Publications of Ezekias Woodward


  • Woodward, Ezekias. A childes patrimony laid out upon the good culture or tilling over his whole man. The first part, respecting a childe in his first and second age. London: Printed by I. Legatt, 1640. ESTC No. S120251. Grub Street ID 139887.
  • Woodward, Ezekias. Vestibulum or, A manuduction tovvards a faire edifice by their hands, who are designed to open the way thereunto. The epistle to the reader is as a light in the porch, therefore set-out first to bee seene. London: Printed by I[ohn] L[egat], 1640. ESTC No. S120252. Grub Street ID 139888.
  • Woodward, Ezekias. A childes patrimony. Laid out upon the good nurture, or tilling over the whole man. In two parts. the former, respecting a childe in his first and second age. The latter manuring a child grown up, and at mans estate. The appendix sheweth the scope of the booke; the rule also, and right method of edification. By Ezekias Woodvvard. London: Printed by I. L[egat] and are to be sold by Henry Overton, at his shop at the entring in to Popes-head-alley out of Lumbard-street, 1640. ESTC No. S114947. Grub Street ID 134648.
  • Woodward, Ezekias. A light to grammar, and all other arts and sciences. Or, the rule of practise proceeding by the clue of nature, and conduct of right reason, so opening the doore thereunto. The first part concerning grammar, the preparatories thereto; rules of practice through the same; clearing the method all along. [London]: Printed at London by M. F. for Iohn Bartlet, at the signe of the gilt Cup, neere S. Austins gate in Pauls Churchyard, 1641. ESTC No. R215934. Grub Street ID 90885.
  • Woodward, Ezekias. The churches thank-offering to God her King, and the Parliament, for rich and ancient mercies; her yeares of captivity; her first yeare of iubile; that is, for the marvelous deliverances wrought with God the first wonderfull yeare (since the yeare 88) beginning at September 1640. and ending the ninth of the same moneth following: in all which time, the Lord appeared for his Church, as in the dayes of old, out of the middest of the bush, so the Church burn'd with fire, and was not consumed. In the preface, the thank-offering is vindicated, and set free, from all the cavills and charges against it; where also it is cleared to be, as every mans duty, so every mans purpose, to offer willingly now, who doth not make full proofe, that he falls short of pagan, papist or atheist; and is wilfully resolved to walk crosse to the most supreme law, the highest reason, and the unquestionable will of God. London: printed for T[homs]. V[underhill]., at the signe of the Bible in Wood-street, 1642. ESTC No. R18182. Grub Street ID 72243.
  • Woodward, Ezekias. Three kingdoms made one, by entring covenant with one God; wherein we have these remarkables, worthy all observation. I. What it is to covenant with God. II. How hardly his people are drawn into it. III. How the Lord has suffered his adversaries from time to time to buffit his people thereinto. IV. The height of this Covenant above former covenants, and reasons why? Clear demonstrations also to shew. I. The necessity of this League and Covenant... II. The legality and equity of this Covenant for the casting out of archbishops and bishops... III. The exemplarynesse o this covenanting way... IV. The seasonablenesse of it, and therein the power, wisedome, and goodnesse of God... V. The sweetnesse of the promise touching this matter, the purging out of the rebels;... VI. The force, efficacy, and vertue of covenanting with God; ... VII. One objection there is, but it is cleared; ... VIII. We have reasons and arguments enough, why he must help; his glory is engaged, even he himself; and so w. London: printed for Christopher Meredith, and are to be sold at the sign of the Crane, in Pauls Church-yard, 1643. ESTC No. R21107. Grub Street ID 87055.
  • Woodward, Ezekias. The Kings chronicle latter section. Wherein the way, the good kings, priest and people have taken for the well-posturing the kingdome, is fully declared, and made glorious before the eye of the beholder by Gods own right hand, for the encouragement of all, who will walk in the same way, observe the same steps and motions there; and fixe their eye upon the same marke, the glory of God; their owne and the peoples safety. By Hezekiah Woodward. London: printed by G[eorge]. M[iller]. for George Miller and Thomas Underhill, and are to be sold at the signe of the Bible in Wood-street, 1643. ESTC No. R11120. Grub Street ID 59433.
