Pierce, Thomas.
A third and fourth part of Pegasus: taught by Bankes his ghost to dance in the Dorick moode, to the tune of Lachrymæ. In two letters from Oxford, July 1. 1648.
[London: for R. Royston], Printed in the yeare, 1648.
ESTC No. R205283.Grub Street ID 82068.
Pierce, Thomas.
Caroli tou makaritou palingenesia.
London: printed for Rich: Royston at the Angel in Ivie lane, M.DC.XL.IX. [1649].
ESTC No. R33273.Grub Street ID 115912.
Pierce, Thomas.
A correct copy of some notes concerning Gods decrees, especially of reprobation. Written for the private use of a friend in Northamptonshire. And now published to prevent calumny.
London: printed by E. Cotes for R. Royston at the Angel in Ivie-Lane, M.DC.LV. [1655].
ESTC No. R26882.Grub Street ID 110131.
Pierce, Thomas.
The sinner impleaded in his own court. Wherein are represented the great discouragements from sinning, which the sinner receiveth from sin it selfe. By Tho: Pierce rector of Brington in Northamptonshire.
London: printed by R. Norton for Richard Royston, 1656.
ESTC No. R203178.Grub Street ID 80313.
Pierce, Thomas.
The divine philanthropie defended with the Correct copy of some notes concerning Gods decrees prefixt. By Thomas Peirce Rector of Brington.
London: printed [by T. Mabb] for Richard Royston at the Angel in Ivie-lane, M.DC.LVII. [1657].
ESTC No. R20213.Grub Street ID 79386.
Pierce, Thomas.
The divine philanthropie defended against the declamatory attempts of certain late-printed papers intitl'd A correptory correction. In vindication of some notes concerning Gods decrees, especially of reprobation, by Thomas Pierce rector of Brington in Northamptonshire.
London: printed for Richard Royston at the Angel in Ivie-Lane, 1657.
ESTC No. R207496.Grub Street ID 83872.
Pierce, Thomas.
The divine purity defended. Or A vindication of some notes concerning God's decrees, especially of reprobation, from the censure of D. Reynolds in his epistolary præface to Mr. Barlee's correptory correction. By Thomas Pierce Rector of Brington.
London: printed by R. Norton, for Richard Royston at the Angel in Ivie-Lane, 1657.
ESTC No. R207545.Grub Street ID 83911.
Pierce, Thomas.
Philall?lia. Or, The grand characteristick vvhereby a man may be known to be Christ's disciple. Delivered in a sermon at St. Paul's, before the gentlemen of VVilts. Nov. 10. 1658. It being the day of their yearly feast. By Thomas Pierce, rector of Brington.
London: printed by J[ohn]. G[rismond]. for R. Royston, at the Angel in Ivie-lane, MDCLVIII. [1658].
ESTC No. R18629.Grub Street ID 75028.
Pierce, Thomas.
Philall?lia. Or, The grand characteristick vvhereby a man may be known to be Christ's disciple. Delivered in a sermon at St. Paul's, before the gentlemen of VVilts. Nov. 10. 1658. It being the day of their yearly feast. By Thomas Pierce, rector of Brington.
London: printed by J[ohn]. G[rismond]. for R. Royston, and are to be sold by John Courtney bookseller in Salisbury, 1658.
ESTC No. R33406.Grub Street ID 116026.
Pierce, Thomas.
The Christians rescue from the grand error of the heathen, (touching the fatal necessity of all events) and the dismal consequences thereof, which have slily crept into the Church. In several defences of some notes, writ to vindicate the primitive and scriptural doctrine of Gods decrees. By Thomas Pierce Rector of Brington in Northamptonshire.
London: printed by J[ohn]. G[rismond]. for Richard Royston, at the Angel in Ivy-lane, 1658.
ESTC No. R16214.Grub Street ID 64091.
Pierce, Thomas.
