Publications of Sylvanus Morgan


  • Morgan, Sylvanus. Prognosticon posthumum. 1643/4. Exactly calculated to the meridion of London, and may indifferently serue for all England. By way of caution, to the people of England, Scotland, and Ireland, that shall happen to reade Navvorth. As an appendix to Maister Iohn Bookers Mercurius C?icus. Written by S.M. London: printed by a more warrantable licence then Domino D. Arch. Cant. Secellanus Domesticus, 1643 [i.e. 1644]. ESTC No. R210077. Grub Street ID 86282.
  • Morgan, Sylvanus. Horlogiographia optica. Dialling universall and particular: speculative and practicall. In a threefold præcognita, viz. geometricall, philosophicall, and astronomicall: and a threefold practise, viz. arithmeticall, geometricall, and instrumentall. With diverse propositions of the use and benefit of shadows, serving to prick down the signes, declination, and azimuths, on sun-dials, and diverse other benefits. Illustrated by diverse opticall conceits, taken out of Augilonius, Kercherius, Clavius, and others. Lastly, topothesia, or, a feigned description of the court o art. Full of benefit for the making of dials, use of the globes, difference of meridians, and most propositions of astronomie. Together with many usefull instruments and dials in brasse, made by Walter Hayes, at the Crosse Daggers in More Fields. Written by Silvanus Morgan. London: printed by R. & W. Leybourn, for Andrew Kemb, and Robert Boydell, and are to be sold at St. Margarets Hill in Southwark, and at the Bulwark neer the Tower, 1652. ESTC No. R202919. Grub Street ID 80094.
  • Morgan, Sylvanus. The sphere of gentry: deduced from the principles of nature, an historical and genealogical work, of arms and blazon; in four books, entituled, The gentleman, esquire, knight, king, Adams shield, Josephs coat, Vulcan & Minerva, Fountain of honour, nobility native. Dative atchieved. Created. In which is contained, the genealogies of the patriarchs and heroe's standards of the Jews, hieroglyphicks of the Ægyptians, symbols of the Grecians, antiquities of the Romans, arms & ensignes of the English nation: accommodated with lively cutts on copper, as well for Aarons brest-plate as Ariadne's crown. Drawn down to King Charles II. By Syluanus Morgan,. London: printed by William Leybourn, for the author, living at the City Coat; on the back side of the Royall Exchange, 1661. ESTC No. R2775. Grub Street ID 110888.
  • Morgan, Sylvanus. Armilogia sive Ars chromocritica, the language of arms by the colours & metals: being analogically handled according to the nature of things, and fitted with apt motto's to the heroical science of herauldry in the symbolical world. Whereby is discovered what is signified b every honourable partition, ordinary, or charge, usually born in coat-armour, and mythologized to the heroical theam [sic] of Homer on the shield of Achilles. A work of this nature never yet extant. By Sylvanus Morgan arms-painter. London: printed by T. Hewer for Nathaniel Brook at the Angel in Cornhil, and Henry Eversden at the Greyhound in S. Pauls Church-yard, 1666. ESTC No. R16382. Grub Street ID 64241.
  • Morgan, Sylvanus. Heraldry epitomiz'd: and its reason essay'd. By Silvanus Morgan, arms-painter, at the sign of the Camden's Head near the Royal Exchange. London: printed and are to be sold by William Bromwich, at the sign of the Three Bibles in Ludgate-street, MDCLXXIX. [1679]. ESTC No. R32290. Grub Street ID 115017.