Publications of Edward Millington

Note: The following printer, bookseller, or publisher lists are works in progress. They are generated from title page imprints and may reproduce false and misleading attributions or contain errors.

What does "printed by" mean? How to read the roles ascribed to people in the imprints.

In terms of the book trades, the lists below are sorted into up to four groups where: the person is designated in the imprint as having a single role:

  1. "printed by x"; or
  2. "sold by x"; or
  3. "printed for x" or "published by x";

or as having multiple roles in combination (which suggests a likelihood that the person is a trade publisher):

  1. "printed and sold by x"; "printed for and sold by x"; or "printed by and for x" and so on.

Printers (owners of the type and printing presses, and possibly owners of the copyright) may be identified by the words printed by, but printed by does not universally designate a person who is a printer by trade. Booksellers may be identified by the words sold by, but sold by encompasses a number of roles. Booksellers or individuals who owned the copyright are generally identified by the words printed for, but nothing should be concluded in this regard without further evidence, especially since "printed for" could signify that the named person was a distributor rather than a copyright holder. Trade publishers, who distributed books and pamphlets but did not own the copyright or employ a printer—and were not printers themselves—might be identified by the words printed and sold by. Furthermore, works from this period often display false imprints, whether to evade copyright restrictions, to conceal the name of the copyright holders, or to dupe unwitting customers. Ultimately, one must proceed with caution in using the following lists: designations in the imprints may not reliably reflect the actual trades or roles of the people named, and the formulas used in imprints do not consistently mean the same thing.

David Foxon discussed the "meaning of the imprint" in his Lyell Lecture delivered at Oxford in March 1976, with particular attention to "publishers" in the eighteenth-century context:

The fullest form of an imprint is one which names three people, or groups of people:
     London: printed by X (the printer), for Y (the bookseller who owned the copyright), and sold by Z.
In the eighteenth century the printer's name is rarely given, at least in works printed in London, and the form is more commonly:
     London: printed for Y, and sold by Z.
Very often in this period, and particularly for pamphlets, it is further abbreviated to:
     London: printed and sold by Z.
It is this last form which is my present concern. Z is usually what the eighteenth century called 'a publisher', or one who distributes books and pamphlets without having any other responsibility—he does not own the copyright or employ a printer, or even know the author.

D. F. McKenzie coined the term "trade publisher" for these publishers in his Sandars Lectures, also in 1976, on the grounds that their principal role was to publish on behalf of other members of the book trade (Treadwell 100).

Michael Treadwell cautions that "In this period the imprint 'London: Printed and sold by A.B.' normally means 'Printed at London, and sold by A.B.' and must not be taken to mean that A.B. is a printer in the absence of other evidence." Further, "The imprint 'published by' occurs only rarely in Wing and is almost always associated with the name of a trade publisher" (104). While there are exceptions to the rule, it is "certain," he explains, "that anyone who made a speciality of distributing works for others will show a far higher proportion than normal of imprints in one of the 'sold by' forms" (116), which appear in the imprint as "sold by," "printed and sold by," or "published by" (104). Treadwell gives Walter Kettilby as an example of "a fairly typical copyright-owning bookseller" (106)—his role is almost always designated by the phrase "printed for" on imprints.

A final caution: publisher is a word that should be used with some deliberation. Samuel Johnson defines it simply as "One who puts out a book into the world," but "published by" rarely appears on the imprint until later in the eighteenth century, and then primarily associated with newspapers and pamphlets. Treadwell observes that John Dunton names only five publishers among the 200 binders and booksellers in his autobiographical Life and Errors (1705) wherein he undertakes "to draw the Character of the most Eminent [Stationers] in the Three Kingdoms" (100). Treadwell also remarks, however, that "in law, anyone who offered a work for sale 'published' it. In this sense every work had one or more 'publishers', and every bookseller, mercury, and hawker was a 'publisher'" (114).


  • Terry Belanger, "From Bookseller to Publisher: Changes in the London Book Trade, 1750–1850," in Book Selling and Book Buying. Aspects of the Nineteenth-Century British and North American Book Trade, ed. Richard G. Landon (Chicago: American Library Association, 1978).
  • Bricker, Andrew Benjamin. "Who was 'A. Moore'? The Attribution of Eighteenth-Century Publications with False and Misleading Imprints," in The Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 110.2 (2016).
  • John Dunton, The Life and Errors of John Dunton (London: Printed for S. Malthus, 1705).
  • John Feather, "The Commerce of Letters: The Study of the Eighteenth-Century Book Trade," Eighteenth-Century Studies 17 (1984).
  • David Foxon, Pope and the Early Eighteenth-Century Book Trade, ed. James McLaverty (Oxford University Press, 1991).
  • Samuel Johnson, Dictionary of the English Language, (printed for J. and P. Knapton; T. and T. Longman; C. Hitch and L. Hawes; A. Millar; and R. and J. Dodsley, 1755).
  • D.F. McKenzie, The London Book Trade in the Later Seventeenth Century (Sandars lectures in bibliography, 1977).
  • Michael Treadwell, "London Trade Publishers 1675–1750," The Library sixth series, vol. 4, no. 2 (1982).

Printed for Edward Millington

  • Wagstaffe, John. The question of witchcraft debated; Or a discourse against their opinion that affirm witches. London: printed for Edward Millington at the Pellican in Duck-lane, 1669. ESTC No. R27588. Grub Street ID 110741.

Printed by and for, or by/for and sold by Edward Millington

  • A discourse of the repugnancy of sin to the principles of universal reason. Being a dissuasive from a sinful life from principles of common wisdom, currant amongst all mankind, save onely in the concerns of their souls. London: printed, and are to be sold by Edward Millington at the Bible in Little-Britain, and William Abington at the Black Spread Eagle at the West-End of S. Pauls, 1679. ESTC No. R31332. Grub Street ID 114133.


