Bridge, William.
Babylons downfall. A sermon lately preached at Westminster before sundry of the Honourable house of Commons. By William Bridge, sometimes fellow of Emanuell Colledge in Cambridge, and since, minister of Gods word in Norwich. And now in Roterdam. Published by order of the said House.
London: printed by I[ohn]. N[orton]. for Iohn Rothwell, and are to be sold at his shop at the signe of the Sun in Pauls Churchyard, 1641.
ESTC No. R5651.Grub Street ID 126079.
Bridge, William.
A sermon containing some comfortable directions, for such, as have been, or may be driven from their houses, goods or country. Preached by William Bridge, at great Yarmouth.
London: printed for Beniamin Allen, and are to be sold at his shop in Popes Head-Ally, 1642. [i.e. 1643].
ESTC No. R206119.Grub Street ID 82689.
Bridge, William.
A sermon preached before the Honourable House of Commons, at their publique fast, Novemb. 29. 1643. By VVilliam Bridge, sometimes fellow of Emanuel Colledge in Cambridge, now preacher of Gods Word at Yarmouth.
London: printed for R. Dawlman, M.DC.XLIII. [1643].
ESTC No. R13662.Grub Street ID 61743.
Bridge, William.
A sermon preached unto the voluntiers of the city of Norwich and also to the voluntiers of Great Yarmouth in Norfolke. By William Bridge preacher of Gods Word. It is ordered this thirtieth day of January, 1642. by the committee of the House of Commons in Parliament concerning printing, that this booke intituled A sermon preached unto the volunteers of the city of Norvvich &c. be printed. John White.
London: printed by J.F. for Ben. Allen, and are to be sold at his shop in Popes-head Alley, 1642 [i.e. 1643].
ESTC No. R12276.Grub Street ID 60480.
Bridge, William.
The truth of the times vindicated: whtreby [sic] the lawfulnesse of Parliamentary procedings in taking up of arms, is justified, Doctor Fernes reply answered, and the case in question more fully resolved. By William Bridge Minister of Gods word at great Yarmoth. Printed according to order.
London: printed by T.P. and M.S. for Ben: Allen, and are to be sold at his shop in Popes-head Alley, 1643.
ESTC No. R234843.Grub Street ID 106096.
Bridge, William.
The wounded conscience cured, the vveak one strengthened, and the doubting satisfied. By way of answer to Doctor Fearne: where the maine point is rightly stated, and objections throughly answered, for the good of those who are willing not to be deceived. By William Bridge, preacher of Gods Word. It is ordered this 30. day of January 1642. by the committee of the House of Commons in Parliament, concerning printing, that this answer to Doctor Fearnes book be printed. Iohn White.
Printed at London: for Benjamin Allen, and are to be sold at his shop in Popes-head Alley, 1642. [i.e. 1643].
ESTC No. R12330.Grub Street ID 60529.
Bridge, William.
Tvvo sermons: viz. I. The diseases that make a stoppage to Englands mercies discovered, and attended with their remedies. In a sermon delivered at Margarets on Fish-street-hill, London: bBy William Bridge, preacher of Gods Word. II. A preparation for suffering in these plundering times. It is ordered by the committee of the House of Commons in Parliament, concerning printing, that this book be printed. John White.
London: printed for Benjamin Allen, and are to be sold at his shop in Popes-head Alley, 1642. [i.e. 1643].
ESTC No. R13183.Grub Street ID 61303.
Bridge, William.
The vvounded conscience cured, the weak one strengthned, [sic] and the doubting satisfied. By way of answer to Doctor Fearne. Where the main point is rightly stated, and objections throughly answered for the good of those who are willing not to be deceived. By William Bridge, preacher of Gods Word. It is ordered this 30. day of January, 1642. by the committee of the House of Commons in Parliament, concerning printing, that this answer to Dr. Fearnes book be printed. John White. The second edition, correced and amended. Whereunto are added three sermons of the same author; 1. Of courage, preached to the voluntiers. 2. Of stoppage in Gods mercies to England, with their [sic] remedies. 3. A preparation for suffering in these plundering times.
