Publications of William Laud


  • Laud, William. Fiue especiall sermons, preached by severall men vpon seuerall occasions and subjects. I. Of peace, by D. Lavd B. of Bath, &c. before the King. II. Of Meekenesse, by D. Rawleigh at the Spittle. III. Of the necessitie of faith, by M. Iohnson before the King. IV. By M. Cantrell at the request of Sir Richard Blovnt. V. By M. Marsh, at the consecration of the late famous diuine D. Senhouse, B. of Carlile. London: printed fo George Lathum at the Bishops head in S. Pauls Church-yard, 1627. ESTC No. S95168. Grub Street ID 153228.
  • Laud, William. A sermon preached on Munday, the seauenteenth of March, at Westminster: at the opening of the Parliament. By the Bishop of Bathe and Welles. London: printed [by B. Norton and J. Bill] for Richard Badger, and are to be sold by Hugh Perrie, at his shop in Brittaines Bursse at the signe of the Harrow, 1628. ESTC No. S125064. Grub Street ID 144349.
  • Laud, William. A sermon preached on Munday, the seauenteenth of March, at Westminster: at the opening of the Parliament. By the Bishop of Bathe and Welles. London: printed [by B. Norton and J. Bill] for Richard Badger, and are to be sold by Robert Allot, at his shop in Pauls Church-yard at the signe of the Beare, 1628. ESTC No. S125065. Grub Street ID 144350.
  • Laud, William. A speech delivered in the Starr-Chamber, on Wednesday, the XIVth of Iune, MDCXXXVII. at the censure, of Iohn Bastwick, Henry Burton, & William Prinn; concerning pretended innovations in the Church. By the most Reverend Father in God, William, L. Archbishop of Canterbury his Grace. London: Printed by Richard Badger, MDCXXXVII. [1637]. ESTC No. S123160. Grub Street ID 142678.
  • Laud, William. A relation of the conference, betweene William Lawd, then, Lrd. Bishop of St. Davids; now, Lord Arch-Bishop of Canterbury: and Mr. Fisher the Jesuite, by the command of King James of ever blessed memorie. VVith an answer to such exceptions as A.C. takes against it. The second edition revised, with a table annexed. By the sayd most Reverend Father in God, William, Lord Arch-Bishop of Canterbury. London: printed by Richard Badger, printer to the Prince his Highnesse, MDCXXXIX. [1639]. ESTC No. S123344. Grub Street ID 142856.
  • Laud, William. A relation of the conference betweene William Lavvd, then, Lrd. Bishop of St. Davids; now, Lord Arch-Bishop of Canterbury: and Mr. Fisher the Jesuite, by the command of King James of ever blessed memorie. VVith an answer to such exceptions as A.C. takes against it. By the sayd Most Reverend Father in God, William, Lord Arch-Bishop of Canterbury. London: Printed by Richard Badger, printer to the Prince his Highnes, MDCXXXIX. [1639]. ESTC No. S113162. Grub Street ID 132904.
  • Laud, William. The true copie of a letter sent from the most reverend William Lord Arch-bishop of Canterbury to the University of Oxford, when he resign'd his office of Chancellour. Published by occasion of a base libell and forgery that runs under this title. And also the answer of th University to the said letter. Oxford: printed by Leonard Lichfield, printer to the university, anno Dom. 1641. ESTC No. R23477. Grub Street ID 106039.
  • Laud, William. A letter sent from the Arch-Bishop of Canterbury (now prisoner in the Tower) to the Vice-Chancellor, doctors, and the rest of the convocation at Oxford, intimating his humble desires to His Majesty, for a speedy reconcilement between him and his high court of Parliament. [London]: Ordered to be printed, first at Oxford by Leonard Lichfield, and now reprinted at London for Edward Vere, [1642]. ESTC No. R4532. Grub Street ID 124896.
  • Laud, William. The copy of the petition presented to the honourable Houses of Parliament, by the Lord Arch-bishop of Canterbury, &c. VVherein the said arch-bishop desires that he may not be transported beyond the seas into New England with Master Peters, in regard of his extraordinary age and weakenesse. London: printed for Io. Smith, neare the new exchange, 1643. ESTC No. R11608. Grub Street ID 59878.
  • Laud, William. A commemoration of King Charles his inauguration. Or, A sermon preached at Pauls Crosse by William Laud then Bishop of London, late Arch-Bishop of Canterbury, beheaded on Tower-hill on Fryday the 10. of Jan. 1644. Printed according to order. London: printed by M.B., 1645. ESTC No. R200020. Grub Street ID 77571.
