Publications of Andrew Cant


  • Cant, Andrew. Theses et problemata philosophica quæ, athenæi mareschallani alumni, laureâ triumphali hâc vice condecorandi, pridie eidus quintileis, A.P.D.O.M. public propugnabunt, horis & loco folitis. Arbitro Andrea Conteo. Aberdoniis: e typographo Jacobi Brouni, academiæ & urbis typothetæ an. ær. Christi, 1654. ESTC No. R224019. Grub Street ID 97747.
  • Cant, Andrew. Theses philosophicae quas A.P.D.O.M. Athenæi mareschallani alumni, laureâ triumphali hâc vice condecorandi, ad Jul. 9 horis & loco solitis, public propugnabunt / arbitro Andrea Cantæo. Aberdoniis: E typographae Jacobi Broun, 1658. ESTC No. R24723. Grub Street ID 108486.
  • Cant, Andrew. Euch? Basilik?, votum pro rege, populi basi, patriæ patre, legis vindice. Edinburgi: excudebat, anno Dom. MDCLXI. [1661]. ESTC No. R173377. Grub Street ID 66957.
  • Cant, Andrew. Oratio de concordia theologorum et discordia. Edinburgi: excudebat Thomas Brown, Anno Dom. 1676. ESTC No. R232001. Grub Street ID 103897.
  • Cant, Andrew. A sermon preached at a general meeting in the Gray-Friar-Church of Edinburgh, upon the 13. day of June 1638. By that eminent, faithful, and zealous servant of Jesus Christ, Mr. Andrew Cant, Minister of the Gospel at Aberdeen. Edinburgh: printed for Alexander Henderson, M. DC. XC. IX [1699]. ESTC No. R34783. Grub Street ID 117292.
  • Cant, Andrew. A sermon preached after the renovation of the National Covenant, and celebration of the Lord's supper, at Glasgow. Anno. 1638. By ... Mr. Andrew Cant, ... [Glasgow?]: Printed for Robert Hamilton, merchant in Hamilton, 1713. ESTC No. T173667. Grub Street ID 210902.
  • Cant, Andrew. A sermon preached after the renovation of the National Covenant, and celebration of the Lord's supper, at Glasgow, anno. 1638. By that Reverend and Faithfull Servant of Christ, Mr Andrew Cant sometime Minister of the Gospel at Aberdeen. Glasgow: printed by Thomas Crauford, [1720?]. ESTC No. T101380. Grub Street ID 155262.
  • Cant, Andrew. A sermon preached at a general meeting in the Gray-Friar-Church of Edinburgh, upon the 13th day of June 1638, at our Last Reformation. By that Eminent, Faithful, and Zealous Servant of Jesus Christ, Mr. Andrew Cant, Minister of the Gospel at Aberdeen. Edinburgh: reprinted for a lover of the truth, 1720. ESTC No. T101381. Grub Street ID 155263.
  • Cant, Andrew. A sermon preached after the renovation of the National Covenant, and celebration of the Lord's supper at Glasgow. Anno 1638. By that Reverend and Faithful Servant of Christ, Mr. Andrew Cant, sometime Minister of the Gospel at Aberdeen. Edinburgh: printed and sold by William Adams, at his Printing-House on the North-Side of the Street, opposite to the General Post-Office; where also, several Books and Pamphlets fit for Chap-Men, are to be Sold at reasonable Rates, 1727. ESTC No. T102016. Grub Street ID 155862.
  • Cant, Andrew. The evil and danger of prelacy. A sermon preached at a general meeting in the Black-Fryar-Church of Edinburgh, upon the 13th day of June, 1638, ... By the Reverend Mr. Andrew Cant, ... Glasgow: printed for George Paton, in Linlithgow, 1741. ESTC No. T230352. Grub Street ID 250027.
  • Cant, Andrew. A sermon preached at a general meeting in the Gray-Friar-Church of Edinburgh, June 13th, 1638. By ... Mr. Andrew Cant, ... Aberdeen: printed for George Robson, in Huntly, [1780?]. ESTC No. T173658. Grub Street ID 210893.