Johnson, Samuel.
The necessary of believing the divinity of the son of God, in order to have right apprehensions of the love of God to mankind, in sending his son. A sermon preach'd at Great Torrington, Devon, on Christmas-Day, 1721. And afterwards at St. Giles's a daughter-church. By Samuel Johnson, M.A. vicar of Great Torrington.
London : Printed by S.A. for R. Wilkin, at the King's Head in St. Paul's Church-yard; and are to be sold by N. Thorn, in Exon; and Roger Warne, in Chippenham, Wilts; Booksellers, 1721-2.
ESTC No. T5088.Grub Street ID 278417.
Johnson, Samuel.
The scripture-doctrine of Christ's divinity: or, the adorable nature, voluntary subjection, and necessary supremacy of the Son of God consider'd. In six sermons. ... By Samuel Johnson, M.A. .
London : printed for Samuel Birt, William Parker, and sold by Edward Score and Nathaniel Thorne, in Exeter, 1729.
ESTC No. T172587.Grub Street ID 210016.
Johnson, Samuel.
The necessity of believing the divinity of the Son of God, ... A sermon preach'd at Great Torrington on Christmas-day 1721. and afterwards at St. Giles's a daughter-church.
London : printed for Samuel Birt, William Parker; and sold by Edward Score and Nathaniel Thorne, booksellers in Exeter, 1729.
ESTC No. N63685.Grub Street ID 45807.
Johnson, Samuel.
Mr. Johnson's vindication of himself from the censures and reproaches of the world, on occasion of his late misfortunes. In a sermon preach'd at Great Torrington, Novem. 15, 1730.
[Exeter]: Printed at Exon by E. Farley for Nath. Thorn, bookseller; and sold by Mr. John Tucker in Torrington; Mr. John Welch, attorney, in Bideford; and Mr. John Gaydon, bookseller, in Barnstaple, [1730?].
ESTC No. N61370.Grub Street ID 44201.
Johnson, Samuel.
The resurrection of the same body, as asserted and illustrated by St. Paul. A sermon preach'd in the Parish-Church of Great Torrington, Devon. On Easter-Sunday in the afternoon, March 25, 1733. By Samuel Johnson, M.A. minister of that church.
London : Printed for Lawton Gilliver at Homer's Head in Fleetstreet, and sold by Nathaniel Thorn in Exeter, 1733.
ESTC No. T170824.Grub Street ID 208496.
Johnson, Samuel.
The laodicean age: or, an attempt to prove, that Christ's seven epistles to the seven churches in Asia, are to be understood, not in a literal and historical, but in a mystical and prophetical sense; and, That the Last plainly points at the Present Times. To which are added, some seasonable Hints concerning the Man Of Sin. OR, The Personal Antichrist. By Samuel Johnson, A. M. Vicar of Great Torrington.
London : printed for Lawton Gilliver at Homer's Head against St. Dunstan's Church in Fleetstreet, MDCCXXXIV. [1734].
ESTC No. T115785.Grub Street ID 167472.
Johnson, Samuel.
The Eucharistical service: or, the nature of the Lord's supper explained. ... By Samuel Johnson, .
London : printed for Charles Rivington; and sold by Nathaniel Thorne, Exon, 1740.
ESTC No. T65808.Grub Street ID 290648.
Johnson, Samuel.
Thirty-Six select discourses doctrinal and practical; upon the most important points of the Christian religion. Viz. I. The Great Concern of a Future State after the Dissolution of this World. II. The Excellency and divine Practice of celebrating the Festivals and Fasts of the Church of England. III. The true Principles of Christian Obedience, considered under the Articles of Faith, Fear, Hope, and Love. Also the Order and Connection of our Saviour's Beatitudes. IV. The right Way to Christian Perfection: Shewing the Obligations, Means, and Motives to a continued Progress and Perseverance in Faith and Holiness. In two volumes. By Samuel Johnson, A.M. Vicar of Great Torrington in Devonshire.
London : printed for C. Rivington, at the Bible and Crown, in St. Paul's Church-Yard. And sold by N. Thorne, Bookseller in Exeter, M.DCC.XL. [1740].
ESTC No. T116683.Grub Street ID 168341.
Johnson, Samuel.
Proposals for printing by subscription, in two volumes octavo, an explanation of scripture prophecies, both typical and literal. ... By Samuel Johnson, .
London : printed for the author, 1741.
ESTC No. T206640.Grub Street ID 236068.
Johnson, Samuel.
The doctrine of the Holy Eucharist vindicated and explained. in a sermon Preach'd in the Parish Church of Great Torrington, Sunday, August 3, 1740. With a Prefatory Discourse, Address'd to the Rev. Mr. William Law; and a small Treatise at the End, entitled, A short and safe Rule whereby to distinguish between False Miracles and True. By Samuel Johnson, A. M. Vicar of Great Torrington, Devon.
