Howgill, Francis.
An ansvver to a paper; called, A petition of one Thomas Ellyson, late shepherd of Easington in the county of Durham, to his Highness the Lord Protector of England, Scotland and Ireland, and to all emperors, kings and princes through the world.
London: printed in the year, 1654.
ESTC No. R207351.Grub Street ID 83749.
Howgill, Francis.
The fiery darts of the divel quenched; or, Something in answer to a book called, a second beacon fired, presented to the Lord Protector, and the Parliament, and subscribed by Luke Fawne, John Rothwel, Samuel Gellibrand, Thomas Underhill, Joshua Kirton, Nathaniel Web. Wherin, their lies and slanders are made manifest against the innocent, and those books which have been published by them they call Quakers, owned and vindicated, and all the rest which is in that book disowned, and their deceite laid open; how they have perverted the truth and our words in those books which they cry out of as blasphemy, that the truth may not suffer under the reproach of the heathen. By one who is a witnesse for the truth against Gog and Magog, called after the flesh, Francis Howgil. Also something in answer to a booke called a voice from the Word of the Lord, by one John Griffith, against us, whom the world calls Quakers, wherein his false accusations is denied, and he proved to be a slanderer, and the t.
London: printed for Giles Calvert, at the black-spread Eagle at the West end of Pauls, 1654.
ESTC No. R207383.Grub Street ID 83773.
Howgill, Francis.
The common salvation contended for, and the faith which was once delivered to the saints. Or, An answer to a book called a plain answer to eighteen queries of Iohn Whitehead, put forth by William Kays, who calls himself minister of the Gospel at Stokesly; wherein he hath perverted the faith once delivered to the saints, and pleads for those things which the Scripture declares against, and so he is made manifest, not to be a minister of the everlasting Gospel, but preachesanother [sic] Gospel. The queries laid down, and the substance of his answer, with a reply to his answer. By one who is a friend to all, who wait for the appearance of Iesus Christ without sin to salvation, known to the world by the name. Francis Howgill.
London: printed for Giles Calvert, and are to be sold, at the Black-spread-Eagle, at the west-end of Pauls, [1655].
ESTC No. R18577.Grub Street ID 74708.
Howgill, Francis.
The inheritance of Jacob discovered, after his return out of Ægypt: and the leading of the Lord to the land of promise, declared, and some information on the way thither. Or a word of exhortation to all professors in England, Scotland and Ireland, and to all the world where this shall come, wherein the common salvation is declared, in which the saints believed; and deceit discovered and made manifest. Published in love to all the honest hearted in the nations, in love and bowels of compassion to your souls. Also a few words of exhortation to the rulers of England, and Ireland. By a servant of Jesus Christ who delighteth in his masters work Francis Howgill.
London: printed for Giles Calvert, at the Black-spread Eagle, at the west end of Pauls, 1656.
ESTC No. R204834.Grub Street ID 81706.
Howgill, Francis.
A lamentation for the scattered tribes, who are exiled into captivity, and are now mingled among the heathen, and are joyned to the oppressor, and refuses to return. Presented unto all the separated congregations, under what name or form soever, in love to the lost. Shewing, the difference betwixt them that were separated by the word of faith, and them who have separated themselves, in imitation from the letter: ... By a servant of truth, and a friend to righteousness, who suffers with the seed, which is held in oppression, waiting and labouring for its return; called Francis Howgill.
London: printed for Giles Calvert, at the Black-spread-Eagle at the west end of Pauls, 1656.
ESTC No. R204835.Grub Street ID 81707.
Howgill, Francis.
This is onely to goe amongst friends.
[London: printed for Thomas Simmons, at the signe of the Bull and Mouth near Aldersgate, 1656].
ESTC No. R207708.Grub Street ID 84064.
Howgill, Francis.
