Publications of Thomas Willis


  • Willis, Thomas. Diatribæ duæ medico-philosophicæ, quarum prior agit de fermentatione sive de motu intestino particularum in quovis corpore. Altera de febribus sive de motu earundem in sanguine animalium his accessit dissertatio epistolica de urinis. Studio Thomæ Willis Medici Oxoniensis. Londini: Typis Tho. Roycroft; impensis Jo. Martin, Ja. Allestry, & Tho. Dicas, and insigne Campanæ in C?miterio D. Pauli, MDCLIX. [1659]. ESTC No. R38656. Grub Street ID 120723.
  • Willis, Thomas. Diatribæ duæ medico-philosophicæ, quarum prior agit de fermentatione siue de motu intestino particularum in quovis corpore. Altera de febribus, siue de motu earundem in sanguine animalium. His accessit dissertatio epistolica de urinis. Studio Thomæ Willis Medici Oxoniensis. Edito secunda, ab authore recognita, atque ab eodem multiplici auctario locupletata.. Londini : typis Tho. Roycroft; impensis Jo. Martin, Ja. Allestry, & Tho. Dicas, ad insigne Campanæ, in C.miterio D. Pauli, MDCLX. [1660]. ESTC No. R209893. Grub Street ID 86111.
  • Willis, Thomas. Diatribæ duæ medico-philosophicæ: quarum prior agit de fermentatione, sive de motu intestino particularum in quovis corpore; altera de febribus, sive de motu earundem in sanguine animalium. His accessit dissertatio epistolica de urinis. Studio Thomæ Willis, ex æde Christi Oxon. M.D. & in ista celeberrima Academia Naturalis Philosophiæ Professoris Sidleiani. Editio tertia, ab authore recognita, atque ab eodem multiplici auctario locupletara.. Londini : typis Tho. Roycroft; impensis Jo. Martin. Ja. Allestry, & Tho. Dicas, ad insigne Campanæ, in Coemeterio D. Pauli, MDCLXII. [1662]. ESTC No. R26381. Grub Street ID 109707.
  • Willis, Thomas. Diatribæ duæ medico-philosophicæ: quarum prior agit de fermentatione sive de motu intestino particularum in quovis corpore; altera de febribus, sive de motu earundem in sanguine animalium. His accessit dissertatio epistolica de urinis. Studio Thomæ Willis, ex æde Christi Oxon. M.D. & in ista celeberrima Academia Naturalis Philosophiæ Professoris Sidleiani. Editio tertia, ab authore recognita, atque ab eodem multiplici actuario locupletata.. Londini : typis Tho. Roycroft; impensis Io. Martin. Ia. Allestry, & Tho. Dicas, ad insigne Campanæ, in C.meterio D. Pauli, M DC LXII. [1662]. ESTC No. R223055. Grub Street ID 96958.
  • Willis, Thomas. Cerebri anatome: cui accessit nervorum descriptio et usus· Studio Thomæ Willis, ex Æde Christi Oxon. M.D. & in ista celeberrima Academia Naturalis Philosophiæ Professoris Sidleiani. Londini : typis Tho. Roycroft, impensis Jo. Martyn & Ja. Allestry apud insigne Campanæ in Coemeterio D. Pauli, M.DC.LXIV. [1664]. ESTC No. R24571. Grub Street ID 108345.
  • Willis, Thomas. Cerebri anatome: cui accessit nervorum descriptio et usus. Studio Thomæ Willis, ex Æde Christi Oxon. M.D. & in ista celeberrima Academia Naturalis Philosophiæ Professoris Sidleiani. Londini : typis Ja. Flesher, impensis Jo. Martyn & Ja. Allestry apud insigne Campanæ in C.meterio D. Pauli, M DC LXIV. [1664]. ESTC No. R217172. Grub Street ID 91990.
  • Willis, Thomas. Pathologiæ cerebri, et nervosi generis specimen. In quo agitur de morbis convulsivis, et de scorbuto. Studio Thomæ Willis, ex æde Christi Oxon. M.D. & in ista celeberrimâ academiâ naturalis philosophiæ professoris sidleiani, nec non inclyti medic. coll. Londin. & societati regiæ ibidem, socii. Oxonii: excudebat Guil. Hall, impensis Ja. Allestry, apud insigne rosæ coronatæ in vico vulgo dicto Duck-lane, MDCLXVII. [1667]. ESTC No. R38658. Grub Street ID 120725.
