Publications of Nicholas Bernard


  • Bernard, Nicholas. The penitent death of a vvoefull sinner. Or, the penitent death of John Atherton executed at Dublin the 5. of December. 1640. With some annotations upon severall passages in it. As also the sermon, with some further enlargements, preached at his buriall. By Nicholas Barnard Deane of Ardagh in Ireland. Dublin: printed by the Society of Stationers, 1641. ESTC No. R2358. Grub Street ID 106820.
  • Bernard, Nicholas. A letter sent from Dr. Barnard, a reverend divine, and parson of Tredagh to Sr. Simon Harcourts lady in Westminster, London March 18. 1641. And printed by the appointment of the right worshipfull Sr. Francis Knowles knight a member of the honourable House of Commons. Wherein more particularly is contained divers very memorable passages twixt the Kings armies, and the rebels in the towne of Tredagh and the countrey round about. Which may give comfort and satisfaction to all His Maiesties good subiects here in England to see the powerfull finger of the Almighty in perserving and giving victory to, as it were, a handfull of men, against a multitude of bloud-thirsty rebels. London: printed for Nathanael Butter, 1641. [i.e. 1642]. ESTC No. R19792. Grub Street ID 77357.
  • Bernard, Nicholas. The penitent death of a woefull sinner. Or, The penitent death of John Atherton, late Bishop of Waterford in Ireland. Who was executed at Dublin the 5. of December, 1640. With some annotations upon severall passages in it. As also the sermon, with some further enlargements, preached at his buriall. The second edition. By Nicolas Barnard Deane of Ardagh in Ireland. London: printed by G.M. for W. Bladen, and are to be sold by R. Royston in Ivy-lane, M.DC.XLII. [1642]. ESTC No. R3687. Grub Street ID 119122.
  • Bernard, Nicholas. The whole proceedings of the siege of Drogheda in Ireland, vvith a thankfull remembrance for its wonderfull delivery. Raised with Gods speciall assistance by the prayers, and sole valour of the besieged, with a relation of such memorable passages as have falne out there, and in the parts neer adjoyning since this late rebellion. Written by Nicholas Bernard, Deane of Ardagh in Ireland. London: printed by A.N. for VVilliam Bladen, 1642. ESTC No. R11178. Grub Street ID 59489.
  • Bernard, Nicholas. A true and perfect relation of all the severall skirmishes, brave exploits, and glorious victories obtained by the English Protestants, over the Irish rebels, when they raised the siege of Tredagh. Collected by Doctor Barnard, minister there, sent over to a friend in London and presented to the Honourable House of Commons, on Wednesday the 23 of March, 1641. London: printed for Iohn Wright, 1641 [i.e. 1642]. ESTC No. R18826. Grub Street ID 76240.
  • Bernard, Nicholas. The still-borne nativitie, or a copy of an incarnation sermon, that should have been delivered at St. Margarets-Westminster, on Saturday, December the five and twenty, 1647. in the afternoone, by N.B but prevented by the committee for plunder'd ministers who sent and seized the preacher, carried him from the vestry of the said church, and committed him to the Fleet, for his undertaking to preach without the license of Parliament. Now published by the authoritie of that Scripture which saith, preach the Word, be instant, in season, out of season. 2. Tim. 4.2. London: printed for their sakes who love our Lord Jesus and his birth day, anno Dom. 1648. ESTC No. R18366. Grub Street ID 73488.
  • Bernard, Nicholas. The penitent death of a woefull sinner or, The penitent death of Jo. Atherton late Bishop of Waterford in Ireland. Who was executed at Dublin the 5. of Decemb. With some annotations upon severall passages in it. As also the sermon, with some further enlargements, preache at his burial. By Nicholas Bernard Doctor of Divinity, then preacher of St. Peters Church in Drogheda in Ireland. The third impression reviewed by the author. As also the authors farewell sermons to his pastorall charge at Drogheda. London: printed by R. Ibbitson, and are to be sold by A. Williamson, at the Queens Armes in St. Pauls Church yard, near the west end, 1651. ESTC No. R2226. Grub Street ID 96559.
