESTC No. W1072.Grub Street ID 319861.
Holme, Benjamin.
An episte [sic] of love, to the churches of Christ every where; exciting to love, and charity, and holy living. By Benjamin Holme.
London : printed and sold by the assigns of J. Sowle, 1732.
ESTC No. T63778.Grub Street ID 288920.
Holme, Benjamin.
A serious call in Christian love to all people, to turn to the spirit of Christ in themselves; That they may come to have a right Understanding of the Things of God, and be enabled thereby to serve Him acceptably: With some Observations on the following Heads; concerning, 1. The Universality of God's Love in sending his Son to die for all Men. 2. The Holy Scriptures. 3. Worship. 4. Baptism. 5. The Supper. 6. Perfection. 7. The Resurrection. 8. The Conclusion. By Benjamin Holme.
The third edition, revised..
London : printed and sold by the assigns of J. Sowle, at the Bible in George-Yard, Lombard-Street, 1732.
ESTC No. T176969.Grub Street ID 213938.
Holme, Benjamin.
A serious call in Christian love to all people, to turn to the spirit of Christ in themselves; that they may come to have a right understanding of the things of God, and be enabled thereby to serve Him acceptably: With some Observations on the following Heads; 1. The Universality of God's Love in sending his Son to die for all Men. 2. The Holy Scriptures. 3. Worship. 4. Baptism. 5. The Supper. 6. Perefction. 7. The Resurrection. By Benjamin Holme.
The fourth edition, revised..
London : printed and sold by the assigns of J. Sowle, at the Bible in George-Yard Lombard-street, 1734.
ESTC No. T64922.Grub Street ID 289857.
Holme, Benjamin.
A serious call in Christian love to all people, to turn to the spirit of Christ in themselves; that they may come to have a right understanding of the things of God, ... By Benjamin Holme.
Leeds: printed and sold by James Lister, 1737.
ESTC No. T149831.Grub Street ID 195757.
Holme, Benjamin.
A serious call in Christian love to all people, to turn to the spirit of Christ in themselves; that they may come to have a right understanding of the things of God, and be enabled thereby to serve him acceptably: With some Observations on the following Heads; I. The Universality of God's Love in sending his Son to die for all Men. II. The Holy Scriptures. III. Worship. IV. Baptism. V. The Supper. VI. Perfection. Vii. The Resurrection. By Benjamin Holme.
Bristol: printed by Samuel and Felix Farley, at Shakespear's-Head, in Castle-Green, M.DCC.XXXVIII. [1738].
ESTC No. T64921.Grub Street ID 289856.
Holme, Benjamin.
A serious call in Christian love to all people, to turn to the spirit of Christ in themselves; that they may come to have a right understanding of the things of God and be enabled thereby to serve Him acceptably: With some Observations on the following Heads; 1. The Universality of God's Love in send- his Son to die for all Men. 2. The Holy Scriptures. 3. Worship. 4. Baptism. 5. The Supper. 6. Perfection. 7. The Resurrection. By Benjamin Holme.
Leeds: printed by James Lister, 1744.
ESTC No. T64926.Grub Street ID 289861.
Holme, Benjamin.
A serious call in Christian love to all people, to turn to the spirit of Christ in themselves; that they may come to have a right understanding of the things of God, and be enabled thereby to serve Him acceptably: ... By Benjamin Holme.
The fifth edition, corrected..
London : printed and sold by T. Sowle Raylton, and L. Hinde, 1744.
ESTC No. N24661.Grub Street ID 14011.
Holme, Benjamin.
A serious call in Christian love to all people, to turn to the spirit of Christ in themselves; that they may come to have a right understanding of the things of God, and be enabled thereby to serve him acceptably: ... By Benjamin Holme.
Bristol: printed and sold by S. and F. Farley, MDCCXLV. [1745].
ESTC No. N46969.Grub Street ID 31753.
Holme, Benjamin.
A serious call in Christian love to all people, to turn to the spirit of Christ in themselves; that they may come to have a right understanding of the things of God, and be enabled thereby to serve him acceptably: with some observations on the following heads; 1. The universality of God's love in sending his son to die for all men. 2. The Holy scriptures. 3. Worship. 4. Baptism. 5. The Supper. 6. Perfection. 7. The resurrection. 8. Swearing. By Benjamin Holme.
The sixth edition..
London : Printed and sold by T. Sowle Raylton and L. Hinde, at the Bible in George-Yard, Lombard-street, 1745.
ESTC No. T224361.Grub Street ID 246607.
Holme, Benjamin.
