Publications of Ferdinando Fairfax Fairfax


  • Fairfax, Ferdinando Fairfax. The good and prosperous successe of the Parliaments forces in Yorkeshire. Against the Earle of New-castle and his popish adherents. As it was sent in a letter from the Right Honourable the Lord Fairfax, and read in both houses of Parliament on Monday, 30 Ian. 1642. With some observations of the Lords and Commons upon the said proceedings: as so many answers from heaven which God hath given to the prayers of his servants. Published, that their mouthes and hearts may be as much enlarged with praises as they have beene in prayers. London: printed for J. Wright in the Old baily, Ianuary, 31. 1642. ESTC No. R201966. Grub Street ID 79245.
  • Fairfax, Ferdinando Fairfax. A letter from the right honourable Ferdinando Lord Fairfax, Sir Hugh Cholmley, Sir Philip Stapleton, Sir Henry Cholmley, committees of the Commons House of Parliament, residing at Yorke. Together with a relation of all the passages at the great meeting at Yorke, on Thursday the 12 of this instant May. With the free-holders protestation inclosed in the letter from the said committee to Mr. Speaker, and ordered by the said House to be forthwith published in print. H. Elsing. Cler. Parl. de Com,. London: printed for Iohn Wright, 1642. ESTC No. R218247. Grub Street ID 92934.
  • Fairfax, Ferdinando Fairfax. A letter from the right honourable Ferdinando Lord Fairfax, Sir Hugh Cholmley, Sir Philip Stapleton, Sir Henry Cholmley, committees of the Commons house of Parliament residing at Yorke. Together, vvith a relation of all the passages at the great meeting at Yorke, on Thursday the 12. of this instant May, with the freeholders protestation inclosed in the letter from the said committee to master speaker, and ordered by the said house to be forthwith published in print. H. Elsing. Cler. Perl. de Com. London: printed by A. Norton for Iohn Franke, and are to be sold next to the Kings head in Fleet-street, 1642. ESTC No. R236536. Grub Street ID 107291.
  • Fairfax, Ferdinando Fairfax. A letter from the Right Honourable Ferdinando, Lord Fairfax, Sir Hugh Cholmley, Sir Philip Stapleton, Sir Henry Cholmley, Committees of the Commons House of Parliament residing at York being a relation of all the passages at the great meeting at York, on Thursday the 12. of this instant May : with the names of those gentlemen that concurred with the king concerning a guard for his sacred person ... : also the free-holders protestation, inclosed in the letter from the said committee, to Master Speaker ... and the votes against removing the next term to York. London: Printed for Richard Lownes and are to be sold without Ludgate, 1642. ESTC No. R43164. Grub Street ID 124226.
  • Fairfax, Ferdinando Fairfax. A letter from the Right Honourable Ferdinando, Lord Fairfax, Sir Hugh Cholmley, Sir Philip Stapleton, Sir Henry Cholmley, Committees of the Commons House of Parliament residing at York together with a relation of all the passages at the great meeting at York on Thursday the 12 of this instant May : with the free holders protestation inclosed in the letter from the said committee to Mr. Speaker and ordered by the said House to be forthwith published in print. London: Printed by B. Alsop for Robert Wood, May 18, 1642. ESTC No. R29800. Grub Street ID 112729.
  • Fairfax, Ferdinando Fairfax. A letter from the right honourable Ferdinando Lord Fairfax, Sir Hugh Cholmley, Sir Philip Stapleton, Sir Henry Cholmley, committees of the Commons house of Parliament residing at Yorke. Together vvith a relation of all the passages at the great meeting at Yorke, on Thursday the 12. of this instant May, with the freeholders protestation inclosed in the letter from the said committee to master speaker, and ordered by the said house to be forthwith published in print. H. Elsing. Cler. Com. London: printed by A. Norton for Iohn Franke, and are to be sold next to the Kings head in Fleet-street, 1642. ESTC No. R3177. Grub Street ID 114534.
  • Fairfax, Ferdinando Fairfax. A happy victory obtained by the Lord Fairefax, and Captaine Hotham, over the Earle of New-Castle and his forces, in Yorkshire, with the number of men slaine, and taken prisoners, on both sides. Also an exact relation of all the proceedings betweene both armies, and the present state of things in that county at thls [sic] present. As it was sent in a letter from the said Lord Fairfax, to the Speaker of the House of Peeres: dated Decemb. 10. 1642. Die Veneris, Decemb. 16. 1642. Ordered by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament that this letter by forthwith printed and published. Iohn Browne, Cler. Parl. [London]: Decemb. 17. Printed for John Wright in the Old-Bailey, 1642. ESTC No. R31492. Grub Street ID 114284.
  • Fairfax, Ferdinando Fairfax. A letter from the right honourable Ferdinando Lord Fairfax, Sir Hugh Cholmley, Sir Philip Stapleton, Sir Henry Cholmley, committees of the Commons house of Parliament residing at Yorke. Together, vvith a relation of all the passages at the great meeting at Yorke, on Thursday the 12. of this instant May, with the freeholders protestation inclosed in the letter from the said committee to master speaker, and ordered by the said house to be forthwith published in print. H. Elsing. Cler. Perl. [sic] de Com. London: printed by A. Norton for Iohn Franke, and are to be sold next to the Kings head in Fleet-street, 1642. ESTC No. R226443. Grub Street ID 99464.
  • Fairfax, Ferdinando Fairfax. A reall protestation of many, and very eminent persons in the county of Yorke, declaring their resolutions concerning the present distractions; some of whose names are subscribed. London: printed for H. Blunden, 1642. ESTC No. R3126. Grub Street ID 114062.
