Dekker, Thomas.
Blurt master-constable. Or The Spaniards night-walke. As it hath bin sundry times priuately acted by the Children of Paules.
London: Printed [by Edward Allde] for Henry Rockytt, and are to be solde at the long shop vnder S. Mildreds Church in the Poultry, 1602.
ESTC No. S121838.Grub Street ID 141406.
Dekker, Thomas.
Satiro--mastix. Or The vntrussing of the humorous poet. As it hath bin presented publikely, by the Right Honorable, the Lord Chamberlaine his seruants; and priuately, by the Children of Paules. By Thomas Dekker.
London: printed E[dward]. A[llde]. for Edward VVhite, and are to be solde at his shop, neere the little north doore of Paules Church, at the signe of the Gun, 1602.
ESTC No. S91630.Grub Street ID 150642.
Dekker, Thomas.
1603. The vvonderfull yeare. Wherein is shewed the picture of London, lying sicke of the plague. At the ende of all (like a mery epilogue to a dull play) certaine tales are cut out in sundry fashions, of purpose to shorten the lines of long winters nights, that lye watchin in the darke for vs.
London: printed by Thomas Creede, and are to be solde in Saint Donstones Church-yarde in Fleet-streete [by N. Ling, J. Smethwick, and J. Browne], [1603?].
ESTC No. S91632.Grub Street ID 150644.
Dekker, Thomas.
The vvonderfull yeare. 1603. Wherein is shewed the picture of London, lying sicke of the plague. At the ende of all (like a mery epilogue to a dull play) certaine tales are cut out in sundry fashions, of purpose to shorten the liues of long winters nights, that lye watching in the darke for vs.
London: Printed by Thomas Creede, and are to be solde in Saint Donstones Church-yarde in Fleet-streete [by N. Ling, J. Smethwick, and J. Browne, 1603?].
ESTC No. S116458.Grub Street ID 136144.
Dekker, Thomas.
The converted curtezan with, the humours of the patient man, and the longing wife. Tho: Dekker.
London: Printed by V. S[immes]. and are to be solde by Iohn Hodgets at his shoppe in Paules church-yard, 1604.
ESTC No. S120001.Grub Street ID 139643.
Dekker, Thomas.
The magnificent entertainment: giuen to King Iames, Queene Anne his vvife, and Henry Frederick the Prince, vppon the day of his Maiesties tryumphant passage (from the Tower) through his honourable cittie (and chamber) of London, being the 15. of March. 1603. As well by the English as by the strangers: with the speeches and songs, deliuered in the seuerall pageants. Tho. Dekker.
Edinburgh: Printed by Thomas Finlason and are to be sauld at Niddries vvynde heide, Anno. Dom. 1604. with licence.
ESTC No. S115697.Grub Street ID 135386.
Dekker, Thomas.
The honest whore. With, the humours of the patient man, and the longing vvife. Tho: Dekker.
London: printed by V. S[immes]. and are to be solde by Iohn Hodgets at his shoppe in Paules church-yard, 1605.
ESTC No. S91628.Grub Street ID 150640.
Dekker, Thomas.
The double PP. A papist im armes. Bearing ten seuerall sheilds. Encountred by the Protestant. At ten seuerall weapons. A Iesuite marching before them.
At London imprinted: [by Thomas Creede for John Trundle and Eleazar Edgar], 1606.
ESTC No. S124594.Grub Street ID 143944.
Dekker, Thomas.
Lanthorne and candle-light. Or The bell-mans second nights walke. In which hee brings to light, a broode of more strange villanies, than euer were till this yeare discouered.
London: Printed [by G. Eld] for Iohn Busbie, and are to be sold at his shop in Fleet-street, in Saint Dunstans Church-yard, 1608.
ESTC No. S116068.Grub Street ID 135761.
Dekker, Thomas.
The belman of London. Bringing to light the most notorious villanies that are now practised in the kingdome. Profitable for gentlemen, lawyers, merchants, cittizens, farmers, masters of housholdes, and all sorts of seruants to mark, and delightfull for all men to reade.
Printed at London: [By E. Allde] for Nathaniell Butter, 1608.
ESTC No. S116075.Grub Street ID 135768.
Dekker, Thomas.
The belman of London bringing to light the most notoriovs villanies that are now practised in the kingdome : profitable for gentlemen, lawyers, merchants, citizens, farmers, masters of housholds, and all sorts of seruants to marke, and delightfull for all men to read.
Printed at London: For Nathaniel Butter, 1608.
ESTC No. S1688.Grub Street ID 146103.
Dekker, Thomas.
The rauens almanacke foretelling of a plague, famine, and ciuill warre. That shall happen this present yeare 1609. not only within this kingdome of great Britaine, but also in France, Germany, Spaine, and other parts of Christendome. With certaine remedies, rules, and receipts, how to preuent, or at least to abate the edge of these vniuersall calamities.
London: Printed by E[dward] A[llde and another] for Thomas Archer, and arto [sic] bee solde at his shop in the Popes-head-Pallace nere the Royall Exchange, 1609.
