Publications of François Pierre de La Varenne


  • La Varenne, François Pierre de. The French cook. Prescribing the way of making ready of all sorts of meats, fish and flesh, with the proper sauces, either to procure appetite, or to advance the power of digestion. Also the preparation of all herbs and fruits, so as their naturall crudities are by art opposed; with the whole skil of pastry-work. Together with a treatise of conserves, both dry and liquid, a la mode de France. With an alphabeticall table explaining the hard words, and other usefull tables. Written in French by Monsieur De La Varenne, clerk of the kitchin to the Lord Marquesse of Uxelles, and now Englished by I.D.G. London: printed for Charls Adams, and are to be sold at his shop, at the sign of the Talbot neere St. Dunstans Church in Fleetstreet, 1653. ESTC No. R11394. Grub Street ID 59685.
  • La Varenne, François Pierre de. The French cook prescribing the way of making ready of all sorts of meats, fish and flesh, with the proper sauces, either to procure appetite or to advance the power of digestion : with the whole skill of pastry work. Together with a treatise of conserves, both dry and liquid, a la mode de France. The second edition carefully examined, and compared with the originall : and purged throughout, from many mistakes, and defects; and supplyed in diverse things, left out, in the former impression. With an addition of some choise receits of cookery lately grown in use amongst the nobility and gentry, by a prime artist of our owne nation. Written in French by Monsieur De La Varenne, clerk of the kitchen to the Lord Marquesse of Uxelles, and now Englished by I.D.G. London: printed for Charles Adams, at the Talbut neere St. Dunstans Church in Fleetstreet, 1654. ESTC No. R26048. Grub Street ID 109406.
  • La Varenne, François Pierre de. The French cook, prescribing the way of making ready of all sorts of meats, fish and flesh, with the proper sauce, either to procure appetite, or to advance the power of digestion: with the whole skill of pastry-work. Together with about 200. excellent receits for the best sorts of pottages, both in Lent, and out of Lent. Also a treatise of conserves, both dry and liquid, after the best fashion. The third edition. With an addition of some choice receits grown in use amongst the nobility and gentry, by a prime artist of our own nation. Englished by J.D.G. London : printed for Thomas Dring, at the Harrow at Chancery Lane-end, and John Leigh, at the Blew Bell by Flying-Horse Court in Fleet-Street, 1673. ESTC No. R213955. Grub Street ID 89291.