Mayer, John.
A fourefold resolution, digested into two bookes; very necessary to saluation. Describing the world of wickednesse and miserie: [the] world of glory, and wisedome vnsearchable. By Iohn Mayer, Maister of Artes.
[London]: Printed [by Thomas Dawson] for Elizabeth Burby: and are to be sold at the White Swan, in Paules Church-yard, 1609.
ESTC No. S112518.Grub Street ID 132275.
Mayer, John.
The English catechisme. Or A commentarie on the short catechisme set forth in the Booke of common prayer. Wherein, all necessarie questions touching the Christian faith are inserted, scandals remoued, moderne controuersies handled, doubts resolued, and many cases of conscience cleared. Profitable for ministers in their churches, for schoole-masters in their schooles, and for housholders in their families. By Iohn Mayer Bachelour of Diuinitie.
London: Printed [at Eliot's Court Press] for Iohn Marriot, and are to be sold at his shop in Saint Dunstans Churchyard in Fleetstreet, 1621.
ESTC No. S112488.Grub Street ID 132245.
Mayer, John.
A treasury of ecclesiasticall expositions, vpon the difficult and doubtfull places of the Scriptures, collected out of the best esteemed interpreters, both auncient and moderne, together with the authors judgement, and various observations. Conteining 270. texts, throughout the Gospels of Mathew, Marke, Luke, and Iohn, and the Acts of the Apostles. The very pith, and choicest streines of many bookes in one, and a fully satisfying resolution of aboue a thousand questions in solid diuinitie. The next page sheweth the names of the writers, whose expositions follow in this booke. By Iohn Mayer, B.D.
London: Printed by I[ohn] D[awson] for Iohn Bellamie, and are to be sold at his shop at the two Grey hounds in Corne-hill, neere the Royall Exchange, 1622.
ESTC No. S112516.Grub Street ID 132273.
Mayer, John.
Mayers catechisme abridged, or, The A.B.C. inlarged with many necessary questions fitted vnto it, for the benefit of all that desire to teach or learne it effectually : a dutie to which all wee of the Church of England are bound, it being generally appointed by authoritie.
London: Printed by A.M. for I.M. and are to be sold by Iohn Grismand, at his shop in Pauls Alley, at the signe of the gun, 1623.
ESTC No. S2234.Grub Street ID 146629.
Mayer, John.
The English catechisme explained. Or, A comentarie on the short catechime [sic] set forth in the Booke of common prayer. Wherein diuers necessarie questions touching the Christian faith are inserted, moderne controuersies handled, doubts resolued, and many cases of conscience cleared. Profitable for ministers in their churches, for schoolemasters in their schooles, and for housholders in their families. By Iohn Mayer, Bachelour of Diuinitie.
London: Printed by Aug. Mathewes for Iohn Marriot, and are to be sold by Iohn Grismand, at his shop at the signe of the Gun in Pauls Alley, 1623.
ESTC No. S112552.Grub Street ID 132308.
Mayer, John.
Ecclesiastica interpretatio: or The expositions vpon the difficult and doubtful passages of the seuen Epistles called catholike, and the Reuelation. Collected out of the best esteemed, both old and new writers, together with the authors examinations, determinations, and short annotations. The texts in the seuen Epistles of Iames, Peter, Iohn and Iude are six and forty. The expositions vpon the Reuelation are set forth by way of question and answer. Here is also a briefe commentary vpon euery verse of each chapter, setting forth the coherence and sense, and the authors, and time of writing euery of these bookes. Hereunto is also annexed an antidot against popery. By Iohn Mayer, B. of D. and pastor of the Church of Little Wratting in Suffolke.
London: Printed by Iohn Haviland, for Iohn Grismand, and are to be sold at his shop in Iuy-lane at the signe of the Gunne, 1627.
ESTC No. S112551.Grub Street ID 132307.
Mayer, John.
Praxis theologica: or, The Epistle of the Apostle St Iames resolued, expounded, and preached vpon by way of doctrine and vse: for the benefit and instruction of all Christian people, and for the helpe and direction of yong practisers in theology. To which is added an alphabeticall table of the distinct doctrines heere handled, beeing a great part of the whole body of doctrines arising out of the holy Scriptures. By Iohn Mayer, Doctor of Diuinity.
At London: Printed by I[ohn] B[eale] for Robert Bostocke, and are to be sold at his shop in Pauls Churchyard at the signe of the Kings head, 1629.
ESTC No. S112517.Grub Street ID 132274.
Mayer, John.
The English catechisme explained. Or, A comentarie on the short catechisme set forth in the Booke of common prayer. Wherein diuers necessarie questions touching the Christian faith are inserted, moderne controuersies handled, doubts resolued, and many cases of conscience cleared. Profitable for ministers in their churches, for schoolemasters in their schooles, and for housholders in their families. By Iohn Mayer, Doctor of Diuinitie.
London: Printed by Aug. Mathewes for Iohn Grismand, and are to be sold at his shop at the signe of the Gun in Iuy lane, 1630.
ESTC No. S112553.Grub Street ID 132309.
