Publications of Paul Baynes


  • Baynes, Paul. A letter written by Mr. Paul Bayne, minister of Gods word, lately deceased. Effectually instructing, and earnestly prouoking to true repentance, loue, and new obedience. Very profitable for euery one that would proceede on in the constant course of a godly life, shewing the way vnto it, and seriously exciting vnto more perfection therein. London: Imprinted by F. K[ingston] for Nathan Newbery, and are to be sold at S. Peters in Cornhill, and in Popes head Alley, 1617. ESTC No. S113834. Grub Street ID 133560.
  • Baynes, Paul. A helpe to trve happinesse. Or A briefe and learned exposition of the maine and fundamentall points of Christian religion. By Mr. Pavl Bayne sometime preacher of Gods word at S. Andrewes in Cambridge. London: printed by E. Griffin for W. Bladen, and are to be sold at his shop at the signe of the Bible, neere the great north doore of Pauls, 1618. ESTC No. S126840. Grub Street ID 145706.
  • Baynes, Paul. The Christians garment. A sermon preached in London, by the late faithfull minister of Gods word, Master Paul Bayne. London: Printed by G. P[urslowe] for Ralph Rounthwaite, and are to be sold at his shop in Pauls Church-yard, at the signe of the Flower-de-luce and Crowne, 1618. ESTC No. S113830. Grub Street ID 133556.
  • Baynes, Paul. A commentarie vpon the first chapter of the epistle of Saint Paul, written to the Ephesians. Wherein, besides the text fruitfully explained: some principall controuersies about predestination are handled, and diuers arguments of Arminius are examined. By Mr. Paul Bayne, sometimes preacher of Gods word at Saint Andrevves in Cambridge. London: Printed by Thomas Snodham, for Robert Milbourne, and are to be sold [by Edward Blount] in Pauls Church-yard, at the signe of the Beare, 1618. ESTC No. S113832. Grub Street ID 133558.
  • Baynes, Paul. A helpe to true happinesse. Or A briefe and learned exposition of the maine and fundamentall points of Christian religion. By Mr. Paul Bayne. London: Printed by E. Griffin for W. Bladen, and are to be sold at his shop at the signe of the Bible, neere the great north doore of Pauls, 1618. ESTC No. S117277. Grub Street ID 136950.
  • Baynes, Paul. Holy soliloquies: or, a holy helper in Gods building. Written in a letter, by Mr. Paul Bayne, somtime Preacher of Gods word at S. Andrewes in Cambridge. Effectually instructing, and earnestly prouoking to true repentance, loue, and new obedience. At London: Imprinted by F. K[ingston] for Nath. Newbery, and are to be sold at his shop at St. Peters in Cornehill, and in Popes-head Alley, 1618. ESTC No. S114159. Grub Street ID 133882.
  • Baynes, Paul. Two godly and fruitfull treatises: the one, vpon the Lords prayer. The other, vpon the sixe principles. Both penned by that learned man, Paul Baine, sometimes preacher of Gods word at S. Andrewes in Cambridge. London: Printed by Richard Field for Robert Mylbourne, and are to be sold at his shop at the great South-doore of Paules, 1619. ESTC No. S115503. Grub Street ID 135195.
  • Baynes, Paul. The spirituall armour. With which being furnished, a Christian may be able to stand fast in the euill day, and time of tryall; and to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. Written by that godly and learned man, Paul Baine; sometime Preacher of Gods word at S. Andrewe in Cambridge. London: Printed by H. L[ownes] for R. Milbourn, 1620. ESTC No. S116770. Grub Street ID 136457.
  • Baynes, Paul. Christian letters of Mr. Paul Bayne. Replenished with diuerse consolations, exhortations, and directions, tending to promote the honour of Godlinesse. London: Printed [by J. Legat] for William Sheffard, and are to be sold at his shop in Popes-Head-Alley, at the entring in out of Lumbard-street, 1628. ESTC No. S115388. Grub Street ID 135080.
  • Baynes, Paul. A helpe to true happinesse: or, A briefe and learned exposition of the maine and fundamentall points of Christian religion. By Mr Paul Bayne, sometime preacher of Gods Word at S. Andrewes in Cambridge. London: Printed by R. Y[oung] for Edward Brewster and are to be sold at his shop at Fleetbridge at the signe of the Bible, 1635. ESTC No. S118935. Grub Street ID 138580.
  • Baynes, Paul. A helpe to true happinesse: or, A briefe and learned exposition of the maine and fundamentall points of Christian religion. By Mr Paul Bayne, sometime preacher of Gods word at S. Andrewes in Cambridge. London: Printed by R. Y[oung] for Edward Brewster and are to be sold at his shop in Pauls Church-yard at the signe of the Bible, 1635. ESTC No. S113833. Grub Street ID 133559.
