Publications of William Birchley


  • Birchley, William. The Christian moderator: or, Persecution for religion condemned; by the light of nature. Law of God. Evidence of our own principles. [London]: Printed for H.J., 1651. ESTC No. R212828. Grub Street ID 88375.
  • Birchley, William. The Christian moderator: or, Persecution for religion condemned, by the light of nature. Law of God. Evidence of our own principles. [London]: Printed for H.J., in the yeer 1651. ESTC No. R206658. Grub Street ID 83146.
  • Birchley, William. The Christian moderator: the second part; or, Persecution for religion condemned; by the light of nature. Law of God. Evidence of our own principles. With an explanation of the Roman Catholick belief, concerning these four points: their church, worship, justification and civill government. Whereunto there are new additions since the octavo was printed. [London]: Printed for H.J., 1652. ESTC No. R225799. Grub Street ID 98922.
  • Birchley, William. The Christian moderator: or, Persecution for religion condemned, by the light of nature. Law of God. Evidence of our own principles. London: printed for H.J., 1652. ESTC No. R172611. Grub Street ID 66430.
  • Birchley, William. The Christian moderator, in two parts. Or Persecution for religion condemned; by the light of nature. Law of God. Evidence of our own principles. With an explanation of the Roman Catholick belief, concerning these four points: their church, worship, iustification, and civill government. London: printed for H. J., 1652. ESTC No. R209191. Grub Street ID 85409.
  • Birchley, William. The Christian moderator: or, Persecution for religion condemned, by the light of nature. Law of God. Evidence of our own principles. London: printed by N.T. for H.J., anno 1652. ESTC No. R208717. Grub Street ID 84946.
  • Birchley, William. The Christian moderator, second part. Or persecution for religion condemned by the light of nature, law of God, evidence of our own principles: but not by the practice of our commissioners for sequestrations. London: printed by M.H. for W.C., 1652. ESTC No. R208719. Grub Street ID 84948.
  • Birchley, William. The Christian moderator. Third part. Or, The oath of abjuration arraign'd by the common law and common sence, ancient and modern acts of parl. declarations of the army, law of God and consent of reformed divines. And humbly submitted to receive judgment from this honorable representative. London: printed by J.G[rismond]. for Richard Lowndes at the White-Lyon in S. Pauls-Church-yard, 1653. ESTC No. R207108. Grub Street ID 83533.
  • Birchley, William. The Catholiques plea, or An explanation of the Roman Catholick belief concerning their [brace] church, manner of worship, justification, civill governement : together with a catalogue of all the p?nall statutes against popish recusants : all which is humbly submitted to serious consideration by a Catholick gentleman. London: Printed for H.J. [1659]. ESTC No. R42676. Grub Street ID 123909.
  • Birchley, William. Devotions in the ancient way of offices. With psalms, hymns, and prayers for every day of the week, and every holiday in the year. Reformed by a person of quality, and published by George Hickes, D.D. London : printed for J. Jones at the Bell, in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1700. ESTC No. R6658. Grub Street ID 126987.
  • Birchley, William. Devotions in the ancient way of offices. With Psalms, hymns, and prayers for every day of the week, and every holiday in the year. Reformed by a Person of Quality, and published by George Hickes, D.D. London : printed for W. Keblewhite at the Swan, and J. Jones at the Bell, in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1700. ESTC No. R232400. Grub Street ID 104208.
  • Birchley, William. Devotions in the ancient way of offices. With psalms, hymns, and prayers, for every day of the week, and every holiday in the year. Reformed by a person of quality, and published by George Hickes, D.D. The second edition, corrected, and enlarg'd.. London : printed by T. Mead, for John Nicholson, at the King's-Arms; and John Sprint, at the Bell, in Little Britain, 1701. ESTC No. T79004. Grub Street ID 300701.
  • Birchley, William. Devotions in the ancient way of offices. With psalms, hymns, and prayers, for every day of the week, and every holiday in the year. Reformed by a person of quality, and published by George Hickes, D.D. The III. edition, more correct than the former.. London : printed by E. Mead, for John Nicholson, at the King's-Arms; and John Sprint, at the Bell, in Little-Britain, 1706. ESTC No. T79006. Grub Street ID 300703.