Mayer, John.
A commentarie vpon the New Testament. Representing the diuers expositions therof, out of the workes of the most learned, both ancient fathers and moderne writers, and hereby sifting out the true sense of euery passage, for the benefit of all that desire to read with vnderstanding. The third volume. Containing the seuen smaller epistles, called Catholike, and the booke of the Reuelation. By Iohn Mayer, Doctor of Diuinitie.
London: Printed by Iohn Hauiland, for Iohn Grismond, and are to be sold at his shop in Iuie Lane, at the signe of the Gun, 1631.
ESTC No. S1300.Grub Street ID 145748.
Mayer, John.
A commentarie vpon the Nevv Testament. Representing the divers expositions thereof, out of the workes of the most learned, both ancient fathers, and moderne writers: and hereby sifting out the true sense of every passage, for the benefit of all that desire to reade with understanding. The first volumne upon the foure Evangelists and the Acts of the Apostles. Wherein the places more difficult going under the name of texts, are more largely; the lesse difficult, more briefly expounded. By Iohn Mayer, Dr. in Divinity, and pastour of the church of Reydon in Suffolke.
London: printed by Thomas Cotes, for Iohn Bellamie [and John Haviland for John Grismond], and are to be sold at his shoppe in Cornehill, at the signe of the three Golden Lyons, neere the Royall Exchange [and at Grismond's shop in Ivie lane at the signe of the Gun], 1631.
ESTC No. S123213.Grub Street ID 142729.
Mayer, John.
A commentarie upon all the epistles of the apostle Saint Paul, being fourteene representing the divers expositions thereof, out of the workes of the most learned, both ancient Fathers and moderne writers, and hereby sifting out the true sense of every passage, for the benefit of all that desire to reade with understanding by Iohn Mayer ...
London: Printed by John Haviland, for John Grismond and are to be sold at his shop in Ivie lane, at the signe of the Gun, 1631.
ESTC No. S4782.Grub Street ID 148717.
Mayer, John.
A commentarie vpon the seuen smaller epistles called Catholike, and the Booke of the Revelation representing the diuers expositions thereof, out of the workes of the most learned, both ancient Fathers and moderne writers, and hereby sifting out the true sense of euerie passage for the benefit of all that desire to read with understanding by Iohn Mayer ...
London: Printed by Iohn Hauiland for John Grismond and are to be sold at his shop in Iuie lane at the signe of the Gun, 1631.
ESTC No. S4783.Grub Street ID 148718.
Mayer, John.
A commentarie vpon the whole Nevv Testament. representing the divers expositions thereof, out of the workes of the most learned, both ancient fathers, and moderne writers: and hereby sifting out the true sense of every passage, for the benefit of all that disire to reade with understanding. In three volumnes: the first, containing the foure evangelilsts, and the acts of the apostles. Second, containing all St. Pauls epistles. Third, containing the seaven Catholique epistles, and the revelations of St. John. Whereunto is prefixed a large preface, shewing the order, time, and place, wherein the passages related in the history of Christs life were performed: as also wherein each evangelist supplieth what the other are short in. By Iohn Mayer, Dr. in Divinity, and Pastour of the church of Reydon in Suffolke.
London: printed by Thomas Cotes, for John Grismond, and are to be sold at his shoppe in Ivie Lane, at the signe of the Gunne, 1632.
ESTC No. S96119.Grub Street ID 153895.
Mayer, John.
The English catechisme explained. Or, A commentarie on the short catechisme set forth in the Booke of common prayer. Wherein divers necessarie questions touching the Christian faith are inserted, moderne controversies handled, doubts resolved, and many cases of conscienc cleared. Profitable for ministers in their churches, for schoolemasters in their schooles, and for housholders in their families. By John Mayer, Doctor of Divinitie. The fifth edition corrected, reordered, and in many things, which were before wanting, supplyed by the author. Published by command.
London: printed by M. Flesher for Iohn Marriot, and are to bee sold at his shop in St. Dunstans Church-yard, 1634.
ESTC No. S94151.Grub Street ID 152486.
Mayer, John.
The English catechisme explained. Or, A commentarie on the short catechisme set forth in the Booke of common prayer. Wherein divers necessarie questions touching the Christian faith are inserted, moderne controversies handled, doubts resolved, and many cases of conscienc cleared. Profitable for ministers in their churches, for schoolemasters in their schooles, and for housholders in their families. By John Mayer, Doctor of Divinitie.
London: Printed by Miles Flesher for John Marriot, M DC XXXV. [1635].
ESTC No. S112554.Grub Street ID 132310.
Mayer, John.
Mayers catechisme abridged: or The A.B.C. inlarged, with many necessary questions fitted unto it for the benefit of all that desire to teach or learne it effectually. A duty to which all wee of the Church of England are bound, it being generally appointed by authority.
London: printed for Iohn Marriot, and are to bee sold at his shop in S. Dunstans Church-yard in Fleetstreet, 1639.
ESTC No. S94152.Grub Street ID 152487.
Mayer, John.
