Publications of William Gouge


  • Gouge, William. A short catechisme, wherein are briefely laid downe the fundamentall principles of Christian religion. At London: Printed by Iohn Beale, 1615. ESTC No. S116512. Grub Street ID 136199.
  • Gouge, William. A short catechisme, wherein are briefely laid downe the fundamentall principles of Christian religion. Needfull to be knowne of all such as come to the Lords Table. Whereunto is added morning and euening prayer for a family. London: Printed by Io. Beale, 1616. ESTC No. S118293. Grub Street ID 137952.
  • Gouge, William. A short catechisme, wherein are briefely laid downe the fundamentall principles of Christian religion. Needfull to be knowne of all such as come the Lords table. Whereunto is added morning and euening prayer for a family. London: Printed by Io. Beale, 1621. ESTC No. S116370. Grub Street ID 136057.
  • Gouge, William. The dignitie of chiualrie; set forth in a sermon preached before the Artillery Company of London, Iune xiii. 1626. By William Gouge, B. of Diuinity and preacher of Gods Word, in Black-friers London. London: Printed by George Miller, 1626. ESTC No. S118385. Grub Street ID 138038.
  • Gouge, William. The workes of William Gouge. In tvvo volumes: The first, Domesticall duties. The second, The whole armour of God. Reuised and inlarged by the authour. London: Printed by Iohn Beale for Iohn Grismond, dwelling in Ivie Lane at the signe of the Gunne, 1627. ESTC No. S118387. Grub Street ID 138040.
  • Gouge, William. A short catechisme wherein are briefely layd downe the fundamentall principles of Christian religion, needfull to be knowne of all such as come to the Lords table : whereunto are added sundry prayers. London: Printed by Iohn Beale, 1627. ESTC No. S2694. Grub Street ID 147061.
  • Gouge, William. [The workes of William Gouge. In tvvo volumes: The first, Domesticall duties. The second, The whole armour of God. Reuised and inlarged by the authour.]. [London: printed by Iohn Beale, 1627]. ESTC No. S92733. Grub Street ID 151413.
  • Gouge, William. A short catechisme, wherein are briefely layd downe the fundamentall principles of Christian religion. Needfull to be knowne of all such as come to the Lords table. Whereunto are added sundry prayers. The sixth edition, corrected and inlarged by William Gouge. London: printed by Iohn Beale, and are to be sold by Samuell Ward athe Starre vnder St Peters Church in Cornhill, 1631. ESTC No. S92735. Grub Street ID 151414.
  • Gouge, William. An exposition of the whole fifth chapter of S. Iohns Gospell: taken from the mouth of Mr. William Gouge, (now Dr. in Divinitie, as he publickly preached them, by Mr. William Pemble, and found in his studie after his death, written with his owne hand. Also notes on other choice places of Scripture, taken as before. ... London: Imprinted [by H. Lownes and R. Young; and J. Beale] for Iohn Bartlett, and are to be sold at the signe of the guilt Cup in the Goldsmiths Row in Cheapeside, 1631. ESTC No. S121068. Grub Street ID 140673.
  • Gouge, William. A short catechisme, wherein are briefly handled the fundamentall principles of Christian religion. Needfull to be knowne by all Christians before they be admitted to the Lords table. Whereunto are added sundry prayers. The seventh edition, corrected and inlarged by William Gouge. London: Printed by John Beale, 1635. ESTC No. S116001. Grub Street ID 135694.
  • Gouge, William. Gods three arrovves, plague, famine, sword in three treatises, I. A plaister for the plague, II. Dearths death, III. The churches conquest over the sword, by William Gouge ... London: Printed by George Miller for Edward Brewster, and are to be sold at his shop at Fleet-Bridge at the signe of the Bible, 1636. ESTC No. S3195. Grub Street ID 147473.
  • Gouge, William. A short catechisme, wherein are briefly handled the fundamentall principles of Christian religion. Needfull to be learned by all Christians before they be admitted to the Lords table. Whereunto are added sundry prayers. The eighth edition, corrected and inlarged by William Govge. London: printed by John Beale, 1636. ESTC No. S92736. Grub Street ID 151415.
  • Gouge, William. Panoplia toutheot: the vvhole-armour of God: or A Christians spiritual furniture, to keepe him safe from all the assaults of Satan. whereunto is added a Treatise of the sin against the Holy Ghost and also the principles of Christian religion in a catechisme. The fift tim published by VVilliam Gouge. At London: printed by John Beale, 1639. ESTC No. S5046. Grub Street ID 148925.
  • Gouge, William. The sabbaths sanctification herein I. The grounds of the morality of the Sabbath, II. Directions for sanctifying it, III. Proofs that the Lords day is the Christians Sabbath, IIII. Aberrations about the Sabbath, V. Motives to sanctifie the Sabbath / by W.G. London: Printed by G. M. for Joshua Kirton, and Thomas Warren .., 1641. ESTC No. R7871. Grub Street ID 128093.
