Ness, Christopher.
[Hebrew] Peace-offerings and lamentations: being the tears of a compunctionated and compassionate spirit, shed over the pale and cunsumptive face of heart-sick England, issuing as from the bleeding heart of a son over his languishing mother. Exprest in an antidote against her present plague, in an alexipharmacum against her too too epidemical pestilence. Written, intentionally only, by way of letter to his friend; but, though as a ruch candle, unbushel'd at last, as its contents required. By C.N. a fool for Christ.
London : printed for the author, M. DC. LXVI. [1666].
ESTC No. R216845.Grub Street ID 91706.
Ness, Christopher.
The crown and glory of a Christian consisting in a sound conversion and well ordered conversation.
London : Printed for Dorman Newman, 1676.
ESTC No. R26867.Grub Street ID 110115.
Ness, Christopher.
A Christians walk and work on earth until he attain to heaven. Which may serve as a practical guide, and a plain direction in his pilgrimage thither, through his personal and relative duties. Marvelously useful to all persons and families of all ranks and qualities, both in city and country. The second edition corrected & amended. By Christopher Nesse, minister of the gospel in Fleetstreet, London.
London : printed and are to be sold by John Harding, at the sign of the Bible and Anchor in St. Paul's Church Yard, 1678.
ESTC No. R223818.Grub Street ID 97584.
Ness, Christopher.
A Christians walk and work on earth, until he attain to heaven. Which may serve as a practical guide, and a plain direction in his pilgrimage thither, through his personal and relative duties. Marvelously useful to all persons, and families of all ranks and qualities, both in city and country. By Christopher Nesse, minister of the Gospel in Fleet-Street-London.
London] : Printed for Dorman Newman, at the Kings Arms in the Poultrey, 1678.
ESTC No. R3369.Grub Street ID 116273.
Ness, Christopher.
A Protestant antidote against the poyson of popery. Clearly proving the religion of the Church of Rome, to be 1. Superstitious, 2. Idolatrous, 3. Damnable, 4. Bloody, 5. Novel, 6. Inconsistent with the publick peace, 7. Irreconciliable to true Christianity. Published for the publick good. By Christopher Nesse, minister of the gospel in Fleetstreet, London.
London : printed for Dorman Newman, at the King's Arms in the Poultrey, 1679.
ESTC No. R14548.Grub Street ID 62565.
Ness, Christopher.
A distinct discourse and discovery of the person and period of Antichrist. Wherein a diligent enquiry is made concerning the time of his rise, reign, and ruine, The answer whereunto is not peremptorily imposed, but modestly proposed. Published for publick good by Christopher Ness, Minister of the Gospel in Fleet-street.
London : printed for the author, and to be sold by him, 1679.
ESTC No. R3549.Grub Street ID 117898.
Ness, Christopher.
A Christians walk and work on earth until he attain to heaven. Which may serve as a practical guide, and a plain direction in his pilgrimage thither, through his personal and relative duties. Marvelously useful to all persons and families of all ranks and qualities, both in city & country. The second edition corrected & amended. By Christopher Nesse, Minister of the Gospel in Fleetstreet, London.
London : printed and are to be sold by John Harding, at the Sign of the Bible and Anchor in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1679.
ESTC No. R42195.Grub Street ID 123623.
Ness, Christopher.
A chrystal mirrour, or Christian looking-glass: wherein the hearts treason against God, and treachery against man, is truely represented, and throughly discoursed on and discovered. Whereby the soul of man may be dressed up into a comeliness for God. And whereon a duely and daily gazing (after a godly sort) may prevent the putting an everlasting cheat upon your immortal soul. Published for publick good, by Christopher Nesse, Minister of the Gospel, in Fleet-street, London.
London : printed by J.C. for the author, and to be sold by him, 1679.
ESTC No. R31077.Grub Street ID 113897.
Ness, Christopher.
The Lord Stafford's ghost: or, A vvarning to traitors, with his prophesie concerning the blazing-star.
London] : Printed for T. Benskin, in Greens-Rents, near Fleet-bridge, [1680 - 1681.
ESTC No. R218857.Grub Street ID 93458.
Ness, Christopher.
A compleat and compendious church-history: shewing, how it hath been from the beginning of the world, to this present day. Being an historical-narrative, how the power and providence of God, according to his promise, hath hitherto confounded all the damnable plots of the DevilĀ· To which is annexed a Scripture-prophecy: fore-shewing, how it shall be hence to the end of the world. The whole containing the quintessence of sacred, civil, and ecclesiastick-writers; and serving as a short comment upon all the books in the Bible, both historical and prophetical. Publishe for publick good, by Christopher Ness, minister of the Gospel, in Fleet-street.
London : printed by T[homas]. H[odgkin]. and are to be sold by Jacob Sampson, next door to the Wonder in Ludgate-Street: and by Jonathan Wilkins, at the Star, next Mercers-Chappel, in Cheap-side, 1680.
