Publications of Lancelot Addison


  • Addison, Lancelot. West Barbary, or, A short narrative of the revolutions of the kingdoms of Fez and Morocco. With an account of the present customs, sacred, civil, and domestick. By Lancelot Addison, chaplain to His Majesty in ordinary. [Oxford]: Printed at the Theater in Oxford [by H. Hall], and are to be sold by John Wilmot, 1671. ESTC No. R10903. Grub Street ID 59240.
  • Addison, Lancelot. The primitive institution, or, a seasonable discourse of catechizing. Wherein is shewn, the antiquity, benefits and necessity thereof: together with its suitableness to heal the present distempers of this national church. By Lancelot Addison, one of his Majesties Chaplains in Ordinary. London : printed by J.C. for William Crook, at the Green Dragon without Temple-Bar, 1674. ESTC No. R21287. Grub Street ID 88411.
  • Addison, Lancelot. The present state of the Jews: (more particularly relating to those in Barbary.) Wherein is contained an exact account of their customs, secular and religious. To which is annexed a summary discourse of the Misna, Talmud, and Gemara. By L. Addison, one of his Majesties chaplains in ordinary; and the author of the late revolutions and present customs of the kingdoms of Fez and Morocco. London : printed by J.C. for William Crooke, at the Green Dragon without Temple-Bar; and to be sold by John Courtney bookseller in Sarum, 1675. ESTC No. R421. Grub Street ID 123546.
  • Addison, Lancelot. The present state of the Jevvs: wherein is contained an exact account of their customs, secular and religious. To which is annexed a summary discourse of the Misna, Talmud, & Gemara. By L. Addison, D.D. one of his Majesties Chaplains in Ordinary; and author of the primitive institution. The second edition, corrected by the author.. London : printed by J.C. for William Crooke, at the Green Dragon without Temple-Bar, 1676. ESTC No. R9967. Grub Street ID 130000.
  • Addison, Lancelot. A modest plea for the clergy; wherein is briefly considered, the original, antiquity, necessity. Together with the spurious and genuine occasions of their present contempt. London : printed for William Crook at the Green Dragon without Temple-Bar, 1677. ESTC No. R21288. Grub Street ID 88420.
  • Addison, Lancelot. The first state of Mahumedism: or, An account of the author and doctrines of that imposture. By the author of The present state of the Jews. Imprimatur. Geo. Thorp. London : printed by J.C. for W. Crooke, at the Green Dragon without Temple-Bar, 1679. ESTC No. R7110. Grub Street ID 127396.
  • Addison, Lancelot. The life and death of Mahumed, the author of the Turkish religion. Being an account of his tribe, parents, birth, name, education, marriages, filthiness of life, Alcoran, first proselytes, wars, doctrines, miracles, advancement, &c. By L. Addison, D.D. one of His Majesties chaplains in ordinary, and author of The present state of the Jews. Imprimatur. Geo. Thorp. London : printed for William Crooke, at the Green Dragon without Temple-bar. 1679. And are to be sold at the Bible in Westminster-Hall, [1679]. ESTC No. R33059. Grub Street ID 115708.
  • Addison, Lancelot. The Moores baffled: being a discourse concerning Tanger, especially when it was under the Earl of Teviot; by which you may find what methods and government is fittest to secure that place against the Moors. In a letter from a learned person (long resident in that place) at the desire of a person of quality. London : printed for William Crooke, at the Green-Dragon without Temple-Bar, 1681. ESTC No. R10902. Grub Street ID 59239.
  • Addison, Lancelot. The present state of the Jews: wherein is contained an exact account of their customs, secular and religious to which is annexed a summary discourse of the Misna, Talmud, and Gemara. By L. Addison D.D. one of his Majesties chaplains in ordinary; and author of The life an death of Mahumet. The third edition.. London : printed for William Crook at the Green Dragon without Temple-Bar, 1682. ESTC No. R21432. Grub Street ID 89620.
  • Addison, Lancelot. An introduction to the sacrament: or, a short, plain, and safe way to the communion-table. Being an instruction for the worthy receiving of the Lords Supper. Collected for, and familiarly addressed to every particular communicant. London : printed for William Crooke, at the Green Dragon without Temple-Bar, 1682. ESTC No. R22265. Grub Street ID 96602.
