Publications of George Gillespie


  • Gillespie, George. An assertion of the government of the Church of Scotland, in the points of ruling-elders, and of the authority of presbyteries and synods. With a postscript in answer to a treatise lately published against presbyteriall government. Edinburgh: printed for Iames Bryson, 1641. ESTC No. R16325. Grub Street ID 64189.
  • Gillespie, George. A sermon preached before the Honourable House of Commons at their late solemn fast, Wednesday March 27. 1644. By George Gillespie minister at Edinburgh. Published by order of the House. London: printed for Robert Bostock, dwelling at the Kings head in Pauls Church-yard, Anno 1644. ESTC No. R12051. Grub Street ID 60269.
  • Gillespie, George. A sermon preached before the Honourable House of Commons: at their late solemne fast, Wednesday, March 27. 1644. By George Gillespie minister at Edinburgh. Published by order of the House. Edinburgh: printed by Evan Tyler, printer to the Kings most excellent Majestie, 1644. ESTC No. R205241. Grub Street ID 82032.
  • Gillespie, George. A sermon preached before the honourable House of Commons at their late solemne fast Wednesday March 27. 1644. By George Gillespie minister at Edinburgh. Published by order of the House. London: printed for Robert Bostock, dwelling at the Kings head in Pauls Church-yard, Anno 1644. ESTC No. R24966. Grub Street ID 108695.
  • Gillespie, George. A late dialogue betwixt a civilian and a divine, concerning the present condition of the Church of England. In which, among other particulars, these following are especially spoken of. 1 The sinne and danger of delaying reformation. 2 That there is a certain form of church-government jure divino. 3 That there was an ecclesiasticall excommunication among the Jews. 4 That excommunication is an ordinance in the New Testament. 5 Concerning the toleration of all sects and heresies. 6 Some answer to a late book come from Oxford. Published by authority. London: printed for Robert Bostock, dwelling in Pauls Church-yard at the signe of the Kings Head, 1644. ESTC No. R15751. Grub Street ID 63658.
  • Gillespie, George. Nihil respondes: or, A discovery of the extream unsatisfactorinesse of Master Colemans peece, published last weeke under the title of A brotherly examination re-examined. Wherein, his self-contradictions: his yeelding of some things, and not answering to other things objected against him: his abusing of Scripture: his errors in divinity: his abusing of the Parliament, and indangering their authority: his abusing of the Assembly: his calumnies, and namely against the Church of Scotland, and against my selfe: the repugnancy of his doctrin to the solemne League and Covenant, are plainly demonstrated. By George Gillespie minister at Edenburgh. Published by authority. Printed at London: for Robert Bostock dwelling in Pauls Church-yard, at the signe of the Kings head, 1645. ESTC No. R200413. Grub Street ID 77941.
  • Gillespie, George. VVholsome severity reconciled with Christian liberty. Or, The true resolution of a present controversie concerning liberty of conscience. Here you have the question stated, the middle way betwixt popish tyrannie and schismatizing liberty approved, and also confirmed from Scripture, and the testimonies of divines, yea of whole churches: the chiefe arguments and exceptions used in The bloudy tenent, The compassionate samaritane, M.S. to A.S. &c. examined. Eight distinctions added for qualifying and clearing the whole matter. And in conclusion a parænetick to the fiv apologists for choosing accommodation rather then toleration. Imprimatur. Ia. Cranford. Decemb 16. 1644. London: printed for Christopher Meredith, and are to be sold at the signe of the Crane in Pauls Churchyard, 1645. ESTC No. R21730. Grub Street ID 92106.
  • Gillespie, George. A sermon preached before the Right Honourable the House of Lords, in the Abbey Church at Westminster, upon the 27th. of August. 1645. Being the day appointed for solemne and publique humiliation. Whereunto is added a brotherly examination of some passages of Mr Colemans late printed sermon upon Iob 11.20. in which hee hath endeavoured to strike at the root of all church-government. By George Gillespie minister at Edinburgh. London: printed for Robert Bostock dwelling in Pauls Church-yard at the sign of the Kingshead, 1645. ESTC No. R200235. Grub Street ID 77780.
  • Gillespie, George. A sermon preached before the Right Honourable the House of Lords, in the Abbey Church at Westminster, upon the 27th. of August. 1645. Being the day appointed for solemne and publique humiliation. Whereunto is added a brotherly examination of some passages of Mr. Colemans late printed sermon upon Job 11.20. In which he hath endeavoured to strike at the root of all church-government. By George Gillespie minister at Edenburgh. London: printed by F. Neile for Robert Bostock dwelling in Pauls Church-yard at the sign of the Kings Head, 1646. ESTC No. R30413. Grub Street ID 113267.
  • Gillespie, George. Aarons rod blossoming. Or, The divine ordinance of church-government vindicated, so as the present Erastian controversie concerning the distinction of civill and ecclesiasticall government, excommunication, and suspension, is fully debated and discussed, from the holy Scripture, from the Jewish and Christian antiquities, from the consent of latter writers, from the true nature and rights of magistracy, and from the groundlesnesse of the chief objections made against the Presbyteriall-government in point of a domineering arbitrary unlimited power. By George Gillespie minister at Edinburgh. Published by authority. London: printed by E[dward]. G[riffin]. for Richard Whitaker, at the signe of the Kings Armes in Pauls Church-yard, 1646. ESTC No. R201013. Grub Street ID 78479.