  • Woodward, Ezekias. The Kings chronicle: in two sections; wherein vve have the acts of the wicked and good kings of Iudah fully declared, with the ordering of their militia, and grave observations thereupon. This section containes the wayes and works of the bad kings, with marks the Holy Ghost hath set upon them, for the terrour of all those, who walke in the wayes of Israel, and after the counsels of the house of Ahab, which was to the destruction of all Iudah. Published by Hezekiah Woodvvard. ... Dulcissimus prospectus, in errores aliorum subjacentes. (i.e.) The sweetest prospec in the world, to looke over other mens errours, so, as to looke into our selves, and correct our owne. London: printed by G[eorge]. M[iller]. for George Miller and Thomas Underhill, and are to be sold at the signe of the Bible in Woode-streete, 1643. ESTC No. R1678. Grub Street ID 64594.
  • Woodward, Ezekias. The cause vse cure of feare. Or, Strong consolations (the consolations of God) cordiall at all times, but most comfortable now in these uncomfortable times, to fixe, quiet, and stablish the heart, though the earth shake, and make it stand stil, to see the salvation of th Lord. Taken from Gods mouth, and penned by Hezekiah VVoodward, that all his servants may have assured confidence for ever. London: printed for Thomas Underhill, and are to be sold at the signe of the Bible in Woodstreet, 1643. ESTC No. R1487. Grub Street ID 62849.
  • Woodward, Ezekias. The Solemne League and Covenant of three kingdomes, cleared to the conscience of every man, who is not willingly blinde, or wilfully obstinate. The antiquity of the Covenant on the Scots-side; the seasonablenesse of it on the English-side; the admirable wisedome of God, in stirring-up the spirits of men on all sides, at such a time as this; all this, with other things mightily conducing to, and promoting of the militia of kingdomes, and the posturing every person there, is referred to a place, where it may take-up more room. The clearnesse for the matter of this Covenant; the solemnity for the manner of it, is the subject of these few leaves, and yet to be made more clear to them that have a minde to understand. By E.W. Imprimatur Edm: Calamy, the morrow after wee lifted-up our hands, and subscribed our names to this Covenant, Octob. 2. 1643. London: printed for Christopher Meredith, and are to be sold at his shop in Pauls Church-yard, at the signe of the Crane, 1643. ESTC No. R14305. Grub Street ID 62343.
  • Woodward, Ezekias. A sons patrimony and daughters portion; payable to them at all times, but best received in their first times, when they are young, and tender: laid-out without expence of money, only in the improving time and words with them, contained (in an answerablenesse to their ages) in two volumes: in the first, the parent is taught his duty, to teach it his child betimes, to heare, to speak, to doe; when and where to put him to schoole; after that to a calling, ... In all this he may be taught in a way ... as plaine, easie and familiar as the way hee walkes in. In the second, the childe is taught to know himselfe and God; to take direction from his mouth, for his safe passage here through all his ages, and therein how to answer all his relations, that ... he may live for ever with the Lord. Published in the yeare of hope and expectation, that the private house and schoole shall be reformed, much out of order now, and quite besides the rule. [London]: Printed for T. Vnderhill, and are to be sold at the Bible in Woodstreet, 1643. ESTC No. R27624. Grub Street ID 110763.
  • Woodward, Ezekias. A dialogue, arguing that arch-bishops, bishops, curates, neuters, are to be cut-off by the law of God; therefore all these, with their service, are to be cast-out by the law of the land. Notwithstanding, the world pleads for their own, why some bishops should be spared; the government maintained; the name had in honour still; but the word of God is cleare against all this, for the casting-of-all-forth. The great question is, which way of government now? For two wayes are contended for, the Presbyteriall and independent: something is said to both these wayes: but we have a sure word for it, that these two wayes are but in shew two, and will assuredly meet in one. Neuters are shewen openly here, and the curse of God upon them. Presented to the Assembly of Divines. London: printed by T[homas]. P[aine]. and M[atthew]. S[immons]. in Gold-Smiths-Alley, 1644. ESTC No. R22862. Grub Street ID 101290.
