Moore, Jonas.
Moores arithmetick: discovering the secrets of that art, in numbers and species. In two bookes. The first teaching (by precept and example) the ordinary operations in numbers whole and broken; the rules of practise, interest, and performed in a more facile manner by decimalls, then hitherto hath been published; the excellency, and new practise and use of the logorithmes, Nepayres bones, together with many new propositions, touching the quantities, qualities, resultments, and rules of medicines. The second, the great rule of algebra in species, resolving all arithmeticall questions by supposition. With a canon of the powers of numbers. Fitted to the meanest capacity, and published for the generall good of this kingdome. By Jonas Moore, late of Durham.
London: printed by Thomas Harper for Nathaniel Brookes, at the Angell in Cornehill, 1650.
ESTC No. R20649.Grub Street ID 83003.
Moore, Jonas.
Moores arithmetick. In two bookes: discovering the secrets of that art, in numbers and species, after a more exact, plaine, and easie way, then ever. The first teaching (by precept and example) the ordinary operations in numbers, whole and broken; the rules of practise, interest, and performed in a more facile manner by decimalls, then hitherto hath been published; the excellency, and new practice and use of the logarithmes, Nepayres bones, together with many new propositions, touching the quantities, qualities, resultments, and rules of medicines, fitted for mathematitians, merchants, and tradesmen. The second, the great rule of algebra in species, resolving all arithmeticall questions by supposition: with trigonometry, planitretry, steriometry, and all other parts of the art military. With a canon of the powers of numbers. Fitted to the meanest capacity, and published for the generall good of this nation. By Jonas Moore, late of Durham.
London: printed by Thomas Harper for Nathaniel Brookes, at the Angell in Cornehill, 1650.
ESTC No. R232286.Grub Street ID 104111.
Moore, Jonas.
Resolutio triplex cujusdam problematis à Dno Jean de Montfert, omnibus in Anglia mathematicis propositi, geometrice facta, per Jonam Moore in magnis paludibus nunc aridis supervisorem generalem.
Londini: typis J.G. prostant venales sub insigni Angeli in vico vulgò dicto Cornhill per Nath. Brookes, M DC L VIII. [1658].
ESTC No. R15599.Grub Street ID 63520.
Moore, Jonas.
A short introduction into the art of species. Usefull for every one that desire to be geometricians. By Jonas Moore Professor of the Mathemat.
London : printed and sold by Joseph Moxon: at his shop on Corn-hill, at the signe of Atlas, 1660.
ESTC No. R180682.Grub Street ID 71623.
Moore, Jonas.
Moor's arithmetick. In tvvo books. The first treating of the vulgar arithmetick in all its parts, with several new inventions to ease the memory, by Nepairs rods, logarithms, decimals, &c. fitted for the use of all persons. The second of arithmetick in species or algebra, whereby all difficult questions receive their analytical laws and resolutions, made very plain and easie for the use of scholars and the more curious. To which are added two treatises: 1. A new contemplation geometrical upon the oval figure called the ellipsis. 2. The two first books of Mydorgius his conical sections analized by that reverend divine Mr. W. Oughtred, Englished and completed with cuts. By Jonas Moore, Professor of the Mathematicks.
London : printed by J.G. for Nath. Brook, at the Angel in Cornhil, 1660.
ESTC No. R202921.Grub Street ID 80097.
Moore, Jonas.
Modern fortification: or, Elements of military architecture. Practised and designed by the latest and most experienced ingeneers of this last age, Italian, French, Dutch, and English. And the manner of defending and besieging forts and places. With the use of a joynt-ruler or sector, for the speedy description of any fortification. By Sir Jonas Moore, Master Surveyor of His Majesties Ordnance.
London : printed by W. Godbid, for Nathaniel Brooke, at the Angel in Cornhill, 1673.
ESTC No. R268.Grub Street ID 110055.
Moore, Jonas.