  • Millington, Edward. Catalogus variorum librorum instructissimæ bibliothecæ doctissimi viri D. Thomæ Watson, A. M. scholæ suttonianæ apud Charter-House, Londini nuperrime archididaschali. Quorum auctio habebitur Londini apud insigne Agni in vico vulgo dicto (Cornhill,) Octobris, 8. 1680. Per Edvard. Millingtonum, bibliopolam. [London]: These catalogues are distributed gratis at the above-mentioned Sign of the Lamb, in Cornhill an Upholsters Shop, and at the sign of the Three Legs in the Poultrey, a booksellers shop, and at the Bible in Little-Brittain, 1680. ESTC No. R228133. Grub Street ID 100856.
  • Millington, Edward. Bibliotheca charnockiana sive catalogus librorum selectissimæ bibliothecæ clarissimi, doctissimiq; viri domini Steph. Charnock, S. T. B. Nuperrime defuncti. Quorum auctio habebitur Londini apud insigne Agni in vico vulgo dicto Cornhill, quarto die Octobris, 1680. [London]: These catalogues are distributed gratis at the above-mentioned Sign of the Lamb in Cornhill an Upholsterers Shop, and at the Sign of the Three Legs in the Poultrey a booksellers shop, [1680]. ESTC No. R228135. Grub Street ID 100858.
  • Millington, Edward. Catalogus librorum (in plurimis linguis insignium) in gratiam & commodum doctissimorum per auctionem vendendorum. Quorum auctio habebitur Londini in vico vulgò dicto Warwick Lane, apud domum ex adverso areæ Warwicensis, vicesimo nono die Martii, 1680. Per Edvardum Millingtonum, bibliopolam. [London]: Catalogi grat's distribuentur ad insigne bibliorum in vico dicto Little Britain; & ad Insigne Pavonis apud Amen Corner, in Platea vulgo vocata Pater-Noster-Row, 1680. ESTC No. R228136. Grub Street ID 100859.
  • Millington, Edward. A choice collection of law-books ancient, and modern. Consisting of the library of Henry Parker, Esq; of Grays-Inn deceased; as also of another eminent professor of the law, with some additions of other new law books, viz. Reports, &c. Will be exposed to sale by way of auction, on Munday next, the 5th. day of December, 1681. At the auction house in Ivy-lane next door to the Wooll-sack. By Edward Millington, Bookseller. [London?]: Catalogues are distributed Gratis at the Rain-bow Coffee House, and at Richards Coffee-House in Fleet-street near Temple-Bar, at Johns Coffee-house in Fullers-Rents near Grays-Inn, at the Coffee-house over against Lincolns Inn in Chancery-Lane, at Bridges Coffee-house in Popes-Head-Alley over against the Royal Exchange, at Mr. Foxes Shop in Westminster-Hall, and at the above-mentioned Auction House in Ivy.lane, [1681?]. ESTC No. R22895. Grub Street ID 101566.
  • Millington, Edward. Catalogus librorum bibliothecis selectissimis doctissimorum virorum viz. D. Radulphi Button S.T.B. nuperrime Islingtoniensis D. Thankfull Owen S.T.B. nuperrime Londinensis. Accesit in fine bibliotheca reverendi viri D. Gulielmi Hoeli Sussexiæ. Quorum auctio habebitur Londini apud domum auctionariam Joannis Dunmore proxime signum Sacci Lanei in vico vulgo dicto Ivy Lane, juxta Pater Noster-Row, septimo die Novembris, 1681. Per Edvardum Millingtonum bibliopolam. [London]: Catalogues are distributed gratis, at the above mentioned Mr. Dunsmore's house, in Ivy-Lane, and at Edward Millingtons at the Bible in Little-Britain, 1681. ESTC No. R11300. Grub Street ID 59601.
  • Millington, Edward. A choice catalogue of the library of John Parsons, Esquire, late of the Middle-Temple, barrister: consisting chiefly of law & history, ancient and modern. Which will be exposed to sale by way of auction on Thursday the 30th day of this instant November, 1682. at the Auction-House, over against the Black Swan in Ave-Mary-Lane near Ludgate. By Edward Millington, bookseller. [London]: Catalogues are distributed gratis at the Rainbow coffee-house, and at Richard's coffee-house in Fleetstreet near Temple-bar, at John's coffee-house in Fullers-Rents, near Grays-Inn, [at] the coffee-house over against Lincolns-Inn in Chancery-Lane, at Bridges coffee-house in Popes-Head-Alley over against the Royal-Exchange in Cornhill, at Mr. Colliers [at] the Bible on London-Bridge, at Edward Millington's at the Bible in Little-Britain, [and] at the above-mentioned auction-house in Ave-Mary-Lane, [1682]. ESTC No. R228132. Grub Street ID 100855.
  • Millington, Edward. Bibliotheca Lloydiana, sive Catalogus variorum librorum selectissimæ bibliothecæ Rev. Doct. viri D. Joan. Lloydii, B.D. Quondam de North mimmes in comitatu de Hertfordshire. Accessit bibliotheca historica, & philologica Honorab. Thomæ Raymondi equitis nuperrim de banco-regio justiciarii; cum plurimis aliis Latinis, Anglicis, Gallicisq; libris. Quorum auctio habebitur Londini apud domum auctionariam ex adverso nigri cygni, in vico vulgò dicto Ave-Mary-Lane, prop Ludgate street, tertio die Decembris, 1683. Per Edvardum Millingtonum, bibliopolam. [London]: Catalogues are given gratis, at Mr. Nott's at the Queen's-Arms in Pell-Mell; Mr. Wilkinson's, at the Black-Boy in Fleetstreet; Mr. Ranew's, at the King's-Arms in St. Paul's Church-yard, booksellers. At Mr. Bridge's Coffee-house in Popes-Head-Alley, over against the Royal-Exchange in Cornhill; by Mr. H. Gruttenden, at the Theatre in Oxford, and Mr. Francis Hicks, bookseller in Cambridg, 1683. ESTC No. R220137. Grub Street ID 94578.
  • Millington, Edward. Bibliotheca Oweniana, sive Catalogus librorum plurimis facultatibus insignium, instructissimæ bibliothecæ Rev. Doct. vir. D. Joan. Oweni, (quondam Vice-Cancellarii & Decani Edis-Christi in Academia Oxoniensi) nuperrim defuncti. Cum variis manuscriptis Grecis, Latinis, &c. propria manu Doct. Patric. Junii aliorumq[ue] conscriptis. Quorum auctio habebitur Londini apud Domum Auctionariam ex adverso Nigri Cygni, in vico vulgò dicto Ave-Mary-Lane, prop Ludgate-Street, vicesimo sexto die Maii, 1684. Per Edwardum Millingtonum, bibliopolam. [London]: Catalogues are distributed, at Mr. Nott's at the Queen's Arms in Pell-Mell; at Mr. Wilkinson's, at the Black-Boy in Fleetstreet; Mr. Miller's at the Acorn in St. Paul's Church-Yard; Mr. Ponder, at the Peacock in the Poultry, booksellers. by Mr. H. Cruttenden at the Theatre in Oxford, and Mr. Francis Hicks, bookseller in Cambridg, 1684. ESTC No. R214482. Grub Street ID 89732.
  • Millington, Edward. A catalogue of the libraries of two eminent persons deceased; consisting of choice English books. In divinity, history, law, physick, mathematicks, poetry, &c. Which will be sold by way of auction, at Mr. Bridges Coffee-House in Popes-Head Alley, opposite to the Royal Exchange in Cornhil, on Monday the 16th. day of June, 1684. By Edward Millington,. [London]: Catalogues are distributed gratis at Mr. Bridges Coffee-House aforesaid, at Mr. Sam. Walsal's, bookseller at the Heart and Bible near the west end of the Royal Exchange in Cornhil; at the Amsterdam Coffee-House in Bartholomew-Lane, at Leaden-Hall Coffee-House in Leaden-Hall-Street, at Mr. Tho. Lacy a stationer at the Golden Lion in the burrough in Southwark, at Mr. Wil. Millers at the Acorn in St. Pauls Church-Yard, at Mr. Christopher Wilkinsons at the Black Boy in Fleet-street, and at Mr. Wil. Notts at the Queens Arms in Pell-Mell, book sellers, 1684. ESTC No. R214496. Grub Street ID 89740.
  • Millington, Edward. Bibliotheca mathematica optimis libris diversarum linguarum refertissima: unà cum variis philologicis, historicis, & geographicis adornata: Honoratissim. Equitis Jonæ Mori, (Supervisoris generalis instrumentorum bellicorum Regis Angliæ) nuper defuncti. Quos ingenti sumptu, & summa diligentia, ex variis Europæ partibus sibi procuravit. Quorum auctio habenda est Londini apud Domum Auctionariam ex adverso Nigri Cygni, in vico vulgò dicto Ave-Mary-Lane, prop Ludgate-Street, tertio die Novembris, 1684. Per Edvardum Millingtonum, Bibliopolam. [London]: Catalogues are given gratis, at Mr. Nott's at the Queen's-Arms in Pell-Mell; at Mr. Wilkinson's, at the Black-Boy in Fleetstreet; Mr. Miller's at the Acorn in St. Paul's Church-Yard, booksellers: by Mr. Anthony Stephens near the Theatre in Oxford, and Mr. Franci Hicks, bookseller in Cambridg, 1684. ESTC No. R214500. Grub Street ID 89744.