  • Gouge, William. The sabbaths sanctification ... by W.G. London: Printed by G.M. for Joshua Kirton and Thomas Warren .., 1641. ESTC No. R31086. Grub Street ID 113904.
  • Gouge, William. The saints support, set out in a sermon preached before the honourable House of Commons assembled in Parliament. At a publick fast, 29. Iune, 1642. By William Gouge. London: printed by G[eorge]. M[iller]. for Joshua Kirton at his shop in Pauls Church-yard at the signe of the white Horse, MDCXLII. [1642]. ESTC No. R9775. Grub Street ID 129820.
  • Gouge, William. Briefe ansvvers to the chiefe articles of religion. The fourth edition. By W. Gouge, D.D. London: printed by G.M. for Edward Brewster, and are to be sold at his shop upon Fleet-bridge at the signe of the Bible, 1642. ESTC No. R208377. Grub Street ID 84630.
  • Gouge, William. The progresse of divine providence, set out in a sermon preached in the Abbey Church of Westminster before the house of Peers, on the 24th of September, 1645. being the day of their monethly fast. By William Gouge, one of the members of the Assembly. London: Printed by G.M. for Ioshua Kirton next Goldsmiths-hall in Foster-lane, MDCXLV. [1645]. ESTC No. R200284. Grub Street ID 77827.
  • Gouge, William. Mercies memoriall. Set out in a sermon preached in Paul's Church, Novemb. 17. 1644. in memoriall of the great deliverance which England had from antichristian bondage by Queen Elizabeths attaining the crowne. By William Gouge. Novemb. 25. 1644. Imprimatur Tho. Gataker. London: printed by George Miller for Ioshua Kirton, in Foster-lane next to Gold-smiths Hall, 1645. ESTC No. R11437. Grub Street ID 59724.
  • Gouge, William. The saints support, set out in a sermon preached before the honourable House of Commons assembled in Parliament. At a publick fast, 29 Iune, 1642. By William Gouge. London: printed by George Miller for Joshua Kirton, in Foster-lane next to Gold-smiths Hall, 1645. ESTC No. R33549. Grub Street ID 116147.
  • Gouge, William. A funerall sermon preached by Dr Gouge of Black-Friers London, in Cheswicke Church, August 24. 1646. At the funeralls of Mrs Margaret Ducke wife of Dr Ducke, one of the Masters of requests to his Majesty. With a short relation of her life and death, written by a friend. London: printed by A.M. for Joshua Kirton, at the signe of the White-Horse in Pauls Church-yard, M.DC.XLVI. [1646]. ESTC No. R201243. Grub Street ID 78689.
  • Gouge, William. The whole armour of God, or, A Christians spiritual furniture to keep him safe from all the assaults of Satan whereunto is added a treatise of the sin against the Holy Ghost, and also the principles of Christian religion in a catechism / by William Gouge. London: Printed for Humphrey Robinson, 1647. ESTC No. R29452. Grub Street ID 112428.
  • Gouge, William. The right vvay: or A direction for obtaining good successe in a weighty enterprise. Set out in a sermon preached on the 12th of September, 1648. before the Lords on a day of humiliation for a blessing on a treaty between His Majesties and the Parliaments commissioners. B W. Gouge. London: printed by A. Miller for Ioshua Kirton at the signe of the Spread-Eagle in Pauls Church-yard, M.DC.XLVIII. [1648]. ESTC No. R202327. Grub Street ID 79573.
  • Gouge, William. A learned and very useful commentary on the whole Epistle to the Hebrewes. Wherein every word and particle in the originall is explained, and the emphasis thereof fully shewed. The sense and meaning of every verse clearly unfolded. Each chapter and verse logically, and exactly analysed. Genuine doctrines naturally raised, and applied from the severall words, and particles in the whole epistle. The manifold types of Christ clearly, and largely unveiled. Divers cases of conscience satisfactorily resolved. Severall controversies pithily discussed. Various common-places throughly handled. Sundry errors and heresies substantially confuted. Very many dark and obscure places of scripture, which occasionally occur, perspicuously opened. Being the substance of thirty years Wednesdayes lectures at Black-fryers London. By that holy and learned divine Wilia Gouge, ... Before which is prefixed a narrative of his life and death. Whereunto is added two alphabeticall tables. ... London: printed by A[braham]. M[iller]. T[homas]. W[arren]. and S[arah]. G[riffin]. for Joshua Kirton, and are to be sold at his shop at the sign of the Kings Arms in Pauls Church-yard, 1655. ESTC No. R34210. Grub Street ID 116746.