Aucher, John.
The arraignment of rebellion, or The irresistibility of sovereign powers vindicated and maintain'd in a reply to a letter. By John Aucher, M.A. ejected fellow of St. Peter's College in Cambridge. Now D.D. and canon of Christ-Church Cant.
London : printed by M.F. for William Abington, within Ludgate, 1684.
ESTC No. R14611.Grub Street ID 62624.
Aucher, John.
The arraignment of rebellion, or the irresistibility of sovereign powers vindicated and maintain'd in a reply to a letter. By John Aucher, M. A. Ejected Fellow of St. Peter's College in Cambridge. Now D. D. and Canon of Christ-Church, Cant.
London : printed by M.F. for William Abington, within Ludgate. 1684. And reprinted in the year 1718. And sold by John Morphew, near Stationers-Hall, [1718].
ESTC No. T120575.Grub Street ID 171593.