The Christians rescue from the grand error of the heathen, (touching the fatal necessity of all events) and the dismal consequences thereof, which have slily crept into the church. In several defences of some notes, writ to vindicate the primitive and scriptural doctrine of Gods decrees. By Thomas Pierce rector of Brington in Northamptonshire.
London: printed by J.G. for Richard Royston, at the Angel in Ivy-lane, 1658.
ESTC No. R18613.Grub Street ID 74941.
Pierce, Thomas.
Autokatakrisis, or, Self-condemnation, exemplified in Mr. Whitfield, Mr. Barlee, and Mr. Hickman. With occasional reflexions on Mr Calvin, Mr Beza, Mr Zuinglius, Mr Piscator, Mr Rivet, and Mr Rollock: but more especially on Doctor Twisse, and Master Hobbs; against whom, God's purity and his præscience, and his eternal decrees according to præscience, (commonly called respective or conditional decrees) with the sincere intention and the general extent of the death of Christ, are finally cleared and made good; and the adversaries absurdities (confessed by themselve to be unexcusable) are proved against them undeniably, out of their own hand-writings. With an additional advertisement of Mr Baxter's late book entituled The Grotian religion discovered, &c. By Thomas Pierce rector of Brington in Northampon-shire.
London: printed by J.G. for R. Royston at the Angel in Ivy-lane, 1658.
ESTC No. R210640.Grub Street ID 86761.
Pierce, Thomas.
The divine philanthropie defended against the declamatory attempts of certain late-printed papers intitl'd A correptory correction. In vindication of some notes concerning Gods decrees, especially of reprobation. The second edition. By Thomas Pierce rector of Brington in Northamptonshire.
London: printed for Richard Royston at the Angel in Ivie-Lane, 1658.
ESTC No. R207585.Grub Street ID 83947.
Pierce, Thomas.
'Eautontim?rou'menos, or, The self-revenger exemplified in Mr. William Barlee. By way of rejoynder to the first part of his reply, viz. the unparallel'd variety of discourse in the two first chapters of his pretended vindication. (The second part of the rejoynder to the second part of his reply being purposely designed to follow after by it self, for reasons shortly to be alledged.) Wherein are briefly exhibited, amongst many other things, the rigidly-Presbyterian both principles and practice. A vindication of Grotius from Mr. Baxter. of Mr. Baxter from Mr. Barlee. of Episcopal divines from both together. To which is added an appendage touching the judgement of the right honourable and right reverend father in God, Iames Lord primate of Armagh, and metropolitan of Ireland, irrefragably attested by the certificates of Dr. Walton, Mr. Thorndike, and Mr Gunning, sent in a letter to Doctor Bernard. By Thomas Pierce Rector of Brington.
London: printed by R. Daniel, for Richard Royston, at the Angel in Ivie-Lane, MDCLVIII. [1658].
ESTC No. R207591.Grub Street ID 83954.
Pierce, Thomas.
Empsychon nekron, or The lifelesness of life on the hether side of immortality. With (a timely caveat against procrastination.) Briefly expressed and applyed in a sermon preached at the funerall of Edward Peyto of Chesterton in Warwick-shire Esquire. By Thomas Pierce Recto of Brington.
London: printed for R. Royston, and are to be sold at the Angel in Ivie-lane, M.DC.LIX. [1659].
ESTC No. R33405.Grub Street ID 116025.
Pierce, Thomas.
The sinner impleaded in his own court. Wherein are represented the great discouragements from sinning, which the sinner receiveth from sin it self. Whereunto is added the Grand characteristick whereby a Christian is to be known. The second edition. By Tho. Pierce Rector of Brington in Northamptonshire.
London : printed for Richard Royston, 1660.
ESTC No. R40104.Grub Street ID 121941.
Pierce, Thomas.
The new discoverer discover'd. By way of answer to Mr. Baxter his pretended discovery of the Grotian religion, with the several subjects therein conteined. To which is added an appendix conteining a rejoynder to diverse things both in the Key for Catholicks, and in the book of disputations about church-government and worship, &c. Together with a letter to the learned and reverend Dr. Heylin, concerning Mr. Hickman and Mr. Bagshaw. By Thomas Pierce Rector of Brington.