  • Willis, Thomas. Pathologiæ cerebri, et nervosi generis specimen. In quo agitur de morbis convulsivis, et de scorbuto. Studio Thomæ Willis, ex Æde Christi Oxon. M.D. & in ista celeberrima academia naturalis philosophia Professoris Sidleiani, nec non inclyti Med. Coll. Londini, & Societatis Regiæ ibidem sacra. Londini : apud Jacobum Allestry, Regalis Societatis typographum, 1668. ESTC No. R218549. Grub Street ID 93194.
  • Willis, Thomas. Affectionum quæ discuntur hystericæ & hypochondriacæ pathologia spasmodica vindicata, contra responsionem epistolarem Nathanael Highmori, M.D. Cui accesserunt exercitationes medico-physicæ duæ, 1. De sanguinis accensione. 2. De motu musculari. Studio Tho. Willis M. D. Natur. philosophiæ professoris Oxon. necnon inclyti Medic. Coll. Londin. & Societat. Reg. Socii. Londini : Apud Jacobum Allestry, societatis Regiæ typographum, in C.meterio D. Pauli, MDCLXX. [1670]. ESTC No. R26380. Grub Street ID 109706.
  • Willis, Thomas. De anima brutorum quæ hominis vitalis ac sensitiva est, exercitationes duæ. Prior physiologica ejusdem naturam, partes, potentias & affectiones tradit; altera pathologica morbos qui ipsam, & sedem ejus primariam, nempe cerebrum & nervosum genus afficiunt, explicat, eorúmqu therapeias instituit, cum figuris Æneis. Studio Thomæ Willis M.D. Natural. Philosophiæ Profess. Oxon. nec non inclyti Medic. Colleg. Londin. & Societ. Reg. Socii. Londini : typis E.F. impensis Ric. Davis, Oxon, 1672. ESTC No. R200946. Grub Street ID 78419.
  • Willis, Thomas. De anima brutorum quæ hominis vitalis ac sensitiva est, exercitationes duæ. Prior physiologica ejusdem naturam, partes, potentias & affectiones tradit. Altera pathologica morbos qui ipsam, & sedem ejus primariam, nempe cerebrum & nervosum genus afficiunt, explicat, eorumqu therapeias instituit. Studio Thomæ Willis M.D. Philosophiæ Natural. Profess. Sidleian. Oxon. nec non inclyti Med. Coll. Lond. & Societ. Reg. Socii. Oxonii: e Theatro Sheldoniano. Impensis Ric. Davis, anno Dom. M. DC. LXXII. [1672]. ESTC No. R151. Grub Street ID 63063.
  • Willis, Thomas. De anima brutorum quæ hominis vitalis ac sensitiva est, prior physiologica ejusdem naturam, partes, potentias & affectiones tradit. Altera pathologica morbos qui ipsam, & sedem ejus primariam, nempe cerebrum & nervosum genus afficiunt, explicat, eorúmque therapeias instituit. Studio Thomæ Willis M.D. Philosophiæ natural. Profess. Sidleian. Oxon. Nec non inclyti Med. Coll. Lond. & Societ. Reg. Socii. Londini: prostant apud Gulielm. Wells & Robertum Scott, anno Dom. M. DC. LXXII. [1672]. ESTC No. R186611. Grub Street ID 75206.
  • Willis, Thomas. De anima brutorum quæ hominis vitalis as sentitiva est, exercitationes duæ. Prior physiologica ejusdem naturam, partes, potentias & affectiones tradit; altera pathologica morbos qui ipsam, & sedem ejus primariam, nempe cerebrum & nervosum genus assiciunt, explicat, eorúmqu therapeias instituit, cum figuris Æneis. Studio Thomæ Willis M.D. Natural. Philosophiæ Profess. Oxon. nec non inclyti medic. colleg. Londin. & Societ. Reg. socii. Londini : prostant apud Guliel. Wells, & Rob. Scot, 1672. ESTC No. R186612. Grub Street ID 75207.
  • Willis, Thomas. Pharmaceutice rationalis, sive, Diatriba de medicamentorum operationibus in humano corpore. Authore Tho. Willis M.D. in Univ. Oxon prof. Sedleiano, nec non coll. med. Lond. & Societ. Reg. Socio. [Oxford]: E. Theatro Sheldoniano, M. DC. LXXIV. Prostant apud Robertum Scott Bibliopolam Londinensem, [1674]. ESTC No. R42807. Grub Street ID 123992.