Galwad difrifol mewn cariad Cristnogol at yr hôll bobol, i ddychwelyd at Ysbryd Crist unddynt ei hunain; Fel y delont i Jawn ddeall pethau Duw, a thrwy hynnu gael ei Cynorthwyo yw wasnaethu ef yn gymeradwy: Gida ryw faint o Sylw a'r y pethau sy'n Canlyn; Ymherthynas: I. Cariad Daw yn gyffredinol yn danfon ei Fob i farw dros bob dyn. II. Yr Scrythyrau Sanctaidd. III. A'm Addoliad. IV. A'm Fedydd. V. A'm y Swpper. VI. A'm Berffeiddrwydd Vii. A'm yr Adgyfodiad. Viii. A'm Dyngu. IX. Y Diweddiad. Gan Benjamin Holme. Wedi ei gyfiaethu er mwyn y Cymru allan o'r seithfed argraphiad yn y Saesneg.
Bristol: argraphwyd gan Sam. Farley, 1746. Le gellyr caesar Printio pob ma'th a'r Gopiau am bris gweddaidd, [1746].
ESTC No. T105800.Grub Street ID 159019.
Holme, Benjamin.
Galwad difrifol mewn cariad Cristnogol at yr holl bobol, i ddychwelyd at ysbryd Crist unddynt ei hunain; ... Gan Benjamin Holme. Wedi ei gyfiaethu er mwyn y Cymru allan o'r seithfed argraphiad yn y Saesneg.
Bristol? : Samuel Farley?, 1746?].
ESTC No. T140034.Grub Street ID 187847.
Holme, Benjamin.
A serious call in Christian love to all people, to turn to the spirit of Christ in themselves; that they may come to have a right understanding of the things of God, and be enabled thereby to serve Him acceptably: ... By Benjamin Holme.
The eighth edition..
London : printed and sold by T. Sowle Raylton and Luke Hinde, 1746.
ESTC No. N22138.Grub Street ID 11502.
Holme, Benjamin.
Ein ernstlicher Ruff in christlicher Liebe an alles Volck sich zu dem Geist Christ in ihnen zu bekehren, auf dass sie zu einem rechten Verstand dessen, das aus Gott ist, gelangen, und dadurch vermögend gemacht werden mögen, ihm auf eine angenehme Weise zu dienen. Nebst einigen Anmerckungen ... In englischer Sprache heraus gegeben von Benjamin Holme, und ins Teutsche übersetzt. 1744.
[Germantown, Pa.]: Und nochmal gedruckt [bey Christoph Saur] zu Germanton 1747. Auf Kosten der Freunde, [1747].
ESTC No. W2130.Grub Street ID 331054.
Holme, Benjamin.
A serious call in Christian love to all people, to turn to the spirit of Christ in themselves; that they may come to have a right understanding of the things of God, ... By Benjamin Holme.
The ninth edition..
London : printed and sold by T. Sowle Raylton and Luke Hinde, 1747.
ESTC No. T207019.Grub Street ID 236359.
Holme, Benjamin.
Adhortatio pathetica, ex amore christiano proveniens; quâ omnes ad Christi spiritum in semetipsis relucentem diriguntur. ... Olim à Benjamino Holme anglicè conscripta, nunc demùm latinè reddita. Interprete Gulielmo Massey.
Londini : typis Lucæ Hinde, 1747.
ESTC No. N16047.Grub Street ID 5744.
Holme, Benjamin.
A serious call in Christian love to all people, to turn to the spirit of Christ in themselves; that they may come to have a right understanding of the things of God, and be enabled thereby to serve Him acceptably: With some Observations on the following Heads; 1. The Universality of God's Love in sending His Son to die for all Men. 2. The Holy Scriptures. 3. Worship. 4. Baptism. 5. The Supper. 6. Perfection. 7. The Resurrection. 8. Swearing. By Benjamin Holme.
The eleventh edition..
London : printed and sold by T. Sowle Raylton and Luke Hinde, at the Bible in George-Yard Lombard-Street, 1748.
ESTC No. T64924.Grub Street ID 289859.
Holme, Benjamin.
A tender invitation, and call to all people, to embrace the offers of God's love, and to break off from those things which provoke Him to anger, before the day of their visitation be over. With a word of comfort to those who are mourning because of the wickedness that abounds amongst mankind.
The fourth edition..
London : printed and sold by T. Sowle Raylton and Luke Hinde, 1748.
ESTC No. N13495.Grub Street ID 3406.
Holme, Benjamin.
A serious call in Christian love to all people, to turn to the spirit of Christ in themselves; that they may come to have a right understanding of the things of God, and be enabled thereby to serve him acceptably: ... By Benjamin Holme.
The tenth edition..
London : printed and sold by T. Sowle Raylton and Luke Hinde, 1748.
ESTC No. N22140.Grub Street ID 11505.
Holme, Benjamin.
An epistle of tender counsel to parents, School-Masters, and School-Mistresses; and likewise to the Youth. By Benjamin Holme.
London : printed and sold by T. Sowle Raylton and Luke Hinde, at the Bible in George-Yard, Lombard-Street, MDCCXLIX. [1749].
ESTC No. T63779.Grub Street ID 288921.
Holme, Benjamin.
A serious call in Christian love to all people, to turn to the spirit of Christ in themselves; that they may come to have a right understanding of the things of God, and be enabled thereby to serve him acceptably: ... By Benjamin Holme.
