Bagshaw, Edward.
Dissertationes duæ anti-Socinianæ, in quibus probatur I. Socinianos non debere dici Christianos. 2. Solam rationem (quo fundamento nituntur Sociniani) ad percipienda fidei mysteria non sufficere. Quibus adjicitur discussio illius quæstionis, an bona infidelium opera sint pecata: aff. Autore Edwardo Bagshaw A.M. ex Æde Christi Oxon.
Londini: excudebat Rogerus Daniel, MDCLVII. [1657].
ESTC No. R2335.Grub Street ID 105016.
Bagshaw, Edward.
A letter to Mr Thomas Pierce rector of Brington: conteining amongst other things, a brief state of the question about Gods decrees. To which is annexed an exercitation in Latine concerning free-vvill. By Edward Bagshawe, St. Ch. Ch.
London: printed by A.M., in the year, 1659.
ESTC No. R37097.Grub Street ID 119344.
Bagshaw, Edward.
A true and perfect narrative of the differences between Mr. Busby and Mr. Bagshavve. The first and second masters of Westminster-School. Written long since, and now published, in answer to the calumnies of Mr. Pierce.
London: printed by A.M., in the year 1659.
ESTC No. R19591.Grub Street ID 77174.
Bagshaw, Edward.
A practicall discourse concerning Gods decrees. In two parts. The first concerning mans unfitnesse to dispute against the decrees of God: out of Rom. 9.20. The second tending to assert and cleare Gods absolute election of a limited and certaine number unto eternall life: out of Acts 13:48. By Edvvard Bagshavve st. of Ch. Ch.
Oxford: printed by Hen. Hall printer to the University for Tho. Robinson, 1659.
ESTC No. R18103.Grub Street ID 71824.
Bagshaw, Edward.
Exercitationes dvæ: altera theologica, de Presbyteris & Episcopis: altera academica, de philosophiâ veterum, ejusque vsu; vna cum duabus orationibus ejusdem argumenti. Per Edvardum Bagshaw, ex æde Christi.
Londini : excudit A.M. pro Simone Millero ad signum Stellæ in Cæmiterio Sti Pauli, M. DC. LXI. [i.e. 1660].
ESTC No. R207972.Grub Street ID 84281.
Bagshaw, Edward.
Saintship no ground of soveraignty: or A treatise tending to prove, that the saints, barely considered as such, ought not to govern. By Edw: Bagshaw, student of Ch: Ch:.
Oxford: printed by H: Hall, printer to the University, for T. Robinson, 1660.
ESTC No. R10641.Grub Street ID 58989.
Bagshaw, Edward.
A discourse about Christ and antichrist: or, A demonstration that Jesus is the Christ, from the truth of his predictions, especially, the coming and the seduction of antichrist. To which is added, a treatise about the resurrection. By Edward Bagshaw stu. of Ch. Ch. in Oxon.
London : printed for Simon Miller, at the Star in St. Pauls Church-Yard, 1661.
ESTC No. R37055.Grub Street ID 119304.
Bagshaw, Edward.
The necessity & use of heresies, or, The third and last part of The great question about indifferent things in religious vvorship. Containing an answer to the objection against liberty of conscience, from the growth and spreading of heresies. By Edward Bagshaw, student o Ch. Church.
London : Printed for S.M. at the Star in St. Pauls Church-Yard, 1662.
ESTC No. R202426.Grub Street ID 79667.
Bagshaw, Edward.
A letter to the Right Honourable, Edward Earl of Clarendon, Lord High Chancellour of England. By Edward Bagshaw, student of Christ-Church.
London: printed for I.S., 1662.
ESTC No. R172543.Grub Street ID 66386.
Bagshaw, Edward.
A brief enquiry into the grounds and reasons, whereupon the infallibility of the Pope and Church of Rome is said to be founded. By Edward Bagshawe st. of Ch. Church.
London : printed by A.M. and are to be sold by the booksellers in Pauls Church-yard, 1662.
ESTC No. R9275.Grub Street ID 129371.
Bagshaw, Edward.
The necessity & use of heresies, or The third and last part of The great question about indifferent things in religious vvorship, containing an answer to the objection against liberty of conscience, from the growth and spreading of heresies. By Edward Bagshaw, student of Ch. Church.
London : printed for S.M. at the Star in St. Pauls Church-Yard, 1662.
ESTC No. R9550.Grub Street ID 129628.
Bagshaw, Edward.
A letter to the Right Honourable, Edward Earl of Clarendon, Lord High Chancellour of EnglandDT By Edward Bagshaw, student of Christ-Church.
London : printed for J.S., 1662.
ESTC No. R13712.Grub Street ID 61790.
Bagshaw, Edward.
Signes of the times: or Prognosticks of future judgements, with the way how to prevent them. By Edward Bagshaw, student of Ch. Church.
London : printed for Simon Miller at the Star in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1662.
ESTC No. R22957.Grub Street ID 102026.
Bagshaw, Edward.
A brief treatise about the spiritual nature of God and of his worship. By Edw. Bagshaw, student of Ch. Ch.
London : printed for C.G., anno, 1662.
ESTC No. R9965.Grub Street ID 129998.
Bagshaw, Edward.
The doctrine of free-grace, no doctrine of licenciousnesseDT Or, That Gods free unconditionall pardoning of sinne, is the best way to mortifie the power of sinne in believers. Asserted and cleared, by Edward Bagshawe student of Ch. Ch.
London : printed by Abraham Miller for the author, and are to be sold by the booksellers in Pauls Church-yard, 1662.
ESTC No. R5497.Grub Street ID 125933.