  • Millington, Edward. Catalogus librorum medicorum, juridicorum, mathematicorum philologicorum, ex bibliothecis Gasp. Gunteri med. doct. Nec non jurisconsulti cujusdam doctissimi, nuper defunctorum. Unà cum nonnullis libris Gallicis, Italicis, Hispanicis, &c. Quorum auctio habebitur Londini apu domum auctionariam ex adverso Nigri Cygni, in vico vulgò dicto Ave-Mary-Lane, prop Ludgate-Street, vicesimo die Martii, 1683[/]4. Per Edvardum Millingtonum, bibliopolam. [London]: Catalogues are given gratis, at Mr. Wilkinson's, at the Black-Boy in Fleet street; Mr. Ranew's, at the King's-Arms in St. Paul's Church-Yard, booksellers. At the Black-Boy coffee-house in Ave-Mary-Lane, near the Auction-House; by Mr. H. Gruttenden, at the theatr in Oxford, and Mr. Francis Hicks, bookseller in Cambridg, 1683/4. [1684]. ESTC No. R228134. Grub Street ID 100857.
  • Millington, Edward. Bibliotheca VVarneriana, sive catalogus librorum plurimis disciplinis insignium, selectissimæ bibliothecæ Reverendissimi in Christo Patris Joan. Warneri (olim Roffensis episcopi) magnifici fundatoris spectatissimi hospitii apud Bromley in comitatu Cantii. Cum plurimis libris in lingua Gallicâ, Belgicâ, Italicâ, Hispanicâ conscriptis. Quorum auctio habenda est Londini apud domum auctionariam ex adverso Nigri Cygni, in vico vulgò dicto. Ave-Mary-Lane, prop Ludgate-Street, decimo sexto die Februarii 1684/5. Per Edvardum Millingtonum, bibliopolam. [London: Catalogues are given gratis, at Mr. Nott's at the Queen's-Arms in P[e]ll-Mell; at Mr. Wilkinson's at the Black-Boy in Fleetstreet; Mr. Miller's at the Acorn in St. Paul's church-yard; Mr. Daniel Blague, in Duck-Lane, booksellers: by Mr. Anthony Stephens near the Theatre in Oxford, and Mr. Francis Hicks, bookseller in Cambridg, 1685. ESTC No. R42241. Grub Street ID 123652.
  • Millington, Edward. A catalogue containing variety of ancient, and modern English books in divinity, history, philology, philosophy, law, physick, mathematicks &c. Together with Bibles, Testaments, Common prayers, singing Psalms, &c. of the best Prints in all volumes will be exposed to sale (b way of auction or who bids most) at Petty-Canon-Hall in Petty-Canon-Alley on the northside of St. Pauls Church-yard, entring into Pater-Noster-Row, the 30th day of November 1685. By Edward Millington bookseller. [London]: Catalogues are given by Mr. Nott in Pall-Mall, Mr. Timothy Goodwin at the Maidenhead in Fleet-street, Mr. Joseph Wats at the Half-Moon, and Mr. Samuel Smith at the Princes Arms in St. Paul's church-yard, Mr. Southby at the Harrow in Cornhil, Mr. Ladyman near the Barrs at Ald-gate, booksellers, at the several coffee-houses in Cambridge and Oxford, 1685. ESTC No. R25748. Grub Street ID 109145.
  • Millington, Edward. Catalogus variorum librorum quavis facultate insigniorum bibliothecarum instructissimarum Rev. Doct. Amb. Atfield S.T.D. nuperrime Londinensis. nec non alterius cujusdam Theologi Doct. non ita pridem (defunctorum.) Quorum auctio habenda est Londini apud Domum Auctionariam ex adverso Nigri Cygni, in vico vulgò dicto Ave-Mary-Lane, prop Ludgate-Street, 25 die Maii 1685. Per Edvardum Millingtonum, bibliopolam. [London]: Catalogues are distributed at Mr. Nott's at the King's-Arms in Pell-Mell, at Mr. Will. Henshman's shop in Westminster-Hall, at Mr. Wilkinson's at the Black Boy in Fleet-street, at Mr. Will. Miller's at te Acorn in in [sic] St. Paul's Church-yard, at Mr. Southby' at the Harrow in Cornhill, by Mr. Stephens in Oxford, and Mr. Hick's in Cambridg, booksellers, [1685]. ESTC No. R5907. Grub Street ID 126302.
  • Millington, Edward. Bibliotheca VVarneriana, sive Catalogus librorum plurimis disciplinis insignium, selectissimæ bibliothecæ Reverendissimi in Christo Patris Joan. Warneri (olim Roffensis Episcopi) magnifici fundatoris spectatissimi hospitii apud Bromley in Comitatu Cantii. Cum plurimis libris in lingua Gallicâ, Belgicâ Italicâ, Hispanicâ conscriptis. Quorum auctio habenda est Londini apud Domum Auctionariam ex adverso Nigri Cygni, in vico vulgò dicto Ave-Mary-Lane, prop Ludgate-Street, decimo sexto die Februarii 1684/5. Per Edvardum Millingtonum, bibliopolam. [London]: Catalogues are given gratis, at Mr. Nott's at the Queen's-Arms in Pell-Mell; at Mr. Wilkinson's, at the Black-Boy in Fleetstreet; Mr. Miller's at the Acorn in St. Paul's Church-Yard; Mr. Daniel Blague, in Duck-Lane, booksellers: by Mr. Anthony Stephens near the Theatre in Oxford, and Mr. Francis Hicks, bookseller in Cambridg, 1685. ESTC No. R214506. Grub Street ID 89750.
  • Millington, Edward. Bibliotheca Gallica, Italica, Hispanica, continens libros (plurimis facultatibus) selectissimos, cujusdam nobilis Angli (huad ità pridem) defuncti, quorum auctio habebitur Londini, in ædibus Johannis Bridge, vulgo dicto Bridges Coffee House in Popes Head Alley in Cornhill, decimo die Novembris, 1685. Per Edwardum Millingtonum bibiliop. [sic]. [London]: Catalogues are given at Mr. Notts in Pell Mell, Mr. Wilkinson at the Black-Boy in Fleetstreet, Mr. Miller at the Acorn in St. Paul's Church-Yard, Mr. Ed. Vize at the Bishops-head in Cornhill over against the Royal Exchange, [...], [1685]. ESTC No. R214510. Grub Street ID 89754.
  • Millington, Edward. A catalogue of the library of books French and English, of Mr. Peter Hushar, merchant of London, deceased: which will be exposed to sale by way of auction, at Mr. Thomas Ward's house, upholster at the Boars-Head in Cornhil, on Wednesday the 18th day of November. 1685. By Edward Millington, bookseller. [London]: Catalogues are given by Mr. Lowndes bookseller, near the Savoy in the Strand: by Mr. Timothy Goodwin, at the Maiden-Head in Fleet-street, and at the above-mentioned Boars-Head in Cornhil, 1685. ESTC No. R214512. Grub Street ID 89755.
  • Millington, Edward. Catalogus variorum librorum theologicorum, philologicor: &c. Bibliothecæ selectissimæ Rev. Doct. Viri D. Obad. Sedgewick, B.D. nuperrime de Rampton in comitatu Cantabrig. Quorum auctio habebitur (in gratiam celeberrimæ Cantabrigiensis academiæ) edibus Gulielm. Clipsom apud insigne Nigri Cygni in oppido vulgo dicto Trumpington 29 die Martii 1686. Per Edvardum Millingtonum, bibliopolam Lond. [Cambridge]: Catalogues of which, will be distributed to the gentlemen of the several colleges, and halls in Cambridg, 1686. ESTC No. R183681. Grub Street ID 73498.
  • Millington, Edward. Bibliothecæ medicæ, sive Catalogus variorum librorum ex bibliothecis selectissimis eruditissim. medicorum D. Christ. Terne D. Thomae Allen Colleg. Reg. Lond. Socior. Una cum appendice librorum medicinalium D. Roberti Talbor. pytetiatri. Quorum auctio habenda est Londini apud Domum Auctionarium ex adverso Nigri Cygni in vico vulgo Ave-Mary-Lane, prop Ludgate-Street, 12 die Aprilis. 1686. Per Eduardum Millingtonum, bibliopolam. [London]: Catalogues are given at Mr. Notts, at the Queen's Arms in Pell-Mell. Mr. Wilkinson's, at the Black-Boy in Fleetstreet. Mr. William Miller's, at the Acorn in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1686. ESTC No. R26289. Grub Street ID 109623.
  • Millington, Edward. A choice collection of lavv books ancient and modern: consisting of the compleat library of law, with manuscripts of the honourable Sir Richard Weston Kt. late one of the barons of the exchequer. Which will be exposed to sale at auction on Thursday the 24th of this instant June, 1686. at the auction-house over against the Black Swan in Ave-Mary-lane. By Edward Millington, bookseller. [London]: Catalogues are given by Mr. Chrystopher Wilkinson at the Black Boy in Fleetstreet, Mr. Powell over against Lincolns-Inn in Chancery-Lane, at John's coffee-house in Fullers-Rents near Grays-Inn, and at Mr. William Millers at the Acron in St. Paul's Church-yard, [1686]. ESTC No. R186404. Grub Street ID 75099.
