Homes, Nathanael.
The nevv vvorld, or The nevv reformed church. Discovered out of the second epistle of Peter the third chap. verse 13. Neverthelesse we according to his promise looke for new heavens, and a new Earth, wherein dwelleth righteousnesse. First opened briefly, and some points pourtrayed and propounded before some of the nobilitie and others in the country. Afterwards more fully delineated, and prosecuted before the Honorable House of Parliament; May 30. an. Dom. 1641. And upon the request of some of them, desiring coppies, was limbed up for the presse, according to the maine parts then, and there delivered. By Nath. Homes Dr. in D.
London: printed by T[homas]. P[aine]. and M[atthew]. S[immons]. for William Adderton, and are to be sold at his shop in Duck-lane, 1641.
ESTC No. R8246.Grub Street ID 128442.
Homes, Nathanael.
The peasants price of spirituall liberty. VVherein is represented the complexion of the times, and considerations to cure it. In three sermons. By Nathaniel Homes, D.D.
London: printed by R.O. and G.D. for Benjamin Allen in Popeshead Alley, 1642.
ESTC No. R15127.Grub Street ID 63088.
Homes, Nathanael.
Gospel musick. Or, The singing of Davids psalms, &c. in the publick congregations, or private families asserted, and vindicated, against a printed pamphlet, entitled, Certain reasons by way of confutation of singing psalms in the letter. Objections sent in, in writing. Scruples of some tender consciences. By thy loving brother, N.H. D.D. M.M.S. Vnto which is added, the iudgement of our worthy brethren of New-England touching singing of psalms, as it is learnedly and gravely set forth in their preface to the Singing psalms, by them translated into metre.
London: printed for Henry Overton in Popes-Head Alley, 1644.
ESTC No. R13654.Grub Street ID 61737.
Homes, Nathanael.
A vindication of baptizing beleevers infants. In some animadversions upon Mr. Tombes his Exercitations about infant baptisme; as also upon his Examen, as touching the antiquities and authors by him alledged or contradicted that concern the same. Humbly submitted to the judgement of all candid Christians, by Nathanael Homes. Published according to order.
London: Printed by M. Simmons, and are to be sold by Benjamin Allen at the signe of the Crowne in Popes-head Alley, 1646.
ESTC No. R200604.Grub Street ID 78098.
Homes, Nathanael.
A vindication of baptizing beleevers infants. In some animadversions upon Mr. Tombes his exercitations about infant baptisme; as also upon his examen, as touching the antiquities and authors by him alledged or contradicted that concern the same. Humbly submitted to the judgement of all candid Christians, By Nathanael Homes. Published according to order.
London: printed by M. Simmons, and are to be sold by Richard Wodenothe at the Starre under Peters Church in Corn-hill 1646.
ESTC No. R178108.Grub Street ID 69975.
Homes, Nathanael.
Gods gracious thoughts tovvards great sinners.
London: Printed by Matthew Simmons, dwelling in Aldersgate-street, 1647.
ESTC No. R201472.Grub Street ID 78885.
Homes, Nathanael.
Gods gracious thoughts tovvards great sinners declared in two sermons by Nathanael Homes ...
Loondon [sic]: printed by Matthew Simmons, and are to be sold by John Pounset at the lower end of Budge-row neere Canning-streete, 1647.
ESTC No. R178104.Grub Street ID 69971.
Homes, Nathanael.
Gods gracious thoughts tovvards great sinners.
London: printed by Matthew Simmons, dwelling in Aldersgate street, 1647.
ESTC No. R188249.Grub Street ID 76233.
Homes, Nathanael.
The mischeife of mixt communions, fully discussed. All maine arguments on both sides, are largely canvased. Many difficulties demonstratively cleared, as that Judas was not at the Lords Supper, &c. When, and how was the originall of parishes in England. Severall cases of conscience resolved. As in case unworthy ones thrust into the Lords Supper; what single Christians should doe, and what the congregation should doe. A discovery what is the originall, and rise of all these disputes, and how a faire end may be put to all. By Doctor Nathanael Homes.
London: printed by Thomas Roycroft, and are to be sold by William Raybould at the Unicorne, neer the little north doore in Pauls Church yard, 1650.
ESTC No. R205868.Grub Street ID 82485.
Homes, Nathanael.