A mathematical compendium; or, Useful practices in arithmetick, geometry, and astronomy, geography and navigation, embattelling, and quartering of armies, fortification and gunnery, gauging and dyalling. Explaining the logarithms, with new indices; Nepair's rods or bones making of movements, and the application of pendulums: with the projection of the sphere for an universal dyal, &c. Collected out of the notes and papers of Sir Jonas Moore. By Nicholas Stephenson.
London : printed and sold by Nathaniel Brooke at the Angel in Cornhil, 1674.
ESTC No. R216764.Grub Street ID 91632.
Moore, Jonas.
An excellent table for the finding the periferies, or circumferences of all elleipses [sic] or ovals, so near the truth as any mechanical practice can require, calculated with great diligence and care by Sir Jonas Moore, and not done before.
London : printed by W.G. for N. Brooke, at the Angel in Cornhill, 1676.
ESTC No. R231970.Grub Street ID 103874.
Moore, Jonas.
A mathematical compendium; or, Useful practices in arithmetick, geometry, and astronomy, geography and navigation, embattelling, and quartering of armies, fortification and gunnery, gauging and dyalling. Explaining the logarithms, with new indices; Nepair's rods or bones making of movements, and the application of pendulums; with the projection of the sphere for an universal dyal, &c. By Sir Jonas Moore, Knt. late surveyor general of his Majesty's Ord'nance.
The second edition, with many large additions..
London : printed for Robert Harford, at the Angel in Cornhil, near the Royal Exchange, 1681.
ESTC No. R269.Grub Street ID 110145.
Moore, Jonas.
A new geography, with maps to each country, and tables of longitude & latitude.
London : printed for Robert Scott, at the Princes Arms in Little-Britain, 1681.
ESTC No. R231849.Grub Street ID 103788.
Moore, Jonas.
A new systeme of the mathematicks: containing I. Arithmetick, as well natural and decimal, as in species, or the principles of Algebra. II. Practical geometry, together with the first six books of Euclid's Elements, as also the eleventh and twelfth, symbolically demonstrated. III. Trigonometry plain and spherical. IV. Cosmography, or a description of the heavens. V. Navigation, or sailing by a plain or Mercator's chart; as also by the arch of a great circle, &c. VI. The doctrine of the sphere, grounded on the motion of the earth, according to the old Pythagorean and Copernican systeme. VII. Astronomical tables, with tables of logarithms, natural and artificial sines and tangents, and versed sines. VIII. A new geography, or a description of the most eminent countries and coasts of the world, with maps of them, and tables of their latitude and longitude. Composed by Sir Jonas Moore Knight, late Surveyor General of His Majesty's Ordnance, and Fellow of the Royal Society: and designed for the.
London : printed by A. Godbid and J. Playford, for Robert Scott, bookseller in Little Britain, M.DC.LXXXI. [1681].
ESTC No. R30526.Grub Street ID 113364.
Moore, Jonas.
The history or narrative of the great level of the fenns, called Bedford level, with a large map of the said level, as drained, surveyed, & described by Sir Jonas Moore Knight, His late Majesties Surveyor-General of his ordnance.
London : printed for Moses Pitt, at the Angel in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1685.
ESTC No. R319.Grub Street ID 114653.
Moore, Jonas.
Moore's Arithmetick: in four books. Treating of vulgar arithmetick in all its parts, with several new inventions to ease the memory, by logarithms, decimals, &c. fitted for the use of all persons. Together with Arithmetick in species or algebra: whereby all difficult questions receive their analytical laws and resolutions, made very plain and easie for the use of scholars, and the more curious. The third edition with additions. To which are added two mathematical treatises: 1. A new contemplation geometrical upon the oval figure called the ellipsis. 2. The two first books of Mydorgius his Conical sections analyzed by that reverend divine Mr. W. Oughtred, Englished and compleated with cuts. By Sir Jonas Moore, master surveyor of His Majesty's ordnance.
