Publications of Matthew Mackaile


  • Mackaile, Matthew. Fons Moffetensis: seu, Descriptio topographico-spagyrica fontium mineralium Moffetensium in Annandia Scotiæ. Huic accessit appendix, de salsedine maris, &c. Authore Matthæo Mackaile, pharmacopϯ Edinburgensi Scoto. Edinburgi: excudebat Christophorus Higgins, pro Roberto Brown, bibliopola, ad insigne Solis, anno Dom. 1659. ESTC No. R7534. Grub Street ID 127792.
  • Mackaile, Matthew. Moffet-well: or, A topographico-spagyricall description of the mineral wells, at Moffet in Annandale of Scotland. Translated, and much enlarged, by the author Matthew Mackaile, chyrurgo-medicine. As also, The oyly-well: or, A topographico-spagyricall description of the oyly-well, at St. Catharines Chappel in the paroch of Libberton. To these is subjoyned, A character of Mr. Culpeper and his writings; by the same author. Edinburgh: printed for Robert Brown, and are to be sold at his shop, at the sign of the Sun, on the north-side of the street, over against the Cross, 1664. ESTC No. R17306. Grub Street ID 66758.
  • Mackaile, Matthew. Macis macerata: or, A short treatise, concerning the use of mace, in meat, or drink, and medicine. In six sections, the fifth whereof containeth some hints at the signaturs of simples; and the sixth, is concerning the original and cure of wind, in mans-body. By Matthew Mackaile chyrurgo medicine. Aberdene: printed by Iohn Forbes, printer to the Town and Colledges, 1677. ESTC No. R218643. Grub Street ID 93282.
  • Mackaile, Matthew. The diversitie of salts and spirits mantained. Or, The imaginary volatility of some salts and non-entity of the alcali, before cremation, and identity of all alcalies, all volatil salts, and all vinous spirits, by an onely lamp-furnace resolved into real improbability. B way of animadversions, upon Dr. D C. his 3 papers, communicated to the R.S. and insert in the 9. vol. of the P.T. Together, with a new system, of the order and gradation, in the worlds creation. As also, Scurvie alchymie discovered. By Matt. Mackaile Apoth. and Chirurg. Alias, Chirurgo-medicine. Aberdeen: printed by Iohn Forbes, printer to town, anno Dom. 1683. ESTC No. R231921. Grub Street ID 103840.
  • Mackaile, Matthew. Terræ prodromus theoricus. Containing, a short account of, Moses philosophizans. Or, The old (yet new) and true, scripture theory of the earth. In two parts. Or, a new system, of the order and gradation, in the world's creation; by way of animadversions, upon Mr. Thomas Burnet's Thoery [sic], of his imaginary earth. &c. By Matthew Mackaile, chirurgo-medicine. Aberdeen: printed, by Iohn Forbes. For George Mosman, bookseller, in the Parliament Closs, at Edinburgh, 1691. ESTC No. R214052. Grub Street ID 89381.