The mischeife of mixt communions, fully discussed. All maine arguments on both sides, are largely canvased. Many difficulties demonstratively cleared, as, that Judas was not at the Lords Supper, &c. When, and how was the originall of parishes in England. Severall cases o conscience resolved. As in case unworthy ones thrust into the Lords Supper; what single Christians should doe, and what the congregation should doe. A discovery what is the originall, and rise of all these disputes, and how a faire end may be put to all. By Doctor Nathanael Homes.
London: printed by Thomas Roycroft, and are to be sold by William Raybould at the Unicorne, neere the little north doore in Pauls Church yard, 1650.
ESTC No. R233516.Grub Street ID 105030.
Homes, Nathanael.
A sermon preached afore Thomas Andrews Lord Maior, and the aldermen, sheriffs, &c. of the honorable corporation of the Citie of London, at pauls; on the Lords day, Feb. 2. 1650. By Doctor Nathanael Homes, teacher to the church at Mary Staynings, London. In which discours is held forth, 1 The order, method, and succession of times and things, both good and evil, that are to come to pass before the next appearance of Christ; as an explanation of his former sermon before the said honorable assembly, upon Octob. 8. 1650. 2 A touch upon the two witnesses. 3 An iconism or picture of the present apostacie in England. 4 A systeme of symptomes of them that will have the spiritual falling-sickness to depart from the faith. Left as a testimony and protest of the author, against the evils of this present age.
London: Printed by T.R. and J.C., 1650.
ESTC No. R29231.Grub Street ID 112235.
Homes, Nathanael.
Dæmonologie, and theologie. The first, the malady, demonstrating the diabolicall arts, and devillish hearts of men. The second, the remedy: demonstrating, God a rich supply of all good. By Doctor Nathanael Homes, [sic].
London: printed by Tho: Roycroft, and are to be sold by Jo: Martin, and Jo: Ridley, at the Castle in Fleet-street, neer Ram-Alley, 1650.
ESTC No. R209143.Grub Street ID 85359.
Homes, Nathanael.
God, a rich supply of all good. Setting forth, I. The beleevers interest in it. II. The riches of it in quantity. III. The gloriousnesse of it in quality. IV. The meanes of sealing up all: namely, Christ. All illustrated, with many wonderfull and remarkable spirituall experiences, not onely of former, but of later Christians. By Doctor Nathanael Homes.
London: printed by Tho: Roycroft, in Gold-smiths Alley neer Creple Gate, 1650.
ESTC No. R209144.Grub Street ID 85360.
Homes, Nathanael.
The mischeife of mixt communions, fully discussed. All maine arguments on both sides, are largely canvased. Many difficulties demonstratively cleared, as that Judas was not at the Lords Supper, &c. When, and how was the originall of parishes in England. Severall cases of conscience resolved. As in case unworthy ones thrust into the Lords Supper; what single Christians should doe, and what the congregation should doe. A discovery what is the originall, and rise of all these disputes, and how a faire end may be put to all. By Doctor Nathanael Homes.
London: printed by Thomas Roycroft in Gold-smiths Alley, neer Cripple-Gate, 1650.
ESTC No. R228897.Grub Street ID 101523.
Homes, Nathanael.
A sermon, preached before the Right Honourable, Thomas Foote, Lord Maior, and the right worshipfull the aldermen, sheriffs, and severall companies of the City of London. Vpon the generall day of thanksgiving, October the 8. 1650. at Christ-Church, London. By Doctor Nathanael Homes, teacher of the Church at Mary Staynings, London.
London: printed by Thomas Roycroft, and are to be sold by William Raybould, at the Unicorne, neer the little north doore in Pauls Church-yard, 1650.
ESTC No. R202565.Grub Street ID 79793.
Homes, Nathanael.
Ecclesiastica methermeneutica, or Church-cases cleered. Wherein are held forth some things to reclaim professors that are, slack-principled anti-churchians. Non-church seekers. Church-levellers. In a discusse of 12. questions. With a pacificatory preface, to reconcile thos commonly called Presbyterians, Independents, and Anabaptists. By D. N. H.
London: printed by Tho: Roycroft, and are to be sold by Will. Roybould at the Unicorn in Pauls Church-yard, 1652.
ESTC No. R37890.Grub Street ID 120064.
Homes, Nathanael.
