Publications of Thomas Lamb


  • Lamb, Thomas. A confutation of infants baptisme, or an answer, to a treatice written by Georg Phillips, of Wattertowne in New England, in the defence of infants baptisme, denying the true church to be formed by baptisme, and affirming it to be formed by a covenant acted by a company o believers, to become one, and anothers amongst themselves. Wherein, is plainely discovered that neither infants baptisme, nor yet such a covenant acted, can be Gods ordinance appointed by him for such end, as to constitute true visable churches: as also that baptisme of beleevers, and that only is Gods ordinance whereby true visible churches are rightly constituted and stated in their true being. By Thomas Lambe. [London ]: Seen, and allowed by us, and, printed in the yeare, 1643. ESTC No. R223476. Grub Street ID 97280.
  • Lamb, Thomas. Absolute freedom from sin by Christs death for the world, as the object of faith in opposition to conditional, set forth by Mr. John Goodwin in his book (hereby appearing falsly) entituled Redemption redeemed and the final perserverance of the saints proceeding from election by the grace of God alone maintained, and sweetly reconciled with the foresaid doctrine; and the great question of Gods eternal decree of reprobating the unbelieving world, cleared from that odium cast upon it by Mr. Goodwin. With an alphabetical table annexed for the readers accomodation By Thomas Lamb servant of Christ and his church in the gospel dwelling at the sign of the Tun in Norton-Fallgate, London. London: Printed by H.H. for the authour, and are to be sold by him, and also William Larner in Fleet-street at the sign of the Black Moor, and by Giles Calvert at the Black-Spread-Eagle at the West-end of Paul's, and by Richard Moon at the Seven Stars, and by Thomas Brewster at the Bible, both at the North-side of Pauls, 1656. ESTC No. R29463. Grub Street ID 112439.
  • Lamb, Thomas. A stop to the course of separation: or, The separation of the nevv separatists from the parish churches condemned, by a sober answer to the chief pleas for this disordrely [sic] practise. Wherein is discovered how contrary it is, 1. To the Holy Scriptures. 2. To the reason of the thing. 3. To the judgement of the old non-conformists. 4. To themselves heretofore. London : printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishops-head in S. Pauls Church-yard, 1672. ESTC No. R17031. Grub Street ID 65033.
  • Lamb, Thomas. A fresh suit against independency: or The national church-vvay vindicated, the independent church-vvay condemned. First, by the Holy Scriptures. Secondly, by reason. Thirdly, by the judgment of the most eminent divines of the reformed churches abroad, as well as at home. Fourthly, by a great experience amongst our selves, as well as in all other countries where those principles have taken place. By the author of the Stop to the course of separation. London : printed for Walter Kettilby, at the Bishops Head in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1677. ESTC No. R27457. Grub Street ID 110615.
  • Lamb, Thomas. A stop to the course of separation: or, the separation of the new separatists from the parish-churches condemned, by a sober answer to the chief pleas for this disorderly practice. Wherein is discovered how contrary it is, I. To the Holy-Scriptures. II. To the reason of the thing. III. To the judgement of the Old Non-conformists. IV. To themselves heretofore. The second edition.. London : printed for W[alter]. Kettilby, at the bishop's Head in S. Paul's church-yard, 1693. ESTC No. R179922. Grub Street ID 71137.