London : printed by R[alph]. H[olt]. for Obadiah Blagrave, at the Bear and Star in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1688.
ESTC No. R320.Grub Street ID 114743.
Moore, Jonas.
Modern fortification: or, Elements of military architecture. Practised and designed by the latest and most experienced engeniers of this last age, Italian, French, Dutch, and English. And the manner of defending and besieging forts and places. With the use of a joint-ruler or sector, for the speedy description of any fortification. By Sir Jonas Moore, Master-Surveyor of His Majesties Ordnance.
London : printed for Obadiah Blagrave, at the Black Bear and Star in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1689.
ESTC No. R217796.Grub Street ID 92541.
Moore, Jonas.
A mathematical compendium, or, Useful practices in arithmetick, geometry, and astronomy, geography and navigation, embattelling, and quartering of armies, fortification and gunnery, gauging and dyalling explaining the logarithms, with new indices, Nepair's rods or bones, making of movements, and the application of pendulums : with the projection of the sphere for an universal dyal, &c. by Sir Jonas Moore .
The third edition..
London : Printed for Obadiah Blagrave ... 1690.
ESTC No. R42180.Grub Street ID 123610.
Moore, Jonas.
A mathematical compendium; or, Useful practices in arithmetick, geometry, and astronomy, geography and navigation, embattelling, and quartering of armies, fortification and gunnery, gauging and dyalling. Explaining the logarithms, with new indices; Nepair's rods or bones making of movements, and the application of pendulums; with the projection of the sphere for an universal dyal, &c. By Sir Jonas Moore Kt. late Surveyor General of His Majesty's ordnance.
The third edition..
London : printed for Obadiah Blagrave at the Bear and Star in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1690.
ESTC No. R227429.Grub Street ID 100336.
Moore, Jonas.
A mathematical compendium; or, Useful practices in arithmetick, geometry, and astronomy, geography and navigation, embattelling, and quartering of armies, fortification and gunnery, gauging and dyalling. Explaining the logarithms, with new indices; Nepair's rods or bones making of movements, and the application of pendulums; with the projection of the sphere for an universal dyal, &c. By Sir Jonas Moore Knight, late Surveyor General of His Majesties ordinance.
The third edition, with many large additions..
London : printed for Richard Mount at the Postern on Tower-Hill, 1693.
ESTC No. R202920.Grub Street ID 80096.
Moore, Jonas.
A mathematical compendium: or, Useful practices in arithmetick, geometry, and astronomy, geography and navigation, embattelling, and quartering of armies; fortification and gunnery; gauging and dialling. Explaining the logarithms, with new indices; Nepair's rods or bones making of movements, and the application of pendulums; with the projection of the sphere for an universal dial, &c. By Sir Jonas Moor, Kt. late Surveyor General of His Majesty's ordinance.
The third edition, with many large additions..
London : printed for, and sold by J. Lawrence, at the Angel in the Poultry, and R. Mount, at the Postern on Tower-hil, 1695.
ESTC No. R223781.Grub Street ID 97549.
Moore, Jonas.
Englands interest and the farmers friend: shewing the best way to improve land: plainly demonstrating, that one acre of land now worth but 20 s. per annum may be improved to 8 l. and so to 100 l. per annum; with great ease, and for an inconsiderable charge: with the way ho it may be done. By S. J. More.
London : printed and sold by J. How, in the Ram-Head-Inn-Yard, Fenchurch-street, 1697.
ESTC No. R180681.Grub Street ID 71622.
Moore, Jonas.
