Publications of Thomas Phayer


  • Phayer, Thomas. A boke of presydentes exactlye vvritten in maner of a register. [London]: Imprynted at London in Flete strete at the sygne of the George nexte to Saint Dunstons churche by VVyllyam Pouuell, [1548?]. ESTC No. S4158. Grub Street ID 148250.
  • Phayer, Thomas. A boke of presidentes exactlye written in maner of a register, newelye corrected, wyth addicions of dyuers necessary presidents mete for al suche, as desire to learne the fourme and maner howe to make all maner of euidences [and] instruments as in the table of this booke more plainlye appeareth. [Imprinted at London: In Fletestrete within temple barre, at the signe of the hande and starre, by Richard Tottyll], Anno do. 1559 [1561]. ESTC No. S110548. Grub Street ID 130573.
  • Phayer, Thomas. A boke of presidentes exactelye written in maner of a register, newelye imprinted augmented and corrected with addicions of diuerse necessary and sundry presidentes meete for al suche persons to knowe, as desire to learne the fourme and maner how to make all maner of euidences and instruments. The particulers wherof shal appere more playnly in the table of this present booke. [Imprinted at London: In Fletestrete within temple barre, at the signe of the hande and starre, by Richard Tottyll, Anno 1562]. ESTC No. S110555. Grub Street ID 130577.
  • Phayer, Thomas. [A booke of presidentes exactly written in maner of a register. Newly corrected, with additions of dyuers necessarie presidents, meete for al such asdesire to learne the fourme and maner how to make all maner of euidences, and instruments, as in the table of this booke mor plainlie appeareth. Anno Domini. 1583]. [Imprinted at London: by Rychard Tottle, [1583]]. ESTC No. S126302. Grub Street ID 145470.
  • Phayer, Thomas. A booke of presidents exactly written in manner of a register, newlie corrected, with additions of diuers necessary presidents, meete for all such, as desire to learne the fourme and manner hovve to make all manner of euidences, and instruments, as in the table of thys booke more plainely appeareth. Anno Domini. 1583. Printed at London: by Iohn Charlewood, by the assigne of Rychard Tottle, [1583]. ESTC No. S218. Grub Street ID 146576.
  • Phayer, Thomas. A booke of presidents, with additions of diuers necessarie instruments, meete for all such as desire to learne the manner and forme how to make euidences and instruments, &c. As in the table of this booke more plainly appeareth. Imprinted at London: [by A. Islip] for the Company of Stationers, 1607. ESTC No. S123541. Grub Street ID 143028.
  • Phayer, Thomas. A booke of presidents, with additions of diuers necessarie instruments, meet for all such as desire to learne the manner and forme how to make euidences and instruments, &c. As in the table of this booke more plainly appeareth. Imprinted at London: [By A. Islip] for the Companie of Stationers, 1611. ESTC No. S113530. Grub Street ID 133262.
  • Phayer, Thomas. A booke of presidents, with additions of divers necessary instruments: meet for all such as desire to learne the manner and forme how to make evidences, and instruments, &c. As in the table of this booke more plainly appeareth. London: printed by the assignes of I. More Esquire, 1631. ESTC No. S126027. Grub Street ID 145205.
  • Phayer, Thomas. A booke of presidents, with additions of divers necessary instruments. Meet for all such as desire to learne the manner and forme how to make evidences, and instruments, &c. As in the table of this booke more plainly appeareth. London: Printed by the assignes of I. More Esquire, 1636. ESTC No. S116479. Grub Street ID 136165.
  • Phayer, Thomas. A booke of presidents, with additions of divers necessary instruments. Meet for all such as desire to learne the manner and forme how to make evidences, and instruments, &c. As in the table of this booke more plainly appeareth. London: printed by the assignes of I. More Esquire, 1641. ESTC No. R13067. Grub Street ID 61196.