Publications of Simon Ford


  • Ford, Simon. The great interest of states & kingdomes. The second part. A sermon preached on a publike thanksgiving, on the 12th. of May, 1646. at Botolphs Alders-gate: and after (upon the desire of some friends) enlarged at Pauls Church in Covent-garden, on the Lords Day, May 17th. 1646. By Simon Ford, minister of the Gospel at Puddle-Towne in Dorcet-shire. London: printed by W. Wilson, for Francis Eglesfield, and are to be sold by John Long, bookseller in Dorchester, 1646. ESTC No. R215491. Grub Street ID 90519.
  • Ford, Simon. The great interest of states & kingdomes. The second part. A sermon preached on a publike thanksgiving, on the 12th. of May, 1646. at Botolphs Alders-gate: and after (upon the desire of some friends) enlarged at Pauls Church in Covent-garden, on the Lords Day, May 17th. 1646. By Simon Ford, minister of the Gospel at Puddle-Towne in Dorcet-shire. London: Printed by W. Wilson, for Francis Eglesfield, and are to be sold at his shop in Pauls Church-yard, at the signe of the Marigold, 1646. ESTC No. R19643. Grub Street ID 77221.
  • Ford, Simon. Ambitio sacra: conciones dvae, Latine habitæ ad academicos Oxonienses, pro formâ baccal: in theologia. Prima ad baccalaureos in artibus determinaturos, die 27. Febr. 1649. (qui dies vulgò dicitur, dies cinerum.) Altera, in solenni termini inchoatione, 21. Apr: 1650. Author Simone Ford, S.S.T.B. & Ædis Christi in eâdem academiâ alumno. Oxonii: excudebat H. Hall. Impensis Aliciæ Curteyne, 1650. ESTC No. R2305. Grub Street ID 102811.
  • Ford, Simon. A dialogue, concerning the practicall use of infant-baptisme: penned, and published for a profitable diversion from the hot and eager disputes of this age concerning the lawfulness, to an holy improvement of the grounds, and practice thereof. As also, for the satisfactio of those who lay it aside altogether, or practise it coldly, and sleightly, because they know not of what advantage it is to a Christian practise. By simon Ford, B.D. and minister to the congregation at Laurence Church in Reading. London: printed by S.G. for John Rothwel at the Fountain and Bear in Gold-smiths Row in Cheap-side, 1654. ESTC No. R209608. Grub Street ID 85842.
  • Ford, Simon. Primitiæ regiminis Davidici. Or, The first-fruits of Davids government, vowed to God before, and offered at his actual admission thereunto. Represented in a sermon at the assises held at Reading, for the county of Berks, Feb. 28. 1653. By Simon Ford, B.D. and pastour of th congregation at St. Laurence Church in the said town. Published at the joint desire of the High Sheriffe, and Justices of Peace for the said county, which (with some mis-reports since blown about concerning it, and the authour) inclined him to give way thereunto. London: printed by S. G. for John Rothwel at the Fountain and Bear in Gold-smiths Row in Cheap-side. 1654. ESTC No. R226759. Grub Street ID 99702.
  • Ford, Simon. Primitiæ regiminis Davidici. Or, The first-fruits of Davids government, vowed to God before, and offered at his actual admission thereunto. Represented in a sermon at the assises held at Reading, for the county of Berks, Feb. 28. 1653. By Simon Ford, B.D. and pastour of the congregation at St. Laurence Church in the said town. Published at the joint desire of the High Sheriff, and Justices of Peace for the said county, which (with some mis reports since blown about concerning it, and the authour) inclined him to give way thereunto. London: printed by S. G[riffin]. for John Rothwel at the Fountain and Bear in Gold-smiths Row in Cheap-side, 1654. ESTC No. R26139. Grub Street ID 109492.
  • Ford, Simon. The spirit of bondage and adoption: largely and practically handled, with reference to the way and manner of working both those effects; and the proper cases of conscience belonging to them both. In two treatises. Whereunto is added, a discourse concerning the duty of prayer in an afflicted condition, by way of supplement in some cases relating to the second treatise. By Simon Ford B.D. and minister of the Gospel in Reading. London: printed by T. Maxey, for Sa. Gellibrand, at the Ball in Pauls Church Yard, 1655. ESTC No. R209479. Grub Street ID 85711.