  • Willis, Thomas. Pharmaceutice rationalis. Sive Diatriba de medicamentorum operationibus in humano corpore. Authore Tho. Willis M.D. in Univ. Oxon Prof. Sedleiano, nec non Coll. Med. Lond. & Societ. Reg. Socio. [Oxford]:: E Theatro Sheldoniano, M.DC.LXXIV. [1674]. ESTC No. R1774. Grub Street ID 69518.
  • Willis, Thomas. Pharmaceutice rationalis. Sive diatriba de medicamentorum operationibus in humano corpore. Authore Tho. Willis M.D. in Univ. Oxon prof. Sedleiano, nec non Coll. med. Lond. & Societ. Reg. Socio. [Oxford]: E Theatro Sheldoniano. M.DC.LXXIV. Prostant apud Robertum Scott bibliopolam Londinensem, [1674]. ESTC No. R187752. Grub Street ID 75919.
  • Willis, Thomas. Pharmaceutice rationalis, sive Diatriba de medicamentorum operationibus in humano corpore. Pars secunda. Autore Tho. Willis M.D. in Univ. Oxon. Prof. Sedleiano. Oxoniæ: e Theatro Sheldoniano, M.DC.LXXV. [1675]. ESTC No. R222277. Grub Street ID 96299.
  • Willis, Thomas. Pharmaceutice rationalis, sive Diatriba de medicamentorum operationibus in humano corpore pars secunda. Authore Tho. Willis M.D. in Univ. Oxon. Prof. Sedleiano. [Oxford]: E theatro Sheldoniano, M.DC.LXXV. [1675]. ESTC No. R23778. Grub Street ID 107631.
  • Willis, Thomas. Diatribæ duæ medico-philosophicæ: quarum prior agit de fermentatione, sive, de motu intestino particularum in quovis corpore; altera, de febribus, sive, de motu earundem in sanguine animalium. His accessit dissertatio epistolica de urinis. Studio Thomæ Willis, ex Æde Christi Oxon. M.D. & in ista celeberrima academia naturalis philosophiæ professoris sidleiani. Editio quarta, ab authore recognita, atque ab eodem multiplici auctario locupletata. Londoni: typis T.R. Impensis J. Martyn, prostant apud Samuelem Carr, bibliopolam, MDCLXXVII. [1677]. ESTC No. R24572. Grub Street ID 108346.
  • Willis, Thomas. Pathologiæ cerebri, et nervosi generis specimen· In quo agitur de morbis convulsivis, et de scorbuto. Studio Thomæ Willis, ex Æde Christi Oxon·:M.D. & in ista celeberrima Academia Naturalis Philosophiæ Professoris Sidleiani. Editio quarta, ab authore recognita, atque ab eodem multiplici auctario locupletata.. Londini : typis S. Roycroft; impensis Jo. Martyn, ad insigne Campanæ, in C.meterio D. Pauli, MDCLXXVIII. [1678]. ESTC No. R38659. Grub Street ID 120726.
  • Willis, Thomas. Affectionum quæ dicuntur hystericæ et hypochondriacæ pathologia spasmodica vindicata, contro responsionem epistolarem Nathanael Highmori. M Dcui accesserunt exercitationes medico-physicæ duæ, 1. De sanguinis accensione. 2. De motu musculari. Studio Thomæ Willis, ex æde Christi Ocon. M.D. &c in ista celeberrima academis naturalis philosophiæ professoris sidlesani. Editio tertia, ab authore recognita, atque ab eodem multiplici auctario locupletata.. Londini : typis S. Roycroft; impensis J. Martyn, ad insigne Campanæ C.meterio D. Pauli, MDCLXXVIII. [1678]. ESTC No. R230896. Grub Street ID 103118.
  • Willis, Thomas. Pharmaceutice rationalis: or, An exercitation of the operations of medicines in humane bodies. Shewing the signs, causes, and cures of most distempers incident thereunto. In two parts. As also a treatise of the scurvy, and the several sorts thereof, with their symptoms, causes, and cure. By Tho. Willis M.D. and Sidley professor in the University of Oxford: also one of the College of Physicians in London, and Fellow of the Royal Society. Done into English by S. Pordage, Esquire. London : printed for Thomas Dring at the Harrow, Charles Harper at the Flower de Luce, and John Leigh at the Bell in Fleetstreet, 1679. ESTC No. R235405. Grub Street ID 106516.