The visitation of the rebellious nation of Ireland. And a warning from the Lord proclaimed, to all the inhabitants thereof, to make their peace with him before hislong [sic] suffering come to an end. With a lamentation over its unfruitfulnes and rebellion after so many visitations. And an exhortation to all the honest hearted, to meet the Lord by repentance, while the patience of the Lord continues. Or the sealing of the Lords testimony unto all sorts of people in that land, by his servants, after their several months sore labours, and travells, and sufferings therein, who loved not their lives for the seeds sake. Also some particular papers, written in that nation, to severall sorts of people. I. A warning, to the heads, and rulers, and people of Dublin. ... VII. An invitation to all the poor desolate souldiers, to repent, and make their peace with the Lord, and their duty shewed them, what the Lord requires of them. By them who are sufferers, for the seeds sake; waiting for the build.
London: printed for Giles Calvert at the west end of Pauls, 1656.
ESTC No. R202550.Grub Street ID 79783.
Howgill, Francis.
The inheritance of Jacob discovered. After his return out of Ægypt: and the leading of the Lord to the land of promise, declared, and some information of the way thither. Or a word of exhortation to all professors in England, Scotland and Ireland, and to all the world where this shall come, wherein the common salvation is declared, in which the saints believed; and deceit discovered and made manifest. Published in love to all the honest hearted in the nations, in love and bowels of compassion to your soules. Also a few words of exhortation to the rulers of England, and Ireland. By a servant of Jesus Christ who delighteth in his masters worke. Francis Howgill.
London: printed for Giles Calvert at the Black-spread Eagle, at the West end of Pauls, 1656.
ESTC No. R208464.Grub Street ID 84716.
Howgill, Francis.
Some of the misteries of Gods kingdome declared, as they have been revealed by the spirit through faith. For the information of all such who have erred for lack of knowledge in their judgements, and have perished for lack of understanding, to the intent that they may for the time to come wait in that which gives the true knowledge of God, and of his kingdome, and of the mysteries thereof, which comes to be revealed through faith to the upright in heart. Also for the confirmation of such who are made partakers of the like precious faith. By one who is made partaker of the riches of his grace, and of the salvation which is in Christ Jesus revealed through the spirit, called Francis Howgill.
London: printed for Thomas Simmons at the Bull and Mouth neer Aldergate, 1658.
ESTC No. R38992.Grub Street ID 121014.
Howgill, Francis.
The measuring rod of the Lord, stretched forth over all nations, and the line of true judgement laid to the rulers thereof; wherein all governours and rulers, ... and all governments and lawes weighed in the true weight; wherein they all may see how far they are degenerated from the law of righteousness, ... which was in the beginning, before tyranny, and persecution, and rebellion had shewed it selfe; also shewing the end that will come upon all those rulers and governments, ... which is to be all overthrown, ... Shewing also that they in whom the power of God is made manifest, cannot be subject to any usurper, ... Also an advertisement to all the rulers upon the earth, ... to make up the breaches, ... and gladness of heart may possess the people. Published for the information of all the rulers upon earth: by one who waits to see the kingdoms of the world to become the kingdomes of the Lord and his Christ, that he alone may rule for ever and ever, called Francis Howgill.
London: printed for Giles Calvert, and are to be sold at the Black-spread-Eagle at the west end of Pauls, 1658.
ESTC No. R6600.Grub Street ID 126935.
Howgill, Francis.
The popish inquisition newly erected in New-England, whereby their church is manifested to be a daughter of mysterie Babylon, which did drink the blood of the saints, who bears the express image of her mother, demonstrated by her fruits. Also, their rulers to be in the beasts power upon whom the whore rideth, manifest by their wicked compulsary laws against the Lamb and his followers, and their cruel and bloody practises against the dear servants of the Lord, who have deeply suffered by this hypocritical generation. Some of their miserable sufferings for the testimony of Jesus, declared as follows; and some of their unjust and vvicked lavvs set dovvn, by vvhich they have made the ungodly to rejoyce, and the righteous to lament, that all who fear the Lord, may come out of their foot-steps. Published by a lover of mercy and truth, and an enemy to envy and cruelty, Francis Howgill.
