Colet, John.
A ryght fruitfull monition, co[n]cernyng the ordre of a good christian mans lyfe, very profitable for all maner of estates and other to behold and loke vpon. Made by the famouse Doctour Colete, sometime Deane of Powles.
[London]: Anno. 1.5.63. I. C[awood], 1563.
ESTC No. S121042.Grub Street ID 140650.
Colet, John.
Oratio habita a D. Ioanne Colet decano Sancti Pauli ad clerum in conuocatione. Anno. M.D.xj.
[London: Richard Pynson, 1512?].
ESTC No. S111404.Grub Street ID 131262.
Colet, John.
Ioannis Coleti Theologi, olim decani diui Pauli, æditio. [sic] una cum quibusdam. G. Lilij. Grammatices rudimentis, G. Lilij epigramma.
[Vænundantur Londonij [i.e. Antwerp]: in cymiterio sancti Pauli [i.e. C. Ruremond? for G. van der Haghen], prope scholam], Anno M D XXVII. [1527].
ESTC No. S91483.Grub Street ID 150538.
Colet, John.
[Joannis Coleti theologi, olim decani diui Pauli, ditio. una cum quibusdam].
[London: printed by R. Pynson, 1527?].
ESTC No. S125705.Grub Street ID 144940.
Colet, John.
Ioannis Coleti theologi olim decani diui Pauli, æditio. unà cum quibusdam. G. Lilij grammatices rudimentis. G. Lilij Epigramma.
[Antwerp: M. de Keyser? F. G. van der Haghen, sold in London?], anno M.D.XXIX. [1529].
ESTC No. S91484.Grub Street ID 150539.
Colet, John.
Rudimenta grammatices et docendi methodus, non tam scholæ Gypsuichianæ per reuerendissimum. D. Thoma[m] cardinale[m] Ebo?r. feliciter institutæ q[uam] o[mn]ibus aliis totius Anglie scholis prescripta.
[[Southwark]: Excusum per me Petrum Treueris, anno verbi incarnati milesimo quing?etesimo vigesimo .ix. die m?esis Iunii quarto [1529]].
ESTC No. S121275.Grub Street ID 140868.
Colet, John.
The sermo[n] of doctor Colete, made to the conuocacion at Paulis.
[[London]: Thomas Berthelet regius impressor excudebat. Cum priuilegio, [1530?]].
ESTC No. S111695.Grub Street ID 131481.
Colet, John.
The sermon of doctor Colete/ made to the conuocacion at Paulis.
[[London]: Thomas Berthelet regius impressor excudebat. Cum priuilegio, [1531?]].
ESTC No. S124209.Grub Street ID 143605.
Colet, John.
Rudimenta grammatices, & docendi methodus, non tam scholæ Gypsuichianæ per reuerendissimu[m]. D. Thomam Cardinalem Ebor. f?iciter institutæ, quam omnibus alijs totius Angliæ scholis præscripta.
[Antwerp: Printed by Michael Hillen, 1533].
ESTC No. S122991.Grub Street ID 142515.
Colet, John.
A ryght fruitfull monicion concernynge the order of a good Christen mannes lyfe very profitable for all maner of estates, and other, to beholde and loke vppon made by the famouse doctour Colet, sometyme deane of Paules.
[London]: Imprinted at London in Flete strete by John Byddell other wyse called Salysbury at the signe of our lady of pyte nexte Flet[e?] brydge, M.D.xxxiiii, the xxvii day of Marche [27 Mar. 1534].
ESTC No. S4588.Grub Street ID 148551.
Colet, John.
Ioannis Coleti theologi, olim decani diui Pauli, æditio, vna cum quibusdam G. Lilii Grammatices rudimentis.
[Antwerp?: J. Grapheus?], M.D.XXXIIII [1534].
ESTC No. S3421.Grub Street ID 147673.
Colet, John.
Ioannis Coleti theologi, olim decani diui Pauli, æditio, unà cum qui busda? G. Lilij grammatices rudimentis.