  • Addison, Lancelot. A discourse of Tangier, under the government of the Earl of Teviot. Written by Dr. L. Addison, Dean of Litchfield, who was minister to the English at Tangier, till the death of the said earl. The second edition.. London : printed for W.C. and sold by Walter Davis in Amen Corner, 1685. ESTC No. R28078. Grub Street ID 111182.
  • Addison, Lancelot. An introduction to the sacrament: or, a short, plain, and safe way to the communion-table. Being an instruction for the worthy receiving of the Lords Supper. Collected for, and familiarly addressed to every particular communicant. By L. Addison, D.D. Dean of Lichfield. T which is added, The communicants assistant: being a collection of devotions to that purpose. London : printed for William Crooke, at the Green Dragon without Temple-Bar, near Devereux-Court, 1686. ESTC No. R204307. Grub Street ID 81290.
  • Addison, Lancelot. The first state of Mahumedism, being an exact account of Mahomed, the author of the Turkish religion. His prophesies about his coming, pedigree, parents, tribe, birth, education, marriages, filthiness of life, pretended revelation, retirement, collections and composure o his Alcoran, of his conventicles at Mecca, where he gained his first proselytes, &c. Likewise a relation of his disputes with the Jews, of his wars, of the propagation of his doctrines, of his paradises and miracles, with the remarkable passages of his death. To which is added the state and condition Christendom and Christianity was in at that time. The second edition. By the author of The present state of the Jews. London : printed for Will. Crook at the Green Dragon without Temple-Bar, 1687. ESTC No. R10857. Grub Street ID 59197.
  • Addison, Lancelot. The catechumen, or an account given by the young person to the minister, of his knowledge in religion, upon his first admission to the Lord's-table. Recommended to the press by two eminent divines of the Church of England. Licensed, Dec. 2. 1689. Z. Isham. London : printed for W. Crooke at the Green-Dragon without Temple-Bar, 1690. ESTC No. R232838. Grub Street ID 104483.
  • Addison, Lancelot. The catechumen, or an account given by the young person to the minister, of his knowledge in religion, upon his first admission to the Lord's-table. With the epistles of two eminent divines of the Church of England. Licensed, Dec. 2. 1689. Z. Isham. The second edition.. London : printed for W. Crooke at the Green-Dragon without Temple-Bar, 1690. ESTC No. R171109. Grub Street ID 65448.
  • Addison, Lancelot. The primitive institution: or, a seasonable discourse of catechizing. Wherein is shewn, the antiquity, benefits and necessity thereof: together with its suitableness to heal the present distempers of this national church. By Lancelot Addison, D.D. Dean of Litchfield. The second edition.. London : printed for William Crook, at the Green Dragon without Temple-Bar, near Devereux-Court, and W. Baylie, in Litchfield, 1690. ESTC No. R21489. Grub Street ID 90042.
  • Addison, Lancelot. The Christian's manual. In three parts. 1. The Catechumen or, an account given by the young person of his knowledge in religion, before his admission to the Lord's supper, as a groundwork for his right understanding the sacrament. 2. An introduction to a plain and safe way to the communion table, with prayers fitted for the communicant, before, at, and after receiving. 3. The primitive institution; shewingthe [sic] great benefit and necessity of catecheising, to save the souls of particular persons, and heal the present distempers of the church. By L. Addison D.D. and Dean of Lichfield. London : printed for W. Crooke at the Green-Dragon without Temple-Bar, 1691. ESTC No. R36716. Grub Street ID 118969.
  • Addison, Lancelot. The Christian's manual. In two parts. I. The catechumen: or, An account given by the young person of his knowledge in religion, before his admission to the Lord's Supper, as a ground-work for his right understanding the Sacrament. II. An introduction to the sacrament: or a short, safe, and plain way to the communion-table; being an instruction for the worthy receiving the Lord's Supper. To which is added, The communicant's assistant; being devotions to that purpose; fitted to be used before, at, and after the receiving the blessed sacrament. Collected for, and familiarly addressed to every particular communicant. By L. Addison, D.D. Dean of Litchfield. The fourth edition.. London : printed for W. Crooke, at the Green Dragon without Temple-Barr, near Devereux-Court, 1693. ESTC No. R21408. Grub Street ID 89403.