  • Ford, Simon. A dialogue, concerning the practicall use of infant-baptisme: penned, and published for a profitable diversion from the hot and eager disputes of this age concerning the lawfulness, to an holy improvement of the grounds, and practice thereof. As also, for the satisfactio of those who lay it aside altogether, or practise it coldly, and sleightly, because they know not of what advantage it is to a Christian practice. By Simon Ford, B.D. and minister to the congregation at Laurence Church in Reading. London: printed by S.G. for John Rothwel at the Fountain and Bear in Gold-smiths Row in Cheap-side, and are to be sold by Richard Jones bookseller in Reading, 1655. ESTC No. R231241. Grub Street ID 103385.
  • Ford, Simon. A short catechism declaring the practical use of the covenant-interest, and baptism of the infant-seed of believers. Being extracted out of two dialogues concerning that subject, written and published, by Simon Ford minister of the Gospel. With an epistle annexed by the Reverend Dr. Reynolds. London: printed by S[arah]. G[riffin]. for John Rothwell at the Fountain, in Goldsmiths Row in Cheapside, 1657. ESTC No. R13731. Grub Street ID 61808.
  • Ford, Simon. A dialogue, concerning the practicall use of infant-baptisme: penned, and published for a profitable diversion from the hot and eager disputes of this age concerning the lawfulness, to an holy improvement of the grounds, and practice thereof. As also, for the satisfactio of those who lay it aside altogether, or practice it coldly, and sleightly, because they know not of what advantage it is to a Christian practice. Whereunto is added a 2d dialogue on the same subject. By Simon Ford, B.D. and minister to the congregation at Laurence Church in Reading. London: printed by T.M. for John Rothwel, at the Fountain in Gold-smiths Row in Cheap-side, 1657. ESTC No. R35538. Grub Street ID 117938.
  • Ford, Simon. A dialogue, concerning the practicall use of infant-baptisme: penned, and published for a profitable diversion from the hot and eager disputes of this age concerning the lawfulness, to an holy improvement of the grounds, and practice thereof. As also, for the satisfactio of those who lay it aside altogether, or practice it coldly, and sleightly, because they know not of what advantage it is to a Christian practice. Whereunto is added a 2d dialogue on the same subject. By Simon Ford, B.D. and minister to the congregation at Laurence Church in Reading. London: printed by T.M. for John Rothwel, at the Fountain and Bear in Gold-smiths Row in Cheap-side, 1657. ESTC No. R228375. Grub Street ID 101061.
  • Ford, Simon. Parall=ela; or The loyall subjects exultation for the royall exiles restauration. In the parallel of K. David and Mephibosheth on the one side; and our gracious sovereign K. Charls, and his loving subjects, on the other. Set forth in a sermon preached at All-Saints Churc in Northampton, Jun. 28. 1660. Being the day appointed for solemn thanksgiving for his royal Majesties happy restitution. By Simon Ford minister there. London : printed by Abraham Miller for Samuel Gellibrand in St Pauls Church-yard, 1660. ESTC No. R26709. Grub Street ID 109978.
  • Ford, Simon. Parall=ela; or The loyall subjects exultation for the royall exiles restauration. In the parallel of K. David and Mephibosheth on the one side; and our gracious sovereign K. Charls, and his loving subjects, on the other. Set forth in a sermon preached at All-Saints Church in Northampton, Jun. 28. 1660. Being the day appointed for solemn thanksgiving for his royal Majesties happy restitution. By Simon Ford minister there. London : printed by A[braham]. M[iller]. for Samuel Gellibrand at the sign of the Golden Ball in St Pauls Church-yard, 1660. ESTC No. R35537. Grub Street ID 117937.
  • Ford, Simon. Parall=ela dysparall=ela, or, The loyal subjects indignation, for his royal sovereign's decollation; expressed in an unparallel'd parallel between the professed murtherer of K. Saul, and the horrid actual murtherers of King Charles IDT The substance whereof was delivere in a sermon preached at Allhallows Church in Northampton, on (the day appointed for an anniversary humiliation in reference to that execrable fact) Jan. 30. 1660. By Simon Ford B.D. minister there, and chaplain to his Majesty. London : printed by J. H[ayes]. for Samuel Gellibrand at the Golden Ball in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1661. ESTC No. R2735. Grub Street ID 110525.
  • Ford, Simon. Thaumasia Kyriou en byth?. Or The Lords wonders in the deep. Being a sermon preached at the time of the publique assises at Allhallows in Northampton July 4. 1665. Being the day appointed for solemne thanksgiving for the late remarkable victory obtained against the Dutch, by the Royall Navy under the conduct of his Royall Highnesse. And published at the speciall instance of his Majesties reverend judges and the high sheriffe of that county. By Simon Ford D.D. chaplaine to his Majesty and minister there. Oxford: printed by W. Hall for Samuel Pocock, anno Dom. 1665. ESTC No. R13915. Grub Street ID 61979.