  • Gillespie, George. Aarons rod blossoming. Or, the divine ordinance of church-government vindicated, so as the present erastian controversie concerning the distinction of civill and ecclesiasticall government, excommunication, and suspension, is fully debated and discussed, from the holy scripture, from the Jewish and Christian antiquities, from the consent of latter writers, from the true nature and rights of magistracy, and from the groundlesnesse of the chiefe objections made against the Presbyteriall-govennment in point of a domineering arbitrary unlimited power. By George Gillespie Minister at Edinburgh. Published by authority. London: printed by E[dward]. G[riffin]. for Richard Whitaker, at the signe of the Kings Armes in Pauls Church-yard, 1646. ESTC No. R177416. Grub Street ID 69530.
  • Gillespie, George. Male audis or An answer to Mr. Coleman his Mal dicis. Wherein the repugnancy of his Erastian doctrine to the word of God, to the solemne League and Covenant, and to the ordinances of Parliament: also his contradictions, tergiversations, heterodoxies, calumnies, and perverting of testimonies, are made more apparent then formerly. Together with some animadversions upon Master Hussey his Plea for Christian magistracy: shewing, that in divers of the afore mentioned particulars he hath miscarried as much, and in some particulars more then Mr Coleman. By George Gillespie, minister at Edinbrugh. Published by authority. London: Printed for Robert Bostocke at the Kings head in Paules Church-yard, 1646. ESTC No. R200545. Grub Street ID 78045.
  • Gillespie, George. A form for Church government and ordination of ministers, contained in CXI propositions, propounded to the late Generall Assembly at Edinburgh, 1647. Together with an Act concerning Erastianisme, independencie, and liberty of conscience. Published by authority. London: printed for Robert Bostock, at the King's Head in Pauls Church-yard, MDCXLVII. [1647]. ESTC No. R202292. Grub Street ID 79537.
  • Gillespie, George. Theoremata CXI de ministerio & regimine ecclesiastico. Edinburgi: excudebat Evanus Tyler, Regia Majestatis typographus, 1647. ESTC No. R21700. Grub Street ID 91842.
  • Gillespie, George. CXI propositions concerning the ministerie and government of the Church. Edinburgh: printed by Evan Tyler, printer to the Kings most excellent Majesty, 1647. ESTC No. R21587. Grub Street ID 90829.
  • Gillespie, George. Theoremata CXI. de ministerio & regimine ecclesiastico. [Edinburgh] Juxta exemplar quod Edinburgi: excudebat Evanus Tyler, Regiae Majestatis Typographus, 1648. ESTC No. R177417. Grub Street ID 69531.
  • Gillespie, George. An usefull case of conscience discussed and resolved, concerning associations and confederacies with idolaters, infidels, hereticks or any other known enemies of truth and godlinesse. By master George Gillespie, late minister at Edinburgh. Whereunto is subjoyned a letter written by him to the commissioners of the Generall Assembly, in the time of his sicknesse: together with his testimony unto this truth, written two dayes before his death. Printed at Edinburgh: by the heires of George Anderson, for Andro Wilson, anno 1649. ESTC No. R7619. Grub Street ID 127869.
  • Gillespie, George. An usefull case of conscience, discussed, and resolved. Concerning associations and confederacies with idolaters, infidels, hereticks, or any other known enemies of truth and godlinesse. By Master George Gillespie, late minister at Edinburgh. Whereunto is subjoyned a letter written by him to the commissioners of the Generall Assembly, in the time of his sicknesse; together with his testimony unto this truth, written by him two dayes before his death. London: printed by T.R. and E.M. for Ralph Smith, and are to be sold at his shop at the signe of the Bible in Cornhil neer the Royal Exchange, Anno 1649. ESTC No. R7673. Grub Street ID 127914.
  • Gillespie, George. A treatise of miscellany questions: wherein many usefull questions and cases of conscience are discussed and resolved: for the satisfaction of those, who desire nothing more, then to search for and finde out precious truths, in the controversies of these times. By Mr. George Gillespie, late minister at Edinburgh. Published by Mr. Patrik Gillespie, minister at Glasgovv. Edinburgh: printed by Gedeon Lithgovv, printer to the University of Edinburgh, for George Svvintoun, and are to be sold at his shop at the Kirk style, at the signe of the Angel, 1649. ESTC No. R8829. Grub Street ID 128965.
  • Gillespie, George. An usefull case of conscience discussed and resolved, concerning associations and confederacies with idolaters, infidels, hereticks, or any other known enemies of truth and godlinesse. By Master George Gillespie, late minister at Edinburgh. Whereunto is subjoyned a letter, written by him to the commissioners of the Generall Assembly, in the time of his sicknesse: together with his testimony unto this truth, written two dayes before his death. Printed at Edinburgh: by the heires of George Anderson, for Andro Wilson, anno 1649. ESTC No. R213029. Grub Street ID 88557.
  • Gillespie, George. A treatise of miscellany questions: wherein many usefull questions and cases of conscience are discussed and resolved. For the satisfaction of those, who desire nothing more, then to search for and find out precious truths in the controversies of these times. By Mr. George Gillespie, late minister at Edinburgh. Published by Mr. Patrik Gillespie, Minister at Glasgovv. Printed at Edinburgh: and are to be sold at London, by Thomas Whitaker, at the Kings Armes in Pauls Church-yard, 1649. ESTC No. R206106. Grub Street ID 82678.