Publications of William Ames


  • Ames, William. A reply to Dr. Mortons particular defence of three nocent ceremonies. Viz. The surplice, crosse in baptisme, and kneeling at the receiving of the sacramentall elements of bread and wine. [Amsterdam: Successors of Giles Thorp], Printed in the yeare 1623. ESTC No. S116621. Grub Street ID 136309.
  • Ames, William. Medulla S.S. theologiæ, ex sacris literis, earumque, interpretibus, extracta, & methodic disposita per Guilielmum Amesium S.S. Theologiæ Doctorem ac professorem, in illustri Frisiorum Academia quæ est Franekeræ. In fine adjuncta est disputatio de fidei divinæ veritate. Londini: [Printed by Thomas Cotes;] apud Robertum Allottum, M DC XXIX [1629]. ESTC No. S122441. Grub Street ID 141987.
  • Ames, William. Bellarminus enervatus, à Guilielmo Amesio S.S. Theologiæ Doctore in Academia Franekerana. In quatuor tomos divisus: ab auctore recognitus, & multis in locis auctus. Oxoniæ: Excudebat Guilielmus Turner, & væneunt per Robertum Allott, Londinensem, in c?miterio Pauli, M.DC.XXIX. [1629]. ESTC No. S122186. Grub Street ID 141742.
  • Ames, William. Bellarminus enervatus, à Guilielmo Amesio S.S. Theologiæ Doctore in academia Franekerana. In quatuor tomos divisus: ab auctore recognitus, & multis in locis anctus. Oxoniæ: excudebat Guiliemus Turner, celeberrimæ academiæ typographus, M. DC. XXIX. [1629]. ESTC No. S1483. Grub Street ID 145917.
  • Ames, William. Bellarminus eneruatus, siue Disputationes anti-Bellarminianæ, in illustri Frisiorum Academia, quæ est Franckerae, publice habitæ a Guilielmo Amesio, Theologiæ Doctore. In quatuor tomos divisus. Londini [i.e. Amsterdam?]: [Printed by W. J. Blaeu? for London] Ioannem Humpfridum [and H. Robinson], MD XXXIII [1633] [i.e. 1632]. ESTC No. S116616. Grub Street ID 136304.
  • Ames, William. Guilielmi Amesii Technometria, omnium & singularum artium fines adæquate circumscribens. Londini: Excudit Milo Flesher, M DC XXXIII. [1633]. ESTC No. S115915. Grub Street ID 135607.
  • Ames, William. Catalogus variorum & insignium librorum clariss. & celeberrimi viri D. Guilielmi Amesii SS. Theologiæ Doctoris, & professoris olim in illust. Acad. F€œranekeranâ. Amstelodami: typis Joannis Janssonii, an. MD CXXXIV. [1634]. ESTC No. S90277. Grub Street ID 149698.
  • Ames, William. Conscience with the power and cases thereof. Devided into V. bookes. Written by the godly and learned, William Ames, Doctor, and Professor of Divinity, in the famous University of Franeker in Friesland. Translated out of Latine into English, for more publique benefit. [Leiden and London]: Imprinted [W. Christiaens, E. Griffin, J. Dawson], Anno MDCXXIX [1639]. ESTC No. S114737. Grub Street ID 134447.
  • Ames, William. Conscience with the power and cases thereof. Divided into V. bookes. Written by the godly and learned, William Ames, Doctor, and Professor of Divinity, in the famous University of Franeker in Friesland. Translated out of Latine into English, for more publique benefit. [Leiden and London]: Imprinted [W. Christiaens, E. Griffin, J. Dawson], anno MDCXXIX [1639]. ESTC No. S126105. Grub Street ID 145281.
  • Ames, William. An analyticall exposition of both the Epistles of the Apostle Peter, illustrated by doctrines out of every text. And applyed by their uses, for a further progresse in holinesse. By the reverend and faithfull minister of God, William Ames, D.D. and late of Christs Colledg in Cambridge. London: printed by E.G. for Iohn Rothwell, at the Sunne in Pauls Church-yard, 1641. ESTC No. R23196. Grub Street ID 103864.
  • Ames, William. The marrow of sacred divinity, drawne out of the holy Scriptures, and the interpreters thereof, and brought into method. By William Ames, sometime Doctor and professor of Divinity in the famous university at Franeken in Friesland. Translated out of the Latine, for the benefit of such who are not acquainted with strange tongues. Whereunto are annexed certaine tables representing the substance and heads of all in a short view; directing to the chapters where they are handled. As also a table opening the hard words therein contained. A work usefull for this season Published by order from the Honorable the House of Commons. London: printed by Edward Griffin for Henry Overton in Popes-Head-ally next Lumbard streete, 1642. ESTC No. R23182. Grub Street ID 103767.
  • Ames, William. The marrow of sacred divinity, drawne out of the holy Scriptures, and the interpreters thereof, and brought into method. By William Ames, sometime Doctor and professor of Divinity in the famous University at Franeken in Friesland. Translated out of the Latine, for the benefit of such who are not acquainted with strange tongues. Whereunto are annexed certaine tables representing the substance and heads of all in a short view, directing to the chapters where they are handled. As also a table opening the hard words therein contained. A worke usefull for this season. Published by order from the Honorable the House of Commons. London: printed by Edward Griffin for Henry Overton in Popes-Head-ally next Lumberd-streete, 1642. ESTC No. R38609. Grub Street ID 120682.