  • Fairfax, Ferdinando Fairfax. The reall protestation of manie, and very eminent persons in the county of Yorke, declaring their resolution concerning the present distractions; some of whose names are subscribed. Also their desire that this declaration and protestation may be published in all the parish churches and markets of the said county, to the end that all men may take notice of their legall and peeceable resolutions. London: printed for Ioseph Hundgate, Septemb. 8. 1642. ESTC No. R231563. Grub Street ID 103589.
  • Fairfax, Ferdinando Fairfax. A letter from the right honourable Ferdinando Lord Fairfax, Sir Hugh Cholmley, Sir Philip Stapleton, Sir Henry Cholmley, committees of the Commons House of Parliament residing at York. Being a relation of all the passages at the great meeting at York, on Thursday the 12. of this instant May. With the names of those gentlemen that concurred with the King concerning a guard for his sacred person. And the petition of the county, with his Majesties answer to it. Also, the free-holders protestation, inclosed in the letter from the said committee, to Master Speaker, and ordered by the said House to be forthwith published in print. And the votes against removing the next term to York. H. Elsing. Cler. Parl. Dom. Com. London: printed for Richard Lownes, and are to be sold without Ludgate, 1642. ESTC No. R222463. Grub Street ID 96448.
  • Fairfax, Ferdinando Fairfax. The good and prosperous successe of the Parliaments forces in York-Shire: against the Earle of New-Castle and his popish adherents. As it was sent in a letter from the Right Honourable the Lord Fairefax, and read in both Houses of Parliament, on Monday, Ian. 30. 1642. With some observations of the Lords and Commons upon the said happy proceedings, as so many answers from Heaven, which God hath given to the prayers of his servants. Published, that their mouths and hearts may be as much enlarged in praises, as they have been in prayers. Die Lunæ, 30 Ian. 1642. Ordered by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, that this letter, with the observations thereon, be forthwith printed and published. John Browne, Cler. Parliament. [London]: Printed for Iohn Wright in the Old Bailey., 1642. [i.e. 1643]. ESTC No. R22303. Grub Street ID 96937.
  • Fairfax, Ferdinando Fairfax. The answer of Ferdinando Lord Fairfax to a declaration of William Earle of Newcastle, touching a late vvarrant issued by the Lo: Fairfax, dated 2. February. 1642. As also, the Lord Fairfax's willingnesse to decide the controversie with the said Earle of New-castle in a fayre field. [London]: Printed by the appointment of Ferdinando Lord Fairfax: at London for Iohn Franke, and are to be sold at his shop next door to the Kings-head Taverne in Fleet-ctreet [sic], March 3. 1642. [i.e. 1643]. ESTC No. R4479. Grub Street ID 124848.
  • Fairfax, Ferdinando Fairfax. A letter from the Right Honourable Ferdinando Lord Fairfax, to His Excellency Robert Earle of Essex. Relating his late prosperous successe against the popish army in the north, his expelling them from their workes, and forcing them to raise their siege from before the towne of Hull. Also certifying, how the enemy have fled to Beverley, and were forced to leave divers pieces of ordnance, much powder and ammunition behind them. Being upon the same day wherein the Earle of Manchester obtained the victory neere Horn-castle in Lincolnshire. Printed by his Excellencies speciall direction. London: printed for Iohn Wright, in the Old-baily, Octob. 18. 1643. ESTC No. R11843. Grub Street ID 60083.
  • Fairfax, Ferdinando Fairfax. A copy of a letter sent from the Lo: Fairfax to the Major of Hull; and by him sent to the Committee of both kingdoms: concerning the great victory obtained against Prince Rupert about the raising the siege at York. Also a true relation of a defeat given to Colonell Hastings by the Lord Grayes forces, July the first; 1644. at Bosworth Field, in the very place where King Richard the Third was slain. With the names of such commanders and souldiers as were slain and taken. Printed according to order. London: printed for Edward Husbands, and are to be sold at his shop in the Middle-Temple, Iuly 6. 1644. ESTC No. R220336. Grub Street ID 94726.
  • Fairfax, Ferdinando Fairfax. A letter sent from the Right Honorable, the Lord Fairfax, to the committee of both kingdoms: concerning the great victory, lately obtained (by Gods blessing) at Selby in York-shire. Wherein is more exactly set forth the manner of performing that gallant service, then hat been published in former relations. Together with a list of the commanders that were there taken prisoners. Ordered by the Commons in Parliament, that this letter, with the list, and the order for Thanksgiving on Tuesday next, be printed and published: H: Elsynge, Cler. Parl. D. Com. [London]: Printed for Edw. Husbands, April 19. 1644. ESTC No. R9225. Grub Street ID 129327.
  • Fairfax, Ferdinando Fairfax. A copy of a letter sent from the Lo. Fairfax to the mayor of Hull and by him sent to the committee of both kingdoms, concerning the great victory obtained against Prince Rupert about the raising the siege at York : also a true relation of a defeat given to Colonell Hastings by the Lord Grayes forces, July the first, 1644, at Bosworth Field ... with the names of such commanders and souldiers as were taken or slain. London: Printed for Edward Husbands and are to be sold at his shop ..., Iuly 6, 1644. ESTC No. R43163. Grub Street ID 124225.
  • Fairfax, Ferdinando Fairfax. [A letter sent from the Right Honorable the Lord Fairfax]. [London: for Edw. Husbands, May 29, 1644]. ESTC No. R176922. Grub Street ID 69242.