Publications of Henry Hexham


  • Hexham, Henry. The principles of the art militarie; practised in the vvarres of the Vnited Netherlands. Represented by figure, the vvord of command, and demonstration. Composed by Henry Hexham quarter-master to the regiment of the Honourable Coronell Goring. London [i.e. Delft]: Printed by M[ichael] P[arsons and Jan Petersen Waelpote, Delft] for Matthew Symmons, and are to bee sold at his house in Barbican, neere the Red Crosse, 1637. ESTC No. S119700. Grub Street ID 139340.
  • Hexham, Henry. The second part of The principles of the art militarie, practized in the warres of the United Provinces. Consisting of the severall formes of battell, represented by the illustrious Maurice Prince of Orange, of famons [sic] memorie. And his highnesse Frederick Henry Prince of Orange that now is, Lord Generall of the Army of the high & mighty lords the States Generall, of the Vnited Netherlands, &c. Together with the order & forme of quartering, encamping, and approching in a warre offensiue & defensiue. Composed by Henry Hexham quarter-master to the regiment of the Honorable Colonel Goring. Printed at Delf: By Ian Pieters VValpote, anno 1638. ESTC No. S119727. Grub Street ID 139367.
  • Hexham, Henry. The second part of The principles, of the art militarie, practized in the warres of the Vnited Provinces. Consisting of the severall formes of battell, represented by the illustrious Maurice Prince of Orange, of famous memorie. And his highnesse Fredrick Henry Prince of Orange that now is, Lord Generall of the Army of the high & mighty lords the States Generall, of the Vnited Netherlands, &c. Together with the order & forme of quartering, encamping, and approching, in a warre offensiue, & defensiue. VVith a briefe discourse of cavallerie, or horsemen. Composed by Henry Hexham, quartermaster to the regiment of the honorable Colonel Goring. Printed at London [i.e. Delft: By Jan Pietersz. Waelpot] for Mr Robert Younge, anno 1638. ESTC No. S119732. Grub Street ID 139372.
  • Hexham, Henry. The second part of The principles of the art militarie, practised in the warres of the United Provinces: consisting of the severall formes of battell, represented by the illustrious Maurice Prince of Orange of famous memorie. And his highnesse Fredrick Henrie Prince of Orange that novv is, Lord Generall of the Armie of the high and mightie lords the States Generall, of the United Netherlands, &c. Together with the order, and forme of quartering, encamping, and approching, in a warre offensive, and defensive. Composed by Henry Hexham, quarter-master to the regiment of the honourable Colonell Goring, governour of his Majesties towne of Ports-mouth. London: printed by Robert Young, at the signe of the Starre upon Bread-street-hill, 1639. ESTC No. S125412. Grub Street ID 144654.
  • Hexham, Henry. The third part of The principles of the art militarie practised in the warres of the United Provinces, vnder the lords the States Generall, and his Highnesse the Prince of Orange, treating of severall peeces of ordnance, carriages, engines, quadrants, morters, petards, a also instructions for master gunners, and canoniers, with diverse instruments, and materials belonging to a warre with their severall vses, and practises most briefly, and lively demonstrated by letter and figure. Together with a list of all necessarie preparations, appertayning to an armie, with quarter for the generall of the ordnance, and of all officers belonging to his traine. VVritten and composed by Captaine Henry Hexham, quarter-master to the truely honorable Colonell Goring his regiment, for the lovers of the noble art militarie. Printed at the Hagh in Holland: By Francis vander Spruyt, dwelling in the Poote, Anno 1640. ESTC No. S119734. Grub Street ID 139374.