London: printed for Benjamin Allen, and are to be sold at his shop in Popes-head Alley, 1642. [i.e. 1643].
ESTC No. R223954.Grub Street ID 97703.
Bridge, William.
The truth of the times vindicated: whereby the lawfulnesse of Parliamentary procedings in taking up of arms, is justified, Doctor Fernes reply answered, and the case in question more fully resolved. By William Bridge preacher of Gods word at great Yarmoth. Printed according to order.
London: printed by T.P. and M.S. for Ben: Allen, and are to be sold at his shop in Popes-head Alley, 1643.
ESTC No. R19219.Grub Street ID 77006.
Bridge, William.
The saints hiding-place in the time of Gods anger. Presented in a sermon to the Right Honorable the House of Lords assembled in Parliament, in the Abby-Church at Westminster, October 28. 1646. the solemn day of their monthly fast. By William Bridge, sometime fellow of Emanuel Colledge in Cambridge, now preacher of Gods Word at Yarmouth.
London: printed for Peter Cole, and are to be sold at the sign of the Printing-Presse in Cornhill neer the Royall Exchange, 1647 [i.e. 1646].
ESTC No. R201166.Grub Street ID 78621.
Bridge, William.
The saints hiding-place in the time of Gods anger. Presented in a sermon to the Right Honorable the House of Lords assembled in Parliament, in the Abby-Church at Westminster, October 28. 1646. the solemn day of their monthly fast. By William Bridge, sometime fellow of Emanuel Colledge in Cambridge, now preacher of Gods Word at Yarmouth.
London: printed for Peter Cole, and are to be sold at the of [sic] the Printing-Presse in Cornhill neer the Royall Exchange, 1647.
ESTC No. R236077.Grub Street ID 106923.
Bridge, William.
England saved vvith a notwithstanding: represented in a sermon to the Honourable House of Commons, assembled in Parliament, Novemb. 5. 1647. The day of Thanks-giving for deliverance from the Powder-Plot. By William Bridge, sometimes fellow of Emanuel Colledge in Cambridge, now preacher of Gods word at Yarmouth. Published by order of that House.
London: printed for R. Dawlman, and are to be sold at the signe of the Crowne and Bible at Dowgate, neere Canning-street, 1648.
ESTC No. R204475.Grub Street ID 81426.
Bridge, William.
Christs coming opened in a sermon before the Honorable House of Commons in Margarets Westminster: May 17. 1648. Being the day appointed for thanksgiving for the great victory in Wales. By William Brigde [sic], preacher of the Word of God at Yarmouth.
London: printed for Peter Cole at the sign of the Printing-Press in Cornhil at the Royal Exchange, 1648.
ESTC No. R235441.Grub Street ID 106549.
Bridge, William.
Christs coming opened in a sermon before the Honourable House of Commons in Margarets Westminster: May 17. 1648. Being the day appointed for thanksgiving for the great victory in Wales. By William Bridge, preacher of the Word of God at Yarmouth.
London: printed for Peter Cole at the signe of the Printing-Presse in Cornhill at the Royall Exchange, 1648.
ESTC No. R204708.Grub Street ID 81604.
Bridge, William.
The vvorks of William Bridge, sometime fellow of Emmanuel Colledge in Cambridge, now preacher of the Word of God at Yarmouth. The third volumn. Viz. 1. The spiritual life, and in-being of Christ in all believers. 2. The woman of Canaan.
London: printed by Peter Cole, at the sign of the Printing-Press in Cornhil, near the Royal Exchange, 1649.
ESTC No. R24233.Grub Street ID 108039.
Bridge, William.
The vvorks of William Bridge, sometime fellow of Emmanuel Colledge in Cambridge: now preacher of the Word of God at Yarmouth. The second volumn. Viz. 1. Grace for grace; or, The overflowings of Christs fulness received by all saints. II. The spiritual actings of faith through natural impossibilities. III. Evangelical repentance.
