Publications of John Davies


  • Davies, John. Microcosmos. The discovery of the little world, with the governement thereof. By Iohn Davies. At Oxford: Printed by Ioseph Barnes, and are to be solde by Iohn Barnes dwelling without Newgate by S. Sepulchres church, at the signe of Paris, 1605. ESTC No. S120390. Grub Street ID 140025.
  • Davies, John. Microcosmos. The discovery of the little world, with the governement thereof. By Iohn Davies. At Oxford: printed by Ioseph Barnes, and are to be sold by Iohn Barnes [in London], 1611. ESTC No. S91611. Grub Street ID 150630.
  • Davies, John. The right noble and verteous princes, Elizabeth daughter to our Souer. Lor. King James. [London]: Are to be solde in Lumbard Street by Iohn Boswell, [ca. 1611]. ESTC No. S91613. Grub Street ID 150631.
  • Davies, John. The Muses sacrifice. [London: Printed by T[homas] S[nodham] for George Norton, and are to be solde at his shoppe, vnder the Blacke-bell within Temple-barre, 1612]. ESTC No. S316. Grub Street ID 147446.
  • Davies, John. The writing schoolemaster or The anatomy of faire writing. Wherein is exactlie expressed each severall character. Together with other rules and documents coincident to the art of faire & speedy writing. By Io: Dauies of Hereford. [London]: Are to be sold by Roger Daniell at ye Angell in Lumbord street, [1620?]. ESTC No. S124509. Grub Street ID 143863.
  • Davies, John. Lo here her type who was of latt [sic], the propp of Belgia [by] Io. Davies ; [--] sumpter Elizabetha Regina, Nic. Hilliard delin. et excud. cum priuilegio Maiestatis. [London]: Are to be sould at [--] in Lumbard Streete by Roger Daniell, [ca. 1623]. ESTC No. S3046. Grub Street ID 147347.
  • Davies, John. A scourge for paper-persecutors, or Papers complaint, compil'd in ruthfull rimes, against the paper-spoylers of these times. By I.D. With a continued inquisition against paper-persecutors, by A.H. Printed at London: for H. H[olland]. and G. G[ibbs]. and are to be sold at the Flower Deluce in Popes-head Alley, 1624. ESTC No. S126158. Grub Street ID 145331.
  • Davies, John. The writing schoolemaster or The anatomie of faire writing wherein is exactlie expressed each seuerall character together with other rules & documents, coincident to the art of faire & speedy writing by John Davies of Heref. London: printed for Michaell Sparke sixt edition enlarged, [1631]. ESTC No. S5273. Grub Street ID 149076.
  • Davies, John. The writing schoolemaster or The Anatomie of faire writing wherein is exactlie expressed each seuerall character, together with other rules & documents, coincident to the art of faire & speedy writing By John Davies of Heref. London: Printed for Michael Sparke, 1636. ESTC No. S120522. Grub Street ID 140151.
  • Davies, John. The writing schoolemaster, or, The anatomie of faire writing wherein is exactlie expressed each severall character, together with other rules & documents coincident to the art of faire and speedy writing by John Davies ... London: Printed and are to be sould by James Maud ..., 1648. ESTC No. R41916. Grub Street ID 123401.
  • Davies, John. The writing schoolemaster or The anatomie of fair writing wherein is exactlie expressed each seuerall character together with other rules & documents coincident to the art of faire & speedy writing by John Dauies of Heref. London: printed and are to be sould by P[eter]: Stent, at the White Horse in Gilt Spur Street, without New-Gate, 1659. ESTC No. R174443. Grub Street ID 67625.
  • Davies, John. The writing schoolemaster, or, The anatomie of faire writing wherein is exactlie expressed each seuerall character, together with other rules & documents coincident to the art of faire & speedy writing / by John Dauies . London : Printed and are to sould by P. Stent .., 1663. ESTC No. R37273. Grub Street ID 119516.
  • Davies, John. The vvriting school-master: or, The anatomy of fair writing. Wherein is exactly expressed each several character; together with other rules and documents coincident to the art of fair and speedy writing. By John Davies of Hereford. London : printed by S. Griffin for John Overton, and sold by him at his hou[se] at the Sign of the White-Horse in Little Brittain, next the Gate. 1667. Wh[ere] you may have two famous maps of the City of London, before, and since the fire, [1667]. ESTC No. R34842. Grub Street ID 117343.
  • Davies, John. The writing school-master. Or the anotomy of fair vvriting. Wherein is exactly expressed each several character; together with other rules and documents coincident to the art of fair and speedy vvriting. By John Davis of Hereford. London : printed by H[enry]. Brugis for John Overton and are to be sold at the White Horse, [1670?]. ESTC No. R175911. Grub Street ID 68634.