Archer, John.
The personall reigne of Christ vpon earth. In a treatise wherein is fully and largely laid open and proved, that Iesus Christ, together with the saints, shall visibly possesse a monarchicall state and kingdom in this world. Which sheweth, 1. That there shall be such a kingdom. 2. The manner of it. 3. The duration of it. 4. The time when it is to begin. By John Archer, sometimes preacher of All-Hallows Lumbard-Street.
London: printed, and are to be sold by Benjamin Allen, in Popes-Head-Alley, 1642.
ESTC No. R27196.Grub Street ID 110386.
Archer, John.
The personall reigne of Christ vpon earth. In a treatise wherein is fully and largely laid open and proved, that Jesus Christ, together with the saints, shall visibly possesse a monarchicall state and kingdome in this world. Which sheweth. 1. That there shall be such a kingdom. 2. The manner of it. 3. The duration of it. 4. The time when it is to begin. By Iohn Archer, sometimes preacher of All-Hallows Lumbard-Street.
London: printed, and are to be sold by Beniamin Allen, in Popes-Head-Alley, 1642.
ESTC No. R24713.Grub Street ID 108476.
Archer, John.
The personall reign of Christ upon earth. In a treatise wherin is fully and largely laid open and proved, that Jesus Christ, together with the saints, shall visibly possesse a monarchicall state and kingdome in this world. Which sheweth, 1. That there shall be such a kingdome. 2. The manner of it. 3. The duration of it. 4. The time when it is to begin. By Henry Archer, sometimes preacher of All-Hallows Lumbart-street.
London: printed, and are to be sold by Benjamen Allen, in Popes-Head-Alley, 1642.
ESTC No. R210616.Grub Street ID 86742.
Archer, John.
The personall reigne of Christ vpon earth. In a treatise wherein is fully and largely laid open and proved, that Jesus Christ, together with the saints shall visibly possesse a monarchicall state and kingdome in this world . Which sheweth, 1. That there shall be such a kingdome. 2. The manner of it. 3. The duration of it. 4. The time when it is to begin. By John Archer, sometimes preacher of All-Hallows Lumbard-street. Whereunto is added, Sions joy in her Kings comming in his glory, with the glory of the saints on earth; by another author, worthy the consideration and reading of all Gods people.
London: printed, and are to be sold by Beniamin Allen, in Popes head Alley, 1643.
ESTC No. R25890.Grub Street ID 109273.
Archer, John.
Comfort for beleevers about their sinnes & troubles. In a treatise shevving. That true beleevers, how weake soever in faith, should not be opprest, or perplext in heart; by any thing whatever befalls them; either in sinne, or afflictions. Together with divers other comfortable observations; gathered out of that counsell, given by Christ to his Apostles: and in them, to all beleevers. In John chap. 14. verses 1,2,3,4. By John Archer, Master of Art, sometime preacher of All-hallowes Lumbard-street. London.
London: printed for Benjamin Allen, and are to be sold at his shop, at the Crown in Popes-head-Alley, 1645.
ESTC No. R200122.Grub Street ID 77670.
Archer, John.
Instructions about right beleeving: severall sermons leading unto Christ, directing unto faith, and incouraging thereto. Shewing the nature, measure, and necessitie of the sense of sinne. Christ the bread of life, a sufficient remedy for mans misery; with the way and meane to obtain him; as also incouragements to come to him, from his abilitie and readinesse to give full soule-satisfaction. By John Archer, Master of Art, sometime preacher of All-hallowes Lumbard-street. London.
London: Printed for Benjamin Allen, and are to be sold at his shop, at the Crown in Popes-head-Alley, 1645.
ESTC No. R200123.Grub Street ID 77671.
Archer, John.
Comfort for beleevers about their sin and troubles. In a treatise shewing that true beleevers, how weak soever in faith, should not be opprest or perplext in heart, by any thing whatever befalls them in this life. Together with divers other comfortable observations, gathered out of that counsel, given by Christ to his Apostles and in them to all beleevers in John 14. 1, 2, 3, 4. By Mr. John Archer, sometime preach [sic] at All-Hallows Lombard-street, London.
London : printed for Livewell Chapman at the Crown in Popes-head-Alley, 1661.
ESTC No. R172497.Grub Street ID 66354.
Archer, John.
The personal reign of Christ upon earth. In a treatise wherein is fully and largely laid open and proved, that Jesus Christ, together with the saints, shall visibly possess a monarchical state and kingdom in this world. Which sheweth, 1. That there shall be such a kind(dom. 2. The manner of it. 3. The duration of it. 4. The time when it is to be(gin. By John Archer, sometimes preacher of All-hallows Lumbard-street.
The fifth edition..
London : printed for Livewel Chapman, and are to be sold at the Crown in Popes-head-Alley, 1661.
ESTC No. R24714.Grub Street ID 108477.
Archer, John.
The personal reign of Christ upon earth. In a treatise wherein is fully and largely laid open and proved, that Jesus Christ, together with the saints, shall visibly possess a monarchical state and kingdome in this world. Which sheweth, 1. That there shall be such a kingd(dom. 2. The manner of it. 3. The duration of it. 4. The time when it is to be(gin. By John Archer, sometimes preacher of All-hallows Lumbard-street.
The sixth edition..
London : printed for L. Chapman, and are to be sold over-against the Pageant in Cornhil, next to Popes-head-Alley, 1661.
ESTC No. R229958.Grub Street ID 102346.
Archer, John.
The personal reign of Christ upon earth· In a treatise wherein is fully and largely laid open and proved, that jesus Christ, together with the saints, shall visibly possess a monarchical state and kingdome in this world. Which sheweth, 1 That there shall be such a kingdom. 2 The manner of it. 3 The duration of it. 4 The time when it is to begin. By John Archer, somtimes preacher of All-hallows Lumbard street.