Londini: In ædibus VVynandi de VVorde, Anno .M.D. XXXIIII. [1534].
ESTC No. S120903.Grub Street ID 140516.
Colet, John.
Rudimenta gramm[ati]ces, & docendi methodus, [non tam] scholæ Gypsuychianæ per r[euerendis]simum D. Thomam cardinalem Ebor. feliciter institutæ quam omnibus alijs totius Angliæ scholis præscripta.
[Antuerpiæ: Apud Marinum Cæsarem, An. M D. XXX . [sic] [i.e. 1535]].
ESTC No. S120905.Grub Street ID 140517.
Colet, John.
Rudimenta grammatices, & docendi methodus, non tam scholæ Gypsuychianæ per reuerendissimum D. Thomam cardinalem Ebor. feliciter institutæ, quam omnibus alijs totius Angliæ scholis præscripta.
[Antuerpiæ: Apud Marinum Cæsarem], 1536.
ESTC No. S121277.Grub Street ID 140870.
Colet, John.
Rudimenta grammatices, & docendi methodus non tam scholæ Gypsuychianæ per reuerendissimum D. Thomam Cardinalem Ebor. feliciter institutæ, quam omnibus alijs totius Angliæ scholis præscripta.
[Antuerpie: Apud Viduam Martini Cesaris], 1537.
ESTC No. S1573.Grub Street ID 146006.
Colet, John.
Rudimenta grammatices, & docendi methodus, non tam scholæ Gypsuychianæ per reuerendissimum D. Thomam cardinalem Ebor. feliciter institutæ quam omnibus alijs totius Angliæ scholis præscripta.
[Antuerpiæ: Vidua Marinum Cæsaris, impensis I. Coccij], 1539.
ESTC No. S121278.Grub Street ID 140871.
Colet, John.
Paules accidence Iohannis Coleti theologi, olim decani diui Pauli, æditio, vna cum quibusdam G. Lilii Grammatices rudimentis.
[S.l.: T. Raynalde? for H. Pepwell?, 1539?].
ESTC No. S3903.Grub Street ID 148040.
Colet, John.
De nominibvs heteroclitis.
[[London]: Impressum per me Ioannem Redmani, [ca. 1540]].
ESTC No. S3964.Grub Street ID 148086.
Colet, John.
A right fruitfull admonition, concerning the order of a good Christian mans life, very profitable for all maner of estates, and other to beholde and looke vppon. Made by the famous Doctour Colete, sometime deane of Paules.
Imprinted at London: [By H. Bynneman] for Gabriell Cawood, 1577.
ESTC No. S118195.Grub Street ID 137856.
Colet, John.
A right fruitfull admonition concerning the order of a good Christian mans life very profitable for all maner of estates, and other to beholde and looke vppon made by the famouse doctour Collet, sometime deane of Paules.
Imprinted at London: For Gabriell Cawood, 1582.
ESTC No. S4589.Grub Street ID 148552.
Colet, John.
Daily devotions. Or the Christians morning and evening sacrifice. Digested into prayers, and meditations, for every day of the weeke and other occasions. With some short directions for a godly life. Written by Iohn Collet Dr. in Divinity, and sometime Deane of St. Pauls, London.
London: printed by E[dward]. G[riffin]. for Iohn Benson, 1641.
ESTC No. R174029.Grub Street ID 67340.
Colet, John.
A sermon of conforming and reforming: made to the convocation at S. Pauls Church in London, by John Colet, D.D. Dean of the said church: upon Rom. xii. 2. Be ye reformed, &c. Writ an hundred and fiftie years since. To which is now added an appendix of Bp. Andrews, and Dr Hammonds solemn petition and advice to the convocation; with his directions to the laity, how to prolong their happiness.
[Cambridge]: Printed by J. Field, (printer to the Universitie of Cambridge) for William Morden, 1661.
ESTC No. R26033.Grub Street ID 109391.
Colet, John.