London: printed for Thomas Simmons, at the Bull and Mouth near Aldersgate, 1659.
ESTC No. R14218.Grub Street ID 62264.
Howgill, Francis.
Mistery Babylon the mother of harlots discovered: her rise, and when, with many of her sorceries. VVith her merchants of divers orders, and ranks, and merchandize of divers sorts this many hundred years. Also her last merchants, with their delicate merchandise discovered; in answer to a book tituled the directory for the publick worship of God through England, Scotland, and Ireland, which now is the chief traffick her last reformed merchants trades with, in all these nations. Published by F.H.
London: printed for Thomas Simmons at the Bull and Mouth neer Aldersgate, 1659.
ESTC No. R16766.Grub Street ID 64581.
Howgill, Francis.
The works of darknesse brought to light and reproved. In answer to divers false doctrines and principles of Iohn Wells of St. Ives (so called) in Huntington-shire. Concerning the word and the Gospel, and the way to Christ, and the tryal of spirits, and the light which lighteth every man, and the ministers maintenance. His vain arguments and proofes made void, and truth manifested in all these particulars. Also some queries propounded to Iohn Wells to answer. By him that loves the truth as it is in Iesus, F.H.
London: printed for Thomas Simmons at the sign of the Bull and Mouth near Aldersgate, 1659.
ESTC No. R2198.Grub Street ID 94283.
Howgill, Francis.
Darknesse and ignorance. Expelled by the light shining forth, and the appearance of the day. In answer to a book called, Innocents no saints. Published by one Edward Dodd, wherein he hath laboured to prove tythes lawfull, and tithing priests and hirelings to be the ministers of the word, and the masse-house the church; and calls idolatry civility, and heathenish complements courtesie, and hath perverted many Scriptures. His deceit laid open, his vindication made void, and his arguments confounded, and Truth laid open in all these particulars, for the sake of the upright in heart, who rejoyces in Truths prosperity. By one of the lambs followers, who makes warre against the heart of the dragon, and against the rear of the beast. F.H.
London: printed for Thomas Simmons, at the Ball [sic] and Mouth near Aldersgate, 1659.
ESTC No. R215412.Grub Street ID 90466.
Howgill, Francis.
The invisible things of God brought to light by the revelation of the eternal spirit who was an ey-witness of the wonders of the Lord in the beginning. Wherein is declared the felicity of all things in the beginning; and the sad estate of all things after the transgression. How all the reformed churches, so called, in Christendom are yet in the apostacy. The estate of the true church before the apostacy, and her state in the apostacy; and the glory that shall appear after the apostacy. By one, who believes, God will shine out of Sion in perfect beauty, again, after the dark night of apostacy, called Francis Howgill.
London: printed for Thomas Simmons at the Bull and Mouth near Aldersgate, 1659.
ESTC No. R28120.Grub Street ID 111223.
Howgill, Francis.
The heart of New-England hardned through wickednes: in answer to a book, entituled the Heart of New-England rent, published by John Norton appointed thereunto by the General Court. The doctrine of the Quakers uindicated [sic], his ignorance manifested, and his lying doctrines brought to light and judged with the word of truth, and truth cleared from his aspersions and slanders. By him that waits to see the throne of righteousness exalted above all deceit. Francis Howgill.
London: printed for Thomas Simmons at the Bull and Mouth near Aldersgate, 1659.
ESTC No. R223647.Grub Street ID 97436.
Howgill, Francis.
The mouth of the pit stopped, and the smoke that hath arisen out of it scattered by the breath of truth. In answer to a lying story called Hell broken loose; or the history of the Quakers, published by Thomas Underhill, a seller of the whores merchandize, otherwise calle a book-seller; his lyes returned upon him, his accusations answered and his envie declared, and truth cleared from all his reproaches. By one that waits to see death and hell cast into the lake of fire, with the Beast and false-prophet, Francis Howgil.