ESTC No. S327.Grub Street ID 147543.
Dekker, Thomas.
The rauens almanacke foretelling of a plague, famine, and ciuill warre. That shall happen this present yeare 1609. not only within this kingdome of great Britaine, but also in France, Germany, Spaine, and other parts of Christendome. With certaine remedies, rules and receipts, how to preuent, or at least to abate the edge of these vniuersall calamities.
London: Printed by E[dward] A[llde] for Thomas Archer, and are to be solde at his shop in the Popes-head-Pallace nere the Royall Exchange, 1609.
ESTC No. S123451.Grub Street ID 142953.
Dekker, Thomas.
A strange horse-race, at the end of which, comes in the catch-pols masque. And after that the bankrouts banquet: vvhich done, the Diuell, falling sicke, makes his last will and testament, this present yeare. 1613. VVritten by Thomas Dekker.
London: printed [by Nicholas Okes] for Ioseph Hunt, and are to bee sold at his shop in Bedlem, neere Moore-field Gate, 1613.
ESTC No. S126070.Grub Street ID 145246.
Dekker, Thomas.
The cold yeare. 1614. A deepe snovv: in vvhich men and cattell haue perished, to the generall losse of farmers, grasiers, husbandmen, and all sorts of people in the countrie; and no lesse hurtfull to citizens. Written dialogue-wise, in a plaine familiar talke betweene a London shop-keeper, and a North-Country-man. In which, the reader shall finde many thinges for his profit.
Imprinted at London: By W. W[hite] for Thomas Langley in Iuie lane where they are to be sold, 1615.
ESTC No. S120329.Grub Street ID 139965.
Dekker, Thomas.
The honest vvhore. With the humours of the patient man, and the longing wife. Tho: Dekker.
London: Printed by Nicholas Okes for Robert Basse, and are to be sold at his shop vnder S. Butolphes Church, 1615.
ESTC No. S115694.Grub Street ID 135383.
Dekker, Thomas.
The shoo-makers holy-day. Or The gentle craft. VVith the humorous life of Symon Eyre, shoomaker, and Lord Mayor of London. As it was acted before the Queenes most excellent Maiesties on New yeares day at night, by the right Honourable Earle of Notthingham, Lord high Admirall of England, his seruants.
London: printed for Iohn Wright, and are to be sold at his shop without Newgate, 1624.
ESTC No. S91631.Grub Street ID 150643.
Dekker, Thomas.
A rod for run-awayes. In which flight of theirs, if they looke backe, they may behold many fearefull iudgements of God, sundry wayes pronounced vpon this city, and on seuerall persons, both flying from it, and staying in it. Expressed in many dreadfull examples of sudden death, falne vpon both young and old, within this city, and the suberbes, in the fields, and open streets, to the terrour of all those who liue, and to the warning of those who are to dye, to be ready when God Almighty shall bee pleased to call them. With additions of some new accidents. Written b Tho. D.
Printed at London: [by G. Purslowe] for Iohn Trundle, and are to be sold at his shop in Smithfield, 1625.
ESTC No. S91629.Grub Street ID 150641.
Dekker, Thomas.
Brittannia's honor: brightly shining in seuerall magnificent shewes or pageants, to celebrate the solemnity of the Right Honorable Richard Deane, at his inauguration into the majoralty of the honourable citty of London, on Wednesday, October the 29th. 1628. At the particular cost, and charges of the right vvorshipfull, worthy, and ancient Society of Skinners. Inuented by Tho. Dekker.
[London: N. Okes and J. Norton, 1628].
ESTC No. S115219.Grub Street ID 134915.
Dekker, Thomas.
Londons Tempe, or, The feild of happines. In which feild are planted seuerall trees of magnificence, state and bewty, to celebrate the solemnity of the Right Honorable Iames Campebell, at his inauguration into the honourable office of prætorship, or maioralty of London, on Thursday the 29 of October, 1629. All the particular inuentions, for the pageants, showes of triumph, both by water and land being here fully set downe, at the sole cost, and liberall charges of the Right worshipfull Society of Ironmongers. Written by Thomas Dekker.
[London: Printed by Nicholas Okes, 1629].
ESTC No. S1084.Grub Street ID 130118.
Dekker, Thomas.
The blacke rod: and the vvhite rod. (Justice and mercie.) Striking, and sparing, London.
London: Printed by B[ernard] A[lsop] and T[homas] F[awcet] for Iohn Covvper, 1630.
ESTC No. S326.Grub Street ID 147532.
Dekker, Thomas.
London looke backe at that yeare of yeares 1625 and looke forvvard, vpon this yeare 1630 written not to terrifie, but to comfort.
London: Printed by A.M. and are to bee sold by Ed. Blackmoore at the Angell in Paules Church-yard, 1630.
ESTC No. S2796.Grub Street ID 147135.
Dekker, Thomas.
