Publications of John Sage


  • Sage, John. The case of the present afflicted clergy in Scotland truly represented. To which is added for probation, the attestation of many unexceptionable witnesses to every particular; and all the publick acts and proclamations of the convention and Parliament relating to the clergy. By a lover of the church and his country. London : printed for J. Hindmarsh at the Golden Ball over against the Royal Exchange in Cornhill, 1690. ESTC No. R25113. Grub Street ID 108827.
  • Sage, John. An account of the late establishment of Presbyterian-government by the Parliament of Scotland anno 1690. Together with the methods by which it was settled, and the consequences of it: as also several publick acts, speeches, pleadings, and other matters of importance relating to the Church in that kingdom. To which is added a summary of the visitation of the universities there; in a fifth letter from a gentleman at Edinburgh, to his friend at London. London : printed for Jos. Hindmarsh, at the Golden Ball over-against the Royal-Exchange in Cornhil, MDCXCIII. [1693]. ESTC No. R13590. Grub Street ID 61681.
  • Sage, John. The fundamental charter of Presbytery, as it hath been lately established in the kingdom of Scotland, examin'd and disprov'd, by the history, records, and publick transactions of our nation. Together with a preface; wherein the vindicator of the Kirk is freely put in mind of his habitual infirmities. London : Printed for C. Brome, at the Gun, at the West End of St. Paul's Church-yard, 1695. ESTC No. R33997. Grub Street ID 116547.
  • Sage, John. The principles of the Cyprianic age, with regard to episcopal power and jurisdiction: asserted and recommended from the genuine writings of St. Cyprian himself, and his contemporaries. By which it is made evident, that the Vindicator of the Kirk of Scotland is obliged by his own concessions to acknowledge, that he and his associates are schismaticks. In a letter to a friend. By J.S. London] : In the Savoy, printed by Edw. Jones, for Walter Kettilby at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-yard, MDCXCV. [1695. ESTC No. R34014. Grub Street ID 116566.
  • Sage, John. The principles of the Cyprianic age, with regard to episcopal power and jurisdiction: asserted and recommended from the genuine writings of St. Cyprian himself, and his contemporaries. By which it is made evident, that the vindicator of the Kirk of Scotland is obligated by his own concessions to acknowledge, that he and his associates are schismaticks. In a letter to a friend. By J.S. London : printed for Walter Kettilby at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-yard, MDCXCV. [1695]. ESTC No. R16579. Grub Street ID 64403.
  • Sage, John. The fundamental charter of Presbytery, as it has been lately established in the kingdom of Scotland, examin'd and disprov'd, by the history, records, and publick transactions of our nation. The second edition. To which is added, a preface; wherein the vindicator of the Kirk is freely put in mind of his habitual infirmities. And contents of the whole never before printed. By the author of The Cyprianic age. London : printed for C. Brome, at the Gun, at the West End of St. Paul's Church-yard, 1697. ESTC No. R32071. Grub Street ID 114811.
  • Sage, John. A vindication of a discourse entituled The principles of the Cyprianic age, with regard to episcopal power and jurisdiction: being a reply to Gilbert Rule's Cyprianic bishop examin'd and found not to be a diocesan. Wherein besides a great many things more briefly considered, the usefulness of fixing the principles of the Cyprianic age is succinctly represented; the main controversie between those of the church and the Presbyterians is fully and distinctly stated; Mr. Rule's main subterfuges are utterly overthrown; large supplements are added to the principles of the Cyprianic age; the Cyprianic episcopacy is shewn to be inconsistent with a papacy; and it is demonstrated that episcopal government was universally delivered to be of divine right in the days of St. Cyprian. London : printed by G. Croom for Robert Clavel at the Peacock at the west end of St. Pauls, and George Strahan at the Golden-Ball overagainst the Royal Exchange, MDCCI. [1701]. ESTC No. T138649. Grub Street ID 186515.
  • Sage, John. The reasonableness of a toleration to those of the episcopal perswasion, enquir'd into, purely on church-principles. In IV letters to Mr. George Meldrum, Professor of Theology in the Colledge of Edinburgh. Edinburgh: printed by Mr. Andrew Symson, Anno Dom. 1704. ESTC No. T124413. Grub Street ID 174628.
  • Sage, John. The reasonableness of a toleration, enquir'd into, purely on church principles. In several letters. London : printed [by G. Strahan] in the year, 1705. ESTC No. T144330. Grub Street ID 191203.
  • Sage, John. Presbytery, untwisted from the bottom. With the rise and growth of it in Scotland: and what little reason there is to say, that the Reformation there, was begun by it. Shew'd by their own historians; and other authentic proofs. London : printed for Charles Brome, 1709. ESTC No. T123957. Grub Street ID 174252.
  • Sage, John. The principles of the cyprianic age, with regard to episcopal power and jurisdiction, asserted and recommended from the genuine writings of S. Cyprian himself, and his contemporaries. By which it is made evident, that the vindicator of the Kirk of Scotland is obliged by his own concessions to acknowledge, that he and his associates are schismaticks. In a letter to a friend. By J.S. The second edition.. London : Printed for Walter Kettilby, and sold by Richard Wilkin at the King's-Head in S. Paul's Church-yard, MDCCXVII. [1717]. ESTC No. T147071. Grub Street ID 193660.