  • Millington, Edward. A catalogue, containing variety of books, of the common & statute law, ancient and modern. Together with history, herauldry, travels, romances, poetry, &c. Will be exposed to sale by way of auction on Thursday the 18th day of February, 1685/6. at the Auction-House in the Ave-Mary Lane, over-against the Black Swan near Ludgate-Street. By Edward Millington, bookseller. [London]: Catalogues are distributed from Mr. Timothy Goodwins at the Maiden-head in Fleet-street, Mr. William Millers at the Acorn in St. Pauls Church-Yard, Mr. George Powel, overgainst [sic] Lincolns-Inn in Chancery Lane, booksellers, and at Johns Coffee-House in Fuller Rents, near Grays-Inn, 1686. ESTC No. R214520. Grub Street ID 89759.
  • Millington, Edward. A collection of choice books, in divinity, history, philosophy, herauldry, horsemanship, husbandry, with variety of books of voyages, travels, as also of romances, plays, novels, &c. curiously bound. Will be exposed to sale by way of auction at Bridges Coffee-House in Popes-Head-Alley over-against the Royal Exchange in Cornhill, on Monday the 8th day of February, 1685/6. By Edward Millington, bookseller. [London]: Catalogues are distributed from Mr. Notts at the Queens Arms in Pell-Mell, Mr. Wilkinsons at the Black Boy in Fleet-street, Mr. Miller at the Acorn in St. Pauls Church-Yard, and at the above-mentioned Bridges Coffee-House, 1686. ESTC No. R29638. Grub Street ID 112593.
  • Millington, Edward. Bibliotheca selectissima, diversorum librorum, viz. theologicorum, historicorum, philologicorum, mathemat. &c. Plurimisque libris, gallicis, italicis, hispanicis adornata. Qui cum ingenti sumptu & summa curâ ex variis Europæ partibus fuerunt collecti, & in Angliam nuperrim advecti. Quorum auctio habebitur Londini, in ædibus Nigri Cygni ex adverso australis porticus ecclesiæ cathed. Paulin. in Cæmiterio D. Paul. 18 die April. 1687. Per Edvardum Millingtonum bibliopol. Lond. [London]: Catalogues are given by Mr. Notts at the Queens Arms in Pell-Mell. Mr. Hensman at his shop in Westminster-Hall. Mr. Wilkinsons at the Black-Boy in Fleetstreet. Mr. William Miller at the Acorn in St. Pauls Church-Yard. Mr. Samuel Crouches shop, entring into Popes-head Alley in Cornhil. Mr. Hayes printer in Cambridg; and Mr. B. Shirley at the auction house in Oxford, 1687. ESTC No. R30928. Grub Street ID 113768.
  • Millington, Edward. Catalogue of choice books in divinity, history, physick and poetry, romances, travels, &c. VVith a good collection of common and statute-law, and manuscripts relating thereto: which will be sold by auction on Monday the ninth day of this instant May 1687. at Richards Coffee-House in Fleetstreet, between the two temple-gates. By Edward Millington Bookseller. [London]: Catalogues are delivered gratis to all gentlemen, &c, by Mr. Fox in Westminster-Hall, Mr. Wootton at the Three Daggers near the Inner-Temple-Gate in Fleet-street, Mr. Miller at the Acorn in St. Paul's Church-yard, at Bridges Coffee-House in Popes-Head-Alley in ..., [1687]. ESTC No. R229853. Grub Street ID 102254.
  • Millington, Edward. Bibliotheca Jacombiana, sive Catalogus variorum librorum plurimis facultatibus insignium instructissimæ bibliothecæ Rev. Doct. Thomæ Jacomb, S.T.D. (Honoratiss. comitissæ Exoniensi Domestici capellani) nuperrim Lond. defuncti. quorum auctio habebitur Londini, in ædibus Nigri Cygni ex adverso australis porticus Ecclesiæ Cathed. Paulin. in Cæmiterio D. Paul. 31 die Octobris 1687. Per Edoardum Millingtonum, bibliopolam Lond. [London]: Catalogues are distributed at 6d. per catal. from Mr. Notts at the Queens Arms in Pell-Mell. Mr. Fox's shop in Westminster-Hall. Mr. Wilkinson's at the Black-Boy in Fleetstreet. Mr. William Miller's at the Acorn in St. Paul's Church-Yard. Mr. Samuel Crouch's at the corner of Popes-head Alley in Cornhil. Mr. Benj. Shirley at the Auction House in Oxon. Mr. Edward Hall in Cambridge, booksellers, 1687. ESTC No. R32974. Grub Street ID 115627.
  • Millington, Edward. A catalogue of English books: in divinity, humanity, philology, history, &c. of Mr. Charles Mearne's, late bookseller to His Majesty; which will be exposed to sale by auction, at Richard's Coffee-House in Fleetstreet, near the Middle-Temple Gate, on Thursday, the 17th da of this instant February 1686[/]7. By Edward Millington, bookseller. [London]: Catalogues are distributed from Mr. Nott's in the Pall Mall, Mr. Gilliflower's in Westminster-Hall, Mr. Timothy Goodwin's at the Maiden-head in Fleet-street, Mr. William Miller's at the Acorn in St. Paul's Church-yard, and Mr. Samuel Crouch's at the corner of Pope's-Head-Alley in Cornhill, all booksellers, 1687. ESTC No. R26197. Grub Street ID 109543.
  • Millington, Edward. A catalogue of the choicest, and most valuable books, of the common & statute law, hitherto published. Which will be sold by auction, at the auction house in Ave-Mary-Lane, over against the Black-Swan, near Ludgate-street, on Monday the 14th of this instant February, 1686/7. By Edward Millington, bookseller. [London]: Catalogues are given by Mr. Wilkinson at the Black-Boy in Fleet-street. Mr. Powel over against Lincolns-Inn-gate, in Chancery-Lane. Mr. William Miller at the Acorn in St. Pauls Church-Yard. At John's Coffee-House in Fullers Rents, near Grays-Inn. At Bridges Coffee-House, the first House entring into Popes-Head-Alley, from Cornhill, 1686/7. [i.e. 1687]. ESTC No. R230618. Grub Street ID 102893.
  • Millington, Edward. Bibliotheca Latino--Anglica. Viz. theologica, philologica, medica, & philosophica. Cum variis libris Gallicis & Italicis, refertissima. Cui adjicitur collectio librorum ad legem communem Angliæ spectantium. Quorum auctio habebitur Londini apud domum auctionariam ex adverso Nigri Cygni, in vico vulgò dicto Ave-Mary Lane, prope Ludgate-Street, duodecimo die Julii, 1687. Per Eduardum Millingtonum bibliopolam. [London]: Catalogues are distributed by Mr. Wilkinson at the Black Boy in Fleet-street, Mr. Henseman's shop in Westminster-Hall, Mr. Bennet at the Half Moon in St. Paul's Church-Yard, Mr. Eddows under the Royall Exchange in Cornhill, and at the coffee-houses in Cambridge and Oxford, 1687. ESTC No. R228129. Grub Street ID 100852.
  • Millington, Edward. A catalogue of valuable and useful books,: viz. divininy [sic], history ... voyages and travels, &c. Which are to be sold by auction. At Richard's coffee-house, betwixt the Temple-gates in Fleet-street, on Thursday next, the twenty fourth of this instant May, 1688. The sale to begin at two of the clock in the afternoon. By Edward Millington, bookseller. [London]: Catalogues are given by Mr. Dan. Brown, at the Black Swan without Temple-bar, Mr. Fox's shop in Westminster-hall, Mr. William Miller at the Acorn in St. Paul's Church-yard, and at Mr. Bridges coffee-house over against the Royal Exchange in Cornhill, 1688. ESTC No. R234182. Grub Street ID 105535.
  • Millington, Edward. Catalogus variorum librorum antiquorum, & recentiorum, regionibus vicinis, in angliam. nuperrim advectorum. Quorum auctio habenda est, (in gratiam celeberrimæ Cantabrigiensis academiæ) apud nundinum sturbrigiense in vico vulgo dicto Cooks-Row, Septemb. 7. 1688. Per Eduardum Millingtonum Bibliop. Lond. [Cambridge]: Catalogues will be distibuted to all gentlemen scholars, from the several coffee-houses in Cambridge; and from the above-mentioned auction-booth in Cooks-Row, [1688]. ESTC No. R228126. Grub Street ID 100850.
  • Millington, Edward. A catalogue of valuable books, viz. in divinity, humanity, history, philology, &c. in all volumes, and of most subjects. Which will be sold by auction (or who bids most) for the benefit, and entertainment of the clergy, gentry, and citizens, living in, and about the city of Norwich, at Mrs. Elizabeth Oliver's house, on Monday the 16th of December, 1689. By Edward Millington, bookseller. [London]: Catalogues are distributed gratis to all the clergy, gentry, citizens, &c. that please to send or call for them from Mrs. Oliver's house, and by [...], [1689]. ESTC No. R29182. Grub Street ID 112191.
