Publications of Edward Gee


  • Gee, Edward. A treatise of prayer: and of divine providence as relating to it. With an application of the general doctrine thereof unto the present time, and state of things in the land, so far as prayer is concerned in them. Written for the instruction, admonition, and comfort of those that give themselves unto prayer, and stand in need of it in the said respects. By Edvvard Gee, minister of the gospel at Eccleston in Lancashire. London: printed by J[ohn]. M[acock]. for Luke Fawn, and are to be sold by Thomas Smith at his shop in Manchester, 1653. ESTC No. R236689. Grub Street ID 107387.
  • Gee, Edward. A treatise of prayer: and of divine providence as relating to it. With an application of the general doctrine thereof unto the present time, and state of things in the land, so far as prayer is concerned in them. Written for the instruction, admonition, and comfort of those that give themselves unto prayer, and stand in need of it in the said respects. By Edvvard Gee, minister of the gospel at Eccleston in Lancashire. London: printed by J.M. for Luke Fawn, and are to be sold at his shop at the sign of the Parrot in Pauls Church-yard, 1653. ESTC No. R209520. Grub Street ID 85752.
  • Gee, Edward. Steps of ascention vnto God or A ladder to heauen. Contayning prayers and meditation for euery day of the weeke and for all other tymes & occasions. The 9th. edition by E.G. D.D. [London]: Printed for G[abriel]. Bedell & T[homas]. Collins, 1656. ESTC No. R177349. Grub Street ID 69496.
  • Gee, Edward. The divine right and original of the civill magistrate from God, as it is drawn by the Apostle S. Paul in those words, Rom. 13.1. There is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God illustrated and vindicated in a treatise (chiefly) upon that text. Wherein the procedure of political dominion from God, by his ordination; ... is endevored truly and plainly to be laid open. Written for the service of that eminent truth, order, justice, and peace which the said text, in its genuine sense, holdeth forth, and supporteth: and for the dissolving of sundry important doubts, and mistakes about it. By Edward Gee minister of the Gospel at Eccleston in the county palatine of Lancaster. London: printed for George Eversden, at the Maidenhead in Pauls-church-yard, 1658. ESTC No. R202104. Grub Street ID 79369.