Thomas Snowden (d. 1700; fl. 16781699)


  • Grubstreet: 26689


  • Printer

Thomas Snowden, printer 1678–99. See Ann Snowden, whom he married in 1686, and who carried on the business after his death.

The Life and Errors of John Dunton, by John Dunton (1705)

Mr. Snowden—He was my very Dear and Intimate Friend for many Years; a Man of great Industry, and Compos'd much himself: He was a great admirer of Mr. Lob. His Widow follows the same Trade; and tho' I was pretty deeply indebted to her Husband, yet she han't once asked me for it, which I take as a very Great and Noble Kindness; and so soon as I possibly compass Money to Discharge my Debts, she, to be sure, shan't lose a Farthing.

A Dictionary of the Printers and Booksellers who were at Work in England, Scotland and Ireland from 1668 to 1725, by Henry Plomer (1922)

SNOWDEN (THOMAS), printer in London, 1678 (?)–1680. Probably the T.S. who printed for Thomas Moore in 1678. His full name is only known from An Account of the New Sheriffs holding their Office, 1680. [B.M. 816. m. 9 (61).]