London: printed for Thomas Simmons at the Bull and Mouth near Aldersgate, 1659.
ESTC No. R6601.Grub Street ID 126936.
Howgill, Francis.
One warning more unto England before she give up the ghost, and be buried in the pit of darkness. To awaken the inhabitants thereof out of their deep sleep, to see themselves what misery is coming upon them through their degeneration and horrible ingratitude, that the people therein may be left without excuse in the day of the Lord. By him that pities thee in this languishing state. F.H.
London : printed for Thomas Simmons at the sign of the Bull and Mouth near Aldersgate, 1660.
ESTC No. R6654.Grub Street ID 126984.
Howgill, Francis.
One of Antichrists voluntiers defeated, and the true light vindicated. In answer to a book called Ignis fatuus, published by one R.I. Wherein he vindicates Edward Dod, and Samuell Smith (of the county of Salop) in their lyes, folly, and wickedness, and hath added more of his own, with divers of his false doctrines, lyes and slanders, &c. brought to light, and reproved: as that the law of the spirit of life, is imperfect, and not fit to be a Christian rule, and also, humane nature may be taken for the regenerate part of man, and the soul, &c. And likewise calls idolatry, civillity, and heathenish complements, courtesie. His vindication made voyd, and his weapons broken, and he taken captive, and left with E.D. and S.S. among the slime pits of Siddim near Sodom, with his ignis fatuus. By F.H. a witnesse to the perfect law, of the spirit of life.
London : printed for Thomas Simmons at the Bull and Mouth near Aldersgate, 1660.
ESTC No. R16812.Grub Street ID 64624.
Howgill, Francis.
The deceiver of the nations discovered: and his cruelty made manifest. And how he hath deceived the nations, and wrought his works of darkness, more hiddenly under the mask of higher power, and Holy Church; and so persecutes the righteous seed, and makes them suffer unde the name of evil doers, in these latter daies. More especially his cruel works of darkness, laid open and reproved in Maryland in Virgina, and the sad sufferings of the servants of the Lord there, by his cruel instruments. Sent back unto them again, that they may view their works again, and repent and be ashamed; lest the wrath of God sink them into the pit, as it hath done many before them, who have opposed the Lord. By a lover of mercy and truth, Fra. Howgill.
London : printed for Thomas Simmons, at the sign of the Bull and Mouth, neer Aldersgate, 1660.
ESTC No. R217524.Grub Street ID 92306.
Howgill, Francis.
One of Antichrist's voluntiers defeated, and the true light vindicated, in answer to a book called Ignis fatuus, published by one R.I. Wherein he vindicates Edward Dod, and Samuell Smith (of the county of Salop) in their lyes, folly, and wickedness, and hath added more of his own, with divers of his false doctrines, lyes and slanders, &c. brought to light, and reproved: as that the law of the spirit of life, is imperfect, and not fit to be a Christian rule, and also, humane nature may be taken for the regenerate part of man, and the soul, &c. And likewise calls idolatry, civillity, and heathenish complements, courtesie. His vindication made voyd, and his weapons broken, and he taken captive, and left with E.D. and S.S. among the slime pits of Siddim near Sodom, with his Ignis fatuus. By F.H. a witnesse to the perfect law, of the Spirit of Life.
London: printed for Thomas Simmons at the Bull and Mouth near Aldersgate, 1660.
ESTC No. R178361.Grub Street ID 70109.
Howgill, Francis.
Some openings of the womb of the morning: to all the princes of Germany, and people who professe the name of Jesus Christ in those dominions, this is sent as a free gift in true love unto those nations, wherein the state of the true church is discovered with her foundation and mystery Babylon and her foundation, that all may try themselves upon what foundation they are, and whether they belong to that city which is to be made desolate, or to the lambs wife which shall be married unto him for ever in everlasting righteousnesse. And the way and the entrance into the true worship in which God is well pleased discovered unto them who are weary, that they may come to rest, and to know that wherein peace and felicity consisteth. By a servent of the Lord who hath viewed your state, who hath reached forth his hand of love unto you, that you may come out of the nigh of darkness, and behold the Lord in his marvellous light which is arisen. Francis Howgill.
