Publications of William Sclater


  • Sclater, William. A threefold preseruatiue against three dangerous diseases of these latter times. 1. Non proficiency in grace. 2. Fals-hearted hypocrisie. 3. Back-sliding in religion. Prescribed in a sermon at S. Pauls Crosse in London, September, 17. 1609. By William Sclater, Batcheler in Diuinity, and sometimes fellow of the Kings Colledge in Cambridge. Imprinted at London: By S. S[tafford] for Richard Bonian and Henry Walley, and are to be sold in Pauls Churchyard at the spred Eagle, neere the great north doore, 1610. ESTC No. S116857. Grub Street ID 136544.
  • Sclater, William. A key to the key of Scripture: or An exposition with notes, vpon the Epistle to the Romanes; the three first chapters: begun at Walsall in Staffordshire, continued at Pitmister in Somerset. By William Sclater Batchelar in Diuinitie, and minister of the Word of God at Pitmister in Somerset. London: Printed by T[homas] S[nodham] for George Norton, and are to be sould at his shop neere Temple-barre, 1611. ESTC No. S116820. Grub Street ID 136508.
  • Sclater, William. The Christians strength. By William Sclater. Batchelar of Diuinity and minister of the word of God at Pitmister in Somerset. At Oxford: Printed by Ioseph Barnes, 1612. ESTC No. S116804. Grub Street ID 136492.
  • Sclater, William. The ministers portion. By William Sclater. Batchelar of Diuinity and minister of the word of God at Pitmister in Somerset. At Oxford: Printed by Ioseph Barnes, 1612. ESTC No. S116822. Grub Street ID 136510.
  • Sclater, William. The sick souls salue. By William Sclater. Batchelar of Diuinity and minister of the word of God at Pitmister in Somerset. At Oxford: Printed by Ioseph Barnes, 1612. ESTC No. S116861. Grub Street ID 136548.
  • Sclater, William. An exposition with notes vpon the first Epistle to the Thessalonians. By William Sclater D.D. and Minister of the Word of God at Pitmister in Sommerset. London: Printed by W. Stansby for Iohn Parker, and are to be sold at his shop in Pauls Church yard at the signe of the Ball, 1619. ESTC No. S116799. Grub Street ID 136486.
  • Sclater, William. A briefe exposition vvith notes, vpon the second epistle to the Thessalonians. By VVilliam Sclater Doctor of Diuinitie, and minister of Pitmister in Summerset. London: Printed by George Miller, for George Vincent, and are to be sold at the Crosse Keyes at Pauls gate, 1627. ESTC No. S116803. Grub Street ID 136491.
  • Sclater, William. An exposition with notes vpon the first and second epistles to the Thessalonians. By William Sclater D.D. and minister of the Word of God at Pitmister in Sommerset. London: printed [by Miles Flesher and John Haviland] for I. Parker, and are to be sold by George Vincent at his shop in Pauls Church-yard at the signe of the crosse keyes, 1627. ESTC No. S116807. Grub Street ID 136495.
  • Sclater, William. An exposition vvith notes vpon the first and second epistles to the Thessalonians. By William Sclater Doctor of Diuinitie, and minister of the Word of God at Pitmister in Sommerset. London: Printed by Iohn Haviland, and are sold by Richard Thrale at the Crosse Keyes at Pauls Gate, 1630. ESTC No. S116809. Grub Street ID 136497.
  • Sclater, William. A briefe exposition vvith notes, vpon the second epistle to the Thessalonians. By VVilliam Sclater Doctor of Diuinitie, and minister of Pitmister in Summerset. London: Printed by Iohn Haviland, and are to be sold by Richard Thrale at the Crosse Keyes at Pauls gate, 1632. ESTC No. S116810. Grub Street ID 136498.
  • Sclater, William. Vtriusque epistolæ ad Corinthios explicatio analytica. Vnà cum scholiis: authore Gul. Sclatero SS. Theol. Doctore, nunc tandem à filio suo Coll. Regalis in Academia Cantabr. socio in lucem edita. Oxoniæ: Excudebat Guilielmus Turner, an. Dom. M.DC.XXXIII [sic] [1633]. ESTC No. S116811. Grub Street ID 136499.
  • Sclater, William. Sermons experimentall: on Psalmes CXVI. & CXVII. Very vsefull for a vvounded spirit. By William Sclater D.D. sometimes rector of Limsham, and vicar of Pitmister, in Summerset-shire. Published by his son William Sclater Mr. of Arts, late fellow of Kings Colledge in Cambridge, now a priest, and preacher of the Gospel in the city of Exeter, in Devon-shire. London: Printed by Iohn Raworth, for Nathaniel Butter, and are to be sold at his shop, at the signe of the Pide-Bull, neer Saint Augustines-Gate, 1638. ESTC No. S116824. Grub Street ID 136512.
  • Sclater, William. An exposition with notes upon the first and second epistles to the Thessalonians by William Sclater ... London: Printed by John Haviland, 1638. ESTC No. S507. Grub Street ID 148937.
  • Sclater, William. A brief, and plain commentary, with notes: not more useful, than seasonable, upon the whole prophecie of Malachy. Delivered, sermon-wise, divers years since, at Pitmister, in Summerset. By William Sclater, Doctor in Divinity, then minister of that parish, now, published by his son William Sclater, Batchelar in Divinity, late fellow of Kings Colledg in Cambridg, now minister of Collompton in Devon. Published according to order. London: printed by J[ohn]. L[egate]. for Christopher Meredith, at the sign of the Crane in Pauls Church-yard, 1650. ESTC No. R17140. Grub Street ID 65656.
  • Sclater, William. An exposition vvith notes, on the whole fourth chapter to the the Romanes. Wherein the grand question of justification by faith alone without works, is controverted, stated, cleared, and fully resolved, to the satisfaction of any judicious, conscientious protestant. Together with variety of other solid observations, interwoven throughout the work. By William Sclater, Doctor in Divinity, sometimes minister of Gods word at Pitmister, in Summerset. Now, published by his son William Sclater, Batchelar in Divinity, minister at Collompton in Devon. Licensed, entred and printed according to order. London: printed by J[ohn]. L[egate]. for Christopher Meredith at the sign of the Crane in Pauls Church-yard, 1650. ESTC No. R37207. Grub Street ID 119450.