  • Willis, Thomas. Pharmaceutice rationalis: or, An exercitation of the operations of medicines in humane bodies. Shewing the signs, causes, and cures of most distempers incident thereunto. In two parts. As also a treatise of the scurvy, and the several sorts thereof, with their symptoms, causes, and cure. By Tho. Willis M.D. and Sidley professor in the University of Oxford: also one of the College of Physicians in London, and Fellow of the Royal Society. Licensed, October 31. 1678. R. L'Estrange. London : printed for T. Dring, C. Harper, and J. Leigh in Fleetstreet: and are to be sold by R. Clavell at the Peacock, at the west end of St. Paul's, 1679. ESTC No. R23777. Grub Street ID 107630.
  • Willis, Thomas. Pharmaceutice rationalis. Sive Diatriba de medicamentorum operationibus in humano corpore. Authore Tho. Willis M.D. in Univ. Oxon. Prof. Sedleiano, nec non Coll. Med. Lond. & Societ. Reg. Socio. Oxoniæ: e Theatro Sheldoniano, prostant apud Ric. Davis, 1679. ESTC No. R219581. Grub Street ID 94095.
  • Willis, Thomas. The remaining medical works of that famous and renowned physician Dr Thomas Willis of Christ-Church in Oxford, and Sidley professor of Natural Philosophy in the famous University. Viz. I. Of fermentation. II. Of feavours. III. Of urines. IV. Of the accension of the bloud V. Of musculary motion. VI. Of the anatomy of the brain. VII. Of the description and use of the nerves. VIII. Of convulsive diseases. With large alphabetical tables for the whole, and an index for the explaining all the hard and unusual words and terms of art, derived from the Latine, Greek, or other languages, for the benefit of the meer English reader, and meanest capacity. With eighteen copper plates. Englished by S.P. Esq;. London : Printed for T. Dring, C. Harper, J. Leigh, and S. Martyn, and are to be sold by Robert Clavell, at the Peacock in St Paul's Church-yard, MDCLXXXI [1681]. ESTC No. R201447. Grub Street ID 78867.
  • Willis, Thomas. The remaining medical works of that famous and renowned physician Dr Thomas Willis of Christ-Church in Oxford, and Sidley professor of Natural philosophy in that famous university. Viz. I. Of fermentation. II. Of feavours. III. Of urines. IV. Of the accension of the bloud. V. Of musculary motion. VI. Of the anatomy of the brain. VII. Of the description and uses of the nerves. VIII. Of convulsive diseases. The first part, though last published. With large alphabetical tables for the whole, and an index for the explaining all the hard and unusual words and term of art, derived from the Latine, Greek, or other languages, for the benefit of the meer English reader, and meanest capacity. With eighteen copper plates. Englished by S.P. Esq;. London : printed for T. Dring, C. Harper, J. Leigh, and S. Martyn, and are to be sold at the corner of Chancery-lane, and the Flower-de-Luce over against St Dunstans Church in Fleet-street, M DC LXXXI. [1681]. ESTC No. R42846. Grub Street ID 124020.
  • Willis, Thomas. An essay of the pathology of the brain and nervous stock in which convulsive diseases are treated of / being the work of Thomas Willis ... ; translated out of Latine into English, by S.P. London : Printed by J.B. for T. Dring .., 1681. ESTC No. R38657. Grub Street ID 120724.
  • Willis, Thomas. Five treatises viz. [brace] 1. Of urines, 2. Of the accension of the blood, 3. Of musculary motion, 4. The anatomy of the brain, 5. The description and use of the nerves / by Thomas Willis. London : Printed for T. Dring, C. Harper, J. Leigh, and S. Martin, MDCLXXXI [1681]. ESTC No. R38947. Grub Street ID 120982.
  • Willis, Thomas. A medical-philosophical discourse of fermentation or, Of the intestine motion of particles in every body. By Dr. Thomas Willis of Christ-Church in Oxford, and Sidley Professor of natural philosophy in that famous university. Translated into English by S.P. London : printed for T[homas]. Dring, C[harles]. Harper, J[ohn]. Leigh, and S[arah]. Martin, MDCLXXXI. [1681]. ESTC No. R38949. Grub Street ID 120984.