  • Hexham, Henry. The three parts of the principles of the art military, practised in the warres of the United-Provinces, under the conduct of His Highnesse the Prince of Orange, generall of the army of the high, and mighty Lords the States Generall of the United-Netherlands. Whereof, the first part treates of the officers belonging to a foot company, ... The second part shewes the severall offices, and duties of the officers of the field, ... The third part treates of eight severall peeces of ordnance; ... To conclude, with a list of all necessary preparations appertaining to an army, with a quarter for the generall of the ordnance, and all other officers belonging to that traine. Written and composed by Henry Hexham, quartermaster to the truely honourable Colonell, Mr. George Goring his regiment in the Low-Countreys, for the lovers of this noble art military. London: printed for Humphrey Mosley, and are to bee sould at his shop in Pauls Churchyard, at the signe of the Princes Armes, neere the great north doore, M.D.C.XLI. [1641]. ESTC No. R23967. Grub Street ID 107807.
  • Hexham, Henry. The first part of the principles of the art military, practiced in the warres of the United Netherlands, vnder the commaund of His Highnesse the Prince of Orange our Captaine Generall. For so much as concernes the duties of a souldier, and the officers of a companie of foote, as also of a troupe of horse, and the exercising of them through their severall motions. Represented by figvre the word of commaund and demonstration. Composed by Captaine Henry Hexham, Quartermaster to the Honourable Colonell Goring. Printed at Delf in Holeand: for the lovers of the noble art military, anno 1642. ESTC No. R11968. Grub Street ID 60185.
  • Hexham, Henry. The second part of the principles of art military, practised in the warres of the United Provinces consisting of the severall formes of battels, represented by the illustrious Maurice Prince of Orange of famous memorie, and His Highnesse Frederick Henry Prince of Orange, that is Captaine Generall of the Army of the high and mighty Lords the States Generall of the United Provinces : together with the order and forme of quartering, encamping, and approaching, in a warre offensive and defensive. Printed at Delf in Holeand: by Antony of Heusden, 1642. ESTC No. R18347. Grub Street ID 73312.
  • Hexham, Henry. The third part of the principles of the art military. Practised in the warres of the United Provinces vnder the lords the States Generall and his Highnesse the Prince of Orange. Treating of severall peeces of ordnance, carriages, engines, quadrants, morters, petards, as also instructions for master-gunners, and canoniers, with divers instruments and materials belonging to a warre with their severall uses and practises, most briefly, and lively demonstrated by letter and figure. Together with a list of all necessary preparations appertaining to an armie, with a quarter for the generall of the ordnance, and of all officers belonging to his traine. Written and composed by Captaine Henry Hexham, quarter-master to the truly honourable Colonell Goring his regiment, for the lovers of the noble art militarie. Rotterdam: printed by James Moxon, 1643. ESTC No. R26057. Grub Street ID 109415.
  • Hexham, Henry. A copious English and Netherduytch dictionarie composed out of our best English authours : with an appendix of the names of all kind of beasts, fowles, birds, fishes, hunting, and hawking : as also a compendious grammar for the instruction of the learner = Het groot woorden-boeck : gestelt in't Engelsch ende Nederduytsch : met een appendix van de namen van alderley beesten, vogelen, visschen, jagerye, ende valkerye, &c. : als oock een korte Engelsche grammatica ... / door Henry Hexham. Tot Rotterdam: Gedruckt by Aernovt Leers, 1647-1648. ESTC No. R20101. Grub Street ID 78476.
  • Hexham, Henry. Het groot VVoorden-boeck: gestelt in't Neder-duytsch, ende in't Engelsch. Als oock tot dienst van den Leer-gierigen verryckt met een korte ende bondige Nederduytsche grammatica. Alles met groote naerstigheydt uyt de beste Neder-duytsche autheuren t'samen gestelt, door Hendrick Hexam. = A large Netherdutch and English dictionarie; composed out of the best Netherdutch authors: with a compendious Netherdutch grammar, for the instruction of the learner. Tot Rotterdam: Gedruckt by Arnout Leers, Anno 1648. ESTC No. R7011. Grub Street ID 127307.