London: printed by Peter Cole, at the sign of the Printing-Press in Cornhil, near the Royal Exchange, 1649.
ESTC No. R205749.Grub Street ID 82401.
Bridge, William.
The works of William Bridge, sometime fellow of Emanuel Colledge in Cambridge; now preacher of the Word of God at Yarmouth. The first volume. Viz. I. The great Gospel-mysterie of the saints comfort and holinesse, opened and applyed from Christs priestly office. II. Satan power to tempt; and Christs love to, and care of his people under temptation. III. Thankfulnesse required in every condition.
London: printed for Peter Cole, and are sold at his shop at the signe of the Printing-Presse in Cornhill neer the Royall Exchange, 1649.
ESTC No. R6919.Grub Street ID 127219.
Bridge, William.
A vindication of ordinances: by William Bridge, preacher of the Word of God at Yarmouth, sometime fellow of Emmanuel Colledge in Cambridge. Unto which is added grace and love beyond gifts: opened in a sermon before the Lord Mayor of London.
London: printed by Peter Cole, at the sign of the Printing-press, in Corn-hill, neer the Royall Exchange, 1650.
ESTC No. R206268.Grub Street ID 82810.
Bridge, William.
A vindication of ordinances by William Bridge ... ; unto which is added Grace and love beyond gifts, opened in a sermon before the lord major of London.
London: Printed by Peter Cole .., 1650.
ESTC No. R39622.Grub Street ID 121500.
Bridge, William.
A vindication of ordinances: by William Bridge, preacher of the Word of God at Yarmouth; sometime fellow of Emmanuel Colledg in Cambridg. Unto which is added, grace and love beyond gifts: opened in a sermon before the Lord Major of London.
London: printed by Peter Cole in Leaden-Hall, and are to be sold at his shop at the sign of the Printing-Press in Cornhil, near the Royal Exchange, 1653.
ESTC No. R19083.Grub Street ID 76882.
Bridge, William.
Twelve several books of Mr. William Bridge. Somtime Fellow of Emmanuel Colledg in Cambridg: now preacher of the word of God at Yarmouth. Viz. 1 The great gospel mystery of the saints comfort and holiness, opened and applied from Christs priestly office, 2 Satans power to tempt; and Christs love to, and care of, his people under temptation. 3 Thankfulness required in every condition. 4 Grace for grace; or, the over-flowing of Christs fulness received by all saints. 5 The spiritual actings of faith through natural impossibilities. 6 Evangelical repentance. 7 The spiritual-life, and inbeing of Christ in all beleevers. 8 The woman of Canaan. 9 The saints hiding-place in time of Gods anger. 10 Christs coming is at our midnight. 11 A vindication of gospel ordinances. 12 Grace and love beyond gifts.
London: printed by Peter Cole in Leaden-Hall, and are to be sold at his shop at the sign of the Printing-Press in Corn-hil, neer the Royal Exchange, 1654.
ESTC No. R36510.Grub Street ID 118780.
Bridge, William.
Scripture-light, the most sure light. Compared with 1. Revelations and visions. 2. Natural, and supernatural dreams. 3. Impressions with, and without the VVord. 4. Light and law within. 5. Divine providence. 6. Christian experience. 7. Humane reason. 8. Judicial astrology. By William Bridge, preacher of the Gospel at Yarmouth.
London: Printed by Peter Cole in Leaden-Hall, and are to be sold at his shop, at the sign of the Printing-Press in Cornhil, neer the Royal Exchange, 1656.
ESTC No. R175582.Grub Street ID 68421.
Bridge, William.
Two sermons: I. The great things faith can do. II. The great things faith can suffer. Preached by VVilliam Bridge, somtimes fellow of Emmanuel Colledg in Cambridg; and now pastor of the church of Christ in Great Yarmouth, in Norfolk.
London: printed by Peter Cole in Leaden-Hall, and are to be sold at his shop, at the sign of the Printing-Press in Cornhil, neer the Royal Exchange, 1656.
ESTC No. R19114.Grub Street ID 76906.
Bridge, William.
