Cellier, Elizabeth.
The tryal of Elizabeth Cellier, the popish midwife, at the Old Baily, Septemb. 11. 1680. for printing and publishing the late notorious libel, intituled, Malice defeated, &c. Where she was found guilty. Together with her sentence.
London] : Printed by A. Godbid, for L.C., 1680.
ESTC No. R22378.Grub Street ID 97547.
Cellier, Elizabeth.
Malice defeated: or a brief relation of the accusation and deliverance of Elizabeth Cellier, wherein her proceedings both before and during her confinement, are particularly related, and the mystery of the meal-tub fully discovered. Together with an abstract of her arraignment and tryal, written by her self, for the satisfaction of all lovers of undisguised truth.
London : printed for Elizabeth Cellier, and are to be sold at her house in Arundel-street near St. Clements Church, 1680.
ESTC No. R17590.Grub Street ID 68624.
Cellier, Elizabeth.
The tryal of Elizabeth Cellier, the popish midwife, at the Old Baily, Septemb. 11. 1680. for printing and publishing the late notorious libel, intituled, Malice defeated, &c. Where she was found guilty.
London] : Printed by A. Godbid, for L.C., 1680.
ESTC No. R490114.Grub Street ID 359218.
Cellier, Elizabeth.
The matchless rogue; or, A brief account of the life of Don Thomazo the unfortunate son. Together with the just commendations of the gentlemans ingenious Answer to Malice defeated; intituled, Some reflections on Madam Cellier's case. With due respect to the honourable title of captain, which himself says he is worthy of.
London : printed for Elizabeth Cellier, and are to be sold at her house in Arundel Street, near St. Clement's Church, 1680.
ESTC No. R3921.Grub Street ID 121151.
Cellier, Elizabeth.
The tryal and sentence of Elizabeth Cellier; for writing, printing, and publishing, a scandalous libel, called Malice defeated, &c. at the sessions in the Old-Bailey, held Saturday the 11th. and Monday the 13th. of Sept. 1680. Whereunto is added several depositions, made before the Right Honorable, the Lord Mayor.
London : printed for Thomas Collins, at the Middle-Temple-gate, 1680.
ESTC No. R24639.Grub Street ID 108404.
Cellier, Elizabeth.
Malice defeated: or a brief relation of the accusation and deliverance of Elizabeth Cellier, wherein her proceedings both before and during her confinement, are particularly related, and the mystery of the meal-tub fully discovered. Together with an abstract of her arraignment and tryal, written by her self, for the satisfaction of all lovers of undisguized truth.
London : printed for Elizabeth Cellier, and are to be sold at her house in Arundel-street near St. Clements Church, 1680.
ESTC No. R203665.Grub Street ID 80760.
Cellier, Elizabeth.
Maddam Celliers answer to the Popes letter. Dated from the Vatican the 1st of August, 1680. Wherein she declares her fidelity and firmness to the Catholick-cause, and expresses her joy for his holinesses compassionate bounty and care of his afflicted daughter, with the relation how, she was delivered by the help of his sons the jesuites in Newgate, of her late prodigious narrative, and also of her mighty sufferings, and strange adventures that has befel her since her late confinement. With her humble request to her holy father to send her a thousand pounds out o the catholick contributions, in order to the paying of her fine, that she may give him a speedy visit, & instruct him farther in his grand affairs.
London : printed by D. Mallet, 1680.
ESTC No. R7389.Grub Street ID 127655.
Cellier, Elizabeth.
The triall of Elizabeth Cellier, at the Kings-bench-Barr, on Friday June the 11th. 1680.
London : printed for Randal Taylor, in the year 1680.
ESTC No. R2738.Grub Street ID 110548.
Cellier, Elizabeth.
To Dr. ------ an answer to his queries, concerning the Colledg of Midwives.
London : s.n., 1688.
ESTC No. R29948.Grub Street ID 359217.