  • Ames, William. Conscience with the power and cases thereof. Divided into five bookes. Written by the Godly and learned, William Ames, Doctor, and Professor of Divinity, in the famous University of Franeker in Friesland. Translated out of Latine into English, for more publique benefit. London: printed by Edw Griffin, for John Rothwell; and are to be sold at his shop at the sign of the Sun in Pauls Church-yard, 1643. ESTC No. R213076. Grub Street ID 88599.
  • Ames, William. The marrow of sacred divinity, drawne out of the holy Scriptures and the interpreters thereof, and brought into method. By William Ames, sometime doctor and professor of divinity in the famous university at Francken in Friesland. Translated out of the Latine, for the benefit of such who are not acquainted with strange tongues. Whereunto are annexed certaine tables representing the substance and heads of all in a short view, directing to the chapters where they are handled. As also a table opening the hard words therein contained. A worke us full for this season. Published by order from the honorable the House of Commons. London: Printed by Edward Griffin for Iohn Rothwell at the Sun in Pauls-Church-yard, [1643]. ESTC No. S116618. Grub Street ID 136306.
  • Ames, William. The workes of the reverend and faithfull Minister of Christ William Ames doctor and professor of the famous Vniversity of Franeker in Friesland. Translated out of Latine for publike vse. Published by order. London: printed for Iohn Rothwell, and are to be sold at his shop, at the Sun in Pauls Church-yard, 1643. ESTC No. R17744. Grub Street ID 69547.
  • Ames, William. Conscience with the power and cases thereof, divided into five bookes. Written by the Godly and learned William Ames, Doctor and Professor of Divinity, in the famous Vniversity of Franeker in Friesland. Translated out of Latine into English for more publique benefit. Publishe by order. London: printed by E.G. for I. Rothwell, T. Slater, L. Blacklock, 1643. ESTC No. R11028. Grub Street ID 59354.
  • Ames, William. Guilielmi Amesii Disputatio theologica, De perfectione SS. Scripturæ ex ejus sententia ac placito, conscripta olim ac defensa, a Guilielmo Barleo, in qua ethicæ vulgaris imperfectio & inutilitas deteguntur. Cantabrigia: Ex officina Rogeri Danielis .., 1646. ESTC No. R10877. Grub Street ID 59215.
  • Ames, William. Guilielmi Amesii Magni theologi ac philosophi acutissimi philosophemata. Technometria duplici methodo adornata, cui jure cognation is nunc adjunguntur, ejusdem adversus metaphysicam atq[ue] ethicam disputatio theologica: item, logicæ veræ demonstratio & adumbratio, ac logicæ theses, res ejusdem artis ordine enuncleantes. Cantabrigiæ: ex officina Rogeri Danielis, almæ Academiæ typographi, MDCXLVI. [1646]. ESTC No. R25241. Grub Street ID 108947.
  • Ames, William. Gulielmi Amesii demonstratio logicæ veræ. Cantabrigiæ: ex officina Rogeri Danielis, almæ academiæ typographi, 1646. ESTC No. R230828. Grub Street ID 103064.
  • Ames, William. Utriusque epistolæ Divi Petri apostoli explicatio analytica, documentis suis ubique illustrata, & usibus ad singularem pietatis profectum applicata: nec non III. Conciones in selectiora quædam s. Scripturæ loca: authore clarissimo ac reverendissimo viro, Dn. Guilielmo Amesio, SS. Theologiæ D. ac in illustri academia Frisiorum nuper professore ordinario. Londini: excudebat J.D. impensis Andreæ Kembe, 1647. ESTC No. R214331. Grub Street ID 89629.
  • Ames, William. Lectiones in omnes Psalmos Davidis: in quibus per analysim, &, ubi opus est, per quæstiones sensus dilucid ac succinct enodatur, nec non documenta ubivis eliciuntur, & ad usus suos dextr applicantur. Opus omnibus qui pietatem colunt, ac imprimis verbi ministris, perutile. Authore R. & Cl. Dn. Guilielmo Amesio, SS. Theologiæ Doctore, ac nuper ejusdem facultatis in ill. Frisior. Acad. professore. Londini: excudebat J.D. impensis Andreæ Kembe, & Johannis Hardesty, 1647. ESTC No. R5856. Grub Street ID 126255.
  • Ames, William. Guilielmi Amesii, de conscientia. Et ejus jure, vel casibus, libri quinque. Oxonii: typis Gulielmi Hall, sumptibus Joh. Adams, anno Dom. 1659. ESTC No. R31264. Grub Street ID 114067.
  • Ames, William. The substance of Christian religion: or, A plain and easie draught of the Christian catechisme, in LII. lectures, on chosen texts of Scripture, for each Lords-day of the year, learnedly and perspicuously illustrated with doctrines, reasons and uses. By that reverend and worthy laborer in the Lord's vineyard, William Ames, Doctor in Divinity, and late professor thereof, at Franeker in Friezeland. London: printed by T. Mabb for Thomas Davies, and are to be sold at his shop at the signe of the Bible over against the little-north-doore of Pauls Church, 1659. ESTC No. R6622. Grub Street ID 126957.