ESTC No. R37720.Grub Street ID 119936.
Ness, Christopher.
A full and true account of the late blazing-star: with some probable prognosticks upon what may be its effects.
London : printed for J. Wilkins, and J. Sampson, 1680.
ESTC No. R217809.Grub Street ID 92553.
Ness, Christopher.
A philosophical and divine discourse blazoning upon this blazing star: divided into three parts; the I. Treating on the product, form, colour, motion, scituation [sic], and signification of comets. II. Contains the prognosticks of comets in general, and of this in particular; together with a chronology of all the comets for the last 400 years. III. Consists of (1.) the explication of the grand concerns of this comet by astrological precepts and presidents. (2.) The application of its probable prognosticks astrologically and theologically. By Christopher Nesse, minister of the gospel, in London, 1681.
London : printed for J. Wilkins, and J. Sampson [and L. Curtiss on Ludgate-hill], 1681.
ESTC No. R218855.Grub Street ID 93456.
Ness, Christopher.
The signs of the times: or, VVonderful signs of wonderful times. Being a faithful collection and impartial relation of several signs and wonders, call'd properly prodigies, (together with some philosophical and theological descants upon them) which have been seen in the heavens, on the earth, and on the waters, as they have been testifyed by very credible hands. All which have hapned within the compass of this last year 1680. Which may well be called another annus mirabilis, or wonderful year, wherein the Lord hath given us loud warnings to repent of our sins and return to him, that he may have mercy upon us. By C. N.
London : printed for the author. And published by Langley Curtiss, on Ludgate-Hill, 1681.
ESTC No. R32306.Grub Street ID 115029.
Ness, Christopher.
A compleat and compendious church-history: shewing how it hath been from the beginning of the world, to this present day. Being an historical narrative, how the power and providence of God, according to his promise, hath hitherto confounded all the damnable plots of the Devil. To which is annexed a Scripture-prophecy: fore-shewing, how it shall be hence to the end of the world. To whole containing the quintessence of sacred civil and ecclesiastick writers; and serving as a short comment upon all the books in the Bible, both historical and prophetical. With a poem against popery, November 17. The second edition. Published for publick good, by Christopher Ne[ss], Minister of the Gospel in Fleet-street.
London : printed for the author, and are to be sold by the booksellers of London and Westminster, 1681.
ESTC No. R29557.Grub Street ID 112522.
Ness, Christopher.
A key (with the whip) to open the mystery [and] iniquity of the poem called, Absalom & Achitophel: shewing its scurrilous reflections upon both king and kingdom.
London] : Published by Richard Janeway, 1682.
ESTC No. R20391.Grub Street ID 80963.
Ness, Christopher.
A true account of this present blasing-star. Presenting it self to the view of the world. This August. 1682. to the sundry considerable remarks and observations thereupon.
London : printed for L. Curtis, 1682.
ESTC No. R6788.Grub Street ID 127096.
Ness, Christopher.
A key (with the whip) to open the mystery & iniquity of the poem called, Absalom & Achitophel: shewing its scurrilous reflections upon both king and kingdom.
London] : Printed by T. Snowden for the author, 1682.
ESTC No. R231132.Grub Street ID 103305.
Ness, Christopher.
An astrological and theologigal [sic] discourse upon this great conjunction (the like whereof hath not (likely) been in some ages) ushered in by a great comet and so far upon the heavens, the planets and fixed stars as is a necessary introduction into a distinct and full knowledg of the principal subject herein handled.
London : Printed for Langley Curtis, 1682.
ESTC No. R28721.Grub Street ID 111764.
Ness, Christopher.
The Devils patriarck, or A full and impartial account of the notorious life of this present Pope of Rome Innocent the 11th. Wherein is newly discovered his rise and reign; the time and manner of his being chosen Pope; his prime procession, consecration and coronation; the splendour and grandeur of his court; his most eminent and gainful cheats, by which he gulls the silly people; his secret and open transactions with the papists in England, Scotland, France and Ireland, and other Protestant countreys to this very day; together with the rest of the hellish policies and infamous actions of his wicked life. Written by an eminent pen to revive the remembrance of the almost forgotten plot against the life of his sacred Majesty and the Protestant religion. Entered according to order.
London : printed for John Dunton at the Black-Raven in the Poultrey, 1683.
ESTC No. R18567.Grub Street ID 74649.
Ness, Christopher.
A strange and wonderful trinity; or, a triplicity of stupendious prodigies, consisting of a wonderful eclipse, as well as of a wonderful comet, and of a wonderful conjunction, now in its second return, seeing all these three prodigious wonders do joyntly portend wonderful events, all meeting together in a strange harmonious triangle: and all are the three royal heralds, successively sent from the king of heaven, to sound succeeding alarms, for awakening a slumbering vvorld. Beware the third time.