  • Baynes, Paul. Briefe directions unto a godly life: wherein every Christian is furnished with most necessary helps for the furthering of him in a godly course here upon earth, that so he may attaine eternall happinesse in heaven. Written by Mr. Paul Bayne, minister of Gods Word, to Mr. Nicholas Iordane his brother. London: Printed by A. G[riffin] for I. N[ewbery] and are to be sold by Samuel Enderby at the Starre in Popes head Alley, 1637. ESTC No. S115502. Grub Street ID 135194.
  • Baynes, Paul. Christian letters of Mr. Paul Bayne. Replenished with diverse consolations, exhortations, and directions, tending to promote the honour of godlinesse. London: printed by A. G. for Nath. Newbery, and are to bee sold at his shop in Popes-head-Alley, 1637. ESTC No. S125620. Grub Street ID 144854.
  • Baynes, Paul. An entire commentary vpon the vvhole epistle of the Apostle Paul to the Ephesians: vvherein the text is learnedly and fruitfully opened, with a logicall analysis, spirituall and holy observations, confutation of Arminianisme and popery, and sound edification for the diligent reader. Preached by Mr Paul Bayne, sometime preacher of Gods Word at St Andrewes in Cambridge. London: printed by M[iles]. F[lesher]. for R. Milbourne, and I. Bartlet, 1643. ESTC No. R7080. Grub Street ID 127367.
  • Baynes, Paul. The diocensans tryall, wherein the maine controversies about forme or governement of the Churches of Christ are judiciously stated, and learnedly discussed in the opening and thorough debating of these three questions following, 1. Whether Christ did institute, or the apostles, frame any diocesan forme of churches, or whether parishionall only? 2. Whether Christ ordained by himselfe or by his apostles any ordinary pastours, having both precedencie of order and majority of power over others? 3. Whether Christ did immediately commit ordinary power ecclesiasticall and the exercise of it, to any one singular person, or to an united multitude of presbyters? A worke seasonable and usefull for these times, being very helpefull to the deciding of the differences now in question upon this subject. Written long since by that famous and learned divine, Mr. Paul Bayne. And now published by authority. London: printed for John Bellamie, and are to be sould at his shop at the signe of the three Golden-Lyons in Cornehill neare the Royall-Exchange, M. DC. XLIV. [1644]. ESTC No. R17183. Grub Street ID 65919.
  • Baynes, Paul. The diocesans tryall. Wherein all the sinnewes of Doctor Dovvnhams Defence are brought into three heads, and orderly dissolved. By M. Paul Baynes. Published by Dr. William Amis. The questions discussed in this diocesans tryall are these: 1. Whether Christ did institute, or the Apostles frame any diocesan forme of churches, or parishionall onely, pag. 1. 2. Whether Christ ordained by himselfe, or by his Apostles, any ordinary pastours, as our bishops, having both precedency of order, and majority of power over others, pag. 24. 3. Whether Christ did immediately commit ordinary power ecclesiasticall, and the exercise of it, to any one singular person, or to an united multitude of presbyters, pag. 78. [London?]: Imprinted, 1621 [i.e. 1644?]. ESTC No. R5486. Grub Street ID 125922.
  • Baynes, Paul. An entire commentary upon the vvhole epistle of the Apostle Paul to the Ephesians: vvherein the text is learnedly and fruitfully opened, with a logicall analysis, spirituall and holy observations, confutation of Arminianisme and Popery, and sound edification for the diligent reader. Peached by Mr Paul Bayne, sometime preacher of Gods word at St Andrevves in Cambridge. London: printed by M.F[lesher]. for I.B. and are to be sold by Samuel Gellibrand at the signe of the Brazen Serpent in Pauls Church-yard, 1645. ESTC No. R175519. Grub Street ID 68373.
  • Baynes, Paul. An entire commentary vpon the whole epistle of the Apostle Paul to the Ephesians wherein the text is learnedly and fruitfully opened, with a logicall analysis, spirituall and holy observations, confutation of arminianisme and popery and found edification for the diligent reader / preached by Mr. Paul Bayne ... London: Printed by M. Flesher for I.B., and are to be sold by Samuel Gellibrand .., 1647. ESTC No. R418. Grub Street ID 123329.
  • Baynes, Paul. A commentary upon the whole Epistle of the apostle Paul to the Ephesians, wherein the text is learnedly and fruitfully opened, with a logical analysis, spiritual and holy observations, confutation of Arminianisme and popery, and sound edification for the diligent reader. By Mr. Paul Baine sometime Preacher of Gods Word at St. Andrews in Cambridge. The fift [sic] edition. To which is added the life of the author, and a table of all the doctrines, being placed at the beginning of each chapter, never before printed in any former impression. London: printed for S. Miller, Tho. Davies, and H. Mortlock, and are to be sold at the sign of the Star, of the Bible, and of the Ph?nix, by the little North door of St. Pauls Church, 1658. ESTC No. R20725. Grub Street ID 83655.