  • Ford, Simon. 'Esychia Christianou, or A Christian's acquiescence in all the products of divine providence: opened in a sermon, preached at Cottesbrook in Northampton-shire April the 16. 1644. at the interment of the Right Honourable, and eminently pious lady, the Lady Elizabeth Langham wife to Sir James Langham Kt. By Simon Ford B.D. and minister of Gods word in Northampton. London : printed by R.D. for John Baker at the Peacock in St. Pauls Church-Yard, 1665. ESTC No. R10829. Grub Street ID 59169.
  • Ford, Simon. The conflagration of London: poetically delineated. And directed to the most noble and deserving citizen Sir J. L. Knight and Baronet. London : printed for Sa: Gellibrand, 1667. ESTC No. R6746. Grub Street ID 127064.
  • Ford, Simon. Three poems relating to the late dreadful destruction of the city of London by fire: Septemb. 1666. entituled, I. Conflagratio Londinensis. II. Londini quod reliquum. III. Actio in Londini incendiarios. All by the same hand. The first of which was before extant; but in thi second edition very much amended, with large additions. The other two are wholly new. London : printed for Sa: Gellibrand, Nov. 20. 1667. ESTC No. R40406. Grub Street ID 122202.
  • Ford, Simon. Conflagratio Londinensis poetice depicta. The conflagration of London: poetically described, both in Latin and English. The second edition, with large additions.. London : printed for Sa: Gellibrand, 1667. ESTC No. R6857. Grub Street ID 127155.
  • Ford, Simon. Londini quod reliquum. Or, Londons remains: in Latin and English. London : printed for Sa: Gellibrand, 1667. ESTC No. R16363. Grub Street ID 64224.
  • Ford, Simon. Conflagratio Londinensis poetice depicta. The conflagration of London: poetically described, both in Latin and English. The second edition, with large additions.. London : Printed for Sa: Gellibrand, 1667. ESTC No. R223472. Grub Street ID 97277.
  • Ford, Simon. Londini renascentis imago poetica. Ad Serenissimum Britanniarum Monarcham Carolum IIDT. Londini : excudebat A. M[axwell]. pro SA: Gellibrand, 1668. ESTC No. R10828. Grub Street ID 59168.
  • Ford, Simon. Poemata Londinensia, jam tandem consummata, et in unum volumen redacta: viz. Conflagratio Londinensis. Londini quod reliquum. Anglo-Latina. Actio in Lond. incendiarios. Londini renascentis imago. Latinatantum. Londini : excudebat A[nne]. M[axwell]. pro Sa. Gellibrand, 1668. ESTC No. R5949. Grub Street ID 126338.
  • Ford, Simon. Londons resurrection, poetically represented, and humbly presented to His most sacred Majesty. London : printed by A[nne]. M[axwell]. for Sa: Gellibrand, in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1669. ESTC No. R1218. Grub Street ID 60392.
  • Ford, Simon. The blessednesse of being bountifull: or, Our blessed Saviours usual proverb, opened, asserted, and practically improved. By Simon Ford, D.D. London : printed for James Collins at the Kings Arms in Ludgate-street, 1674. ESTC No. R5927. Grub Street ID 126318.
  • Ford, Simon. Carmen funebre; ex occasione Northamtonae conflagratae compositum. Opera S. Ford, S.T.D. auctoris poematis de conflagratione Londini, &c. Londini : apud H. Brome bibliopolam ad insigne Tormenti Bellici, prope Portam Occidentalem aedis S. Pauli, 1676. ESTC No. R20933. Grub Street ID 85557.
  • Ford, Simon. The fall and funeral of Northampton, in an elegy, late published in Latin, by the Reverend Dr. S. Ford. Since, made English, with some variation, and enlarged. By F.A. M.A. A sad spectator of that frightful scene. London : Printed for John Wright, and are to be sold by William Cockrain, book-seller in Northampton, 1677. ESTC No. R38879. Grub Street ID 120923.
  • Ford, Simon. A discourse concerning Gods judgements; resolving many weighty questions and cases relating to them. Preached (for the substance of it) at Old Swinford in Worcestershire. (And now published to accompany the annexed narrative concerning the man whose hands and legs lately rotted off, in the neighbouring parish of Kings Swinford in Staffordshire, penned by another authour. By Simon Ford, D.D. and Rector of Old Swinford. London : printed for Hen. Brome, at the Gun at the west-end of s. Pauls, 1678. ESTC No. R177164. Grub Street ID 69385.