  • Woodward, Ezekias. A good souldier, maintaining his militia, and posturing himself, as the servants of the Lord, now and in all ages, have postured the kingdomes; wherein the right-hand of the Lord with his servants directing their way, and blessing their worke; and all his ordinances, fasting, praying, preaching, &c. unto the nation, is declared as mightily, as it was by the resurrection from the dead, whether we respect a nation or a man only. Here is a register of Gods blessings and Satans curses; a record of the (megaleia,) the great and admirable salvations, which God has wrought for the (righteous) nation, and the man there: and of the terrible things hee has done against his adversaries these foure last yeares. Humbly presented to the House of Parliament and Assembly of Divines. With a discovery of the loyall convert, that he is quite turned from his God, his kin and his kingdome: a most disloyall person to all three. [London]: Printed by order [by George Miller], on a day of rebuke and blasphemy: and in the yeare of earnest expectation after an expected end, 1644. ESTC No. R7703. Grub Street ID 127937.
  • Woodward, Ezekias. Inquiries, into the causes of our miseries, whence they issue-forth upon us: and reasons wherefore they have born-us down so low, and are like to carry us yet lower, sect. III. Inquiries touching peace, whether we that ask peace, are sons of peace? Have improved our presen peace, or the peace we have had? Whether we seek for it, where it is to be found? And knock for it at the right door, &c. More large on the back-side of the leafe. Published according to order. [London]: Printed for Tho. Vnderhill, and are to be sold at his shop at the signe of the Bible in Wood-street, 1644 [i.e. 1645]. ESTC No. R21377. Grub Street ID 89140.
  • Woodward, Ezekias. The life and death of VVilliam Lawd, late Archbishop of Canterburie: beheaded on Tower-Hill, Friday the 10. of January. 1644. I. Here is a brief narration of his doings all his life long faithfully given-out, first, that his sayings at his death may not be a snare to the perdition of souls. II. His doings and sayings being compared and weighed together, his sayings are found infinitely too light; yet of weight sufficient to presse every man to make a threefold use from all, of infinite concernment to his eternall soul. By E.W. who was acquainted with his proceedings in Oxford; was an eye and eare witnesse of his doings and sayings in his courts here at London; and other places under his dominion. London: printed for Iohn Hancock; dwelling in Popes-head Ally, 1645. ESTC No. R6515. Grub Street ID 126858.
  • Woodward, Ezekias. Soft answers, unto hard censures: relating, I. To a book printed without licence. A full accompt given thereof. II. To my particular calling: 3 offences relating thereunto removed: and the dutie of visiting families and schooles is pressed upon magistrates and ministers, whose duty it is to visite there, enquiring how the governours and governed, do answer their relations, the one commanding, the other obeying in the Lord. III. To the offence given by a book called an Anti-apologie, which I have said, is a great offence to the Church of God; and that they, who write as Mr. Edwards does, too many by two, have offended their lord and master, ... IV. And to the offence taken by my short defence of the Apol: narration; whether the offence is justly given, or unjustly taken, is humbly submitted to better judgement, upon due consideration of two exceptions, all I ever heard made against it by discreet and sober men. By Hezekiah Woodward. [London]: Printed according to order, for Iohn Hancock; at the entrance into Popes-head Alley, out of Cornhill, 1645. ESTC No. R212399. Grub Street ID 88002.
  • Woodward, Ezekias. Of the childs portion, viz: Good education. By E. W. Or, The book of the education of youth, that hath for some yeers lain in obscurity; but is now brought to light, for the help of parents and tutors, to whom it is recommended. By Will: Goudge, D.D. Edm: Calamy. John Goodwin. Joseph Caryll. Jer: Burroughs. William Greenhill. Printed at London: and are to be sold by Tho: Underhill at the signe of the Bible in Woodstreet, 1649. ESTC No. R221221. Grub Street ID 95415.
  • Woodward, Ezekias. Christ-mas day, the old heathens feasting day, in honour to Saturn their idol-god. The Papists massing day. The prophane mans ranting day. The superstitious mans idol day. The multitudes idle day. Whereon, because they cannot do nothing: they do worse then nothing. Satans, that adversaries working-day. The true Christian mans fasting-day. Taking to heart, the heathenish customes, Popish superstitions, ranting fashions, fearful provocations, horrible abhominations committed against the Lord, and His Christ, on that day, and days following. London: printed for Henry Cripps, and are to be sold at this shop, in Popes-Head-Alley, neer Lumbard street, 1656. ESTC No. R207652. Grub Street ID 84013.