London : printed by J[ohn]. G[ismond]. for Richard Royston at the Angel in Ivye-lane, 1659 [i.e. 1660].
ESTC No. R44.Grub Street ID 124775.
Pierce, Thomas.
Englands season for reformation of life. A sermon delivered in St. Paul's Church, London. On the Sunday next following His Sacred Majesties restauration. By Tho. Pierce, rector of Brington.
London : printed for Timothy Garthwait, at the little North-door in St. Paul's Church-Yard, MDCLX. [1660].
ESTC No. R203182.Grub Street ID 80317.
Pierce, Thomas.
An impartial inquiry into the nature of sin. In which are evidently proved its positive entity or being, the true original of its existence; the essentiall parts of its composition, by reason, authority, divine, humane, antient, modern,-- Romane. Reformed. The adversarie confessions and contradictions; the judgement of experience and common sense; partly extorted by Mr. Hickman's challenge, partly by the influence which his errour hath had on the lives of many, (especially on the practice of our last and worst times,) but chiefly intended as an amulet to prevent the like mischiefs in time to come. To which is added an appendix; in vindication of Doctor Hammond; with the concurrence of Doctor Sanderson; the Oxford visitors impleaded; the supreme authority asserted; together with diverse other subjects, whose heads are gathered in the contents. After all a postscript concerning some dealings of Mr. Baxter. By Thomas Pierce Rector of Brington.
London : printed by R[oger]. N[orton]. for T. Garthwait, at the little north-door of Saint Pauls Church, 1660.
ESTC No. R80.Grub Street ID 128209.
Pierce, Thomas.
Concio synodica ad clerum Anglicanum, ex provinci^a praesertim Cantuariensi, in aede Paulin^a Londinensi habita VIII. Idus Maias MDCLXI. Per Thomam Pierce, S.T.D. prebendarium Cantuariensem.
Londini : typis R. Nortoni, impensis Timoth. Garthwait, MDCLXI. [1661].
ESTC No. R2366.Grub Street ID 107347.
Pierce, Thomas.
A sermon preached at St. Margarets in Westminster before the Honourable the House of Commons in Parliament assembled, upon the 29th day of May, being the anniversary day of the King's and kingdomes restauration. By Thomas Pierce, D.D. chaplain in ordinary to His Majesty.
London : printed by R. Norton for Timothy Garthwait, at the little north-door of St. Paul's Church, 1661.
ESTC No. R11580.Grub Street ID 59851.
Pierce, Thomas.
Defense de la reformation de l'eglise anglicane contre les innovations de Rome, ou, Sermon sur ces mots de nostre Seigneur, Matth. XIX. VIII. mais du commencement il n'en estoit pas ainsi prononcé a White-Hall le 1/11 fevr. 166 1/2 en presence du roy, & publié par l'exprés commandement de Sa Majeste / par Thomas Pierce ... ; traduit par Jean Durel.
A Londres: Par Samuel Broun .., 1663.
ESTC No. R40673.Grub Street ID 122442.
Pierce, Thomas.
The primitive rule of reformation: delivered in a sermon before His Majesty at Whitehall, Feb. 1, 1662. In vindication of our Church against the novelties of Rome. By Th: Pierce, D.D. chaplain in ordinary to His Majesty, and president of Magdalen College in Oxon. Published by His Majesties command.
Oxford: printed by H. Hall, for Ric. Royston bookseller to His sacred Majesty, and Ric. Davis in Oxon, 1663.
ESTC No. R33465.Grub Street ID 116079.
Pierce, Thomas.
The primitive rule of reformation. Delivered in a sermon before His Maiesty at VVhitehall, Feb. 1. 1662. in vindication of our Church against the novelties of Rome. By Tho: Pierce, D.D. chaplain in ordinary to His Majesty, and president of Magdalen College in Oxon. Publishe by His Majesties special command.
Oxford: printed by H.H. for Ric. Royston bookseller to His Sacred Majesty, and Ric. Davis in Oxon, 1663.