  • Willis, Thomas. Dr. Willis's practice of physick, being all the medical vvorks of that renowned and famous physician: containing these ten several treatises, viz. I. Of fermentation. II. Of feavours. III. Of urines. IV. Of the accension of the bloud. V. Of musculary motion. VI. Of the anatomy of the brain. VII. Of the description and use of the nerves. VIII. Of convulsive diseases. IX. Pharmaceutice rationalis the 1st and 2d part. X. Of the scurvy. Wherein most of the diseases belonging to the body of man are treated of, with excellent methods and receipts for the cure of the same. Fitted to the meanest capacity by an index for the explaining of all the hard and unusual words and terms of art, derived from the Greek, Latine, or other languages, for the benefit of the English reader, with a large alphabetical table to the whole. With thirty two copper plates. Done into English by S.P. Esq;. London : printed for T. Dring, C. Harper, and J. Leigh, and are to be sold at the corner of Chancery-lane, and the Flower-de-Luce over against St Dunstans Church in Fleet-street, MDCLXXXI. [1681]. ESTC No. R38952. Grub Street ID 120988.
  • Willis, Thomas. Two discourses concerning the soul of brutes, which is that of the vital and sensitive of man. The first is physiological, shewing the nature, parts, powers, and affections of the same. The other is pathological, which unfolds the diseases which affect it and its primary seat; to wit, the brain and nervous stock, and treats of their cures: with copper cuts. By Thomas Willis doctor in physick, professor of natural philosophy in Oxford, and also one of the Royal Society, and of the renowned college of physicians in London. Englished by S. Pordage, student in physick. London : printed for Thomas Dring at the Harrow near Chancery-Lane End in Fleetstreet Ch. Harper at the Flower-de-Luce against St. Dunstan's Church in Fleet-street, and John Leigh at Stationers-Hall, 1683. ESTC No. R219572. Grub Street ID 94086.
  • Willis, Thomas. Pharmaceutice rationalis: or, An exercitation of the operations of medicines in humane bodies: shewing the signs, causes, and cures of most distempers incident thereunto. In two parts. As also a treatise of the scurvy, and the several sorts thereof, with their symptoms, causes, and cure. By Tho. Willis, M.D. and Sidley Professor in the University of Oxford; also one of the College of Physicians in London, and Fellow of the Royal Society. London : printed for T. Dring, C. Harper, and J. Leigh, and are to be sold at the corner of Chancery-Lane, and the Flower-de-Luce over against St. Dunstan's-Church in Fleet-street, MDCLXXXIV. [1684]. ESTC No. R40709. Grub Street ID 122477.
  • Willis, Thomas. Pharmaceutice rationalis: or, The operations of medicines in humane bodies. The second part. With copper plates describing the several parts treated of in this volume. By Tho. Willis, M.D. and Sedley Professor in the University of Oxford. London : printed for Thomas Dring, Charles Harper, booksellers in Fleet-street, and John Leigh at Stationers-Hall, 1684. ESTC No. R219582. Grub Street ID 94096.
  • Willis, Thomas. Dr. Willis's practice of physick, being the whole works of that renowned and famous physician: containing these eleven several treatises, viz. I. Of fermentation. II. Of feavers. III. Of urines. IV. Of the accension of the blood. V. Of musculary motion. VI. Of the anatomy of the brain. VII. Of the description and use of the nerves. VIII. Of convulsive diseases. IX. Pharmaceutice rationalis, the first and second part. X. Of the scurvy. XI. Two discourses concerning the soul of brutes. Wherein most of the diseases belonging to the body of man are treated of, with excellent methods and receipts for the cure of the same. Fitted to the meanest capacity by an index for the explaining of all the hard and unusual words and terms of art derived from the Greek, Latine, or other languages, for the benefit of the English reader. With forty copper plates. The pharmaceutice new translated, and the whole carefully corrected and amended. London : printed for T[homas]. Dring, C[harles]. Harper, and J[ohn]. Leigh and are to be sold at the corner of Chancery-Lane, and the Flower-de-Luce over against St. Dunstans Church in Fleet-street, MDCLXXXIV. [1684]. ESTC No. R27619. Grub Street ID 110759.
  • Willis, Thomas. An essay of the pathology of the brain and nervous stock: in which convulsive diseases are treated of. Being the work of Thomas Willis of Christ-Church in Oxford, doctor in physick, and Sidly-professor of natural philosophy in that famous academy. Translated out of Latin into English, by S.P. London : printed by A[nne]. M[axwell]. and R[obert]. R[oberts] for T[homas]. Dring, J[ohn]. Leigh, and C[harles]. Harper, 1684. ESTC No. R186613. Grub Street ID 75208.