  • Woodward, Ezekias. A conference of some Christians in church-fellow-ship, about the way of Christ with his people, and the result therefrom. This serveth only by way of introduction to take off the reproaches, that are cast upon pastour and people, whose earnest care and endeavour is to walke with a right foote in that holy way. Which is held forth here by the light of the sacred Scripture, as it appeares unto them, and how curious and circumspect their walke should be, who pretend to it, and to walke therein. The scandalls in and against the way are removed as they could be. London: printed according to order for Henry Cripps, in Popes-head-Alley, 1656. ESTC No. R207653. Grub Street ID 84014.
  • Woodward, Ezekias. A just account of truth and peace, given-in by brethren, lovers of and fellow-helpers to both, wherefore they must open their matters to the view of the world, speaking them, in their respective places, as upon the house-tops, which else had been spoken in darknesse privately, and as in the eare. London: printed according to order for Henry Cripps, in Popes-head-Alley, 1656. ESTC No. R207686. Grub Street ID 84045.
  • Woodward, Ezekias. An appeal to the churches of Christ for their righteous judgement in the matters of Christ, the concernments of all His glory, over whom there is a defence. Whether the way of Christ with His people be not paved-forth as a cause-way before them in His scriptures, and to be traced by the footsteps of all His neare-ones. Here you have the epistles only. The first to the churches, giving them some short account of their matters. The second unto the minister who enjoyned that work. The second unto the minister who enjoyned that work. The third to some neighbour-ministers for their judgement therein. The fourth to the Christian reader. London: printed according to order for Henry Cripps in Popes-head Alley, 1656. ESTC No. R207694. Grub Street ID 84054.
  • Woodward, Ezekias. Law-power, or, The law of relation written in the heart of ministers and people by the finger of God, is mighty through Him, to prevaile with both : to live as a people separated to their God, and from the world, specially at the Lord's Table. London: Printed by M.S. for Henry Cripps, 1656. ESTC No. R25194. Grub Street ID 108902.
  • Woodward, Ezekias. The Lords table. Whether it is to be spread like a table in an inne for all comers? That it ought not so be done is here maintained. London: printed by M.S. for Henry Cripps in Popes-head Alley, 1656. ESTC No. R206596. Grub Street ID 83089.
  • Woodward, Ezekias. Foure grand enquiries. I. Whether this whole nation be a church as the Jewish nation was? II. Whether, by priviledge of infant baptism, all are to be admitted to all church-communions, eo-nomine, without making so much as a profession of their faith, or repentance? III. Whether there can be any suspension from, or excommunication out of their church, as now their church-state is. IV. Whether infants borne of parents notorious for their ignorance and prophanenesse; together with their declared enmities and oppositions against the Lord Christ, may be admitted to baptism, upon this account, that the whole church are their guardians?. London: printed by M.S. for Henry Cripps in Popes-head Alley, 1656. ESTC No. R206597. Grub Street ID 83090.
  • Woodward, Ezekias. A treatise of prayer. Two quæries resolved touching formes of prayer. And six quæries relating specially to the Lords Prayer. That the reader may have full resolution, specially to the fourth of these quæries, relating to the Lords Prayer, he shall find in the end of thi treatise, that holy and learned mans judgement, Dr. Owen, as to that matter in his answer to Mr Biddles second question of prayer. Pag.667, 668, 669. London: printed by M.S. for Henry Cripps in Popes-head Alley, 1656. ESTC No. R206598. Grub Street ID 83091.
  • Woodward, Ezekias. A few drops of choice honey, extracted from the old comb of a very ancient hive; or, Some pious and very instructive sentiments taken from an old book which was printed in 1640, entituled, A son's patrimony, and a daughter's portion; payable to them at all times, but best received in their first times, when they are young and tender: laid out without expence of money, only by teaching them to improve their time, and attend to the words of wisdom. [Exeter, N.H.]: Printed by Henry Ranlet, and sold at his book store, Main-Street, Exeter, M,DCC,XCIV. [1794]. ESTC No. W36147. Grub Street ID 346839.