ESTC No. R28152.Grub Street ID 111250.
Pierce, Thomas.
The primitive rule of reformation: delivered in a sermon before His Maiesty at VVhitehall, Feb. 1. 1662. in vindication of our Church against the novelties of Rome. By Tho: Pierce, D. D. chaplain in ordinary to His Majesty, and president of Magdalen College in Oxon. Published by His Majesties special command.
Oxford: printed by H.H. for Ric. Royston bookseller to his sacred Majesty, and Ric. Davis in Oxon, 1663.
ESTC No. R233294.Grub Street ID 104863.
Pierce, Thomas.
The primitive rule of reformation: delivered in a sermon before His Maiesty at VVhitehall, Feb. 1. 1662. In vindication of our Church against the novelties of Rome. By Tho: Pierce, D.D. chaplain in ordinary to His Majesty, and President of Magdalen College in Oxon. Published by His Majesties special command.
Oxford: printed by H[enry]. H[all]. for Ric. Royston bookseller to His Sacred Majesty, and Ric. Davis in Oxon, 1663.
ESTC No. R23304.Grub Street ID 104665.
Pierce, Thomas.
The primitive rule of Reformation: delivered in a sermon before His Majesty at Whitehall, Febr. 1. 1662. In vindication of our Church against the novelties of RomeDT By Tho: Pierce, D.D. chaplain in ordinary to His Majesty, and president of Magdalen College in Oxon. Published by His Majesties special command.
London : printed for Timothy Garthwait at the Kings Head in S. Pauls Church-yard, 1663.
ESTC No. R23305.Grub Street ID 104673.
Pierce, Thomas.
The sinner impleaded in his own court. Wherein are represented the great discouragements from sinning, which the sinner receiveth from sin it self. The third edition, whereunto is now added, The love of Christ planted upon the very same turf, on which it once had been supplanted by the extreme love of sin. By Tho. Pierce Rector of Brington in Northampton-shire.
London : printed by R[oger]. N[orton]. for R. Royston, book-seller to the Kings most Excellent Majesty, 1670.
ESTC No. R13143.Grub Street ID 61267.
Pierce, Thomas.
The signal diagnostick whereby we are to judge of our own affections; and as well of our present, as future state. Or The love of Christ planted upon the very same turf, on which it once had been supplanted by the extreme love of sin. Being the substance of several sermons, deliver'd at several times and places, and now at last met together to make up the treatise which ensues. By Tho. Pierce. D.D.
London : printed by R.N. for R. Royston, bookseller to the Kings most excellent Majesty, 1670.
ESTC No. R12333.Grub Street ID 60532.
Pierce, Thomas.
A collection of sermons upon several occasions. By Thomas Pierce D.D. Præsident of St. Marie Magdalen College in Oxford.
Oxford: printed by W. Hall for Ric: Royston, and Ric. Davis, MDCLXXI. [1671].
ESTC No. R33403.Grub Street ID 116023.
Pierce, Thomas.
A correct copy of some notes concerning Gods decrees, especially of reprobation. Written for the private use of a friend in Northampton-Shire. And afterwards published to prevent calumny. 1654. By T. Pierce Rector of Brington.
Oxford: re-printed by W. Hall for R. Royston and R. Davis, ann. Dom. M.DC.LXXI. [1671].
ESTC No. R11134.Grub Street ID 59448.
Pierce, Thomas.
A collection of sermons upon several occasions; whereunto is added a correct copy of some notes concerning Gods decrees, especially of reprobation; enlarged. Written by Tho. Pierce D.D. President of St. Mary Magdalen Colledge in Oxon.
London?] : Printed for R. Royston, bookseller to the King's most Excellent Majesty, M DC LXXI. [1671.
ESTC No. R34554.Grub Street ID 117078.
Pierce, Thomas.
A correct copy of some notes concerning Gods decrees especially of reprobation / written for the private use of a friend in Northamptonshire ; and afterwards published to prevent calumny, 1654, by T. Pierce ...