English villanies six severall times prest to death by the printers; but (still reviving againe) are now the seventh time, (as at first) discovered by lanthorne and candle-light, and the helpe of a new cryer, called O-per-se-O: vvhose lowd voyce proclaimes to all that will heare him, another conspiracie of abuses lately plotting together, to hurt the peace of this kingdome; which the bell-man (because hee then went stumbling i'th darke) could never see, till now. And because a company of rogues, cunning canting gypsies, and all the scumme of our nation fight heere vnder their owne tattered colours: at the end is a canting dictionary, to teach their language: with canting songs. ...
London: Printed by Augustine Matthewes, and are to bee sold by Iohn Gismond, at the signe of the Gunne in Ivie lane, 1632.
ESTC No. S116741.Grub Street ID 136429.
Dekker, Thomas.
The belman of London. Bringing to light the most notorious villanies that are now practised in the kingdome. Profitable for gentlemen, lawyers, merchants, citizens, farmers, masters of housholds, and all sorts of servants to mark, and delightfull for all men to reade.
Printed at London: By Miles Flesher, 1640.
ESTC No. S115692.Grub Street ID 135381.
Dekker, Thomas.
English villanies, eight severall times prest to death by the printers; but (still reviving againe) are now the ninth time (as at first) discovered by Lanthorne and candle-light, and the helpe of a new cryer, called O-Per-Se-O: whose lowd voyce proclaimes to all that will heare him, another conspiracie of abuses lately plotting together, to hurt the peace of this kingdome; which the bell-man (because he then went stumbling i'th' darke) could never see till now. And because a companie of rogues, cunning canting Gypsies, and all the scumme of our nation fight here under their owne tottered colours: at the end is a canting dictionarie, to teach their language; with canting songs. A book to make gentlemen merrie. Citizens warie countreymen carefull. Fit for all justices to reade over, because it is a pilot, by whom they may make strange discoveries.
London: printed by E[lizabeth]. P[urslowe]. for Nicholas Gamage, and are to be sold at his shop at the signe of the three Bibles on London-Bridge, next the gate, 1648.
ESTC No. R12849.Grub Street ID 60999.
Dekker, Thomas.
The sun's-darling: a moral masque: as it hath been often presented at Whitehall, by their Majesties servants; and after at the Cock-pit in Drury Lane, with great applause. Written by John Foard and Tho. Decker gent.
London: printed by J. Bell, for Andrew Penneycuicke, anno Dom. 1656.
ESTC No. R17978.Grub Street ID 71048.
Dekker, Thomas.
The shoomakers holiday, or The gentle-craft. With the humorous life of Simon Eyre, shooe-maker, and Lord Maior of London. As it was acted before the Queens most excellent Majesty on New-years-day at night, by the right Honorable Earl of Nottingham, Lord high Admiral of England, his servants.
London: printed for W. Gilbertson at the sign of the Bible in Giltspur-street without Newgate, 1657.
ESTC No. R32781.Grub Street ID 115459.
Dekker, Thomas.
The sun's-darling: a moral masque: as it hath been often presented by their Majesties Servants; at the Cock-pit in Drury Lane, with great applause. Written by John Foard and Tho. Decker Gent.
London: printed by J. Bell, for Andrew Penneycuicke, anno Dom. 1657.
ESTC No. R27987.Grub Street ID 111114.
Dekker, Thomas.
The sun's-darling: a moral masque: as it hath been often presented at Whitehall, by their Majesties Servants; and after at the Cock-pit in Drury Lane, with great applause. Written by John Foard and Tho. Decker Gent.
London: Printed by J. Bell, for Andrew Penneycuicke, anno Dom. 1657.
ESTC No. R202024.Grub Street ID 79298.
Dekker, Thomas.
Satan turned moralist: an Universal satire. Being a True copy of the devil's Last Will and Testament, made In a fit of sickness. Containing I. His several Legacies to Mankind. II. His Recovery; calls a Privy-Council; his Prime Minister recounts the Nature of his Disease, and the Cause thereof. III. The Resolutions of his Council upon the State of his Kingdoms, Foreign and Domestic. IV. His Infernalship, by his favourite Countess Canidia, has two Twin-Daughters; one of whom was married to a Taylor; his Travels through Italy and Germany; his Return to England, and various Adventures. V. The Pranks played by his remaining Issue, and the Public Rejoicings after a Lying-in. VI. A Political Catechism for the present Times. This Curious Piece was written in the Last Century, by that noted Dramatic Poet, Mr. Thomas Dekker, competitor with Ben. Johnson for the Laurel.
London : printed for E. Curll, at Pope's-Head in Rose-Street, Covent-Garden, 1740.
ESTC No. T59627.Grub Street ID 285628.
Dekker, Thomas.
Blurt, Master-Constable: or, the Spaniard's Night-Walk. A comedy. As it hath been sundry Times privately Acted by the Children of Paules.
Dublin: printed, and sold by the Editor W.R. Chetwood, in the Four-court-marshalsea;; Messrs. G. and A. Ewing, P. Wilson, H. Hawker, and S. Price, in Dame-street; G. Faulkner, and A. Long, in Essex-street; J. Hoey, in Skinner-row; and J. Esdall, on Corkhill, Booksellers, MDCCL. [1750].
ESTC No. T57295.Grub Street ID 283580.