Publications of John Durel


  • Durel, John. Sermon Prononcé en l'eglise francoise, qui a ses exercices ordinaires en la Chappell de la Savoye, la premiere fois que le service de Dieu y a est'e celebr'e selon la liturgie de l'eglise anglicane, par Iean Durel ministre du Saint Evangile. A Londres : par Guillaume Godbid, et se vendent chez Iean Martin, Iaques Alestry, & Th. Dicas, au Cimetiere de S. Paul, `a l'enseigne de la Cloche, M. DC. LXI. [1661]. ESTC No. R229092. Grub Street ID 101690.
  • Durel, John. The liturgy of the Church of England asserted in a sermon. Preached at the chappel of the Savoy, before the French congregation, which usually assembles in that place, upon the first day that divine service was there celebrated according to the liturgy of the Church of England. By John Durel minister of the Gospel. Translated into English by G.B. Doctor in Physick. London : printed for R. Royston, bookseller to the Kings most excellent Majesty, at the Angel in Ivy-Lane, 1662. ESTC No. R819. Grub Street ID 128389.
  • Durel, John. A view of the government and publick worship of God in the reformed churches beyond the seas. Wherein is shewed their conformity and agreement with the Church of England, as it is established by the Act of Uniformity. By John Durel minister of the French Church in the Savoy, by the special appointment of His Majesty. London : printed by J[ohn]. G[rismond]. for R. Royston, bookseller to His most sacred Majesty, MDCLXII. [1662]. ESTC No. R20542. Grub Street ID 82172.
  • Durel, John. Sanctæ Ecclesiæ Anglicanæ adversus iniquas atque inverecundas schismaticorum criminationes, vindiciæ. Authore Johanne Durello, sanctæ ecclesiæ Anglicanæ Presbytero, Regiæ Majestati à Sacris. Londini : typis Guliel. Godbid, prostant apud Guliel. Wells & Rob. Scott, ad insignia principis in vico Little Britain dicto, MDCLXIX. [1669]. ESTC No. R15740. Grub Street ID 63650.
  • Durel, John. Historia rituum sanctæ Ecclesiæ Anglicanæ ex omni antquitate eruta. Nec non de jure episcopatus, et de origine, progressu & rebus gestis sectarum presbyterianæ et independentium. Authore Johanne Durello, Ecclesiæ Anglicanæ Presbytero, Regiæ Majestati à Sacris. Londini : typis Guliel. Godhid, [sic] prostant apud Guliel. Wells & Rob. Scott, ad Insignia Principis, in vico Little Britain dicto., MDCLXXII. [1672]. ESTC No. R24921. Grub Street ID 108656.
  • Durel, John. The liturgy of the Church of England, asserted in a sermon. Preached at the Chapel of the Savoy, before the French congregation, (which usually assembles in that place) upon the first day that divine service was there celebrated according to the liturgy of the Church of England. By John Durel, minister of the gospel. Translated into English by G.B. doctor in physick. The second edition. To which is prefixt a short preface, shewing the reason of its being now re-printed. London : printed by J[ohn]. L[eake]. for Luke Meredith, at the Angel in Amen-Corner, MDCLXXXVIII. [1688]. ESTC No. R1788. Grub Street ID 70436.
  • Durel, John. The Church of England prov'd to be conformable to, and approv'd by all the Protestant Churches in Europe. Being an abridgment of Mr. Durel's book of Foreign churches. London : Printed for Jeffery Wale at the Angel in St. Paul's Church-yard, and sold by John Nutt near Stationers-Hall, 1705. ESTC No. T166305. Grub Street ID 204546.
  • Durel, John. The Church of England prov'd to be conformable to, and approv'd by all the Protestant Churches in Europe. Being an abridgment of Mr. Durel's book of Foreign churches. The second edition.. London : Printed for Jeffery Wale at the Angel in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1706. ESTC No. T166306. Grub Street ID 204547.