Mayne, Jasper.
The citye match. A comoedye. Presented to the King and Queene at White-hall. Acted since at Black-friers by His Maiesties Servants.
Oxford: printed by Leonard Lichfield, printer to the University, Anno Dom. M.DC.XXXIX. [1639].
ESTC No. S114462.Grub Street ID 134173.
Mayne, Jasper.
A sermon concerning unity & agreement. Preached at Carfax Church in Oxford, August 9. 1646. By Jasper Maine, D.D. and one of the students of Christ-Church, Oxon.
[Oxford]: Printed [by Leonard Lichfield], in the yeere, M DC XLVI. [1646].
ESTC No. R201130.Grub Street ID 78585.
Mayne, Jasper.
The difference about church government ended: by taking away the distinction of government into ecclesiasticall and civill: and proving the government of the civill magistrate onely sufficient in a Christian kingdom. Written by one that by making peace, prefers to be called a blessed childe of God, before preeminence in this world. J.M. D.D. Published according to order.
London: printed by R[obert]. L[eybourne]. for William Leake, and are to be sold at his shop at the signe of the Crowne in Fleetstreet between the two Temple gates, 1646.
ESTC No. R200855.Grub Street ID 78335.
Mayne, Jasper.
A sermon against false prophets. Preached in St. Maries Church in Oxford, shortly after the surrender of that garrison. By Iasper Maine, D.D. and one of the students of Christ-Church, Oxon.
[London: s.n], Printed in the yeare, MDCXLVII. [1647].
ESTC No. R6997.Grub Street ID 127292.
Mayne, Jasper.
A sermon against false prophets. Preached in St. Maries Church in Oxford, shortly after the surrender of that garrison. By Jasper Maine, D.D. and one of the students of Christ-Church, Oxon.
[Oxford]: Printed [by L. Lichfield], in the yeere, M DC XLVI. [1646, i.e. 1647].
ESTC No. R201304.Grub Street ID 78745.
Mayne, Jasper.
Ochlo-machia. Or The peoples war, examined according to the principles of Scripture & reason, in two of the most plausible pretences of it. In answer to a letter sent by a person of quality, who desired satisfaction. By Jasper Mayne, D.D. one of the students of Ch. Ch. Oxon.
[Oxford: by L. Lichfield], Printed in the yeare, 1647.
ESTC No. R201695.Grub Street ID 79049.
Mayne, Jasper.
A sermon against schisme: or, The seperations of these times. Preacht in the church of Wattlington in Oxford-shire, with some interruption, September 11. 1652. At a publick dispute held there, between Jasper Mayne, D.D. and one --.
London: printed for R. Royston, at the Angel in Ivie-lane, 1652.
ESTC No. R32061.Grub Street ID 114804.
Mayne, Jasper.
Certaine sermons and letters of defence and resolution, to some of the late controversies of our times. By Jas: Mayne, D.D.
London: printed for R. Royston, at the Angel in Ivie-lane, 1653.
ESTC No. R30521.Grub Street ID 113361.
Mayne, Jasper.
Ymddiffyniad rhag pla o schism neu swyn gyfaredd yn erbyn neullduaethau yr amferoedd ...
[Ludd]: Printiedig ynghaer Ludd gan Joa. Streater, tros Philip Chetwinde, 1658.
ESTC No. R43439.Grub Street ID 124418.
Mayne, Jasper.
Pregeth yn erbyn schism: neu, Wahaniadau yr Amseroedd hyn: a Bregethwyd yn Watlington yn fir Rydychen, mewn peth cythryfwl Med. ll. 1652. Yn ol ymddadleu cyhoeddus a fu yno rhwng Jasper Mayne, D.D. Ac vn-Cyfieith. R.V.
Caer-Ludd [i.e. London?]: Argraphedig gan Jo. Streater, tros Phil. Chetwinde, 1658.
ESTC No. R180491.Grub Street ID 71512.
Mayne, Jasper.
Tvvo plaies, The city match. A comoedy. And The amorovs vvarre, a tragy-comoedy. Both long since written, by J. M. of Ch. Ch. in Oxon.
Oxford: re-printed by Hen. Hall, for Ric. Davis, 1658.
ESTC No. R13752.Grub Street ID 61826.
Mayne, Jasper.
The city match. A comoedy presented to the King and Queene at VVhite-Hall. Acted since at Black-friers by His Maiesties servants. By J.M. St: of Ch: Ch: in Oxon.
Oxford: printed by Henry Hall, printer to the University, for Rich: Davis, 1659.
ESTC No. R17484.Grub Street ID 67903.
Mayne, Jasper.
The amorous vvarre. A tragi-comϤy. By J.M. St. of Ch. Ch. in Oxon.
Oxford: printed by Henry Hall printer to the University, for Ric. Davis, 1659.
ESTC No. R31204.Grub Street ID 114009.
Mayne, Jasper.
The amorous vvarre. A tragi-comϤy. By J.M. St. of Ch. Ch. in Oxon.
Oxford: printed by Henry Hall printer to the University, for Ric. Davis, 1659.
ESTC No. R19671.Grub Street ID 77246.
Mayne, Jasper.
Concio ad academiam Oxoniensem pro more habita inchoante termino, Maii 27. 1662. A Jaspero Mayne, S.T.D. Ædis Christi Præbendario, Regiq; in ordine à sacris.
Londini : typis J[ohn]. Grismond, & prostant apud R[ichard]. Royston in Ivie-lane, 1662.
ESTC No. R31206.Grub Street ID 114011.
Mayne, Jasper.
A sermon preached at the consecration of the right reverend father in God, Herbert, Lord Bishop of HerefordDT By Jasper Mayne, D.D. canon of Christ-Church, and one of His Majesties Chaplains in Ordinary.
London : printed for R. Royston, bookseller to the Kings most excellent Majesty, at the Angel in Ivie-lane, 1662.
ESTC No. R19642.Grub Street ID 77220.
Mayne, Jasper.
To His Royall Highnesse, the Duke of Yorke on our late sea-fight.
Oxford: Printed by Henry Hall for Ric. Davis, 1665.
ESTC No. R17842.Grub Street ID 70130.