  • Laud, William. The Arch-bishop of Canterbvrie his speech or his funerall sermon: preached by himself on the scaffold on Tower-hill, on Friday the tenth of January, 1645. Upon Hebrews 12. 1, 2. Also, the prayers which he used at the same time and place before his execution. All faithfully written by Iohn Hinde, whom the Arch-bishop beseeched that hee would not let any wrong be done him by any phrase in false copies. London: printed with license, and entred according to order, [1645?]. ESTC No. R41258. Grub Street ID 122929.
  • Laud, William. The Archbishop of Canterbury's speech: or his funerall sermon, preacht by himself on the scaffold on Tower-Hill, on Friday the 10. of Ianuary, 1644. Upon Hebrews 12. 1,2. Also, the prayers which he used at the same time and place before his execution. All faithfully written by John Hinde, whom the Archbishop beseeched that he would not let any wrong be done him by any phrase in false copies. Licensed and entred according to order. London: printed by Peter Cole, at the signe of the Printing-Presse in Cornhill, neer the Royall Exchange, over against Popes-head-alley, 1644 [i.e. 1645]. ESTC No. R11435. Grub Street ID 59723.
  • Laud, William. A true copy of certain passages of the Lord Arch-Bishop of Canterbury his speech spoken on the scaffold on Tower-Hill immediatly before his death Jan. 10. 1644. Oxford: printed by Leonard Lichfield, printer to the University, 1644. [i.e. 1645]. ESTC No. R3497. Grub Street ID 117441.
  • Laud, William. Officium quotidianum: or, A manual of private devotions. By the late R.R. Arch-bishop of Canterbury. London: printed for Jo. Martin, and Jo. Ridley, at the Castle in Fleetstreet, by Ram-Alley, 1650 [i.e. 1649]. ESTC No. R209524. Grub Street ID 85755.
  • Laud, William. Seven sermons preached upon severall occasions by the Right Reverend and learned Father in God, William Laud, late Arch-Bishop of Canterbury, &c. London: printed for R. Lowndes, at the White Lion in S. Pauls Church-yard, MDCLI. [1651]. ESTC No. R202684. Grub Street ID 79907.
  • Laud, William. The sermon, last speech and prayers of the Right Reverend Father in God William Lord Archbishop of Canterbury, immediately before his execution on the scaffold on Tower-Hill, January 10. 1644. London : printed for J. Jones, 1660. ESTC No. R207920. Grub Street ID 84236.
  • Laud, William. Officium quotidianum: or, A manual of private devotions. By the most reverend father in God Dr. William Laud late Lord Arch-bishop of Canterbury. The second edition. London : printed for Robert Crofts at the Crown in Chancery-lane, 1663. ESTC No. R222019. Grub Street ID 96077.
  • Laud, William. A summarie of devotions, compiled and used by Dr William Laud, sometime Ld Arch-bishop of Canterbury. Now published according to the copy written with his own hand, and reserved in the archives of St. John Baptist's Colledge Library in Oxon. Oxford: printed by William Hall, anno Dom. 1667. ESTC No. R27458. Grub Street ID 110616.
  • Laud, William. A relation of the conference between William Laud, late Lord Arch-bishop of Canterbury, and Mr. Fisher the Jesuite, by the command of King James, of ever-blessed memory. With an ansvver to such exceptions as A.C. takes against it. The third edition revised: with a table annexed.. London : printed by J[ames]. C[ottrell]. for Tho. Bassett, T. Dring, and J. Leigh, at the George, the White Lion, and the Bell in Fleet-street, MDCLXXIII. [1673]. ESTC No. R3539. Grub Street ID 117800.
  • Laud, William. The daily office of a Christian. Being the devotions of the most Reverend Father in God Dr. William Laud, late Archbishop of Canterbury. The fourth edition. Wherein several catechetical paraphrases and other very excellent prayers selected out of the primitive writers, formerly publisht in Latine, are now made English; and the whole reduced to an exact method for the benefit of the devout. London : printed for Matthew Gillyflower and William Hensman, and are to be sold at their shops in Westminster-hall, 1683. ESTC No. R34505. Grub Street ID 117029.
  • Laud, William. A relation of the conference between William Laud, late Lord Arch-Bishop of Canterbury, and Mr. Fisher the Jesuit, by the command of King James, of ever blessed memory. With an answer to such exceptions as A.C. takes against it. The fourth edition revised: with a table annexed. Imprimatur. C. Alston R.P.D. Hen. Episc. Lond. `a Sacris Domesticis. Jan. 25. 1685/6. London : printed by Ralph Holt for Thomas Bassett, Thomas Dring in Fleet-Street, and John Leigh, MDCLXXXVI. [1686]. ESTC No. R7429. Grub Street ID 127694.