London : printed for Lawton Gilliver at Homer's Head over-against St. Dunstan's Church in Fleetstreet; Charles Rivington at the Bible and Crown, and William Parker at the King's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard; and Samuel Birt at the Bible and Ball in Ave-Mary-Lane, MDCCXLI. [1741].
ESTC No. T2032.Grub Street ID 233845.
Johnson, Samuel.
The resurrection of the same body, as asserted and illustrated by St. Paul. A sermon preach'd in the parish-church of Great Torrington, Devon. on Easter-Day, March 25, 1733. By Samuel Johnson, A.M. Minister of That Church.
The second edition, corrected and amended..
London : printed for Lawton Gilliver at Homer's Head over-against St. Dunstan's Church in Fleetstreet; Charles Rivington at the Bible and Crown, and William Parker at the King's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard; and Samuel Birt at the Bible and Ball in Ave-Mary-Lane, MDCCXLI. [1741].
ESTC No. T2033.Grub Street ID 233920.
Johnson, Samuel.
An explanation of scripture prophecies, both typical and literal. In two volumes. Vol. I. Containing, An Explanation of Christ's Epistles to the Seven Churches in Asia, of his Prayer and Beatitudes, together with St. Paul's Panoply, or Whole Armour of God: All which are shewn to have a Mystical and Prophetical, as well as Literal Signification, and to bear a particular Reference to the Sevenfold State of Christ's Church upon Earth. To which are prefixed, A Letter to the Rev. Dr. Berriman, containing some Remarks on Dr. Henry More's Exposition of the Seven Epistls to the Seven Churches. And Brief Observations on the Learned Mr. Mede's Clavis Apocalyptica, and on some few Passages in his other Apocalyptical Writings. By Samuel Johnson, A. M. Vicar of Great Torrington, Devon.
Reading: printed and sold by J. Newbery and C. Micklewright: also by S. Birt, W. Parker, L. Gilliver, and J. Rivington, in London; by the booksellers of Oxford and Cambridge; Mr. Score and Mr. Thorne at Exeter; Mr. Leake at Bath; and Mr. Warne at Chippenham. [and 2 in Exeter, 1 each in Bath and Chippenham], MDCCXLII. [1742].
ESTC No. T115297.Grub Street ID 167063.
Johnson, Samuel.
Christ's presence in the holy eucharist, consider'd and explain'd: in which the doctrine of our church concerning this momentous point is vindicated and cleared; and some dangerous notions, newly advanced, relating to the same, particularly in a late epistolary dissertation, are examined and refuted. By Samuel Johnson, A.M. vicar of Great Torrington, Devon.
London : printed for the author, and sold by Messieurs Gilliver, Rivington, Parker, and Birt, booksellers in London; by Mess. Score and Thorne in Exeter; Mr. Fletcher in Oxford, Mr. Leake in Bath, Mr. Newberry in Reading, and Mr. Warne in Chippenham, Wilts, MDCCXLII. [1742].
ESTC No. N72062.Grub Street ID 51920.
Johnson, Samuel.
National sins to be deplored by the innocent as well as the guilty. A sermon Preached in the Parish-Church of Great Torrington, On Sunday, the Thirtieth Day of January, 1742. And now Published, On Occasion of a late Pamphlet, intitled, The Presbyterians not chargeable with King Charles's Death. By Samuel Johnson, A.M. Minister of the said Church.
London : printed for W. Parker, at the King's Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard; and sold by Mr James Fletcher, Bookseller in Oxford, 1745.
ESTC No. T39633.Grub Street ID 268857.
Johnson, Samuel.
The resurrection of the same body, as asserted and illustrated by St. Paul. Proving, I. That the resurrection of the body is a comprehensible and a rational doctrine. ... IV. The grand importance of the doctrine, ... By Samuel Johnson, A.M.
The third edition..
London : printed for M. Cooper; H. Owen; and C. Sympson, 1755.
ESTC No. N13274.Grub Street ID 3212.
Johnson, Samuel.
Pregeth yn dangos yn eglur nad oes perffaith ddedwyddwch i'w ddisgwyl, hyd oni chyflawner nifer etholedigion duw. Gan y parchedig Mr. Samuel Johnson, M.A. Ac a gyfieithwyd o'r Saisneg, gan Hugh Williams, Athraw Celfyddydau, Person Aberffraw, ac Aelod o Gymdeithas y Cymmrodorion.
Caerlleon: argraphwyd gan W. Read a T. Huxley, MDCCLXXIII. [1773].
ESTC No. T119820.Grub Street ID 171167.