The sixth edition.
London : printed for L[ivewel]. Chapman, and are to be sold over-against the Pageant in Cornhil, next to Popes-head-Alley, 1661.
ESTC No. R175473.Grub Street ID 68346.
Archer, John.
Every man his own doctor. In two parts. Shewing I. How every one may know his own constitution and complection, by certain signs. Also the nature and faculties of all food as well meats, as drinks. Whereby every man and woman may understand what is good or hurtful to them. Treating also of air, passions of mind, exercise or body, sleep, venery and tobacco, &c. The second part shews the full knowledge and cure of the pox, and running of the reins, gout, dropsie, scurvy, consumptions, and obstructions, agues. Shewing their causes and signs, and what danger any are in, little or much, and perfect cure with small cost and no danger of reputation. Written by John Archer chymical physitian in ordinary to the King.
London : printed by Peter Lillicrap for the authour, and are to be sold by most booksellers, 1671.
ESTC No. R27652.Grub Street ID 110790.
Archer, John.
Every man his own doctor, compleated with an herbal: shewing, first, how every one may know his own constitution and complection, by certain signs. Also the nature and faculties of all food; as well meats as drinks, whereby every man and woman may understand what is good or hurtful to them. Treating also of air, passions of mind, exercise of body, sleep, the use of tobacco, a new hot bath; venery, with an infallible secret to prevent the pox. Of the senses, proving six in number. His elixir proprietatis, and its use. The second part shews the full knowledg and cure of the pox, running of the reins, gout, dropsie, scurvy, consumptions and obstructions: agues. shewing their causes and signs, danger and cure. The second edition, with additions. viz. A treatise of melancholly and distraction, with government in cure. Also a compendious herbal, discovering the physical vertue of all herbs in this kingdom, and what planet rules each herb, and how to gather them in their planetary hours. Written b.
London : printed for the author, and are to be sold at his house, at the sign of the Golden Ball in Winchester Street, near Broad Street, 1673.
ESTC No. R223513.Grub Street ID 97312.
Archer, John.
Every man, his own doctor, compleated with an herbal: shewing, first, how every one may know his own constitution and complexion, by certain signs. Also the nature and faculties of all food; as well meats as drinks, whereby every man and woman may understand what is good or hurtful to them. Treating also of air, passions of mind, exercise of body, sleep, the use of tobacco, a new hot bath; venery, with an infallible secret to prevent the pox. Of the senses, proving six in number. His elixir proprietatis, and its use. The second part shews the full knowledg and cure of the pox, running of the reins, gout, dropsie, scurvy, consumptions and obstructions: agues. shewing their causes and signs, danger and cure. The second edition, with additions. viz. A treatise of melancholly and distraction, with government in cure. Also a compendious herbal, discovering the physical vertue of all herbs in this kingdom, and what planet rules each herb, and how to gather them in their planetary hours. Written b.
London : printed for the author, and are to be sold at his house, at the sign of the Golden Ball in Winchester Street, near Broad Street, 1673 [i.e. 1678].
ESTC No. R1727.Grub Street ID 66490.
Archer, John.
Secrets disclosed, of consumptions[:] shewing, [h]ow to distinguish between scurvy and venereal disease[:] also how to prevent and cure the fistula by chymical drops, without cutting; also piles, haemorrhoids, and other diseases. By John Archer, author of the book called, Every man his own doctor; to be sold by the booksellers, and also to be had from the authors house at Knightsbridge, or at the sadlers against the Mews by Charingcross.
London : printed for the author, 1684.
ESTC No. R27653.Grub Street ID 110791.
Archer, John.
Secrets disclosed, or, A treatise of consumptions; their various causes and cure. Shewing also how to distinguish between the scurvy and venereal disease; and how to prevent and cure fistula, by chymical drops, without cutting; several having been cured at once dressing: how to know and cure the different piles, haemorrhoids, issuings, and other deseases of the private parts: treating also of the virtues of the great East-India cordial stone or powder called Antonio: also the great force of magick and antipathy; by a noble experiment. By John Archer, Dr. of physick.
London : printed for William Whitwood at the Angel and Bible in Little-Britain; and Anthony Feltham in Westminster-Hall, 1693.
ESTC No. R27654.Grub Street ID 110792.
Archer, John.
The kingdom turned about. A sermon Preached at Tunbridge-Wells August 8. 1714. On Occasion of his present Majesty King George's Happy Accession to the Throne. By John Archer. Printed at the Desire of the Gentlemen who heard it.
The second edition..
London : printed, and sold by Ferd. Burleigh, in Amen-Corner, MDCCXIV. [1714].
ESTC No. T29481.Grub Street ID 260851.
Archer, John.
A sermon preach'd at the opening of the New-Chappel at Tunbridge-Wells, Aug. 1. 1720. Beimg the day of His Majesty's happy accession to the throne. By John Archer. Published at the desire of the gentlemen who heard it.
London : Printed for Richard Ford, at the Angel in the Poultry, MDCCXX. [1720].
ESTC No. T2160.Grub Street ID 241819.
Archer, John.
An essay in vindication of the use and advantage of prayer. Wherein objections raised from the attributes and degrees of God, and the settled course and order of things, are considered and answered. Being the substance of two sermons preach'd at Tunbridge in June 1729. By John Archer. Printed at the request of several gentlemen that heard them.
London : Printed for J. Noon at the White-Hart near Mercer's Chapel in Cheapside, M.DCC.XXX. [1730].
ESTC No. T84392.Grub Street ID 304769.