  • Millington, Edward. Bibliotheca Carteriana, sive Catalogus variorum librorum Anglo-Latinorum celeberrimæ bibliothecæ, Rev. Doct. viri D. Edvardi Carter, Archi-Diaconi S. Albani nuperime defuncti. Quorum auctio habenda est in Ædibus Carterianis apud oppidum vulgò dictum St. Albans 5 die August. 1689. Per Edvardum Millingtonum, bibliop. Londin. [London]: Catalogues are distributed by Mr. William Miller at the Acorn in St. Paul's Church-Yard. Mr. Wilkinson at the Black-Boy in Fleetstreet. And from the dwelling-House of Mrs. Carter in St. Albans, to all gentlemen, &c. that please to send or call for them, 1689. ESTC No. R225023. Grub Street ID 98381.
  • Millington, Edward. A catalogue of the libraries of books of Mr. Matthews Mr. Vanam Mr. Crow late of London merch. Which will be exposed to sale by auction at Mr. Thomas Wards, upholster, at the Boars Head in Cornhil, on Monday the 28th. day of this instant January, 1688/9. By Edward Millington, bookseller. [London]: Catalogues are given at Mr. William Millers at the Acorn in Pauls Church-yard, and at the above-mentioned place of sale, 1688/9. [1689]. ESTC No. R214137. Grub Street ID 89459.
  • Millington, Edward. A collection of curious prints, paintings, and limnings, by the best masters. With many other curiosities, and artificial rarities. Will be sold by auction, for the diversion and entertainment of the gentlemen, ladies, &c. at Tunbridge-Wells, at Mary's Tea-House, by the lower walks, near the Wells, on Tuesday, the 13th of this instant August, 1689. The sale beginning in the morning at eight, and continues till twelve in the forenoon (except prayer time.) By Edward Millington. [London]: Catalogues of the prints and paintings, &c. are given to all gentlemen, ladies, &c. at Mr. Samuel Rose's shop, over against the musick on the walks; at Mr. Mainwaring's Tea-House, and at the above-mentioned place of sale, 1689. ESTC No. R214252. Grub Street ID 89568.
  • Millington, Edward. A collection of curious pictures, viz. paintings & limnings by the best masters. Will be sold by auction on Thursday the 20th, as also on Friday the 21st, and Saturday the 22d of this instant February, 1689[/]90. at the Barbadoes Coffee-House in Exchange-Alley, over against the Royal-Exchange, in Cornhil. The sale beginning precisely at four of the clock every afternoon. By Edward Millington. [London]: Catalogues of which are destributed by Mr. Gilliflower in Westminster-Hall: Mr. Nott in the Pall Mall: Mr. Bently in Russel-street, Covent-Garden: Mr. Wilkinson in Fleet-street: Mr. Hargrave, at the Kings-Head, over against Furnivals-Inn in Holborn: Mr. Miller, at the Acorn, in St. Paul's Church-yard: and Mr. Crouch over against the Royal-Exchange, in Cornhil, bookselles [sic], [1690]. ESTC No. R214210. Grub Street ID 89528.
  • Millington, Edward. A collection of curious pictures, viz. paintings & limnings by the best masters. Will be sold by auction on Wednesday the 19th, as also on Thursday the 20th, and Friday the 21st, &c. of this instant March following, 1689[/]90. At the Barbadoes Coffee-House in Exchange-Alley, over against the Royal-Exchange, Cornhil. The sale beginning precisely at four of the clock every afternoon. By Edward Millington. [London]: Catalogues of which are distributed by Mr. Gilliflower in Westminster-Hall: Mr. Nott in the Pall Mall: Mr. Bently in Russel-street, Covent-Garden: Mr. Wilkinson in Fleet-street: Mr. Hargrave, at the Kings-Head, over against Furnivals-Inn in Holborn: Mr. Miller, at the Acorn, in St. Paul's Church-yard: and Mr. Crouch over against the Royal-Exchange, in Cornhil, booksellers, and at most coffee-houses in London, &c., [1690]. ESTC No. R214211. Grub Street ID 89529.
  • Millington, Edward. A collection of curious pictures, viz. paintings & limnings by the best masters. Will be sold by auction on Wednesday the 30th, as also on Thursday the first of May, and Friday the 2d, &c. following, 1690. at the Barbadoes Coffee-House in Exchange-Alley, over against the Royal Exchange, Cornhil. The sale beginning precisely at four of the clock every afternoon. By Edward Millington. [London]: Catalogues of which are distributed by Mr. Gilliflower in Westminster-Hall: Mr. Nott in the Pall Mall: Mr. Bently in Russel-street, Covent-Garden: Mr. Wilkinson in Fleet-street: Mr. Hargrave, at the Kings-Head, over against Furnivals-Inn in Holborn: Mr. Miller, at the Acorn, in St. Paul's Church-yard: and Mr Crouch over against the Royal-Exchange, in Cornhil, bookseller, and at most coffee-houses in London, &c., [1690]. ESTC No. R214224. Grub Street ID 89541.
  • Millington, Edward. A collection of curious pictures, viz. paintings & limnings by the best masters. Will be sold by auction on Tuesday the 20th, as also on Thursday the 22d, and Friday the 23d, &c. following, of this instant May, 1690. at the Barbadoes Coffee-House in Exchange-Alley, over against the Royal Exchange, Cornhil. The sale beginning precisely at four of the clock every afternoon by Edward Millington. [London]: Catalogues of which are distributed by Mr. Gilliflower in Westminster-Hall: Mr. Nott in the Pall Mall: Mr· Bently in Russel-street, Covent-Garden: Mr. Wilkinson in Fleet-street: Mr. Hargrave, at the Kings-Head, over against Furnivals-Inn in Holborn: Mr. Miller, at the Acorn, in St. Paul's Church-yard: nd [sic] Mr Crouch over against the Royal-Exchange, in Cornhil, bookseller, and at most coffee-houses in London, &c., [1690]. ESTC No. R214226. Grub Street ID 89543.
  • Millington, Edward. A collection of curious pictures, viz. paintings & limnings by the best masters. Will be sold by auction on Wednesday the 25th, as also on Thursday the 26th, and Friday the 27th, &c. following, of this instant June, 1690. at the Barbadoes Coffee-House in Exchange-Alley, over against the Royal Exchange, Cornhil. The sale beginning precisely at four of the clock every afternoon by Edward Millington. [London]: Catalogues of which are distributed by Mr. Gilliflower in Westminster-Hall: Mr. Nott in the Pall Mall: Mr· Bently in Russel-street, Covent-Garden: Mr. Wilkinson in Fleet-street: Mr. Hargrave, at the Kings-Head, over against Furnivals-Inn in Holborn: Mr Miller, a the Acorn, in St. Paul's Church-yard: and Mr Crouch over against the Royal-Exchange, in Cornhil, bookseller, and at most coffee-houses in London, &c., [1690]. ESTC No. R214229. Grub Street ID 89546.
  • Millington, Edward. A collection of curious pictures, viz. paintings and limnings, by the best masters. With many other curiosities, and artificial rarities. Will be sold by auction, for the diversion and entertainment of the gentlemen, ladies, &c. at Tunbridge-Wells, at the Auction Coffee-House, by the lower walks, near the Wells, on Monday the 4th of this instant August, 1690. The sale beginning in the morning at eight, and continues till twelve in the forenoon (except prayer time.) By Edward Millington. [London]: Catalogues of the paintings and limnings, &c. are given to all gentlemen, ladies, &c. at Mr. Pett's, Mr. Brett's, Mr. Westley's, apothecaries, at Mr. Samuel Rose's shop, over against the musick on the walks, at Mr. Thompson's Tavern near the walks, and at the above mentioned Auction Coffee-House the place of sale, 1690. ESTC No. R214231. Grub Street ID 89549.
  • Millington, Edward. A collection of curious pictures, viz. paintings and limnings, by the best masters. Will be sold by auction on Monday the 15th, and Tuesday the 16th of this instant September 1690. at the Barbadoes Coffe-House in Exchange-Alley. over against the Royal-Exchange, in Cornhil. The sale beginning precisely at four of the clock each afternoon. By Edward Millington. [London]: Catalogues of which are distributed by Mr. Gilliflower in Westminster-Hall: Mr. Nott in the Pall Mall: Mr. Bently in Russel-street, Covent-Garden: Mr. Wilkinson in Fleet-street: Mr. Hargrave, at the Kings Head, over against Furnivals-Inn in Holborn: Mr; [sic] Miller, at the Acorn, in St. Paul's Church yard: and Mr. Crouch over against the Royal-Exchange, in Cornhil, booksellers, [1690]. ESTC No. R214233. Grub Street ID 89550.
