Thomas Cadell the younger (17731836; fl. 17931836)



  • Bookseller
  • Publisher

Thomas Cadell the younger, bookseller at 141 Strand (1793–1836).

Dictionary of National Biography (1885–1900)

Thomas Cadell the younger (1773–1836), one of the court of assistants of the Stationers' Company, conducted the publishing business [see Thomas Cadell the elder] with all his father's success from 1793 till his death on 23 Nov. 1836. His father chose William Davies as his son's partner, and the firm was styled Cadell & Davies until the latter's death in 1819. In the ‘Percy Correspondence,’ printed in Nichols's ‘Illustrations,’ vols. vii. and viii., are many references to the dealings of this firm with Bishop Percy and his friends. Cadell married in 1802 a daughter of Robert Smith and sister of the authors of the ‘Rejected Addresses.’ By her he had a large family, but the business was not continued after his death. Mrs. Cadell died on 11 May 1848 ( Gent. Mag . 1837, pt. i. p. 110; Nichols, Lit. Illustrations, viii. 110).

Exeter Working Papers in British Book Trade History, ed. Ian Maxted (2005–)

CADELL, Thomas II, bookseller, 141, Strand 17931845P. Trading: as Cadell and Davies 1793-1819; as Thomas Cadell 1819-1845P. B.1773, s. of Thomas Cadell I; d. 23 Nov. 1836. Livery Sta. Co. by 1796. Succ. to father's business with William Davies as partner, continued alone after latter's death 1819. BM satires 1796. Imprint(s): Kress: 1795: B2971, 3002, 3036, 3038; 1796: B3250, 3289, S5522; 1797: B3476, 3482, 3497, 3506(S), S5550, 5553 5558; 1798-1800: B3564 (British Mercury); 1798: B3579, 3591, S5573; 1798-1802: B3728; 1799: B3786-7, 3838, 3994(S), 4031; 1800: B4107, 4236(S). (S=with A.Strahan.) Abbey: 1796: AL374; 1797: AL439, AS143, AT392; 1798: AS26, AT398; 1800; AL331, AS482, 546. Brown; DNB.

—The London book trades 1775-1800: a preliminary checklist of members
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