The twelfth edition..
London : printed and sold by T. Sowle Raylton and Lure [sic] Hinde, 1749.
ESTC No. N22141.Grub Street ID 11506.
Holme, Benjamin.
A collection of the epistles and works of Benjamin Holme. To which is prefix'd, an account of his life and Travels in the Work of the Ministry, through several Parts of Europe and America: written by himself.
London : printed and sold by Luke Hinde, at the Bible in George-Yard, Lombard-Street, 1753.
ESTC No. T87467.Grub Street ID 307509.
Holme, Benjamin.
A collection of the epistles and works of Benjamin Holme. To which is prefix'd, an account of his life and travels in the work of the ministry, through several parts of Europe and America: Written by himself.
London : Printed and sold by Luke Hinde, at the Bible in George-Yard, Lombard-Street, 1754.
ESTC No. N4211.Grub Street ID 28454.
Holme, Benjamin.
A serious call in Christian love to all people, to turn to the spirit of Christ in themselves; that they may come to have a right understanding of the things of God, and be enabled thereby to serve him acceptably: ... By Benjamin Holme.
The thirteenth edition..
London : printed and sold by Luke Hinde, 1764.
ESTC No. N34953.Grub Street ID 23243.
Holme, Benjamin.
A serious call in Christian love to all people, to turn to the spirit of Christ in themselves; that they may come to have a right understanding of the things of God, and be enabled thereby to serve Him acceptably: With some Observations on the following Heads; 1. The Universality of God's Love in sending His Son to die for all Men. 2. The Holy Scriptures. 3. Worship. 4. Baptism. 5. The Supper. 6. Perfection. 7. The Resurrection. 8. Swearing. By Benjamin Holme.
The fourteenth edition..
London : printed and sold by Mary Hinde, at No 2, in George-Yard, Lombard-Street, [1772?].
ESTC No. T64923.Grub Street ID 289858.
Holme, Benjamin.
A serious call in Christian love to all people, to turn to the spirit of Christ in themselves; that they may come to have a right understanding of the things of God, and be enabled thereby to serve him acceptably. With Observations on the following Heads. 1. The Universality of God's Love in sending his Son to die for all Men. 2. The Holy Scriptures. 3. Worship. 4. Baptism. 5. The Supper. 6. Perfection. 7. The Resurrection. By Benjamin Holme.
Dublin: printed by R. Jackson, at No. 20 in Meath-Street, 1784.
ESTC No. T64920.Grub Street ID 289855.
Holme, Benjamin.
A serious call in Christian love to all people, to turn to the spirit of Christ in themselves; that they may come to have a right understanding of the things of God, and be enabled thereby to serve him acceptably: with some observations on the following heads; 1. The universality of God's love in sending his Son to die for all men. 2. The Holy Scriptures. 3. Worship. 4. Baptism. 5. The Supper. 6. Perfection. 7. The Resurrection. 8. Swearing. [Three lines of Scripture texts].
Philadelphia: Printed by Joseph Crukshank, in Market-Street between Second and Third Streets, [1784].
ESTC No. W3441.Grub Street ID 345040.
Holme, Benjamin.
A serious call, in Christian love to all people to turn to the spirit of Christ in themselves: that they may come to have a right understanding of the things of God, and be enabled to serve him acceptably. With some Observations on the following Heads. The Universality of the Love of God. The Holy Scriptures. Worship. Baptism. The Supper. Perfection. The Resurrection. Swearing. By Benjamin Holme.
The fifteenth edition..
London : printed by James Phillips, George-Yard, Lombard Street, 1788.
ESTC No. T225999.Grub Street ID 247697.
Holme, Benjamin.
A serious call in Christian love to all people, to turn to the spirit of Christ in themselves; that they may come to have a right understanding of the things of God, and be enabled thereby to serve him acceptably: with some observations on the following heads; 1. The universality of God's love in sending his Son to die for all men. 2. The Holy Scriptures. 3. Worship. 4. Baptism. 5. The Supper. 6. Perfection. 7. The Resurrection. 8. Swearing. [Two lines of Scripture texts].
New-York: Re-printed by Hugh Gaine, at his book-store and printing-office, at the Bible, in Hanover-Square, M,DCC,XCI. [1791].
ESTC No. W3442.Grub Street ID 345051.
Holme, Benjamin.
A serious call in Christian love, to all people, to turn to the spirit of Christ in themselves; that they may come to have a right understanding of the things of God, and be enabled thereby to serve him acceptably:-- with some observations on the following heads; 1. The universality of God's love, in sending his Son to die for all men. 2. The Holy Scriptures. 3. Worship. 4. Baptism. 5. The Supper. 6. Perfection. 7. The Resurrection. 8. Swearing. [Three lines of Scripture texts].
Philadelphia: Printed by Jacob Johnson & Co. no. 147, High-Street, M DCC XCV. [1795].
ESTC No. W3443.Grub Street ID 345062.