Christian liberty vindicated from grosse mistakes, occasioning so great divisions in England. Or, a tract, shewing what it is, and what it is not, the diversity of errours, a generall councell to be the meanes of beating them down, and how far forth conscience is to be born with, and the insolencie of the late remonstrants. Most earnestly recommended to the reading of the Right Honourable Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, and all those that through a mistake stand so stifly for the priviviledge [sic] of conscience at large, ... Whereunto is added an appendix of 17. questions, necessary to be discussed and be determined by the Assembly of Divines without delay, that every one may know what to hold and rest in, and the unnaturall divisions in the same body may cease. By John Mayer, D. D. of Divinity.
London: Printed by Eliz. Purslow for Matthew Walbancke, 1647. [i.e. 1646].
ESTC No. R201203.Grub Street ID 78655.
Mayer, John.
Many commentaries in one: upon, Joshuah. Judges. Ruth. 1 and 2 of Samuel. 1 and 2 of Kings. 1 and 2 of Chronicles. Ezra. Nehemiah. Esther. Setting forth, the literall sense (according to the Hebrew) and thereby correcting translations where need requires, and clearing all obscure passages; reconciling differences, and diving into the mysteries: ... Whereunto is added a continuation of the history of things most memorable (after Nehemiah his principality) amongst the Jews, and the monarchs of the world, till the time of our Saviours passion, and Ierusalems destruction. Being both profitable for the understanding of divers prophesies, and the maniford examples of Gods judgements occurring in those times, upon the notoriously wicked: and delightfull for the variety of matters. By John Mayer, Doctor in Divinity.
London: printed by John Legatt, and Richard Cotes, and are to be sold by William Leak, at his shop, the signe of the Crown in Fleetstreet, between the two Temple Gates, MDCXLVII. [1647].
ESTC No. R38035.Grub Street ID 120171.
Mayer, John.
A commentary upon all the prophets both great and small: wherein the divers translations and expositions both literal and mystical of all the most famous commentators both ancient and modern are propounded, examined and censured, for the singular benefit of all that be studious of the Holy Scriptures. By John Mayer Doctor of Divinity.
London: printed by Abraham Miller and Ellen Cotes, 1652.
ESTC No. R11140.Grub Street ID 59454.
Mayer, John.
A commentary upon the holy vvritings of Job, David, and Salomon: that is, these five, Job, Psalmes, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and the Song of Songs. Being part of those which by the antients were called Hagiographa. Wherein the diverse translations, and expositions, both literall and mysticall, of all the most famous commentators, both ancient and modern, are propounded, examined, and censured: and the texts from the originall much illustrated. For the singular benefit of all that bee studious of the Holy Scriptures. By John Mayer Doctor in Divinity.
London: printed for Robert Ibbitson and Thomas Roycroft, MDCLIII [1653].
ESTC No. R40458.Grub Street ID 122245.
Mayer, John.
A commentary upon the whole Old Testament, added to that of the same author upon the whole New Testament published many years before, to make a compleat work upon the whole Bible. Wherein the divers translations and expositions, literall and mysticall, of all the most famous commentators both ancient and modern are propounded, examined, and judged of, for the more full satisfaction of the studious reader in all things, and many most genuine notions inserted for edification in the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. A work, the like unto which hath never yet been published by any man, yet very necessary, nor only for students in divinity; but also for every Christian that loveth the knowledge of divine things, or humane, whereof this comment is also full. Consisting of IV parts. I Upon the Pentateuch, or five books of Moses. II Upon the historical part, from Joshua to Esther. III Upon Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Solomons Song. IV Upon all the prophets both great and small. By J.
London: printed by Robert and William Leybourn, and are to be sold at most Book-sellers shops, M DC LIII. [1653].
ESTC No. R229638.Grub Street ID 102083.
Mayer, John.
A commentary upon the vvhole Old Testament; consisting of four parts, I The Pentateuch, or five books of Moses. II The historicall part, from Joshua to Esther. III Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Solomons Song IV All the prophets both great and small. Wherein th diverse translations and expositions, literall and mysticall, of all the most famous commentators both ancient and modern are propounded, examined. and judged of, for the more full satisfaction of the studious reader in all things; and many genuine notions inserted for edification in the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Which compleateth the authors comment on the whole Bible. A vvork, the like unto which hath never yet been published by any man, yet very necessary, not only for students in Divinity; but also for every Christian that loveth the knowledge of divine things, or humane, whereof this comment is also full. By John Mayer, Doctor in Divinity.
London: printed by R.L. and R.I. and are to be sold by Edvvard Dod at the Gunne in Ivy-Lane, M DC L IV. [1654].
ESTC No. R217784.Grub Street ID 92531.
Mayer, John.
Unity restor'd to the Church of England. By John Mayer, D.D. minister of the church of Roydon in the county of Suffolk, and author of the exposition of the Church chatechism, and the comentary on the Old and New Testament, contained in six volumes.
London : printed for A. Rice, and are to be sold by book-sellers, 1661.
ESTC No. R28824.Grub Street ID 111859.