Publications of Samuel Gardiner


  • Gardiner, Samuel. Moses and Aaron brethren or, The excellencie, necessity, consistencie, and vsefulnesse of magistracy and ministery under the Gospel: opened in a sermon preached at the assises held at Darby, the eighth of March, MDCLIII. By Samuel Gardiner, M.A. late Fellow of Corpus Christi Colledge in Cambridge, and now minister of the Gospel at Eckington in Darbyshire. Published not for contention, but satisfaction. London: printed for John Rothwell, at the Fountain and Bear in Cheap-side, 1653. ESTC No. R30401. Grub Street ID 113259.
  • Gardiner, Samuel. Moses and Aaron brethren: or, The excellencie, necessity, consistencie, and vsefulnesse of magistracy and ministery under the Gospel: opened in a sermon preached at the assises held at Darby, the eighth of March, MDCLIII. By Samuel Gardiner, M.A. late Fellow of Corpus Christi Colledge in Cambridge, and now minister of the Gospel at Eckington in Darbyshire. Published not for contention, but satisfaction. London: printed for John Rothwell, at the Fountain and Bear in Cheap-side, 1653. ESTC No. R227052. Grub Street ID 99956.
  • Gardiner, Samuel. De efficacia gratiæ convertentis, ejúsque agendi modo, determinatio habita Cantabrigiæ in scholis theologicis, A.D. 1658. Pro gradu doctoratûs in S.T. Per Sam. Gardiner, S.T.D. Coll. Corp. Christi ibidem non ità pridem socium. Cantabrigiæ: per Johannem Field, celeberrimæ academiæ typographum, 1660. ESTC No. R15117. Grub Street ID 63080.
  • Gardiner, Samuel. 'Ypoty'p?sis, sive Catholicæ circa SS. Trinitatem fidei delineatio ex scriptis patrum ante-Nicænorum desumpta. Cui annexa est responsio brevis ad ea quæ Christophorus Sandius in Nucleo suo historiæ ecclesiasticæ ex iisdem patribus in Arianorum gratiam opposuit. Per Samuelem Gardinerum, S.S. Theol. Professorem & Regiæ Majestati à Sacris. Londini: impensis B. Tooke, ad insigne Navis in C?meterio D. Pauli, M.DC.LXXVII. [1677]. ESTC No. R37391. Grub Street ID 119624.
  • Gardiner, Samuel. Responsio valedictoria ad secundam Sandii epistolam in vindicias Nuclei sui historiæ ecclesiasticæ conscriptam. Una cum appendice de Cingallo. Per Samuelem Gardinerum S.T.D. Londini: Apud G. Crooke, as insigne viridis Draconis juxta portam vulgò dictam Temple-Bar, 1681. ESTC No. R4562. Grub Street ID 124923.
  • Gardiner, Samuel. A brief examination of the present Roman Catholick faith; contained in Pope Pius his new creed, by the Scriptures, antient fathers and their own modern writers, in answer to a letter, desiring satisfaction concerning the visibility of the protestant church and religion i all ages, especially before Luther's time. Imprimatur. Octob. 26. 1688. Guil. Needham. London: printed for James Adamson, at the Angel and Crown in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1689. ESTC No. R29489. Grub Street ID 112464.