  • Bernard, Nicholas. The fare-well sermons of comfort and concord preached at Drogheda in Ireland by Nicholas Bernard ... London: Printed by Robert Ibbitson, 1651. ESTC No. R41859. Grub Street ID 123355.
  • Bernard, Nicholas. The life & death of the most reverend and learned father of our Church Dr. James Usher, late Arch-Bishop of Armagh, and Primate of all Ireland. Published in a sermon at his funeral at the Abby of Westminster, Aprill 17. 1656. And now re-viewed with some other enlargements. By Nicholas Bernard Doctor of Divinity, and preacher to the Honourable Society of Grayes-Inne, London. London: printed by E. Tyler, and are to be sold by J. Crook, at the sign of the Ship in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1656. ESTC No. R203861. Grub Street ID 80926.
  • Bernard, Nicholas. The life & death of the most reverend and learned father of our Church, Dr. James Usher, late Arch-bishop of Armagh and Primate of all Ireland. Published in a sermon at his funeral, at the Abby [sic] of Westminster, April 17. 1656. And now reviewed with some other enlargements. By Nicholas Bernard, D.D. and preacher to the honorable Society of Grays-Inn, London. Dublin: printed by William Bladen, anno Dom. 1656. ESTC No. R170515. Grub Street ID 65146.
  • Bernard, Nicholas. Devotions of the ancient church in seaven pious prayers with seaven administrations. Collected for a private use, and now at the desire of some judicious persons, made publick. London : printed for R. Royston, at the Angel in Ivy-lane, 1660. ESTC No. R209866. Grub Street ID 86084.
  • Bernard, Nicholas. The case of John Atherton, Bishop of Waterford in Ireland; who was convicted of the sin of uncleanness with a cow, and other creatures; for which he was hang'd at Dublin, December the 5th, 1640. With A full Account of his Behaviour after his Condemnation, and the Letters he sent to his Wife and two Daughters the Night before his Execution. To which is added the sermon preach'd at his funeral, the Night after his Execution, in St. John's Church, Dublin; with some farther Account of his Life. The whole written by Nicolas Barnard Dean of Ardagh, at the Command of Archbishop Usher, and to him Dedicated. London : printed for E. Curll, at the Dial and Bible against St. Dunstan's Church in Fleetstreet, and sold by J. Harding, at the Post-Office in St. Martin's Lane, [1710]. ESTC No. T134915. Grub Street ID 183488.
  • Bernard, Nicholas. Some memorials of the life and penitent death of Dr. John Atherton, Bishop of Waterford in Ireland; who was executed at Dublin, Dec. 5. 1640. With the sermon preach'd at his funeral. By Nicholas Barnard, D.D. The whole written at the command of Abp. Usher. To which is added, an account of the most amazing apparition ever heard of, foretelling the bishop's untimely end; proved by unquestionable authorities. Also a true copy of his last speech at the place of execution. London : printed for E. Curll, at the Dial and Bible against St. Dunstan's Church in Fleet-Street, [1711]. ESTC No. T49305. Grub Street ID 277143.
  • Bernard, Nicholas. The whole proceedings of the siege of Drogheda in Ireland. With a thankful remembrance for its wonderful delivery. ... Written by Nicholas Bernard ... Dublin: printed by R. Reilly, for S. Hyde, 1736. ESTC No. T217465. Grub Street ID 242438.
  • Bernard, Nicholas. The whole proceedings of the siege of Drogheda. To which is added, A true account of the siege of London-Derry. Dublin: printed by R. Reilly on Cork-Hill, for S. Hyde Bookseller in Dame's-Street, M.DCCXXXVI. [1736]. ESTC No. T150277. Grub Street ID 196109.
  • Bernard, Nicholas. The life and predicions [sic] of the Rev. James Uhser [sic], ... together with a list of his works, extracted from the writings of Dr. N. Barnard, . London : printed for G. Terry, [1793]. ESTC No. T107893. Grub Street ID 160890.