London : printed for Thomas Simmons, at the sign of the Bull and Mouth near Aldersgate, 1661.
ESTC No. R6655.Grub Street ID 126985.
Howgill, Francis.
The glory of the true church, discovered, as it was in its purity in the primitive time. Also, a manifestation how and when the apostacy came, and how long it hath continued in the Church of Rome; proved to be in it, because she differs in doctrin & practice from the Church of Christ in the Apostles dayes. Published for this end, that people may be informed, and their understandings opened to discern of the times and seasons, and see the difference between the lambs wife and the mother of harlots. By one who desires that all may come to the knowledge of the truth and be saved, and walk in the light of the Lord, Francis Howgill.
London : printed for Giles Calvert, at the Black-spread-Eagle, at the west-end of Pauls, 1661.
ESTC No. R38990.Grub Street ID 121012.
Howgill, Francis.
The rock of ages exalted above Rome's imagined rock on which her church is builded: she proved not to be the onely Church of Christ; her corrupt doctrines reproved not to be apostolick, but contrary to the true Church of Christ in the apostles dayes. Also, divers arguments answered, which may convince the papists that they are not the true church, wherein a book is also answered, called, A catechism against all sectaries; newly published by C.M. in the year 1661. By Francis Howgil, a member of that church which is coming out of the wilderness.
London : printed for G.C. at the west end of Pauls, 1662.
ESTC No. R30346.Grub Street ID 113219.
Howgill, Francis.
The glory of the true church discovered, as it was in its purity in the primitive time. Also, a manifestation how and when the apostacy came, and how long it hath continued in the Church of Rome; proved to be in it, because the differs in doctrine and practice from the Church of Christ in the Apostles days. Published for this end, that people may be informed, and their understandings opened to discern of the times and seasons, and see the difference between the Lambs wife and the Mother of Harlots. By one who desires that all may come to the knowledg [sic] of th truth and be saved, and walk in the Light of the Lord, Francis Howgil.
London : printed for G. Calvert, at the Black-spread-Eagle, at the West end of Pauls, 1662.
ESTC No. R21384.Grub Street ID 89197.
Howgill, Francis.
A testimony concerning the life, death, trials, travels and labours of Edward Burroughs that worthy prophet of the Lord who dyed a prisoner for the testimony of Jesus, and the Word of God, in the City of London, the 14th of the 12th month, 1662. F. H.
London : [s.n], printed in the year 1663.
ESTC No. R184973.Grub Street ID 74306.
Howgill, Francis.
A testimony concerning the life, death, trials, travels and labours of Edward Burroughs that worthy prophet of the Lord who dyed a prisoner for the testimony of Jesus, and the Word of God, in the city of London, the 14th of the 12th month, 1662. F. H.
London : printed, and are to be sold by William Warwick, 1662 [i.e. 1663].
ESTC No. R34657.Grub Street ID 117173.
Howgill, Francis.
The glory of the true church discovered, as it was in its purity in the primitive time. Also, a manifestation how and when the apostacy came, and how long it hath continued in the church of Rome; proved to be in it, because she differs in doctrine and practice from the Church of Christ in the Apostles days. Published for this end, that people may be informed, and their understandings opened to discern of the times and seasons, and see the difference between the Lambs wife and the mother of harlots. By one who desires that all may come to the knowledg of the truth and be saved, and walk in the light of the Lord, Francis Howgil.
London : printed for E. Calvert, at the Black spread-Eagle, at the west-end of Pauls, 1666.
ESTC No. R27436.Grub Street ID 110599.