  • Laud, William. The daily office of a Christian· Being the devotions of the most Reverend Father in God Dr. William Laud, late archbishop of Canterbury. The fifth edition. Wherein several catechetical paraphrases and other very excellent prayers selected out of the primitive writers, formerly publisht in Latine, are now made English; and the whole reduced to an exact method for the benefit of the devout. London : printed for T[homas]. B[asset]. M[atthew]. G[illyflower]. and W[illiam]. H[ensman]. and are to be sold by Richard Heavisid, over against the Devil Tavern near Temple-bar, 1687. ESTC No. R230627. Grub Street ID 102898.
  • Laud, William. The daily office of a Christian. Being the devotions of the most Reverend Father in God Dr. William Laud, late archbishop of Canterbury. The fifth edition. Wherein several catechetical paraphrases and other very excellent prayers selected out of the primitive writers, formerly publisht in Latine, are now made English; and the whole reduced to an exact method for the benefit of the devout. London : printed and are to be sold by John Walthoe over against the St. John's Head Tavern in Chancery-Lane, and Robert Vincent at the Hand and Star between the two Temple-Gates in Fleetstreet, 1688. ESTC No. R217574. Grub Street ID 92344.
  • Laud, William. The history of the troubles and tryal of the most reverend father in God, and blessed martyr, William Laud, Lord Arch-Bishop of Canterbury. Wrote by himself, during his imprisonment in the Tower. To which is prefixed the diary of his own life faithfully and entirely published from the original copy: and subjoined a supplement to the preceding history: the Arch-Bishop's last will; his large answer to the Lord Say's speech concerning liturgies; his annual accounts of his province delivered to the king; and some other things relating to the history. Imprimatur, Martij 7. 1693/4. Jo. Cant. London : printed for Ri. Chiswell, at the Rose and Crown in St. Paul's Church-Yard, M DC XCV. [1695]. ESTC No. R354. Grub Street ID 117809.
  • Laud, William. The second volume of the remains of thf [sic] most reverend father in God, and blessed martyr, William Laud, Lord Arch-bishop of Canterbury. Written by himself. Collected by the late learned Mr. Henry Wharton, and published according to his request by the reverend Mr. Edmund Wharton, his father. London : printed for Sam. Keble at the Turk's-head in Fleet-street, Dan. Brown without Temple-Bar, Will. Hensman in Westminster-Hall, Matt. Wotton near the Inner-Temple Gate, and R. Knaplock at the Angel in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1700. ESTC No. R200966. Grub Street ID 78438.
  • Laud, William. The daily office of a Christian. Being the devotions of the most Reverend Father in God, Dr. William Laud, late Archbishop of Canterbury. The sixth edition. Wherein several catechetical paraphrases, and other very Excellent prayers, selected out of the Primitive Writers, formerly publish'd in Latine, are now made English; and the whole reduced to an exact Method for the Benefit of the devout. London : printed for Samuel Keble, at the Great Turks-Head in Fleet-Street, and R. Wellington, at the Dolphin and Crown, at the West-End of St. Pauls Church-Yard, and W. and M. Gilliflower, at the Black Spread-Eagle, in Westminster-Hall, 1705. ESTC No. T184427. Grub Street ID 220771.
  • Laud, William. The daily office of a Christian. Being the devotions of the most Reverend Father in God, Dr. William Laud, late Archbishop of Canterbury. The sixth edition. Wherein several catechetical paraphrases, and other very Excellent Prayers, selected out of the Primitive Writers, formerly publish'd in Latine, are now made English; and the whole reduced to an exact Method for the Benefit of the Devout. London : printed, and are to be sold by J. Nutt, near Stationer's-Hall, 1705. ESTC No. T123980. Grub Street ID 174266.
  • Laud, William. Archbishop Laud's funeral sermon, preached by himself, from the scaffold on Tower-hill, on Friday Jan. 10. 1644. ... Published at this time to vindicate the memory of that ... prelate, from the ... aspersions of those vile, paltry scribblers, who write the Review and Observator. London : printed, for W. Hawes; and sold by J. Morphew, 1709. ESTC No. T16445. Grub Street ID 202726.
  • Laud, William. A speech delivered in the Starr-Chamber, on Wednesday, the XIVth of Iune, MDCXXXVII. at the censvre, of Iohn Bastwick, Henry Burton, & William Prinn; concerning pretended innovations in the church. By the most Reverend Father in God, William, L. Archbishop of Canterbury his Grace. London : printed by Richard Badger, MDCXXXVII. [1637] [1730]. ESTC No. T128369. Grub Street ID 177959.
  • Laud, William. The good man's comfortable companion! Or, a daily preparation for heaven. By Archbishop Laud. London] : Printed and sold in Aldermary church-yard, Bow-Lane, London, [1776?. ESTC No. T164699. Grub Street ID 202969.