Oxford: Re-printed by W. Hall for R. Royston and R. Davis, MDCLXXII [1672].
ESTC No. R33404.Grub Street ID 116024.
Pierce, Thomas.
The signal diagnostick whereby we are to judge of our own affections; and as well of our present, as future state. Or The love of Christ planted upon the very same turf, on which it once had been supplanted by the extreme love of sin. Being the substance of several sermons, deliver'd at several times and places, and now at last met together to make up the treatise which ensues. By Tho. Pierce, D.D.
London : printed by J.M. for R. Royston, bookseller to the Kings most Excellent Majesty, 1679.
ESTC No. R33407.Grub Street ID 116027.
Pierce, Thomas.
The sinner impleaded in his own court. Wherein are represented the great discouragements from sinning, which the sinner receiveth from sin it self. To which is added The signal diagnostick whereby we are to judge of our own affections; and as well of our present, as future state. By Tho. Pierce, D.D. Dean of Sarum, and domestick chaplain to His Majesty.
The fourth edition..
London : printed for R. Royston, book seller to the Kings most excellent Majesty, M DC LXXIX. [1679].
ESTC No. R220436.Grub Street ID 94807.
Pierce, Thomas.
A decad of caveats to the people of England, of general use in all times, but most seasonable in these. As having a tendency to the satisfying such as are not content with the present government, as it is by law establish'd. An aptitude to the setling the minds of such a are but seekers and erraticks in religion. An aim at the uniting of our Protestant-dissenters in church and state. Whereby the worst of all conspiracies lately rais'd against both, may be made the greatest blessing, which could have happen'd to either of them. To which is added an appendix in orde to the conviction of those three enemies to the Diety: the atheist, the infidel, and the setter up of science to the prejudice of religion. By Thomas Pierce D.D. domestick chaplain to His Majesty, and Dean of Sarum. Partim jussu, partim permissu superiorum.
London : printed [by E. Flesher] for Richard Davis bookseller in Oxford, 1679.
ESTC No. R18054.Grub Street ID 71544.
Pierce, Thomas.
A seasonable caveat against the dangers of credulity in our trusting the spirits before we try them; delivered in a sermon before the King at White-Hall on the first Sunday in February, 1678/9. By Thomas Pierce D.D. domestick chaplain to His Majesty, and dean of Sarum. Published by His Majesties especial command.
London : printed by E[lizabeth]. F[lesher]. for R. Davis, bookseller in Oxford, MDCLXXIX. [1679].
ESTC No. R36679.Grub Street ID 118932.
Pierce, Thomas.
Two letters containing a further justification of the Church of England, against the dissenters. The first, by one of the reverend commissioners for the review of the liturgy, at the Savoy, 1661. The second, by Dr. Laurence Womock Archdeacon of Suffolk, author of the Verdict upon Melius inquirendum.
London : printed for Robert Clavell at the Peacock in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1682.
ESTC No. R36680.Grub Street ID 118934.
Pierce, Thomas.
Pacificatorium orthodoxæ theologiæ corpusculum, sive Brevis juniorum sacris ordinibus initiandorum ad sanam doctrinam veréq[ue] Christianam manuductio: cui omnes qui, seposito partium studio, Christum sapiunt & profitentur, unanimiter queant suffragari. Opus ad connubium unitatis cum veritate sanciendum à quodam Ecclesiæ Anglicanæ theologo charitatis & pacis studiosissimo amicabiliter concinnatum.
Londini : typis Milonis Flesher, prostat apud Ric. Davis, bibliopolam Oxoniensem, MDCLXXXIII. [1683].
ESTC No. R229073.Grub Street ID 101675.
Pierce, Thomas.
Pacificatorium orthodoxæ theologiæ corpusculum, sive Brevis juniorum sacris ordinibus initiandorum ad sanam doctrinam veréq[ue] Christianam manuductio: cui omnes qui, seposito partium studio, Christum sapiunt & profitentur, unanimiter queant suffragari. Opus ad connubium unitatis cum veritate sanciendum à Thoma Pierce, S.T.P. Regiæ Majestati à Sacris, Decano Sarisburiensi, amicabiliter concinnatum.