  • Millington, Edward. A collection of curious pictures, viz. paintings and limnings, by the best masters. Will be sold by auction on Wednesday the 8th, and Thursday and Friday the 9th and 10th of this instant October 1690. at the Barbadoes Coffe-House in Exchange-Alley. over against the Royal-Exchange, in Cornhil. The sale beginning precisely at four of the clock every afternoon. By Edward Millington. [London]: Catalogues of which are distributed by Mr. Gilliflower in Westminster-Hall: Mr. Nott in the Pall Mall: Mr. Bently in Russel-street, Covent-Garden: Mr. Wilkinon [sic] in Fleet-street: Mr. Hargrave, at the Kings Head, overagainst [sic] Furnivals-Inn in Holborn: Mr [sic] Miller, at the Acorn, in St. Paul's Church yard: and Mr. Crouch over against the Royal-Exchange, in Cornhil, booksellers, [1690]. ESTC No. R214235. Grub Street ID 89552.
  • Millington, Edward. A collection of curious pictures viz. paintings and limning[s] by the best masters. Will be sold by auction on Thursday the [6th] and Friday and Saturday the 7th and 8th of this in[stant] November 1690. at the Barbadoes Coffe-House in Exch[ange-]Alley. over against the Royal-Exchange, in Cornhil. The sale beginning precisely at four of the clock [every] afternoon. By Edward Millington. [London]: Catalogues of which are distributed by Mr. G[illiflower] in Westminster-Hall: Mr. Nott in the Pall [Mall:] Mr. Bently in Russel-street, Covent-Garden: Mr. [Wilkins]on in Fleet-street: Mr. Hargrave, at the Kings[-Head,] over against Furnivals-Inn in Holborn: Mr; [sic] Miller, [at] the Acorn, in St. Paul's Church yard: and Mr. Crouch over against the Royal-Exchange [in Cornhil, booksellers.], [1690]. ESTC No. R214237. Grub Street ID 89554.
  • Millington, Edward. A collection of curious pictures, viz. paintings and limnings, by the best masters. Will be sold by auction on Thursday the 20th, and Friday and Saturday the 21st and 22d of this instant November 1690. at the Barbadoes Coffe-House in Exchange-Alley. over against the Royal-Exchange, in Cornhil. The sale beginning precisely at four of the clock every afternoon. By Edward Millington. [London]: Catalogues of which are distributed by Mr. Gilliflower in Westminster-Hall: Mr. Nott in the Pall Mall: Mr. Bently in Russel-street, Covent-Garden: Mr. Wilkinon [sic] in Fleet-street: Mr. Hargrave, at the KingsHead, over against Furnivals-Inn in Holborn: Mr; [sic Miller, at the Acorn, in St. Paul's Church yard: and Mr. Crouch over against the Royal-Exchange in Cornhil, booksellers, [1690]. ESTC No. R214241. Grub Street ID 89558.
  • Millington, Edward. Bibliotheca Cudworthiana, sive catalogus variorum librorum plurimis facultatibus. Insignium bibliothecæ instructissimæ Rev. Doct. Dr. Cudworth, S.T.P. Coll. Christi apud Cantab. nuperrim præfecti. Quorum auctio habenda est Londini, apud domum appellatam Rolls Coffee-house in C?meterio Divi Pauli, secundo die Februarii, 1690/1. Per Edvardum Millingtonum, bibliopol. Lond. [London]: Catalogues are given by Mr. Mortlock in Westminster-Hall. Mr. Partridge at Charing-Cross. Mr. Bentley in Covent-Garden. Mr. wilkinson in fleet-street. Mr. Miller at the Acorn in St. Paul's Church-yard. Mr. Aylmer in Cornhill. Mr. H. Clement in Oxon. Mr. Hall in Cambridg, 1690/1 [ i.e.1691]. ESTC No. R214526. Grub Street ID 89760.
  • Millington, Edward. A collection of curious pictures, viz. paintings and limnings, by the best masters. Will be sold by auction on Thursday the 15th, and Friday and Saturday, the 16th and 17th of this instant January, 1691. at the Barbadoes Coffe-House in Exchange-Alley, over against the Royal-Exchange, in Cornhil. The sale beginning precisely at four of the clock every afternoon. By Edward Millington. [London]: Catalogues of which are distributed by Mr. Gilliflower in Westminster-Hall: Mr. Nott in the Pall Mall: Mr. Bently in Russel-street, Covent-Garden: Mr. Wilkinon [sic] in Fleet-street: Mr. Hargrave, at the KingsHead, over against Furnivals-Inn in Holborn: Mr; [sic Miller, at the Acorn, in St. Paul's Church yard: and Mr. Crouch over against the Royal-Exchange, in Cornhil, booksellers, [1691]. ESTC No. R214244. Grub Street ID 89560.
  • Millington, Edward. A collection of curious pictures, viz. paintings and limnings, by the best masters. Will be sold by auction on Wednesday the 28th, and Thursday the 29th, &c. of this instant January, 1691. at the Barbadoes Coffee-House in Exchange-Alley, over against the Royal-Exchange, in Cornhil. The sale beginning precisely at four of the clock every afternoon. By Edward Millington. [London]: Catalogues of which are distributed by Mr. Gilliflower in Westminster-Hall: Mr. Nott in the Pall Mall: Mr. Bently in Russel-street, Covent-Garden: Mr. Wilkinon [sic] in Fleet-street: Mr. Hargrave, at the KingsHead, over against Furnivals-Inn in Holborn: Mr; [sic Miller, at the Acorn, in St. Paul's Church-yard: and Mr. Crouch over against the Royal-Exchange, in Cornhil, booksellers, [1691]. ESTC No. R214251. Grub Street ID 89567.
  • Millington, Edward. Auctio Millingtoniana picturarum omnigenarum, &c. A collection of extraordinary paintings & limnings, with variety of the finest Italian, French, and other prints, (several of them originals) by the best masters. With many curiosities of the China make, and other artificia rarities. Will be sold by auction, for the diversion and entertainment of the gentlemen, ladies, &c. at Tunbridge-Wells, at the auction coffee-house, by the Lower Walks, near the Wells, on Thursday the 13th of this instant August, 1691. The sale beginning in the morning at eight, and continues til twelve in the forenoon ) [sic] except Prayer-time.) By Edward Millington. [London]: Catalogues of the paintings and limnings, &c. are given to all gentlemen, ladies, &c. at Mr. Pett's, Mr. Brett's, Mr. Westley's, Apothecaries; at Mr. Samuel Rose's shop, over against the musick on the walks, at Mr. Thompsons's tavern near the walks, and at the above mentioned auction coffee house the place of sale, 1691. ESTC No. R223751. Grub Street ID 97524.
  • Millington, Edward. A catalogue of ancient and modern English books: especially of the writings of the most famous divines of our own nation; together with variety of other books in divinity, history, poetry, husbandry, travels, horsemanship. Which will be sold by auction (or who bids most) for the diversion and entertainment of the gentlemen of the country, town and inhabitants of Abingdon, at the Town-Hall, on Monday the ninth day of May 1692. By Edward Millington. [London?]: Catalogues will be given to all persons, by Mr. Hawkins at the New Inn, Mr. Cheyney at the Thistle, Mr. Sheppard a barber in Butcher-Row, Mr. Ely at the Lamb, and from the place of sale, 1692. ESTC No. R29181. Grub Street ID 112190.
  • Millington, Edward. Bibliotheca Meggottiana, sive Catalogus variorum librorum bibliothecæ instructissimæ R.D.V. Dr. Meggot nuperrime Decan. Wintoniens. Defuncti. Libris theologicis, philologicis, historicis præsertim; nec-non in aliis artibus quotquot sunt claris refertissimæ. Quorum auctio habebitur Londini apud domum appellatam, Roll's Auction-House in Petty-Canon Hall, in Petty-Canon Alley, North side of St. Paul's Church, Novemb. 6. 1693. Per Edoardum Millingtonum, bibliopolam Lond. [London]: Catalogues are given by Mrs. Miller at the Acorn in St. Paul's Church-Yard. Mrs. Wilkinson at the Black Boy in Fleetstreet. Mr. Nott in Pell-Mell. Mr. Hensman in Westminster-Hall, Mr. Shirley in Oxon. Mr. Dawson in Cambridg, 1693. ESTC No. R221800. Grub Street ID 95891.
  • Millington, Edward. A catalogue of ancient and modern books viz. [brace] divinity, history, humanity, philosopy, &c. : in all volumes, which will be sold by auction (or who bids most) for the entertainment and diversion of the gentry and citizens of Norwich, and inhabitants, of the places adjacent, at Mrs. Oliver's House, on Monday the tenth of July, 1693 / by Edward Millington ... [S.l.]: Catalogues are given from Mrs. Oliver in Norwich, and Mr. Giles, booksellers, 1693. ESTC No. R39945. Grub Street ID 121797.