  • Hexham, Henry. Het groot vvoorden-boeck: gestelt in't Neder-duytsch, ende in't Engelsch als oock tot dienst van den leer-gierigen verrijckt met een korte ende bondige Nederduytsche grammatica. Alles met groote naerstigheydt uyt de beste Neder-duytsche autheuren t'samen gestelt, door Hendric Hexham.= A large Netherdutch and English dictionarie; composed out of the best Netherdutch authours. With a compendious Netherdutch grammar, for the instruction of the learner. Tot Rotterdam: gedruckt by Arnout Leers, anno 1658. ESTC No. R228790. Grub Street ID 101433.
  • Hexham, Henry. Het groot Woorden-boeck, gestelt in't Neder-duytsch ende in't Engelsch als oock tot dienst van den Leer-gierigen verryckt met een korte ende bondige Nederduytsche grammatica : alles-met groote naerstigheydt uyt de beste Neder-duytsche autheuren t'samen gestelt = A large Netherdutch and English dictionarie, composed out of the best Netherdutch authors : with a compendious Netherdutch grammar, for the instruction of the learner door Hendrick Hexham. Tot Rotterdam: Gedruckt by Arnout Leers, Anno 1658. ESTC No. R43246. Grub Street ID 124286.
  • Hexham, Henry. A copious Englisg [sic] and Netherduytch dictionarie, composed out of our best English authours. With an appendix of the names of all kind of beasts, fowles, birds, fishes, hunting, and hawking. As also a compendious grammar for the instruction of the learner.= Het groot woorden-boeck, gestelt in't Engelsch ende Nederduytsch, met een appendix van de namen van alderly beesten, vogelen, visschen, jagerye, ende valckerye, &c. Als oock, een korte Engelsche grammatica. Alles met groote naerstigheyt uyt de beste Engelsche autheuren t'samen gevoeght, door Henry Hexham. Tot Rotterdam: gedruckt by Arnout Leers, anno 1660. ESTC No. R357. Grub Street ID 118064.
  • Hexham, Henry. Dictionarium, ofte Woorden-boeck, begrijpende den schat der Nederlandtsche tale, met de Engelsche uytlegginge, verrijckt met een korte ende bondige Nederduytsche grammatica: t'samen gestelt door Hendrick Hexham. Ende nu van nieuws oversien, verbetert, ende met een groote menighte woorden ende spreucken vermeerdert, door Daniel Manly. Tot Rotterdam: by Arnoud Leers, boeck-verkooper by 't Oude Hoost, 1672. ESTC No. R228788. Grub Street ID 101430.
  • Hexham, Henry. A copious English and Netherdutch dictionary, comprehending the English language with the Low-Dutch explication. With an appendix of the names of all kind of beasts, fowles, birds, and fishes, &c. As also a compendious grammar for the instruction of the learner. Composed out of the best English authours, by Henry Hexham. And in this new edition amended, enlarged, and enriched with many words, by Daniel Manly. Rotterdam: printed by the widdow of Arnold Leers, at the Old Head, 1675. ESTC No. R39271. Grub Street ID 121177.
  • Hexham, Henry. Dictionarium; ofte, Woorden-boech, begrijpende den schat de nederlandtsche tale, met de engelschu uytlegginge, verrijckt met een korte ende bondige nederduytsche grammatica: t'samen gestelt door Hendrick Hexham. Ende van iewuws oversien, verbetert, ende met een groote menighte woorden ende spreucken vermeerdert, door Daniel Manly. Rotterdam: by de Weduwe van A. Leers 1678. ESTC No. R177974. Grub Street ID 69890.
  • Hexham, Henry. Dictionarium, ofte Woorden-boeck, begrijpende den schat der Nederlandtsche tale, met de Engelsche uytlegginge, verrijckt met een korte ende bondige Nederduytsche grammatica: t'samen gestelt door Hendrick Hexham. Ende nu van nieuws oversien, verbetert, ende met een groote menighte woorden ende spreucken vermeerdert, door Daniel Manly. Tot Rotterdam: by de weduwe Arnoud Leers, boeck-verkooper by 't Oude Hoost, 1678. ESTC No. R236915. Grub Street ID 107538.