I. Scripture-light, the most sure light: in compare with, 1. Revelations and visions. 2. Natural, and supernatural dreams. ... 8. Judicial astrologie. Delivered in three sermons, on 2 Pet. 1.19. II. Christ in travel: wherein 1. The greatness of his travel, ... 4. His satisfaction therein. are opened and cleered, in three sermons, on Isai. 53.11. III. A lifting up for the down-cast: ... Delivered in thirteen sermons, on Psal. 42.11. Four several sermons, concerning, 1. The sin against the Holy Ghost. 2. Sins of infirmity. 3. The false apostle, tryed, and discovered. 4. The good and means of establishment. Preached by VVilliam Bridge; sometimes fellow of Emmanuel Colledg in Cambridg; and now pastor of the church of Christ in Great Yarmouth, in Norfolk.
London: printed by Peter Cole in Leaden-Hall, and are to be sold in his shop, at the sign of the Printing-Press in Cornhil, neer the Royal Exchange, 1656.
ESTC No. R34370.Grub Street ID 116904.
Bridge, William.
Twenty one several books of Mr William Bridge; sometime fellow of Emmanuel Colledg in Cambridg, and now pastor of the Church of Christ in Great Yarmouth in Norfolk. Collected into two volums. In the first volum. 1 The great gospel mystery of the saints comfort and holiness ... 2 Satans power to tempt; and Christs love to, and care of, his people under temptation. ... 11 A vindication of gospel ordinances. 12 Grace and love beyond gifts. In the second volum. 13 Scripture-light the most sure light: ... 20 The great things faith can do 21 The great things faith can suffer.
London: printed by Peter Cole, at the sign of the Printing-press in Cornhil, neer the Royal Exchange, 1657.
ESTC No. R24234.Grub Street ID 108040.
Bridge, William.
The righteous man's habitation, in the time of plague and pestilence. Being a brief exposition of the XCI. Psalm. By William Bridge, sometimes Fellow of Emmanuel Colledge in Cambridge, and late preacher of the word of God at Yarmouth.
London : printed for T.J., 1665.
ESTC No. R34367.Grub Street ID 116901.
Bridge, William.
The sinfulnesse of sinne, and The fulnesse of Christ. Delivered in two sermons, by Mr. William Bridge, sometime fellow of Emanuel Colledge in Cambridge, and 'late [sic] preacher of the word of God at Yarmouth.
London : printed in the year, 1667.
ESTC No. R27224.Grub Street ID 110412.
Bridge, William.
Christ and the covenant the work and way of meditation. Gods return to the soul, or nation; together with his preventing mercy. Delivered in ten sermons, (viz.) 1. Christs personal excellencies, the object of of [sic] our love. 2. Christ crucified, the object of our faith. 3. The New Covenant of grace opened. 4. Christ the mediator of the New Covenant. 5. The way and spirit of the New Covenant, or New Testament. 6. The blood of sprinkling. 7. The sweetness and profitableness of divine meditation. 8. The work and way of this meditation. 9. Gods return to the soul and nation. 10. Preventing mercy. By W.B.
London : printed for N. Ranew, and J. Robinson at the Angel in Jewen-street, 1667.
ESTC No. R225773.Grub Street ID 98898.
Bridge, William.
Christ and the covenant the work and way of meditation. Gods return to the soul, or nation; together with his preventing mercy. Delivered in ten sermons, (viz.) 1. Christs personal excellencies, the object of of [sic] our love. 2. Christ crucified, the object of our faith. 3. The New Covenant of grace opened. 4. Christ the mediator of the New Covenant. 5. The way and spirit of the New Covenant, or New Testament. 6. The blood of sprinkling. 7. The sweetness and profitableness of divine meditation. 8. The work and way of this meditation. 9. Gods return to the soul and nation. 10. Preventing mercy. By W. B.
London : printed for Thomas Parkhurst and are to be sold at his shop at the Golden Bible upon London-Bridge, 1667.
ESTC No. R23809.Grub Street ID 107662.
Bridge, William.