  • Millington, Edward. Bibliotheca Trilinguis: or, a Catalogue of English, French and Italian books in divinity, history, travels, voyages, romances, poetry, physick, mathematicks, &c. which will be sold by auction, at Batson's Coffee-House, over-against the Royal Exchange in Cornhil, at four of the clock in the afternoon, on Wodnesday [sic], the 2d day of May, MDCXCIV. Per Edoardum Millingtonum bibliopol. [London]: Catalogues are distributed by Mr. Partridge at Charing-Cross, Mr. Hargrave in Holborne, Mr. Southby in Fleetstreet, Mr. Butt, in Princes-street in Covent-Garden, booksellers; and at the place of sale, [1694]. ESTC No. R229426. Grub Street ID 101906.
  • Millington, Edward. A catalogue of ancient and modern books, consisting of the writings of the most eminent divines of our own nation; together with variety of other books, in history, humanity, philology, geography, travels, voyages, physick, poetry, &c. Which will be sold by auction (or who bids most) for the diversion and entertainment of the gentlemen of the town, country, and inhabitants of Kings-Lynn, at Mr Ferrour's coffee-house at the Turks-head in the Highstreet on Monday the 26 of March. 1694. By Edward Millington of London, bookseller. [London]: Catalogues may be had at the place of sale by all persons that please to send or call for them, 1694. ESTC No. R226984. Grub Street ID 99885.
  • Millington, Edward. Bibliotheca Greyana. Sive Catalogus librorum theologicorum, historicorum, philologicorum, Græc. Lat. & Anglicorum in omni facultate præ cæteris excellentium R.V. Tho. Grey, de Dedham in com. Essexiæ defuncti. Quorum auctio habebitur Londini in Ædibus (vulgo vocatis) Rolls' Auction-House in Petty-Cannons Hall, juxta porticum borealem D. Pauli, die Jovis 8. Febr. 1693[/]4. Per Edoardum Millingtonum bibliopol. [London]: Catalogues are distributed by Mr. Partridge at Charing-Cross Mr. Hargrave in Holborn, Mr. Parker over against the Royal Exchange, Mr. Clarke in Oxon, Mr. Dawson in Cambridge, book-sellers; and at the place of sale, [1694]. ESTC No. R225016. Grub Street ID 98376.
  • Millington, Edward. Bibliotheca Ashmoliana a catalogue of the library of the learned and famous Elias Ashmole, Esq; containing not only the rarest books of history, philosophy, genealogies, heraldry, coins, &c., but of the most abstruse parts of humane learning: together with about 40 volumes of tracts and pamphlets neatly bound, and also 30 volumes of mss. many of them written on velum. To be sold by auction on Thursday next, the 22th day of this instant February, 1693/4. at Rolls's Auction-House, in Petty-Canon-Alley, in St. Paul's Church-yard. By Edward Millington. [London]: Catalogues are distributed by Mr. Whitwood in Little-Britain, Mr. Feltham in Westminster-hall, Mr. Hargrave in Holborn, Mr. Jay under the South-Piazza of the Royal Exchange, and at the Auction-house abovesaid. The books may be viewed 2 days before the sale begins, [1694]. ESTC No. R35729. Grub Street ID 118095.
  • Millington, Edward. Bibliotheca luculenta, sive, Catalogus librorum in omni fer lingua & facultate (præcipu theologica, historica & philologica) summ excellentium horum auctio fiet apud ædes vernacule vocatas Rolle's Auction-House in Petty-Cannons Hall, juxta porticum borealem D. Pauli ad horam quartam post-meridianam XXXI diei Januarii 1693/4 / per Edoardum Millingtonum ... [S.l.]: Catalogue, are distributed by Mr. Partridge .. Mr. Hargrave .. Mr. Southby ..: Mr. Clarke in Oxford: Mr. Dawson, Jun. in Cambridge .. and at the place of sale, [1694]. ESTC No. R39610. Grub Street ID 121488.
  • Millington, Edward. Bibliotheca selecta, or, A catalogue of Greek, Latin and English books viz. fathers, historians, general councils, criticks, &c., which will be sold by auction on Thursday next, the 8th day of this instant March, 1693/4 at Rolls's Auction-House, in Petty-Canon-Alley, in St Paul's Church-yard ... / by Edward Millington. [S.l.]: Catalogues are distributed by Mr. Partridge .. Mr. Hargrave .. Mr. Southby .. Mr. Jay .. and at the place of sale, [1694]. ESTC No. R39613. Grub Street ID 121490.
  • Millington, Edward. Bibliotheca VVilkinsoniana, sive catalogus variorum librorum bibliothecæ instructissimæ R.D.H. Wilkinsoni, olim academ. Oxoniens. Cum plurimis aliis libris Græco-Latinis refertissimæ. Quorum auctio habenda est Londini apud domum appellatam Rolls Auction-House in Petty-Cano Hall, in Petty-Canon Alley, by the North-side of St. Paul's Church, November 15th, 1694. Per Edoardum Millingtonum, bibliopolam Lond. [London]: Catalogues are given by Mrs. Wilkinson at the Black Boy in Fleet-street. Mr. Hensman in Westminster-hall. Mr. Hargrave in Holborne. Mr. Wilkin at the King's-Head in St. Paul's Church-yard. Mr. Chandler in Cheapside, and at the place of sale, 1694. ESTC No. R230577. Grub Street ID 102864.
  • Millington, Edward. Catalogus variorum librorum theologicorum, philologicorum, historicorum, græcorum, latinorum, anglicorum. [Q]uorum auctio habenda est apud domum appellatam, Roll's Auction-House in Petty Canon-Hall in Petty-Canon Alley, Northside of St. Paul's Church-Yard, vicessimo primo die Januarii, 1694/5. Per Edvardum Millingtonum, Bibliop. Lond. [London]: Catalogues are given at Mrs. Wilkinsons, at the Black Boy in Fleetstreet, Mr. Partridge at Charing Cross, Mr. Hargrave in Holborn, Mr Ric. Parker at the Royal Exchange, Mr. Wilkins in St. Paul's Chnrch [sic] yard, and at the place of sale, [1695]. ESTC No. R229434. Grub Street ID 101914.
  • Millington, Edward. Bibliothecæ nobilissimæ: sive Collectio multifaria diversorum librorum plurimis facultatibus, præ-cæteris eximiorum ex celeberrimis Europæ typographiis prodeuntium. Pars prior. Quos summâ curâ & ingenti sumptu, (viri in eruditione præstantes ex eadem clarissimâ [p]rosapiâ oriundi) per seculum unum alterumve retroactum, accumulârunt. Quorum auctio habebitur Londini in ædibus vulgo dictis Roll's Auction-house in Petty-Cannon Hall in Petty-Cannon Alley, in Cœmiterio D. Pauli, vicessimo primo die Februarii, 1694/5. Per Edoardum Millingtonum, bibliopolam Lond. [London]: Catalogues may be had Mr. Kettilby at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church Yard. Wills Coffee-House adjoining to the Court of Requests. Mr. Graves in Cambridg. Mr. Shirley in Oxon. And at the place of sale, [1695]. ESTC No. R216287. Grub Street ID 91209.
  • Millington, Edward. Bibliothecæ nobilissimæ pars tertia & ultima, sive Collectio multifaria diversorum librorum plurimis facultatibus, præ-cæteris eximiorum ex celeberrimis Europæ typographiis prodeuntium. Quos vir clarissimus & in omni literaturâ politiori versatissimus per complures annos summâ curâ ingentique sumptu congessit. Quorum auctio habebiture Londini in æadibus Millingtonianis in loco vulgo dicto S. Bartholomew-Close prope Little-Brittain, vicessimo die Junii, 1695. Per Edoardum Millingtonum, bibliopolam Lond. [London]: Catalogues may be had of Mr. Kettilby at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-yard. Mr. Gillyflower in Westminster-Hall. Mr. West and Mr. Clement in Oxford. Mr. Graves in Cambridg, booksellers. And at the place of sale, at 6 d. per catalogue, 1695. ESTC No. R225021. Grub Street ID 98380.
  • Millington, Edward. Bibliothecæ nobilissimæ: sive collectio multifaria diversorum librorum plurimis facultatibus, præ-cæteris eximiorum ex celeberrimis Europæ typographiis prodeuntium. Pars posterior. Quos summâ curâ & ingenti sumptu, (viri in eruditione præstantes ex eadem clarissimâ prosapi oriundi) per seculum unum alterúmve retroactum, accumulârunt. Una cum Bibliotheca Selectissima Rev. Doct. V.D. Jo. Scott Londinens. defuncti. Quorum auctio habebitur Londini in ædibus vulgo dictis Roll's Auction-house in Petty-Cannon Hall in Petty-Cannon Alley, in Cœmiterio D. Pauli, vicesimo tertio die Maii, 1695. Per Edoardum Millingtonum, bibliopolam Lond. [London]: Catalogues may be had of Mr. Kettilby at the Bishop's-Head in St. Paul's Church-Yard. Mr. Goodwin at the Maiden Head in Fleet-Street, Mr. Fox in Westminster-Hall, Mr. Graves in Cambridge, Mr. Shirley in Oxon, and at the place of sale, 1695. ESTC No. R230578. Grub Street ID 102865.