  • Addison, Lancelot. The Christian's manual. In two parts. I. The catechumen: or, an account given by the young person of his knowledge in religion, before his admission to the Lord's Supper, as a ground work for his right understanding the sacrament. II. An introduction to the sacrament: or a short, safe, and plain way for the communion-table; being an introduction for the worthy receiving the Lord's Supper. To which is added, the communicant's assistant; being devotions to that purpose: fitted to be used before, at, and after the receiving the blessed sacrament. Collected for, and familiarly addressed to every particular communicant. By L. Addison, D.D. Dean of Litchfield. The "Fourth" edition. London : printed, and are to be sold by Henry Bonwicke, at the Red-lion in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1695. ESTC No. R172084. Grub Street ID 66078.
  • Addison, Lancelot. Christos auto'theos or An historical account of the heresie denying the Godhead of Christ. London : printed by Tho. Hodgkin for Robert Clavell, at the Sign of the Peacock in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1696. ESTC No. R11751. Grub Street ID 60007.
  • Addison, Lancelot. The genuine use and necessity of the two sacraments, namely baptism, and the Lord's Supper. With our obligation frequently to receive the latter. London : printed for R. Clavell, at the Peacock in St. Paul's-Church-Yard, 1697. ESTC No. R9849. Grub Street ID 129896.
  • Addison, Lancelot. The Christians daily sacrifice duly offer'd. Or A practical discourse teaching the right performance of prayer. By Lancelot Addison, D.D. Dean of Lichfield. London : printed for Robert Clavel, at the Peacock at the west end of S. Pauls, 1698. ESTC No. R25228. Grub Street ID 108934.
  • Addison, Lancelot. Devotional poems, festival and practical: on some of the chief Christian festivals, fasts, graces and vertues, &c. For the use of his country-parishioners, especially the younger and pious persons. By a clergy-man of the country. London : printed for Henry Bonwicke, at the Red-Lion in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1699. ESTC No. R14158. Grub Street ID 62204.
  • Addison, Lancelot. The Christian's manual. In two parts. I. The catechumen: Or, An accound given by the young person of his knowledge of religion, before his administration to the Lord's Supper, as a groundwork for his right understanding the sacrament. II. An introduction to the sacrament Or, A short, safe, and plain way to the communion table; being an instruction for the worthy receiving the Lord's Supper. To which is added, the communicant's assistant; being devotions to that purpose; fitted to be used before, at, and after the receiving the blessed sacrament. Collected for, and familiarly addressed to every particular communicant. By L. Addison, D.D. Dean of Litchfield. The fifth edition.. London : printed, and are to be sold by Henry Bonwicke, at the Red-Lyon in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1700. ESTC No. R28077. Grub Street ID 111181.
  • Addison, Lancelot. A modest plea for the clergy; wherein is briefly considered, the original, antiquity, and necessary use of the clergy, and the pretended and real occasions of their present contempt. London : printed for W. Taylor, at the Ship in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1709. ESTC No. T79357. Grub Street ID 300926.
  • Addison, Lancelot. The Christian's manual. In two parts. I. The catechumen: ... II. An introduction to the sacrament: ... To which is added, the communicant's assistant, ... By L. Addison, . The fifth edition.. London : printed by John Crook, and sold by James Holland, 1719. ESTC No. T142753. Grub Street ID 189977.
  • Addison, Lancelot. The christian's manual. In two parts. I. The catechumen: Or An Account given by a Young Person of his Knowledge in Religion, before his Admission to the Lora's Supper, as a Ground-Work for his right under standing the Sacrament. II. An introduction to the sacrament: Or, A short, safe and plain Way to the Communion Table; being an Instruction for the worthy Receiving the Lord's Supper. To which is added, The communicant's assistant; being Devotions to that purpose; fitted to be used before, at, and after the Receiving the Blessed Sacrament. Collected for, and familiarly addressed to every particular Communicant. By L. Addison, D. D. Late Dean of Litchfield. Dublin: printed by Aaron Rhames, for J. Hyde, R. Gunne, R. Owen, and E. Dobson, 1724. ESTC No. T142754. Grub Street ID 189978.
  • Addison, Lancelot. The moors baffled, being a discourse concerning Tangier: especially while under the government of that Renowned General, Andrew, Earl of Teviot, Lord Rutherfurd, &c. In a letter from a learned person (long Resident in that Place) wrote at the Desire of a Person of Quality, and now published by George Lord Rutherfurd, In Commemoration of his Predecessor. With an abbreviate of the genealogy o the family of Rutherfurd thereto annexed. Edinburgh: printed by T. and W. Ruddimans, 1738. ESTC No. T110895. Grub Street ID 163377.