Plain dealing, or the cause and cure of the present evils of the times. Being a treatise wherein you have set forth, 1. The dreadfull descepsion of the devill. 2. His direfull wrath. 3. The woeful woe to the wicked world. 4. The mystery of all. 5. The history and computation of times devolving all upon this age, and downward. 6. The art of resisting temptations, in the houre of temptation. Also something touching astrologie. By Dr. Nath. Homes.
London: printed for Robert Ibbitson dwelling in Smithfield neere Hosier Lane, 1652.
ESTC No. R178106.Grub Street ID 69973.
Homes, Nathanael.
Plain dealing or The cause and cure of the present evils of the times. Wherein you have set forth, 1 The dreadful decension of the Devill. 2 His direfull wrath. 3 The woeful woe to the wicked world. 4 The mystery of all. 5 The history and computation of times devolving all upon this age, and downward. 6 The art of resisting temptations, in this house of temptation. In a sermon before John Kendrick Lord Mayor of London, upon the Lords day after the great eclipse (as the astrologers would have had it.) Upon occasion whereof, something was spoken touching astrology: By Dr. Nath. Homes.
London: printed for R.I. and are to be sold by Anthony Williamson at the Queens Arms in Pauls-Church-yard, near the West-end, 1652.
ESTC No. R209201.Grub Street ID 85420.
Homes, Nathanael.
The works of Dr. Nathanael Homes. Viz. 1 Christs offering himself to all sinners, and answering all their objections. 2 Faith in the abstract, above outward sense, inward feeling, and the highest reason. 3 Mistakes about prayer. 4 An antidote against Antinomianism. 5 God gracious thoughts towards great sinners. 6 Gods gracious expressions to accepters of grace. 7 Moderation of spirit. 8 The soul-saving chain of salvation, graces, duties. 9 Soul-cordials against sore discomforts. 10 Gracious hearts not to seek great things in grievous times. 11 Gods saving a People with a notwithstanding their sins. 12 The Christian hammerers against the Antichristian horns. 13 The churches glory and defence. 14 The only happy people. 15 The malady of mixt communions. 16 Ravishing love raptures between Christ and his Church, in a double commentary on all canticles.
London: printed for the author, 1652.
ESTC No. R5491.Grub Street ID 125927.
Homes, Nathanael.
Apokalypsis anastase?s. The resurrection revealed: or The dawning of the day-star, about to rise and radiate a visible incomparable glory, far beyond any, since the creation, upon the universal church on earth, for a thousand yeers yet to come, before the ultimate day, of the general judgement: to the raising of the Jewes, and ruine of all antichristian, and secular powers, that do not love the members of Christ, submit to his laws, and advance his interest in this design. Digested into seven bookes: with a synopsis of the whole treatise. And two tables 1 Of scriptures, 2 Of things, opened in this treatise. By Dr. Nathanael Homes.
London: printed by Robert Ibbitson, and are to be sold by Thomas Pierrepont, at the Sun in Pauls Church-Yard, MDCLIII. [1653].
ESTC No. R4259.Grub Street ID 123865.
Homes, Nathanael.
The resurrection revealed, or, The dawnings of the day-star about to rise and radiate a visible incomparable glory far beyond any since the creation upon the Universal Church on earth : for a thousand yeers yet to come before the ultimate day of the general judgement to the raising of the Jews and ruine of all antichristian and secular powers that do not love the members of Christ, submit to his laws and advance his interest in this design : digested into seven bookes with a synopsis of the whole treatise and two tables, 1 of scriptures, 2 of things opened in thi treatise / by Dr. Nathanial Homes.
London: Printed by Robert Ibbitson and are to be sold by Thomas Pierrepont .., MDCLIV [1654].
ESTC No. R31124.Grub Street ID 113937.
Homes, Nathanael.
A sermon preached before the Parliament, the Councill of State, the Lord Major, aldermen, and Common Councill of the city of London, and the officers of the Army, in Christ-Church London, Octob. the 6th. A.D. 1659. Being the publick day of Thanksgiving appointed by the Parliament, to be celebrated in the cities of London and Westminster, and parts adjacent, for the suppression of the northern insurrection. By Doctor Nathanael Homes.
London: ptinted [sic] by J.B. for Edward Brewster at the Crane in Paul's Church yard, 1660. [i.e. 1659].
ESTC No. R207844.Grub Street ID 84166.