  • Millington, Edward. Catalogus librorum bibliothecæ instructissimæ, Rev. D.V.D. Tim. Puller Nuperrime Lond. defuncti cui accesserunt libri Gallici, Italici, Hispanici, nobilissimarum bibliothecarum hactenus desiderati. Quorum auctio habebitur Londini in ædibus vulgo dictis Roll's auction-house in Petty Cannon-Hall in Petty-Cannon Alley in Cœmiterio D. Pauli, decimo die Decembris, 1695. Per Edvardum Millingtonum bibliopolani Londini. [London]: Catalogues may be had at Mr. Kettilby's at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-yard, Mr. Hensman's in Westminster-hall, Mr. Grove's in Cambridge, Mr. Shirley's in Oxford, and at the place of sale, 1695. ESTC No. R220603. Grub Street ID 94932.
  • Millington, Edward. Bibliotheca selectissima: sive, Catalogus variorum librorum antiquorum & recentiorum variis facultatibus clarissimorum. R.D.V.D. Michael Harding, S.T.B. Colleg. Trinit. nuperrime soci[...]. Quorum auctio habenda est in gratiam doct. virorum academiæ Oxoniensis in ædibus adjacentibus North-Gate, octavo die Nov. 1697. Per Edv. Millingtonum, bibliop. Londin. [Oxford]: Catalogues are given by George West, and Anth. Peisley in Oxford, 1697. ESTC No. R29477. Grub Street ID 112451.
  • Millington, Edward. Bibliotheca Bassetiana: or a catalogue of Greek, Latin and English books in most faculties. Being the library of the Reverend Mr. William Bassett, late rector of St. Swithin's, London. Which will be sold at auction on Thursday the fourth of February, 1696/7. at Roll's Auction-House in Petty-Cannon-Alley near the northside of St. Paul's Church. By Edward Millington. [London]: Catalogues may be had at Mr. Parker's in the Piazza under the Royal Exchange; Mr. Brown without Temple-Bar; Mr. Castle near Scotland-yard; Mr. Feltham at the foot of the Parliament-Stairs; Mr. Francis Hubbert in Duck-Lane; Mr. Shirley in Oxford, and Mr. Dawson i Cambridge, booksellers, and at the place of sale, [1697]. ESTC No. R27891. Grub Street ID 111026.
  • Millington, Edward. Bibliotheca Bernardina: sive catalogus variorum librorum plurimis facultatibus, linguisque omnibus, præcipu Orientalibus præ-cæteris maxim insignium. Quos magno sumptu, & summa curâ ex variis Europæ partibus sibi procuravit, doctissimus Edoard. Bernardus nuperrime in Academ. Oxoniens. Astronom. Professor Savilianus. Quorum auctio habebitur in gratiam doctissim. Virorum Academ. Oxoniens. in ædibus adjacentibus northgate (25) die Octobris 1697. Per Edoardum Millingtonum, bibliopol. Londin. [London]: Catalogues are given by Mr. Clement bookseller in Oxford. Mr. Kettilby at the Bishop's Head in St. Paul's Church-yard, and by Mr. Thurlburne in Trumpington-street, Cambridge, 1697. ESTC No. R1922. Grub Street ID 77007.
  • Millington, Edward. Bibliotheca Annesleiana: or a catalogue of choice Greek, Latin and English books, both ancient and modern, in all sorts of faculties and volumes, being the library of the Reverend Samuel Annesley, L.L.D. and minister of the gospel lately deceas'd. Which will be sold by auction on Thursday the eighteenth of March, 1696/7. at Rolls's Auction-House in Petty-Canon-Alley, near the North-side of St. Paul's Church. By Edward Millington. [London]: Catalogues may be had at Mr. Parker's in the Piazza under the Royal Exchange, Mr. Brown without Temple-Bar, Mr. Feltham at the Foot of the Parliament-Stairs, book-sellers, and at the Place of S le, [1697]. ESTC No. R230630. Grub Street ID 102900.
  • Millington, Edward. Bibliotheca Skinneriana, & Hampdeniana, quarum illa complectitur libros omnes qui versantur in scientia legum Anglicar. Rerumq; Anglicarum scriptores antiquos, & Hodier. Nec-non libros Gallice, Italice, Hispanice scriptos, ad rem historicam & juridicam spectantes, una cum miscellaneis diversi argumenti, theologicis, & classicis, variis, & selectis. Altera continet libros theologicos, philologicos, historicos, numismatum, statuarum, architectur. Sculpt. cælebriores. Bibliothecæ Hampdenianæ part. secund. sive nobilissim. part. quart. & ultim. Quorum auctio habenda es Londini in ædibus vulgo dictis Temple-Change Coffee-house in Fleet-street, 13 die Februarii, 1698/9. Per Edoardum Millingtonum, Bibliopolam Lond. [London]: Catalogues are given by Mr. Sheffeild at the Temple-Change Coffee-house, in Fleet-street. Mr. Bennet. Mr. Knaplock in St. Paul's Church-yard. Mr. Aylmer in Corn-hill. Mr. Gillyflower in Westminster-Hall. Mr. Hartley in Holborn, Mr. Varenne at Senecas-head in the Strand. Mr. Shirley in Oxford. Mr. Thurlburn in Cambridge, 1699. ESTC No. R221617. Grub Street ID 95746.
  • Millington, Edward. A collection of curious paintings, (many of which are originals) painted by the most celebrated masters, ancient and modern. Together with a choice collection of musick. Books, vocal and instrumental printed and prick'd, published by the most admir'd Italian, French, and English masters; also choice score-books for organs, &c. With variety of Italian, french, and other prints. Will be sold by auction, at the Temple-Change Coffee-House in Fleet street, on Thursday the 4th of May, 1699. from five to nine in the evening. By Edward Millington. The paintings, prints an musick-books,... for the better information of the gentlemen the buyers. [London]: Catalogues may be had at Powel's Coffee-House in Cornhil; Olivers Coffee-House at Westminster-hall Gate; at Mr Hartley's bookseller in Holbourne; Mr Playf[or]d's in the passage to Temple Change Coffee-House; Mr Scot at the Temple Gate; Mr Salter a [sic] Musick shop in St. Paul's Church-yard; Mr Hare in Freeman's Yard in Cornhil; and at the place of sale, [1699]. ESTC No. R230560. Grub Street ID 102858.
  • Millington, Edward. Bibliotheca Cornwalliana sive Catalogus variorum librorum theologicorum, philologicorum præ-cæteris selectiorum bibliothecæ instructissimæ, R. D. D. H. Cornwalli, ministri de Clapton, in commitatu Northampt. nuperrime defuncti. Quorum auctio habenda est in gratiam & commodum doctiss. virorum in academiâ Cantabrig. commorantium; in ædibus nigri Tauri, in vicò vulgò dictò Trumpington-street, 22 die Aprilis 1700. Per Edoard. Millingtonum, bibliop. Lond. [Cambridge]: Catalogues may be had at Mr. Thurlburn's bookseller and Mr. J. Pindar's coffee-house in Cambridge, and of Edw. Millington in Little-Britain, London, 1700. ESTC No. R225018. Grub Street ID 98378.
  • Millington, Edward. A catalogue of ancient and modern books viz. divinity, history, humanity, phylology, physick, poetry, plays, romances, &c. : in all volumes, which will be sold by auction (or who bids most) for the entertainment and diversion of the gentry and citizens of Norwich and inhabitants of the places adjacent, at Mr. G. Rose's house, on Monday, Decemb. 2d. 1700 / by Edward Millington of London, Bookseller. [S.l.]: Catalogues are given from Mr. G. Rose's shop, Mr. Giles [..] Mr. Goddard, booksellers in Norwich, 1700. ESTC No. R39946. Grub Street ID 121798.
  • Millington, Edward. Bibliotheca Woodwardiana; sive catalogus librorum variorum. viz. Theologicorum, Historicorum, Philologicorum, Juris-Consultorum, Juris-Canonic Legum Commun. Angl. &c. Dorf Daura[s], una cum plurimis libris Gallicis, Italicis, Hispanicis, & Anglicis, Cui accessit collectio MSS. Rarior. super Pergamenum, &c. R.D.V.D. R. Woodward ecclesiæ saresburiensis; Nuperime decani. Quorum auctio habebitur Londini ... 30 die Novembris, 1702. Per Edward Milling[t]onum, Bibliopolam Londin. [London]: Catalogues may be had at 6 d. per catalogue, of Mr. Brown, Mr. Smith, without Templ[e] [?] Mr. Hartley, in Holborn, Mr. Aylmer, in Cornhil, Mr. Coggin in [the] [?]emple-lane, Mr. Barker, in Westminster-Hall, Mr. Knaplock, in [St. Paul's Church-]yard, Mr. Joseph Smith, Haberdasher of Hats in [E]xceter Ex[?] the Auction Cofee-house, over-against the West-end [of] the [?], 1702. ESTC No. T6460. Grub Street ID 289590.