Englands interest: or the gentleman and farmers friend. Shewing, I. How Land may be Improv'd from 20 s. to 8 l. and so to 100 l. per Acre, per Annum, with great Ease, and for an inconsiderable Charge. 2. How to make Cyder, Perry, [Cherry] Currant, Gooseberry and Mulberry Wines as Strong and Wholesome as French or Spanish Wines: And the Cyder and Wines so made to be Sold for 3d. per Quart, tho' as good as Wine now Sold for 18d. 3. The Best and Quickest way of Raising a Nursery. 4. Directions for Brewing the Finest Malt-Liquors, much Better and Cheaper than hitherto known: Shewing what Care is to be taken in the Choice of Water, Malt, and Hops; and how they are to be Mixed, Boyled and Fermented, for making the best March or October Beer, strong Ale, &c. 5. Instructions for Breeding Horses much Cheaper, and to a far greater Advantage than before known. 6. Of the Husbandry of Bees, and the great Benefit thereby. 7. Instructions for the Profitable Ordering of Fish-Ponds, and for Breeding of Fish.
London : printed and sold by J. How, at the Seven-Stars in Talbot-Court, in Grace-Church-Street, 1703.
ESTC No. T131461.Grub Street ID 180447.
Moore, Jonas.
A mathematical compendium; or, useful practices in arithmetick, geometry, and astronomy, ... Explaining the logarithms, with new indices; ... By Sir Jonas Moore .
The fourth edition..
London : printed for J. Philips, H. Rhodes, and J. Taylor, 1705.
ESTC No. T110920.Grub Street ID 163404.
Moore, Jonas.
Englands interest: or the gentleman and farmers friend, shewing, 1. How land may be improv'd ... The third edition, with large additions. By Sir J. More.
London : printed and sold by J. How, 1705.
ESTC No. T32665.Grub Street ID 263346.
Moore, Jonas.
Englands interest: or, the gentleman and farmers friend, shewing, 1. How land may be improv'd from 20 s. to 8 l. and so to 100 l per Acre, per Annum, with great Ease, and for an inconsiderable Charge. 2. How to make Cyder, Perry, Cherry, Currant, Goose-Berry and Mul-Berry wines, as Strong and Wholesome as French or Spanish Wines: And the Cyder and Wines so made to be Sold for 3 d. per Quart, tho' as good as Wine now Sold for 18 d. 3. The Best and Quickest way of raising a Nursery. 4. Directions for Brewing the finest Malt-Liquors, much Better and Cheaper than hitherto known: Shewing what Care is to be taken in the Choice of Water, Malt, and Hops; and how they are to be Mixed, Boyled, and Fermented, for making the Best March or October Beer, Strong Ale, &c. 5. Instructions for Breeding Horses much Cheaper, and to a far greater Advantage than ever yet known. 6. Of the Husbandry of Bees, and the great benefit thereby. 7. Instructions for the profitable ordering of fish-ponds, and for Breeding.
London : printed and sold by J. How, at the Seven Stars in Talbot-Court, in Grace-Church-Street, 1707.
ESTC No. T118385.Grub Street ID 169934.
Moore, Jonas.
England's interest: or, the gentleman and farmer's friend. Shewing, 1 How land may be improved from 20s to 8l. and so to 100 l. per Acre, per Annum, with great Ease, and for an inconsiderable Charge. 2. The best and quickest Way of raising a Nursery. 3. How to make Cyder, Perry, Cherry, Curran, Goose-Berry, Mul-Berry, and Birch Wines, as strong and wholesome as French and Spanish Wines; and the Cyder and Wines so made, to be sold at 3 d. per Quart, tho' as good as Wine now sold for 18 d. 4. Directions for Brewing the finest Malt Liquors, Better and Cheaper than hitherto known; shewing what Care is to be taken in the Choice of Water, Malt and Hope; and how they are to be mixed, boiled, and fermented, for making the best March or October Beer, strong Ale, &c. 5. Instructions for Breeding Horses much Cheaper, and to a far greater Advantage than ever yet known. 6. Of the Husbandry of Bees, and the great Benefit thereby. 7. Instructions for the profitable ordering of Fish-Ponds, and for the Incr.
London : printed for A. Bettesworth, at the Red Lion in Pater-Noster-Row, 1721.
ESTC No. T132244.Grub Street ID 181187.