Homes, Nathanael.
The resurrection-revealed raised, above doubts, & difficulties. In ten exercitations· 1. That chiliasme, or the opinion of the future glorious state of the church on earth, afore the ultimate judgment, rightly stated, is no errour. 2. Of the manner, and measure of burnin the world, in preparation to that state; ... 3. Touching Gog, and Magog arising at the end of the said glorious state of the church on earth, who, and whence they are. 4. Concerning covenants; under what Adam was, under what the Iews were, and under what we are; ... 5. About the liberty of mans will from necessitation, ... 6. Of the two witnesses in a new way, ... 7. Describing the character of antichrist, ... 8. Touching hell, the catastrophe of all the churches enemies, asserted, and the many disputes about it, discussed, and cleared. 9. Of the groaning of the creature after that glorious estate of the Church, ... 10. Discovering scripture-prognosticks of the said state, with some other difficult places of scripture, op.
London : printed for the author, A.D. 1661.
ESTC No. R178107.Grub Street ID 69974.
Homes, Nathanael.
Miscellanea: consisting of three treatises; I. Exercitations extricated; resolving ten questions; touching the glorious kingdom of Christ on earth, yet to come, viz. 1. Whether any Scriptural numbers reach to Christs next coming? ... 10. Whether there is yet to come a second Paradisian state? II. A review of; or a fresh enquiry after Gog and Magog, where to find them. III. Some glimpses of Israels call approaching; from Scripture, reason, and experiences; in a brief chronologie of fifteen years last past: and therein a true relation of the disputes of 300 Jewis Rabbies, solemnly met, and set in council seven dayes; debating, whether the true Messiah be already come, or no. By Dr. Nathanael Homes.
London : printed for the author, [1664].
ESTC No. R178105.Grub Street ID 69972.
Homes, Nathanael.
The works of Dr. Nathanael Homes. Viz. 1 Christs offering himself to all sinners, and answering all their objections. 2 Faith in the abstract, above outward sense, inward feeling, and the highest reason. 3 Mistakes about prayer. 4 An antidote against Antinomianism. 5 God gracious thoughts towards great sinners. 6 Gods gracious expressions to accepters of grace. 7 Moderation of spirit. 8 The soul-saving chain of salvation, graces, duties. 9 Soul-cordials against sore discomforts. 10 Gracious hearts not to seek great things in grievous times. 11 Gods saving a people with a notwithstanding their sins. 12 The Christian hammerers against the Antichristian horns. 13 The churches glory and defence. 14 The only happy people. 15 The malady of mixt communions. 16 A commentary on the whole book of canticles.
London : printed for the author, and are to be sold by Giles Widdowes, at the Mayden-Head over against the Half-Moon in Aldersgate-street, near Jewen street, anno. MDCLXIX. [1669].
ESTC No. R235854.Grub Street ID 106858.
Homes, Nathanael.
Miscellanea: consisting of three treatises, I. Exercitations extricated; resolving ten questions; touching the glorious kingdom of Christ on Earth, yet to come: viz. 1. Whether any Scriptural numbers reach to Christs next coming? ... 10. Whether there is yet to come a second Paradisian state? II. A review of; or a fresh enquiry after Gog and Magog, where to find them. III. Some glimpses of Israels call approaching; from Scripture, reason, and experiences; in a brief chronologie of fifteen years last past: and therein a true relation of the disputes of 300 Jewis Rabbies, solemnly met, and set in council seven dayes: debating, whether the true Messiah be already come, or no. By the learned and reverend divine, D.N.H.
London : printed for the author, and are to be sold by Giles Widdowes, at the Maiden-Head in Alders-gate Street, anno. MDCLXX. [1670].
ESTC No. R177767.Grub Street ID 69757.
Homes, Nathanael.
An essay concerning the Sabbath; or The Sabbath-days rest from controversie. Wherein is asserted that our Christian Sabbath, Lords-day, or Sunday is, the very same day of the week, which was anciently observed by the Jews, and Gentiles, for the solemn day of their solemn weekly worship, before Israels coming out of Ægypt and after that by Gentiles. Prefaced with an introduction thereunto, touching the true meaning of Gen. 2.v,2,3. By N. Homes D. D.
London : printed for the author, 1673.
ESTC No. R28681.Grub Street ID 111728.