Publications of John Dove


  • Dove, John. A sermon preached at Pauls Crosse the 3. of Nouember 1594. intreating of the second comming of Christ, and the disclosing of Antichrist. With a confutation of diuers coniectures concerning the ende of the world, conteyned in a booke called the second comming of Christ. [London]: Imprinted by Peter Short, for William Iaggard, and are to be solde at his shop in Fleetestreete in Saint Dunstanes Church-yard, [1594]. ESTC No. S125908. Grub Street ID 145108.
  • Dove, John. A sermon preached at Paules Crosse, the sixt of February. 1596. In which are discussed these three conclusions. 1 It is not the will of God that all men should be saued. 2 The absolute will of God, and his secret decree from all eternitie is the cause why some are predestinated to saluation, others to destruction, and not any foresight of faith, or good workes in the one, or infidelitie, neglect, or contempt in the other. 3 Christ died not effectually for all. By Iohn Doue, Doctor of Diuinitie. [London]: Printed by T. C[reede] for R. Dexter, 1597. ESTC No. S111946. Grub Street ID 131709.
  • Dove, John. Of diuorcement. A sermon preached at Pauls Crosse the 10. of May. 1601. By Iohn Doue, Doctor of Diuinitie. London: Printed by T. C[reede], 1601. ESTC No. S116967. Grub Street ID 136650.
  • Dove, John. A persvvasion to the English recusants, to reconcile themselues to the Church of England. Written for the better satisfaction of those which be ignorant. By Iohn Doue Doctor of Diuinitie. Printed at London: By V[alentine] S[immes] for Cuthbert Burby dvvelling in Paules church-yard at the signe of the Swanne, 1603. ESTC No. S110110. Grub Street ID 130236.
  • Dove, John. A perswasion to the English recusants, to reconcile themselues to the Church of England. Written for the better satisfaction of those which be ignorant. By Iohn Doue Doctor of Diuinitie. At London: printed by I. R[oberts?]., Anno. 1604. ESTC No. S125320. Grub Street ID 144565.
  • Dove, John. A confutation of atheisme by Iohn Doue Doctor of Diuinitie. The contents are to be seene in the page following. At London: Printed by Edward Allde for Henry Rockett, and are to be sold at the long shop vnder S. Mildreds Church in the Poultry, 1605. ESTC No. S110103. Grub Street ID 130230.
  • Dove, John. A defence of church gouernment. Dedicated to the high Court of Parliament. Wherein, the church gouernment established in England, is directly proued to be consonant to the word of God, and that subiects ought of dutie to conforme themselues to the state ecclesiasticall. Together with, a defence of the crosse in baptisme; as it is vsed in our Church, being not repugnant to the word: and by a consequent, the brethren which are silenced, ought to subscribe vnto it, rather then to burie their talents in the ground. By Iohn Doue, Doctour of Diuinity. At London: Printed by T[homas] C[reede] for Henry Rockit, and are to be sold by Iohn Hodgets in Pauls Churchyeard, 1606. ESTC No. S110107. Grub Street ID 130234.
  • Dove, John. A defence of church gouernment. Dedicated to the high Court of Parliament. Wherein, the church gouernment established in England, is directly proued to be consonant to the word of God, and that subiects ought of dutie to conforme themselues to the state ecclesiasticall. Together with, a defence of the crosse in baptisme; as it is vsed in our Church, being not repugnant to the word: and by a consequent, the brethren which are silenced, ought to subscribe vnto it, rather then to burie their talents in the ground. By Iohn Doue, Doctour of Diuinity. At London: printed by T[homas]. C[reede]. for Henry Rockit, and are to be sold by Iohn Hodgets in Pauls Churchyeard, 1607. ESTC No. S91766. Grub Street ID 150733.
  • Dove, John. An aduertisement to the English seminaries, amd [sic] Iesuites: shewing their loose kind of writing, and negligent handling the cause of religion, in the whole course of their workes. By Iohn Doue Doctor in Diuinity. London: Printed [by N. Okes] for Simon Waterson, dwelling in Paules Church-yard, at the signe of the Crowne, 1610. ESTC No. S115461. Grub Street ID 135152.
  • Dove, John. The conuersion of Salomon. A direction to holinesse of life; handled by way of commentarie vpon the whole booke of Canticles. Profitable for yong men which are not yet mortified, for old men which are decrepit, and haue one foote in the graue, and for all sorts of men which haue an intent to renounce the vanities of this world and to follow Iesus Christ. By Iohn Doue Doct. of Diuinitie. London: Printed by W. Stansby for Iohn Smethwick, and and are to bee sold at his shop in S. Dunstones Church-yard, 1613. ESTC No. S110104. Grub Street ID 130231.
  • Dove, John. A confutation of atheisme. By Iohn Dove Doctor of Divinitie. The contents are to be seene in the page following. London: Printed by E. P[urslowe] for Nicholas Bourne, and are to be sold at his shop at the south entrance of the Royall Exchange, 1640. ESTC No. S116964. Grub Street ID 136647.
  • Dove, John. Atheism defined and confuted by undeniable arguments; drawne from scripture & reason. By J. Dove, D.D. London: printed by W[illiam]. H[unt] for Nicolas Bourne at the south entrance of the Royall Exchange, 1656. ESTC No. R174718. Grub Street ID 67827.