  • Ford, Simon. A discourse concerning God's judgments; resolving many weighty questions and cases relating to them. Preached (for the substance of it) at Old Swinford in Worcester-shire: and now publish'd to accompany the annexed narrative, concerning the man whose hands and legs lately rotted off: in the neighbouring parish of Kings-Swinford, in Stafford-shire; penned by another author. By Simon Ford, D.D. and rector of the said parish. London : printed by A. C[larke]. for Henry Brome, at the Gun at the west-end of St. Pauls, 1678. ESTC No. R28411. Grub Street ID 111485.
  • Ford, Simon. A plain and profitable exposition of, and enlargement upon, the church-catechism: by way of questions and ansvvers. For the more ample instrucion of the more adult children, and other elderly persons that need it. And divided into so many parts, as there are Lords Days i each year; that it may be gone through yearly, either publickly, in the church, or privately, in families. Together, with the scheme of a shorter catechism annexed, for the benefit of the younger sort of catechumens. By Simon Ford D.D. and Rector of Old-Swinford in Worcestershire. London : printed for J[ohn]. Gellibrand at the Golden Ball in St. Paul's Church-yard, and for Samp[son]. Evans bookseller in Worcester, 1684. ESTC No. R177165. Grub Street ID 69386.
  • Ford, Simon. A plain and profitable exposition of, and enlargement upon, the church-catechism: by way of questions and answers. For the more ample instruction of the more adult children, and other elderly persons that need it. And divided into so many parts, as there are Lords Days i each year; that it may be gone through yearly, either publickly, in the Church, or privately, in families. Together, with the scheme of a shorter catechism annexed, for the benefit of the younger sort of catechumens. By Simon Ford D.D. and rector of Old-Swinford in Worcestershire. London : printed by T[homas]. B[raddyll]. for John Gellibrand, at the Golden Ball in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1684. ESTC No. R36458. Grub Street ID 118736.
  • Ford, Simon. A plain and profitable exposition of, and enlargement upon, the church-catechism: by way of questions and answers. For the more ample instruction of the more adult children, and other elderly persons that need it. And divided into so many parts as there are Lords-days in each year; that it may be gone through yearly, either publickly, in the Church, or privately, in families. Together with the scheme of a shorter catechism annexed, for the benefit of the younger sort of catechumens. By Simon Ford D.D. and rector of Old-Swinford in Worcestershire. The second edition more correct.. London : printed by T[homas]. B[raddyll]. for T. Sawbridge, at the Bible on Ludgate-Hill, 1686. ESTC No. R30460. Grub Street ID 113307.
  • Ford, Simon. Baptism for the dead. A sermon preach'd before the Lord Mayor, and the Court of Aldermen of the city of London, on June the 5th 1692. By Simon Ford, D.D. and rector of Old-Swinford in Worcestershire. Imprimatur. June 15. 1692. Ra. BarkerDT. London : printed for A. and J. Churchill, at the Black Swan in Pater-Noster-Row, MDCXCII. [1692]. ESTC No. R13623. Grub Street ID 61712.
  • Ford, Simon. The catechism of the Church of England: wherein each answer is broken into several questions & answers. Most of which are taken out of the very words thereof, for the greater benefit of the younger learners. By Simon Ford, D.D. Rector of Old Swinford, in the county and Diocess of Worcester. Feb. 1693/4. Imprimatur, Guil. Lancaster. London : printed for the Company of Stationers, MDCXCIV. [1694]. ESTC No. R177163. Grub Street ID 69384.
  • Ford, Simon. The restoring of fallen brethren: containing, the substance of two sermons, on Gal. VI. 1, 2. preached at the performance of publick penance, by certain criminals, on the Lord's-day, usually called mid-Lent Sunday; 1696. In the parish-church of Old-Swinford in Worcestershire. By Simon Ford, D.D. and rector there. With a preface by the Right Reverend Father in God, Edward Lord Bishop of Worcester. London : printed for Henry Mortlock, at the Phoenix in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1697. ESTC No. R29852. Grub Street ID 112770.
  • Ford, Simon. Piscatio. Or, angling. A poem. Written originally in Latin by S. Ford, D. D. And Inscrib'd to Arch-Bishop Sheldon. Translated from the Musæ anglicanæ, by Tipping Silvester, M. A. Fellow of Pembroke College, Oxon. Oxford: printed by Leon. Lichfield: and are to be sold by the widow Fletcher, Bookseller in the High-Street; and by Mr. Thurlburne, Bookseller in Cambridge, 1733. ESTC No. T109297. Grub Street ID 162104.