London : printed for Langley Curtiss, 1683.
ESTC No. R228068.Grub Street ID 100804.
Ness, Christopher.
A strange and wonderful trinity; or, A triplicity of stupendious prodigies, consisting of a wonderful eclipse, as well as of a wonderful comet, and of a wonderful conjunction, now in its second return, seeing all these three prodigious wonders do joyntly portend wonderfu events, all meeting together in a strange harmonious triangle: and all are the three royal heralds, successively sent from the King of Heaven, to sound succeeding alarms, for awakening a slumbering vvorld. Beware the third time.
London : printed for Langley Curtiss, 1683.
ESTC No. R42196.Grub Street ID 123624.
Ness, Christopher.
The crown and glory of a Christian, consisting in a sound conversion and well ordered conversation.
Boston in New-England: printed by Samuel Green for Thomas Adams near the Red Lion, 1684.
ESTC No. R180865.Grub Street ID 71721.
Ness, Christopher.
A spiritual legacy; being a pattern of piety for all young persons practice, in a faithful relation of the holy life and happy death of Mr John Draper. Represented out of his own and other manuscripts; containing his experiences, exercises, self-examinations, and evidences for heaven. Together with his funeral sermon. Published by Chr. Ness, Minister of the Gospel.
London : printed by H. Clark, for the author, and are to be sold by L. Curtis, at Sr. Edmundbury Godfrey's Head, near Fleet Bridge, 1684.
ESTC No. R29558.Grub Street ID 112523.
Ness, Christopher.
The crown and glory of a Christian, consisting in a sound conversion and well ordered conversation.
Boston in New-England, Printed by Samuel Green for John Griffin: 1684.
ESTC No. W30565.Grub Street ID 340913.
Ness, Christopher.
A compleat history and mystery of the Old and New Testament, logically discuss'd, and theologically improved: in three distinct volumes. The first beginning at the creation of the world, and ending at Moses. The second continuing the history from Joshuah till the birth o Christ. The third from the birth of Christ, to the death of the last and longest living apostle, John the Divine. The like undertaking (in such a manner and method) being never attempted before. The first volume. By Christopher Ness minister of the Gospel in London.
London : printed by T. Snowden for the author, and are to be sold by Tho. Parkhurst at the Bible and Three Crowns in Cheapside near Mercers Chapel, 1690.
ESTC No. R35065.Grub Street ID 117524.
Ness, Christopher.
The second volume of the sacred history and mystery of the Old Testament, beginning at the particular remarks of Israel's motions and mansions in the wilderness until the death of Moses, and the succession of Joshua, and so on to the birth of Solomon. The supplement designed for the first volume is here inserted as an introduction to the second. By Christopher Ness.
London : printed by Thomas Snowden for the author, in the year 1695.
ESTC No. R18759.Grub Street ID 75804.
Ness, Christopher.
A compleat history and mystery of the Old and New Testament, logically discust and theologically improved. In four distinct volumes. The first, beginning at the creation of the world, and ending at Moses. The second, beginning at the particular remarks of Israel's motion and mansions in the wilderness, until the death of Moses, and the succession of Joshua, and so forward unto the birth of Solomon. The third, beginning at David's repentance, before the birth of Solomon, and ending at the birth of christ; wherein an ample account is given of all the Apocryphal time (betwixt Malachy and Messiah) also, as well as of all the canonical books until that time. The fourth beginning at the first of Matthew, and ending at the last of the Revelations; wherein is held forth the most illustrious life of Christ, and the lives of all the Apostles, to the death of the last and longest living Apostle John the Divine. ... By Christopher Ness A.M. and minister of the gospel in London.
London : printed by Tho. Snowden, and are to be sold by Tho. Parkhurst at the Bible and Three Crowns, the lower end of Cheapside: and Jonathan Robinson, at the Golden-Lion in Paul's Church-Yard, 1696.
ESTC No. R40047.Grub Street ID 121894.
Ness, Christopher.
The fourth volume of the sacred history and mystery of the New-Testament; logically dificult and theologically improved. Beginning at the birth of Christ, and ending at the last of the Revelations: wherein is held forth the life of Christ, and the lives of all the Apostles. By Christopher Ness Minister of the Gospel in London.
London : printed by Thomas Snowden for the author, in the year 1696.
ESTC No. R39764.Grub Street ID 121638.
Ness, Christopher.
A divine legacy bequeathed unto all mankind of all ranks, ages, and sexes directing how we may live holily in the fear of God and how we may die happily in the favour of God, both which duties are of universal concern ... / by Christopher Ness .
London : Printed by T.S. and sold by T. Parkhurst .. and J. Robinson .., 1700.
ESTC No. R31078.Grub Street ID 113898.