Publications of John Norton


  • Norton, John. The miseries of vvar. By a Lover of truth and peace: and by him dedicated to all that are such. [London]: Printed for Nicholas Vavasar, 1643. ESTC No. R4068. Grub Street ID 122448.
  • Norton, John. A brief and excellent treatise containing the doctrine of godliness, or living unto God. Wherein the body of divinity is substantially proposed, and methodically digested, by way of question and answer. And, wherein sundry difficult points, much controverted in these times, are briefly and solidly determined, by that reverend and learned divine, Mr. John Norton, teacher of the church of God at Ipswich in New-England. Feb. 4. 1647. Imprimatur Joseph Caryl. London: printed by John Field for Edmund Paxton, and are to be sold at his shop in Pauls chain, over against the Castle Tavern near to the Doctors Commons, 1468 [i.e. 1648]. ESTC No. R204872. Grub Street ID 81739.
  • Norton, John. Responsio ad totam quæstionum syllogen à clarissimo viro domino Guilielmo Apollonio, ecclesiæ Middleburgensis pastore, propositam. Ad componendas controversias quasdam circa politiam ecclesiasticam in Anglia nunc temporis agitatas spectantem. Per Iohannem Nortonum ministru ecclesiæ quæ est Ipsuici in Nova Anglia. Londini: typis R[ichard]. B[ishop]. impensis Andreæ Crook, ad insigne Draconis viridis in C?miterio D. Pauli, 1648. ESTC No. R15450. Grub Street ID 63390.
  • Norton, John. A discussion of that great point in divinity, the sufferings of Christ; and the question about his righteousnesse active, passive: and the imputation thereof. Being an answer to a dialogue intituled The meritorious price of our redemption, justification, &c. By John Norton teacher of the church at Ipswich in New-England. Who was appointed to draw up this answer by the generall court. London: printed by A[braham]. M[iller]. for Geo. Calvert at the sign of the half Moon, and Joseph Nevill at the sign of the Plough in the new buildings in Pauls Church-yard, 1653. ESTC No. R210326. Grub Street ID 86505.
  • Norton, John. The orthodox evangelist. Or A treatise wherein many great evangelical truths (not a few whereof are much opposed and eclipsed in this perillous hour of the passion of the Gospel) are briefly discussed, cleared, and confirmed: as a further help, for the begeting, and establishing of the faith which is in Jesus. As also the state of the blessed, where; of [sic] the condition of their souls from the instant of their dissolution: and of their persons after their resurrection. By John Norton, teacher of the church at Ipswich in New England. London: printed by John Macock, for Henry Cripps, and Lodowick Lloyd, and are to be sold at their shop in Popes head Alley neer Lombard street, 1654. ESTC No. R206951. Grub Street ID 83401.
  • Norton, John. The orthodox evangelist. Or A treatise wherein many great evangelical truths (not a few whereof are much opposed and eclipsed in this perillious hour of the passion of the gospel) are briefly discussed, cleared, and confirmed: as a further help for the begetting, and establishing of the faith which is in Jesus. As also the state of the blessed, where; of the condition of their souls from the instant of their dissolution: and of their persons after their resurrection. By John Norton, teacher of the Church at Ipswich in New England. London: printed by John Macok, for Lodowick Lloyd, and are to be sold at his shop at the sign of the Castle in Cornhil, 1657. ESTC No. R32227. Grub Street ID 114964.
  • Norton, John. Abel being dead yet speaketh; or, The life & death of that deservedly famous man of God, Mr John Cotton, late teacher of the church of Christ, at Boston in New-England. By John Norton, teacher of the same church. London: printed by Tho. Newcomb for Lodowick Lloyd, and are to be sold at his shop next the Castle-Tavern in Cornhill, 1658. ESTC No. R207763. Grub Street ID 84106.
  • Norton, John. The heart of N-England rent at the blasphemies of the present generation. Or a brief tractate concerning the doctrine of the Quakers, demonstrating the destructive nature thereof, to religion, the churches, and the state, with consideration of the remedy against it. Occasional satisfaction to objections, and confirmation of the contrary trueth. By John Norton, teacher of the Church of Christ at Boston. Who was appointed thereunto by the order of the General Court. [Cambridge, Mass.]: Printed by Samuel Green, at Cambridg in New-England,. 1659. ESTC No. W12678. Grub Street ID 321964.
  • Norton, John. The heart of New-England rent at the blasphemies of the present generation. Or a brief tractate, concerning the doctrine of the Quakers, demonstrating the destructive nature thereof, to religion, the churches, and the state; with consideration of the remedy against it. Occasional satisfaction to objections, and confirmation of the contrary truth. By John Norton, teacher of the Church of Christ at Boston. Who was appointed thereunto, by the order of the general court. London : printed by J[ohn]. H[ayes]. for John Allen at the Rising-Sunne in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1660. ESTC No. R209962. Grub Street ID 86175.
  • Norton, John. Three choice and profitable sermons upon severall texts of Scripture; viz. Jer. 30. 17. John 14. 3. Heb. 8. 5. By that Reverend servant of Christ, Mr. John Norton late teacher of the Church of Christ at Boston in N.E. The first of them being the last sermon which he preached at the Court of Election at Boston. The second was the last which he preached on the Lords-Day. The third was the last which he preached on his weekly-lecture-day, wherein (beside many other excellent and seasonable truths) is shewed, the Lords soveraignty over, and care for his church an people, in order to both their militant and triumphant condition; and their fidelity and good affection towards himself. Cambridge [Mass.]: printed by S[amuel]. G[reen]. and M[armaduke]. I[ohnson]. for Hezekiah Usher of Boston, 1664. ESTC No. R40050. Grub Street ID 121896.
  • Norton, John. Catechistical guide to sinners, and to such converts that are babes in Christ. Wherein all the necessary points of religion are methodically proposed in Scripture-language, abundantly confirmed by the Holy Scriptures, and in some places concisely expounded. In the whole, all controversies are warily shunn'd: so that all true Christians, of what persuasion soever, may (if they need the help of others) use this catechism for their children, or others that are under their power and care. Written upon request, by a lover of truth and peace. London : printed by J.D. to be sold by Fr. Smith at the Elephant and Castle in Cornhil, and W. Crook at the Green Dragon without Temple-Bar, 1680. ESTC No. R9600. Grub Street ID 129674.