Daily devotions. Or, The Christians morning & evening sacrifice. Digested into prayers and meditations, for every day of the week, and other occasions. With some short directions for a godly life. By John Colet, D.D. Dean of St. Pauls, London, and founder of that famous school near adjoyning.
The last edition, with a brief account of the author's life, by Dr. Fuller..
London : printed by H. B. for Giles Widdowes, at the Green Dragon in St. Pauls Church-yard; where are made Spanish cases for Bibles, and Common-Prayers of all sorts, 1673.
ESTC No. R227580.Grub Street ID 100476.
Colet, John.
Dayly devotions. Or, The Christians morning and evening sacrifice. Digested into prayers and meditations, for every day of the week, and other occasions. With some short directions for a godly life. By John Colet D.D. Dean of St. Pauls London, and founder of that famous school neer adjoying.
The last edition, with a brief account of the author's life, by Dr. Fuller..
London : printed for Giles Widdowes, at the Green Dragon in St. Pauls Church-yard; and Charles Smith, at the Black Swan over against the Horn Tavern. in Fleetstreet, 1673.
ESTC No. R213208.Grub Street ID 88709.
Colet, John.
Daily devotions. Or, The Christians morning and evening sacrifice. Digested into prayers and meditations, for for [sic] every day in the week, and other occasions. With some short directions for a godly life. By John Colet D.D. Dean of St. Pauls, London, and founder of tha famous school near adjoyning.
The last edition, with a brief account of the authors life, by Dr. Fuller..
London : printed by H. B. for Giles Widdowes, at the Green Dragon in St. Pauls Church-yard; where are made Spanish cases for Bibles, and Common-Prayers of all sorts, 1674.
ESTC No. R227577.Grub Street ID 100473.
Colet, John.
Daily devotions. Or The Christians morning and evening sacrifice. Digested into prayers and meditations, for every day in the week, and other occasions. With some short directions for a godly life. By John Colet, D.D. Dean of St Pauls, London, and founder of that famous school near adjoyning. The nineteenth edition, with a brief account of the author's life, by Dr. Fuller.
London : printed for Nath. Ponder at the Peacock in the Poultrey, and Edw. Evets at the Green Dragon in St Paul's Church-Yard, 1684.
ESTC No. R39992.Grub Street ID 121840.
Colet, John.
Daily devotions. Or The Christians morning and evening sacrifice. Digested into prayers and meditations, for every day use in the week, and other occasions. With some short directions for a godly life. By John Colet, D.D. Dean of St. Pauls, London, and founder of that famous school near adjoying.
The twentieth edition, with a brief account of the author's life, by Dr. Fuller..
London : printed by J.H. for Edw. Evets at the Green Dragon in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1693.
ESTC No. R16557.Grub Street ID 64386.
Colet, John.
A sermon preach'd before the Convocation at St. Paul's Church London, In the Year 1511. By John Colet, D. D. And Dean of the said Church. Humbly offer'd to the Consideration of the present Convocation.
The second edition..
London : reprinted for J. Nutt near Stationers-Hall, 1701.
ESTC No. T12027.Grub Street ID 171448.
Colet, John.
Daily devotions: or, The Christian's morning and evening sacrifice. Digested into prayers and meditations for every day in the week, and other occasions. With Some Short Directions For a Godly Life. By John Colet, D. D. Dean of St. Paul's London, and Founder of that famous School near adjoining.
The two and twentieth edition, revis'd and corrected by an eminent divine of the church of England: with a brief account of the author's life..
London : printed for J. Lacy, at the Ship, and J. Shuckburgh, at the Mitre and Sun, near Temple-Bar, MDCCXXII. [1722].
ESTC No. T115435.Grub Street ID 167174.
Colet, John.
A memorandum design'd only for bishops and dignify'd clergy. Being a sermon preach'd at St. Paul's, London, by the truly honest and learned Dr. John Collett, dean of the said church.
London : prinded [sic] for W. Webb, 1740.
ESTC No. T206008.Grub Street ID 235612.