  • Birchley, William. Devotions in the ancient way of offices. With Psalms, hymns, and prayers, for every day of the week, and every holiday in the year. To which are added, occasional offices, and other devotions in the same Ancient Way. Reform'd by a person of quality. And publish'd by George Hickes, D.D. The IV. edition, more correct than the former.. London : printed by M. Jenour, for John Nicholson, at the King's Arms; and J. and B. Sprint, at the Bell, in Little-Britain, 1712. ESTC No. T126798. Grub Street ID 176667.
  • Birchley, William. Devotions in the antient way of offices. With psalms, hymns, and prayers, for every day of the week, and every holiday in the year. To which are added, Occasional Offices, And other Devotions in the same Antient Way. Reform'd by a person of quality, and publish'd by George Hickes, D.D. The fifth edition, more correct than the former.. London : printed for J. and B. Sprint, at the Bell in Little-Britain, and the executors of J. Nicholson, deceas'd, MDCCXVII. [1717]. ESTC No. T79002. Grub Street ID 300699.
  • Birchley, William. An introduction to the Bishop of Bangor's intended collection of authorities. With a letter from Sion College, A. D. 1645. Recommended, in a Prefatory Epistle, to the Consideration of his Lordship, Mr. Pillonniere, and Mr. Toland. By a Member of the Late Committee in the Lower House of Convocation. London : printed for Jonah Bowyer, at the Rose in Ludgate-Street, 1718. ESTC No. T37360. Grub Street ID 267040.
  • Birchley, William. Devotions in the ancient way of offices. With psalms, hymns, and prayers for every day of the week, and every holiday in the year. To which are added, Occasional Offices, And other Devotions in the same Ancient Way. Reform'd by a person of quality, and publish'd by George Hickes, D.D. The sixth edition, more correct than the former.. London : printed for D. Midwinter in S. Paul's Church-Yard; B. Sprint, in Little Britain; W. Innys, at the West End of S. Paul's; and J. Osborn and T. Longman, in Pater-Noster-Row, MDCCXXX. [1730]. ESTC No. T79003. Grub Street ID 300700.
  • Birchley, William. Devotions in the ancient way of offices. With psalms, hymns, and prayers, for every day of the week, and every holiday in the year. ... Reform'd by a person of quality, and publish'd by George Hickes, D.D. The sixth edition, more correct than the former.. London : printed for C. Bowyer, 1730. ESTC No. T162300. Grub Street ID 201117.
  • Birchley, William. Devotions in the ancient way of offices: with psalms, hymns, and prayers, for every day of the week, and every holiday in the year. ... Reformed by a person of quality, and published by George Hickes, D.D. Edinburgh: printed by Wal. Ruddiman and Company, 1758. ESTC No. T165024. Grub Street ID 203290.
  • Birchley, William. Devotions in the ancient way of offices, with psalms, hymns, and prayers, for every day of the week, and every holiday in the year. To which are added, Occasional Offices, and other Devotions, In the same ancient way. Reformed by a person of quality, and published by George Hickes, D.D. Edinburgh: printed [by W. Sands, A. Murray, and J. Cochran] for T. Longman, Pater-Noster-Row, London, and for Drummond, at Ossian's head, Edinburgh, MDCCLXV. [1765]. ESTC No. T79005. Grub Street ID 300702.
  • Birchley, William. Devotions in the ancient way of offices; containing exercises for every day in the week, and every holiday in the year. By Mr. John Austin. Edinburgh: printed by Mundell and Son. Sold by J. P. Coghlan, London; and by D. Downie, Parliament Square, Edinburgh, Anno 1789. ESTC No. T79358. Grub Street ID 300927.
  • Birchley, William. A selection of hymns and meditations for every day of the week; from the Reformed Devotions of Austin: entirely cleared of those expressions which savoured of popery; and adapted to the use of all protestant Christians. With Occasional References to the Scriptures; and Annotations in an Appendix. Newcastle upon Tyne: printed for the editor; and sold by W. Charnley, R. Fisher, and S. Hodgson, Newcastle; T. Payne, Mews-Gate; G.G.J. & J. Robinson, and T. Longman, Paternoster-Row, London, [1791]. ESTC No. T79359. Grub Street ID 300928.