Londini : typis Milonis Flesher, prostat apud Ric. Davis, bibliopolam Oxoniensem, MDCLXXXIII. [1683].
ESTC No. R14241.Grub Street ID 62287.
Pierce, Thomas.
A vindication of the King's sovereign rights: together with a justification of his royal exercises thereof, in all causes, and over all persons ecclesiastical (as well as by consequence) over all ecclesiastical bodies corporate, and cathedrals: more particularly applyed to the King's free chappel and church of Sarum. Upon occasion of the Dean of Sarum's narrative and collections, made by the order and command of ... the Lords Commissioners, appointed by the King's Majesty for ecclesiastical promotions. By way of reply unto the answer of the Lord Bishop of Sarum, presented to the aforesaid most honourable lords. The first part. Printed only to save the labour of transcribing several copies, and to prevent the mistakes thereby apt to be incurr'd, and meerly for the satisfaction of private friends who either want or desire a most impartial information of tha affair.
London : printed for T. Milbourn for Robert Clavel, not for sale, but for the authors private use, 1683.
ESTC No. R31798.Grub Street ID 114556.
Pierce, Thomas.
Pacificatorium orthodoxæ theologiæ corpusculum. Cui omnes qui, seposito partium studio, Christum sapiunt & profitentur, unanimiter queant suffragari. Opus ad connubium unitatis cum veritate sanciendum, à T.P. Decano Sarisburiensi charitatis & pacis studiosissimo, amicabiliter concinnatum.
Secundae huic editioni accesserunt Phrontides deuterai, De perfectissimo Dei cultu ad Normam divinam exigendo..
Londini : typis S. Roycroft Ll. typographi Regis, impensis R. Davis Oxonij, & R. Clavell in C.meterio Divi Pauli Londini, A.D. MDCLXXXV. [1685].
ESTC No. R12207.Grub Street ID 60417.
Pierce, Thomas.
The law and equity of the Gospel. Or The goodness of our Lord as a legislator. Delivered first from the pulpit in two plain sermons. And now repeated from the press, with others tending to the same end. To which is added, The grand inquiry to be made in these inquisitive times; together with the resolution of Paul and Silas. As also an improvement of that inquiry, containing, in its parts, a resolution unto it self. And A scriptural prognostick of Jesus Christ's second advent to judge the world. Lastly a præservative against ambition. By Thomas Pierce D.D. chaplai in ordinary to his Majesty, and Dean of Sarum.
London : printed by S. Roycroft for Robert Clavell at the Peacock in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1686.
ESTC No. R38205.Grub Street ID 120333.
Pierce, Thomas.
A prophylactick from disloyalty in these perilous times. In a letter to the Right Honourable, and Right Reverend Father in God, Herbert, by Divine Providence, Lord Bishop of Hereford. To which (at some distance) will be added a short discourse upon the anchor of the soul of the said Lord Bishop. Licensed, Aug. 13. 1688.
London : printed for Randall Taylor near Stationers Hall, 1688.
ESTC No. R8958.Grub Street ID 129083.
Pierce, Thomas.
Death consider'd as a door to a life of glory. Penn'd for the comfort of serious mourners, and occasion'd by the funerals of several friends; particularly of one who dy'd at Easter: and of the author's own funeral in antecessum.
London : printed for the Author's private use, [1690?].
ESTC No. R24463.Grub Street ID 108252.
Pierce, Thomas.
An effectual prescription against the anguish of all diseases, and against all other afflictions to which the nature of man is subject. Penn'd, and publish'd, and approv'd, from the author's experience of it: but more especially from the experience of very many much greater and better men, the latchet of whose shoes he is not worthy to untie.
Oxford: printed by Leon. Lichfield, for Samuel Clark, bookseller, an. Dom. 1691.
ESTC No. R218982.Grub Street ID 93571.