  • Willis, Thomas. A medical-philosophical discourse of fermentation. Or, of the intestine motion of particles in every body. By Dr. Thomas Willis of Christ-Church in Oxford, and Sidley professor of natural philosophy in that famous University. Translated into English, by S.P. London : printed by H[enry]. Clark, for T[homas]. Dring, C[harles]. Harper, and J[ohn]. Leigh, MDCLXXXIV. [1684]. ESTC No. R186615. Grub Street ID 75210.
  • Willis, Thomas. The London practice of physick: or the whole practical part of physick contained in the works of Dr. Willis. Faithfully made English, and printed together for the publick good. London : printed for Thomas Basset, at the George in Fleet-street, and William Crooke, at the Green-Dragon without Temple-Bar, 1685. ESTC No. R7920. Grub Street ID 128135.
  • Willis, Thomas. The London practice of physick: or the whole practical part of physick contained in the works of Dr. Willis. Faithfully made English, and printed together for the publick good. London : printed for T. Basset, T. Dring, C. Harper, W. Crooke, and S. Leigh, at their shops in Fleet-street, and without Temple-Bar, 1689. ESTC No. R15824. Grub Street ID 63725.
  • Willis, Thomas. A plain and easie method for preserving by God's blessing those that are well from the infection of the plague, or any contagious distemper in city, camp, fleet, &c. and for curing such as are infected with it. Written in the year 1666. By Tho. Willis, M.D. late Sidney Professor in Oxford, and a Member of the Royal Society and College of Physicians in London. With a poem on the virtue of a laurel leaf for curing of a rheumatism, by W.B. Never before printed. London : printed for W. Crook, at the Green-Dragon, without Temple-Bar, 1691. ESTC No. R1814. Grub Street ID 72004.
  • Willis, Thomas. Plain and easie method for preserving (by God's blessing) those that are well from the infection of the plague, or any contagious distemper, in city, camp, fleet, &c. and for curing such as are infected with it. Written in the year 1666. By Thomas Willis, M.D. late Sidney professor in Oxford, and a member of the Royal Society and Colledge of Physicians in London. Never before printed. London : printed for W[illiam]. Crook, at the Green-Dragon, without Temple-Bar, 1691. ESTC No. R186618. Grub Street ID 75211.
  • Willis, Thomas. The London practice of physick, being the practical part of physick contain'd in the vvorks of the famous Dr. Willis; wherein are his definitions, descriptions, and methods of curing diseases, with all his receipts. To which is now added his plain and easie method for th preventing and curing of the plague, published by Mr. Flemings, anamuensis and apothecary to the doctor. With the allowance of the College of Physicians. London : printed for T. Basset, T. Dring, C. Harper, and W. Crook, and are to be sold at the Flower-de-Luce in Fleet-street, and at the Green Dragon without Temple-Bar, M DC XCII. [1692]. ESTC No. R220013. Grub Street ID 94478.
  • Willis, Thomas. The London practice of physick: or the whole practical part of physick contained in the works of the learned Dr. Willis, faithfully Englished. The second edition. To which is added a treatise of the plague, its nature and cure: also several reciepts [sic] to prevent any contagious distemper in city, camp, or fleet, and for curing such as are infected with it. London : printed and are to be sold by Richard Wellington, at the sign of the Lute, and Edward Castle, at the Angel and Crown in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1695. ESTC No. R186614. Grub Street ID 75209.
  • Willis, Thomas. Dr. Willis's receipts for the cure of all distempers: together with an appendix, containing the general forms of prescription for vomits, purges, Diureticks, Sudorificks, Cordials, and Opiats. Collected out of the writings of that learned and Eminent physician, and faithfully translated into English. London : printed for Thomas Leigh, and Daniel Midwinter, at the Rose and Crown, in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1701. ESTC No. T94625. Grub Street ID 314197.
  • Willis, Thomas. A preservative from the infection of the plague, or, any contagious distemper, in city, camp, fleet, &c. ... Written in the year 1666. By Thomas Willis,. London : printed for A. Bettesworth, and J. Battely; C. Rivington; and E. Curll, 1721. ESTC No. T95760. Grub Street ID 315257.