Seasonable truths in evil-times: in several sermons, lately preached, in and about London: viz. I. Of grace growing and increasing. II. The first and last in suffering-work. III. The way to obtain a sure and great reward. IV. The two witnesses their testimony. V. The uncertainty of the world. VI. Mans wrath against Gods people, shall turn to Gods praise. VII. Comfort to mourners for the loss of the solemn assemblies. VIII. To evil of unbelief in departing from God. IX. A warning to apostates. By Willam Bridge, late preacher of the word of God at Yarmouth.
London : printed for Nath. Crouch, at the Cross-Keys in Bishops-gate-street, neer Leaden-hall, 1668.
ESTC No. R28532.Grub Street ID 111594.
Bridge, William.
The freeness of the grace and love of God to believers discovered. In reference to 1. Their services and sufferings: 2. Their consolations, and 3. Their salvation and eternal glory. Together with the excellency of the fear of God. The goodness and pleasantness of brotherly love. The wisdom of hearing the voice of the rod. Repentance the only way to prevent judgements. Delivered in several sermons by the late reverend and faithful minister of Christ Mr. William Bridg, sometime preacher of the Word of God at Yarmouth.
London : printed for Nath. Crouch in Exchange-Alley over against the Royal Exchange in Cornhill, 1671.
ESTC No. R19668.Grub Street ID 77242.
Bridge, William.
Bridge's remains, being VIII sermons. Viz. 1. Of mans blessedness. 2. Affections rightly placed. 3. How to walk with God in our calling? 4. Of good and bad company. 5. The carnality of professors. 6. What our work is, and how to be done? 7. Soul resignation into the hands of God. 8. The dignity and duty of Gods called ones. By that learned and judicious divine Mr. William Bridge, sometimes Fellow of Emmanuel Colledge in Cambridge, and late preacher of the word of God at Yarmouth. Designed by himself for the press, as appears by the marginal notes, except the eighth sermon, which was the last he preached, was taken exactly in short-hand, and published by his son-in-law, after they were perused by Mr. Greenhill.
London : printed, and are to be sold by John Hancock Senior and Junior, at the sign of the Three Bibles in Popes head Alley in Cornhill, 1673.
ESTC No. R18600.Grub Street ID 74853.
Bridge, William.
A vvord to the aged. By Mr. Will. Bridge, sometime fellow of Emanuel Colledge in Cambridge, and late preacher of the Word of God at Yarmouth. I commend this to be reprinted as a profitable and serious discourse. James Allen.
Boston: printed for J[ohn] G[riffin], in the year, 1679.
ESTC No. R214754.Grub Street ID 89928.
Bridge, William.
A word to the aged. By Mr. Will. Bridge, sometime fellow of Emmanuel College in Cambridge, and late preacher of the word of God at Yarmouth.
Boston: Printed [by John Foster] for J.G. [i.e., John Griffin] in the year 1679.
ESTC No. W1755.Grub Street ID 327096.
Bridge, William.
Seven sermons, By that learned and laborious Servant of Christ, The Rev. William Bridge, Minister of the Gospel, at Great Varmouth, Norfolk. The first Three are intitled, The Spiritual Actings of Faith through all natural impossibilities. Ivth. No Ground of Discouragement for Believers, whatever their Conditions be. Vth. The Cure of all Discouragements by Faith in Christ Jesus. Vith. The Great Things Faith can do. Viith. The Great Things Faith can suffer. Particularly Recommended by the Countess Dowager of Huntingdon, To the Congregations in Connection with her Ladyship.
London] : First printed in the year 1657. Now reprinted by W. Justins, Blackfriars, for L.J. Higham, No. 2, Ray-Street, Clerkenwell. And sold by Buckland, Paternoster-Row; Mathews, Strand; Thomson, No. 30, Little Pulteney-Street, Soho; Ash, Corner of Little Tower-Street; Button, Newington Causeway; Watts, Windmill-Hill; and Jackson, No. 8, Chapel-Court, Spa-Fields, M,DCC,LXXXIX. [1789.
ESTC No. T11064.Grub Street ID 163148.