Publications of Henry Wilkinson


  • Wilkinson, Henry. A sermon against lukwarmenesse in religion. Preached at Saint Maries in Oxford, the sixt of September, 1640. By Henry Wilkinson, Batchelour in Divinity of Magdalen Hall. Printed by order from the House of Commons. London: printed by John Beale, for Humphrey Robinson and Edward Forrest, 1641. ESTC No. R23602. Grub Street ID 106881.
  • Wilkinson, Henry. A sermon against lukwarmenesse in religion. Preached at Saint Maries in Oxford, the sixt of September, 1640. By Henry Wilkinson, Batchelour in Divinity of Magdalen Hall. Printed by order from the House of Commons. London: printed by John Beale, for Humphrey Robinson, and are to be sold at the signe of the three Pigeons in Pauls Church-yard, 1641. ESTC No. R15190. Grub Street ID 63146.
  • Wilkinson, Henry. Conciones tres apud academicos Oxonii nuper habitæ, quibus subjungitur brevis tractatus De jure divino diei dominici. Authore, Henrico Wilkinson S.T.D. & Aul. Magd. Princip. Oxonii: excudebat L. Lichfield Academiæ typog. impensis T. Robinson, 1654. ESTC No. R22644. Grub Street ID 99461.
  • Wilkinson, Henry. The hope of glory or Christs indwelling in true believers is an evident demonstration of their hope of glory. As it was set forth in a sermon at Hasely in the county of Oxford March 5. 1656. At the funerall of that eminently-religious-gentlewoman Mris Margaret Corbet, late wife to the Reverend Dr Edward Corbet pastor of Hasely. By Henry Wilkinson D.D. principall of Magdalen Hall Oxon. Oxford: printed by A. Lichfield, printer to the Vniversity, anno Dom. 1657. ESTC No. R22661. Grub Street ID 99592.
  • Wilkinson, Henry. Conciones sex ad academicos Oxonienses Latin habitæ. Accedunt tractatus duo: quorum unus est, de jure divino diei dominicæ: alter, de impotentia liberi arbitrii ad bonum spirituale. Claudunt volumen, epistolarum decas, nec non oratio jamdudum habita in schola moralis philosophiæ. Authore Henrico Wilkinson SS. Th.D. & Aulæ Magdalenæ princip. Oxonii: excudebat A. Lichfield, acad. typogr. Impensis Tho. Robinson, M.DC.LVIII. [1658]. ESTC No. R209718. Grub Street ID 85945.
  • Wilkinson, Henry. The gospel-embassy: or, Reconciliation to God, opened and applyed in a sermon preached at St. Maries, Oxon, July 11th. 1658. By Henry Wilkinson, D.D. principall of Magdalen-Hall. Oxford: printed by A. Lichfield, printer to the University, for Tho. Robinson, 1658. ESTC No. R30202. Grub Street ID 113086.
  • Wilkinson, Henry. Conciones duæ apud Academicos Oxonii nuper habitæ, per Henricum VVilkinsonum, S.Th:D. & Aulæ Magdalenæ principalem. Oxoniæ: excudebat H. Hall, Academiæ Typographys, impensis Tho: Robinson, 1659. ESTC No. R23595. Grub Street ID 106871.
  • Wilkinson, Henry. Concio de brevitate opportuni temporis. Oxonii Latin habita ad baccalaureos die cinerum, videlicet, Martii 7, 1660. Per Henricum Wilkinsonum, S. Th. d. & Aulæ Magdalenæ Principalem. Londini: apud Sa. Gellibrand, 1660. ESTC No. R3088. Grub Street ID 113716.
  • Wilkinson, Henry. The hope of glory; or, Christs in-dwelling in true believers is an evident demonstration of their hope of glory. As it was set forth in a sermon at Hasely in the county of Oxford, March 5. 1656. At the funerall of that eminently-religious-gentlewoman, Mris Margaret Corbe late wife to the reverend and learned Dr. Edward Corbet pastor of Hasely. By Henry Wilkinson, D.D., principall of Magdalen Hall Oxon. Oxford: printed by A. Lichfield, printer to the University, anno Dom. 1660. ESTC No. R35253. Grub Street ID 117678.
  • Wilkinson, Henry. Three decads of sermons lately preached to the Vniversity at St Mary's Church in Oxford: by Henry Wilkinson D.D. principall of Magdalen Hall. Oxford: printed by H[enry]. H[all]. [, A. Lichfield, and W.H.] for Thomas Robinson, 1660. ESTC No. R204083. Grub Street ID 81106.
  • Wilkinson, Henry. Catalogus librorum in bibliotheca Aulæ Magdalenæ. Oxoniæ: Excudebat H. Hall .., 1661. ESTC No. R38617. Grub Street ID 120688.
  • Wilkinson, Henry. Doctrine of contentment briefly explained, and practically applied, in a treatise on 1 Tim. 6. 8. by Henry Wilkinson D.D. sometime principal of Magdalen Hall in Oxford. London: printed for George Sawbridge, at the Bible on Ludgate-hill, Anno Dom., 1671. ESTC No. R415. Grub Street ID 123111.
  • Wilkinson, Henry. Characters of a sincere heart, and the comforts thereof, collected out of the Word of God, by Hen. Wilkinson, D.D. Late principal of Magdalen Hall in the University of Oxford. Oxford: printed by L[eonard]. Lichfield, printer to the University, for Ric. Davis, anno Domini, 1674. ESTC No. R27587. Grub Street ID 110740.
  • Wilkinson, Henry. Counsels and comforts for troubled consciences contained in a letter, lately written to a friend / by Henry Wilkinson ... London: Printed for Tho. Parkhurst .., 1679. ESTC No. R34095. Grub Street ID 116634.
  • Wilkinson, Henry. Two treatises concerning I. God's all-sufficiency, and II. Christ's preciousness. Being the substance of some sermons long since preached in the University of Oxford. By Henry Wilkinson, D.D. Then principal of Magdalen-Hall, Oxon. London: printed by Thomas Milbourn, for John Kidgel, and Joshua Philips; and are to be sold at the Atlas in Cornhil, and at the Seven-Stars in Paul's-Church-Yard, 1681. ESTC No. R461. Grub Street ID 124964.
  • Wilkinson, Henry. Two treatises concerning I. God's all-sufficiency, and II. Christ's preciousness. Being the substance of some sermons long since preached in the University of Oxford. By Henry Wilkinson, D.D. Then principal of Magdalen-Hall, Oxon. London: printed by Thomas Milbourn, for John Kidgel, at the Atlas in Cornhill, near the Royal-Exchange, 1681. ESTC No. R230884. Grub Street ID 103106.